American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, September 01, 1817, Image 2

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    a RARE St
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§ Parsi
ST speak his thous his,
's every Freeman’ sright.”’
Brureroxts, SEPTEMBER 1,1817.
AT a large and respectable meeting
of the democratic citizens of Centre coun-
ty, held at the house af Join .lankin,in
the borough of Bellefonte, on Wednesday
the 27th August, 1817.
PAUL WOLF, €sq. was nominated
chairman, and
JAMES CRAWFORD, esq. secretary :
Resoryep, That this meeting recom:
mend to the democratic citizens of
Centre and Clearfield counties to meet ai
their respective places of holding town.
gr mem
: 74
ship meetings on Saturday the 6th of
September next, for the purpose of choos-
dng township delegates ; and said dele-
ates when chosen, to meet in the bo-
rough of Bellefonte on Saturday the 13th
inst for the purpose of forming a county
ticket, to be supported by them at the en-
suing election, and do such other busi-
nes as they may deem necessary to ensure
ResoLven, That the proceedings of
this meeting be signed by the chairman
and secretary, and published in the Amer-
ican Patriot.
"PAUL WOLF, Chairman.
Copy of a letter from a gentleman in Mead-
ville, to the Editor, dated
Meadville, August 1, 1817
Dear Sir,—On Saturday the 26th ulti-
mo, at this place, was executed George:
Speth Vanhollandt in conformity to the sen-
tence of the Court and the Death Warrant ¢nt under his sufferings. He was con-
of the Governor, for the murder of Hugh
In his trial all the rules of criminal jus-
lice were strictly observed. There was
no vielation of any of his rights or privale-
ges. The testimony may be ranged into
‘three classes, either of which would have
been sufficient to have convicted him.
ist. Positive---that of the wife of the de-
2d. Presumptive---that of the men who
followed and took him.
His own confession when he was
first taken, and afterwards, before two jus
tices of the peace in a voluntary manner.’
And, I might add a fourth, viz. his involun-
tary confession when he wis brought back
to the house of the deceased ---Some per-
wound was as though he had been struck
twice---the prisoner
claimed, “ So help me God, I struck
‘him but once.”
The next morning after conviction, he
was brought into court to receive sentence
of death, which was delivered by the pre-
sident of the court in a very feeling and im-
pressive manner, and at which the whole
‘audience were greatly moved,
During his confinement he exhibited no.
signs of contrition, but rather appeared to
increase in a hardness of heart that
betrayed a total absence of all moral feeling
From his conduct and some of his
expresssions, it would seem he had his
doubts of a future state. On the morning
of theday of his execution, he tampered
with his guard to bring him some arsenic,
but was denied it. « Then” said he, «I
will resign myself to my fate ; I will die
like a soldier,” but added, he would first
break the neck of the hangman. At 12 of.
clock he was taken from: the goal to the
place of execution. At his own request he
Was permitted to proceed on foot after the
waggon, in which was his coffin, The
Platform of the gallows was about ten feet
high. The executioner first ascended it.
the prisoner sat down at the foot of the
stairs and took some whiskey and water.
On seeing the hangman aloft, he exclaimed
sd n the man that would take the life
of another for money.”
He ascended the platform with seeming
indifferenice. A terrible pause ened
Few ofthis vast assembly ever beheld such
# sight! To beholda man in the prime
of life, dressed in the attire of the dead, and
about te make atonement with
his life to
son observed that the appearance of the! Up agaiugt him, and His charsetey, dike
immediately ex-.
Q owl
ithe justice of his cotawy for the murder ot
dow creature, andticit 10 enter the ube
seer world and meet that judge «fio
whos¢ lace the licavens und the Earth
ts' all otic day flee away as the hunted Hart
from belore its pursuers,” was, of ise,
stifficiently awful and affecting; but what
added still more to Wie awluness and hor-
vor ¢'irring solemnity of the scene, was to
sce the blasphemous and unaffected object
of attention, in the last moments of his ex-
istence- -on the brink of eiernity, strug-
gling to wreak his vengance on the bang.
man ; for, just as he was preparing to fus-
ten the rope to the beam, he sprang at him
with the fury of a demon, and precipitated |
hira to the ground, jump :d afier him, but
missed him. Addressing himself to one of
the guard, he said, * bad it not heen for
the d —=n’d rope I would have jumped
on him” He was again taken up, and; the
rope made fast. The sheriff then told bim
to make his time, and if he had any thing
to say he should be heard.” He replied,
« | am an assassinated man. I am inno-
cent. I dic for the crimes of another I
hav e nothing more to say. The Rey. Ti-
mothy Aiden hasmy papers, he may speak
if he pleases.
The Rev. Timothy Alden, president of
Allegany College, then delivered a very
appropriate discoursc; in the midst of
which, the prisoner finding it to bear hard
on him, turned round, and said, ¢¢ stop, sir,
you have said enough on that subject.”
At the conclusion of a very fervent
prayer to the throne of grace on his behalf,
the Sheriff asked him if be was ready.
# Yes,” said he, % my time is spent---ma
God have mercy on my soul.” At that
instant, and precisely at 1 o'clock, he made
his exit, and passed into that cosawry from
which no traveller ever retulns. :
George S. Vanhollandt was about 37
lyears of age, of the common size, and ve-
‘vy athletic. He possessed a considerable
share of cunning, and a retentive memory.
‘He was of an irritable temper,and mmpati-
\tinually accusing the judges, jury, and wit-
nesses, and prosecutors. Indeed he ap-
peared to have a geucral malice against
mankind, and it was mecct he should be
by this example of severity we ought (©
‘profit by, and remember the injunction --
#4 Take heed lest ye be hardened through
the deceitfulness of sin.” :
Er ———_cy
We shall lay before our readers next
‘week, a full statement of the transaction
relative to the exchange of the $ 8,000,
Its great length precludes its inscrtion in
this day’s ‘paper. It places the conduct of
Mr. Findlay, asit regards the exchange, in
alight the niost honorable and correct, I;
is thus will fall to the ground, every charge
which his enemies may be able to scrape
' the diamond, the more it is rubbed, be mad
the brighter to appear.
wn od
After the manner of the Indefiendent Refiub
o dican. 4
We had almost forgot to mention, tha,
our little town of Bellefonte, last week, was,
to use the appropriate language of Di
Sutherland, «literally running over” with
runners trom different quarters of the states
electioneering for Joseph Heister. So ma-
Dy were they, that to have counted them
correctly, would have been almost as hope-
less a task, as it would be to count a flock of’
Sheep in full gallop over a set of bars.
A host of runners from Reading and
elsewhere, arrived in this place on Sun-
day last, no doubt « Joaded with pamph-
lets dictated by” the vital spirit, and his
aid from Marcus Hook. Their busivess
appeared to be to circulate reports for
the purpose of injuring the election of Mr.
Findlay. They exhibited a paper as their
authority for the fabrications—-being inter-
rogated respecting it they gave vague and
unsatisfactory answers. They have pro-
ceeded westward, Citizens be on your
guard against these wolves in sheep’s
cloathing”—their object is to devide the
democratic party--the assertions of Heis-
ter’s runners should be taken «for just as
much as they are worth”—a few days
will determine their real value.
My readers need not be surprised if
I should, ina few days lay before them a
statement which will leave no room to
doubt that the editor of the Advertiser
received by one of the runuers above
mentioned, who resides in Reading forty
dollars in addition to his former receipis
tor the prostitution of his press. Ifa
man can obtain the first office in the eift
of the people, by Bribery we may shortly
bid adieu to cur liberties.
Ly. Gazelte,
Extracts from the correspondence obi
commitiee, appoinied by the gongenti
at Harrisburg, for thiscounty, © ©
Extract of a letterfrom Franklin { Vepan
go county) dated, July 4th, 1817
“« We trust the election of Willian
Findlay, esq. is sure, the daring attempts
of designing men to the contrary notwith-
standing. We have the pleasure of giv-
ing you a favorable statement as respects
this county. Our majority will be abou!
500 : allowing 50 votes for Mr. Heister—
There being not many federalists in, this
county, the opposition will be trifling.”
Extract of a letter from Uniontown, (Fay-
ette county) dated July 15th, 1817.
« The voice of this county is nearly unan’
imous for Mr. Findiay-—his majority, will?
probably, be not less than 1800. The
conviction that the « welfare and prosper:
ty of the state” is inseparably connected
with the election of Mr. Findlay, willlead
us to use every homorable exertion in his
favor; and we indulge the pleasing expec-
tation that the united efforts of his friends
in every part of the state, will be crowned
with triumph.”
Extract of a letter from M:Keansburg,
Schuylkill county, dated July 26th 1817.
“ Respecting this county, as it stands
now, Mr. Heister would have a small ma-
jority~but, if the minds of the people
should continue changing as they have for
six weeks past, you may rest assured Mr.
Findlay will have a majority .~=In M<Keans-
burg district, Findlay will have nearly three
votes to one over Heister.”
« How now--secreTr black and mip-
N1eHT hags.” :
We have scen the deposition of the
door keeper of the Carlisle Caucus, in
which he solomniy declars & swears that he
was directed to keep the door shut and
not to permit any person to enter the Cau
cus except the members:—that he was
himself ordered out of the room that even
he, the man of their choice, might neither
see nor hear what was done:—He has
sworn that he was ordered to take care
that no person should be permited even to
listen or hea rken to what was domg, and
further we have seen, the deposition of
citizens of Carlisle who applied for admis.
sion and were positively refused.
We shall hereafter publish the depositions
and we shall then wait to see wh ether the
these depositions, to deny that the Carlisle
Csncus sat with closed doors !!!
Dem, Press.
On reference to an official copy of the
United States census of 1810, we are satis-
fica that the whole number of YOUNG
MEN now in Pennsylvania between the
ages of 21 and 22 is 45 thousaud. Sup-
pose two thirds of these young men to he
sons of ¢¢ Freeholldors,” there would re-
main 15,000 young men the sons of other
¢ Persons.” If Joseph Heister’s opinion
had prevailed in the convention these fif-
teen thousand young men would not be en
titled to vote. They would be disfranchi-
sed. Happily Mr. Heister’s opinion was
not adopted, and the young men were not
robbed of their bicih vight. Quere. Will
any one of those fi.ieen thousand young
men give their votes for Mr. Heister, for
him who voted against their being allowed
to exercise the inestimable right of suf
frage ? ib.
In the most ancient of ail writings, (says
a political writer) I mean the sacred, we
find wisdom ard virtue the most synon'-
mous terms, and vice and folly put promis-
cuously for each other, Wisdom is pursu-
ing the noblest ends by the most promising
means. But the ends corrupt men have in
view, are raising themsclves and their
own pockets.
Is Bribery the most promising scheme
for attaining those ends?! I trow not
After passing some merited compliments
on the venerable Gen. David Mitchell for
ais zeal in defence of the arbitration Sys-
tem, the Harrisburg Chronicle says he
is «“ one of the most practical statesmen
« that ever legislated for Pennsylvania, and
« one whose political theories would fully
“ bear the test of experience and improve
“upon use.”
We would remind the Hamisburg
Chronicle that this same Gen. David
Mitchell is the respected gentleman who
presided at the mecting of electors
of President and Vice President of
the United States, when they devised
and recommended the Harrisburg Conven-
oe :
Nox i 5 A i
From the Norrigtetn Regheery v3 wooing
a 1 .
Jem tae me Wy
Carlisle Commitee of Correspondence will]
again have the hardehood, in the face off
i x -
id fr
ALK < 3 ECL AR Pub and uoanimo S
oosoivael LO. sur
PPLE WW dian. Findlay 8°
JOVLTLOY. OF Fonts yivanke. 7
ihe SULLEas, uk, Lie NES UTES. FES ALI
over winch Gen. Glieh:
21] presided, will be another proof tix
Isa practical statesuun bis tlicories
bear the test ol experience, wing in
on Hse." ER
Certainly if men Uiought of the dango
consequences of corupiion, says a pe
1364 -
iaws against ity is would appear so horrible
hat no man would aliow it to approach
nim. The corvupted ought tu copsidep t
‘hey do not sult thew country only : the
sell themselves (0 the corupier; who ©
corrupt them nol for their sakes bu
for his own. This makes it eee :
in every free state 10 guard agaicst cops
ruption. For irom that fatal distem
when it has oncesbeen mtioduced,
state has ever yet recovered,
no free
From the Harrisburg Chronicle.
Hugh Hamidon in the Hanmighur
Chroutcle of the 10th of March Jast gai
« that the fraternity in 1805 known by th
name of quids,” were ¢ at thattime im
« an offensive and defensive alliance wit
“the federal pacity.” is
‘The most noted of the quid party in 1805
was Joseph Heister. He not only sup-
ported the election of M¢Kean apd op* ~
posed Snyder, but he circulated the shame=
ful and abusive story that the friends and
advocates of Suyder were in favor af ¢ an
equal distribution * of property” And by
means of that Snyder lost his election.
Thus Mr. Hamilton himselt has exe
call Heister a federatist | —Mr. Hamilion
Mr. Hamilton correctly states.
then like many of his present advocates,
a federal quid; and since that time he has
been a through going federalist of th
Bosten stamp. :
H. Reps
From the American Volunteer,
Penstoned I'itssts~ Foc advocaes
Heister,say Findlay is poor—yet ticy ag |
suse him of purchasing a majority of
presses in the state, But when we |
around us, we cannot find a single press,
that at first advocated Hester's election,
that 18 now In favor of Findlay! On the
conuary, we can count several that were
warm advocates of Findlay, that now are
as warmly opposed to him. If they were
not purchased-—Let them account for
the change:
If the old-school were serious in thei
professions for reform, is it plausible to
suppose they would take up Joseph
Heister—to effect it~~the very man who
opposed itin 1805 and 82 The man who,
old as he is, was guilty of uttering a fils-
hoood to prevent it—~the man who said,
a reform, their would bean equal distil
bution of property. We ask it they
were serious in, wishing for a renutg
would they take up a man to effect it wh
now is aud always has been opposed to
it 2 But, suppose the governor, let him
be whom he may, were he friendly to re=
form he could not effect it--and were he
opposed to it, he could not prevent ity
provided the people thought diffurently
from him. The governor can only cons
trol a part of Lis own appointments; suchy”
as Registers, Recorders fc. andil they
are all over the stare like the one in Cums
bertand ; we confess that not only wey
but the generality of the people of the
county think a change ; ov, if vou will
a reform necessary.——14'o this Mr.
can hayn no objection, for two reason
—because he says all the state officers
are corrupt ; and that the old-school ¢
which he professes to be a schollar, wan
no offices. Let him——resign.
Son —
the Dutch and Irish—it is. believed, that
of the Dutch, who aie not effice hun r
there will not be fifty in the county in
favor of Mr. Hester. io
St Louis, the capital of Missouri Terris
tory, is rapidly increasing in wealth
importance, Fhe present population ¥
estimated at 300C—~the Lnildings are ge
erally syoally But a umber of specious @i
commodious brick and stone build
tion-—the Chronicle will also remember
that in pursuance of that respectable re
are now erecting, There ure in the t
upwards of twenty lire comin Orel
witer, there would be 10 occasion 1 make
D3 i
plicitly avvionnced that Joseph Heister so 18 4
early «s 1815, was tngagud in an offensive W Fe
and defensive alliance with the federal o
party + und yet ie complains of those who +
himself truely marked the cra of Heisters ©
avowed federalism. It began in 1805, ag = |
He was Ǥ |
Notwithstanding all the pains the old »
school folks take 10 create emmity amongst