American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, June 02, 1817, Image 3

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DAL Fascph BCT , wn jis setarn Brome fimon 'wodl ead Eotten fa suits ine iu Tie) Wart days, when it tifes and bucky it they 4 f.aurel {
Zan i815, sulfedd it tons uidsrsiood By tactsinic. Ho has contributed alin hs pow-|sun beams. Itis belicved that they have ; : Spr ng ane
Ppuikic, that he had only voccived six dob-{r 10 produce the distvesses which arene regular winter habitation, but burrow INI
Fos a day; aud bad left the surpins wm ihe|'el: io our manufactories. I hud almost jioto the mud and vegetable matters £
treasury. “rpot to sag that his sneaking out ofthe] The Murena Siren, cornmonly callee N n : ng
IV. Joseph Hecister on the strengh offiuouse, bis, he-wonid-anc-he-would-hot the Swamp Puppy, is extremely troubl: EAR BirMINGHAM.
ol “mah SupposiL on, got a large vote Ww thefeorduct aLout taking the money under some Lo the rice planters in Georgia 1: THE Subsesiber respectfully informs
By fall ot 1216, as member of CONEIEssSy Jchiche CopPonsailon ia wy, avd flnaily his pais cuts heles through their dams in the higat his friends and the public in g eral hag
he otherwise would not hiave had. [tine it mito the weasnty of the counties, by {aud iets off the water. The body is abouts. pag d pau th gen by y
LV. Joseph Iliister, while the electionjihe “irection of Leib, his contrbued notjiwo feet long and in its form resembles EB A a ya,
3 Eyosepl vl ithe : es : opposite the bridge across the Juniatta
i was pending in 1816, did, in auswer 10 ania little to produce the present state ofthe eel. The skins thinand tough andj 0... Laurel Soring Paper Millon the.
# enquiry publicly made, publisha letter un-jchings in Berks county. Our friends and {covered with fing scales ota dark brown reat and Cs ne i Ra Pie the
dev bis own proper signature, in which belthose of Heister in this county, keep up ajcolor. The mouth is small and well fur- through Sinkit: » Valley, and. IL nT
left it to be believed that he had not ve- prety active correspondence, and the re- aished with sharp teeth. It has two Vale ast + Gi f q : 4 Joh ik
ceed move Han 6 Joliars a day, when he suit. so tar as it has compe to my kuowi- short legs which coincs out near the head; Crores as Hef yaw Re on 2 DS »
geally had received more, and concludediedge, is that we shall clect the democrat-jeach furnished with four toes and claws Vaile om Te Sune
the iuitor vy promising that after the elec-'ic candidate by a majority of twenty|which enables it to pags through mud ond Tog Y Eno
‘sion he would give fall information. { thousand, maugre all the votes of all thelwater with great facility. It has the) He Y a subiiv idl Sverv ip :
Vi. Joseph Heister has not published Leibites and their allies.” ib. [three gilis on each side, and when theyf 0 410 6 2: pry = as bul Rressay
any information since the election, evident- —— are open, resemble ears. When the ere : io i Juma
ly manifesting thut his letter of 1816, like N i Hi oc To male and female are separated, they ion to thi Sc ei an hits Ld pi 24
the Trout-catching letter of 1805, had an. yatura story: make known their distresses by a nois: | ° 10 Iny Saver mis house,
Aves : 5 . 1 - 1 . S11 -
tees 1 panes nb 15 le) Th olloving accom of te animate bonieil ss en John Stratton,
Vii 8 OyCr.. : . : ipeculiar to Gromeia, is extracted from Re vl. probs oy have laken May 16, 1817,
Vil. Joseph Meister, after these acts off Cy ef view of the history, productions the vulgar name. Tlicy are said to live]
duplicity, did on the 29th of March, 1817,¢ = op hil. Hae cared 1 |upon frogs water lizards and mud worms 7
alter an intceview with Dr. Lib, make af gos A an app “lare remarkable for the length of their} Caution
vesent of 1364 dollars t the ountics of the Ssvanuah Republican : intestines De rABnS Hie ! :
presen: of dollars to the c The only animals now recollected, | ™5 00, . | ALL persons are hereby cautioned frqm
tks and Schuylkill, whessby the taXesf. hich are not common in any other coun- The Magophery or more properly} rohasine a certain note, given by me ta
are lesseocd @ he being previously nomina-g, oo. G : ‘e the salamander Gouffre, is an inhabitant ef the pine bar, HO S HENDER Fy Y »
aSeNe] RED: prov omins tries, excopt Georgia, are the salamander, | 50 Sa CL 4 ii Fincibadls THOMAS HENIL ERSON for the sum of
ted 3 candidate for governor by the Carlisle alligator, swamp puppy Or murenisircn, Pendands of Livorgia; aus lives prancipaiiy seventy five dollars, payable on the first
RLUCUS, and gonfiee. under ground, ccxept when it wants food day of August next, as I afii determine
Vii 3 ) vs . . So 3 3 3 2
vill. It was by similar, presents fromi The salamander is of the size and form 22g a and 1s said to live on vegala 1,4 4 hay the same, ubless compelled by
pee hy men to the people, that all te 40-16 the commen rat, the head and teeth { es: { he Sheol 1s about 15 fest long jaw. !
gieit republicans were corrupted and ruin-jrg the squirrel, and the eye smail like and 12 inches wide. It is remarkabie He Sharr
ed ond thar a despotismis now established yo 10" Pre hair is fine and of a fox for its strength, being able to move with. enry arrer,
By Castlercegh in England. color. It burrows in the ground but not out much difficulty upon the ground, with May 16, 1817:
TT houp ey a > ! . 1 i < 1 8 } <
i Poet gy PACTS welt Wor to bey orrizontallys. Where it enters the ground, | an Senne upon its; back, It digs od
remembered by every citizen of Pennsylva-li throws up a small hill about six inches(® ole in the ground, the direction ol FE RIERA
mia who goes to the poll in October next. high aod eighteen inches in diameter. Tt which is a depressed angle of about thirty C NTRE BA NK
Dem, Press. |i supposed to live upon the bark of fine |dezrees & ten feet deep. In the bottom.
oe — ; roots, and roams abroad only at nightin a hes: of young rattlesnakes is often fouud} OF PENNSVLVANI A,
¥ROM THE DEMOCRATIC PRESS, scarch of food and ‘water, which it sips{in the eatly part of the summer. The :
: 3 from the dew on the grass. It is ex: Gauflre generally remains some time a!
1808 and 1817. tremely shy, and retreats to its hole on the|R® entrance of its cave, before it ventures Td & + XTO THE
is its RT trial fi by Trabant alatm, something like the Guinea abroad ; and on the approach of danger|NOTICEI HEREBY G1V ENTO THE,
bowun to. specnlato ou ithe nrobable re Pig. .Theijaws are very strong,’ the retreats. It resembles the logger bead §TOCKHOLDEXS,
eel of tre Derr Fi on oy He {tech sharp, and the bite very severe. Jrjturtle; and brings forth its young in the
; ApS Gr his! S i b . 5 1s “ g Ra he : ks ;
stare = Med Hamilton, th ke: that if ho 18 believed there are few or none of them a. way. It shields itself from danger ; HAT the Directors of sdid Bauk bave
fedcriiists do their duty Me. Hoister wilt be found north of the Savannah river. %e I up Seshelh and is rarely seeniihig day declared a Dividend . for the last
cortiinly be elected. We have on our] There is but litde difference between agy distance from its den. six months at the rate of eizht per cent
$1: some very curiaus speculativys of Mc. ithe Alleigator and the Crocodile. A Ger- CARDING MACHINES per annum, payable at any time after the
Halon on the ¢licion of 1808, Heiman gentleman formerly a surgeon my * 3 I 4th instant. a cs ;
wos then rather more comain and pre-jthe Austrian service, dissected several ir pe Jno. Norii
cise iu Bis) Statements than he. 1s rh Crocodiles in Affrica ; he afterwards visit- Rankin & St 1 Jno Noriis,
3 1 § Cc CW. d Ge i a diss ted Alli t r 4 an n ce 3 Cashier,
Alter making what ‘he was pleased to x a Rha eCiod an Te rl :
pink very beral allowances for all pos- hie asserie at therg Was yely ye dl
sible acciden's, he caluulated that Me. jdifference except in the size. The obser-} §§ NFORM their friends and the public, : » : ET
Ross would be elected governor by ajvations of Bartram upon the ferocious that their machines are in complete opera- ag nN bE 1 | 5 ii
wsjority of about eight thousand: now|charactor of this aninzal and their pum-{iion, for carding wool into rolls, at the old A 81
wnfortunately for Mr. Hamilton’s calcu- AH thet janet Wii iv Tle stand in Bellefonte. The peice for carding :
lations, it so turned out that Mr Snyder oubt but these animals have iessened in {will be 8 cents per 1b. hose who live at LL be sold ; an
50 ¢ Ir. ! ] da i S hi TE : at public vendue, em
had a majority of tssenty eight thousand nomber, and that their ferocity towards ja distance may, by waiting, take their wooll,, 4 99 Jay of June ensuing, wh the
Jour hundred over Mr Ross, and was jan has also become changed by their fhome in rolls. The wool ought tobe welll, io 4 slfing house of Otic Ferdinand Herd
“1 ghereupon declared duly elected governor. fears. Formerly the Allegators on the lwashed, and picked clean of sticks and ally, Younge, deceased; near Kartlfausey
tose that put confidence inMr, Ham. |Alatamaha, where they are most nume- hard substances. One pound of grease tof(oy4, gton township, Ciearficld county, a
k)on’s predictions in 1808 will probubly|Tous, were considered dangerous, would fren ths wool. varie iy of household snd kitchen furniture;
do the same in 1817 and they may depend {roam at night, follow canoes through the] Rankin aud Steel tender their sincere f 0
- §
Bellefonte, May 5, 1817. E
upon it the result of 1817 will justify their|Water and take trom them provisions when | thanks to all those who have heretofore fa- a 50.8 « wy of store guods, Geis
confidence as completely as. the result of {tied to the shore. Not long after the jvored them with their custom, and hope g Arad
1808; that isthe Journol will probably |scttiement of Georgia, a lad who was|by strict attention to business to merit a} Dr Goods.
guess within thirty-siz thousand votes of |SWINMING, Was taken down by an alligator Ishare of public patronage. Y ?
the state of the poll. ‘Such are the pre-|Which was persued by a boat and several | Juxe 2d, 1817. Hardware,
gictions of federalism, and such are its Hii Span 19 Saas o He Suite Sub x - Crock Fi
orformances !!! the vicum In its mouth, 1b 18 beleved p rocKery yr arg,
’ J that but two instances of this kind have} Caution. Wi y ¥ Bh
happened in Georgia, both in the water] = All persons are hereby cautioned from ne, | 4
Zxtract of a letter, doled General Oglethrope offered a premium XA my wile Magi te, 2s I am de- Gr ie ,
«Berks county, May 12. for killing them, in consequence of whichliermined to pay no debts of her contract- roceries & C. & c,
the number'is lessened and the animalling after this date. a» nods
«I have just returned from a littlejmore shy. They are still, however, very} H iy L : The oper that was of the said Otto
tour through some of the heighbouringldestructive to hogs, dogs, and other an- enry ehman. F. H Younge, deceased. —Tiie terms will
counties, and have seen a friend who hasfimals of that size when swimming ory pay 30th, 1817. be made known at the time and place 0
rately returned from Evie. He assures}iound near the edges of rivers and laeunes. LL sale, by % ;
me that Mr. Findlay will have a majority | When full grown, the Allegator is about 3 FW. GEISENHAINER, )
& every county west of the Susquehanna,{!s feet long : the scales upon the skin By order of the Ophans jot and Fe
¢acept Adams, Allegheny was doubtful, lof ihe head and back are so hard that ~ 0 id nL Ryd 1.F. W.SCHNARS,
bat the storm and bustle of contradictory|arifle ball will scarcely penetrate them. Court of Centre county. ; at das
upinions have settled down into something | The female scratches a hole in the sand. : in : ze Notice,
Tike certainty as to the general sentiment. {or dry soil, where it is exposed to the WILL be sold on; the premiscs oO Take Notice.
The federalists in some places affectedlheat of the sun, whereshe deposites and Tuesday the third day of June next, one
2 newstalig or indifference as to the result,jcevers her eggs, which are hatched by its
but depend upon itthe city committee|warmth, ‘When they young is hatched os - Fi es
will give the watchword, and merge allfit takes care of, and provides for itself. tract of jand, sittate, by Es 2d being Jin
their contradictions and reasons into pol-JThe teeth of this animal are short, andthe township of Potter, in the county of
icy, and their indifference will kindle into}irregularyand the jaws remarkably strong. {Centre aforesaid, bounded by lands of
zeal for Heister. If they once get hold of their prey, they
« You will be pleased to hear that the|never suffer it to escape; if large it is). a: Rs
most favourable change has taken place |carried into the water & drowned : if small, Johnston, deccased, and Sinking creek,
in this’ country insomuch that Heister’s it is devoured on the shore. When a containing in the whole tract, about eigh-{pe may know whether the said estaig
friends who talked loudly of 2000 majority,{deer or grown hog is killed by them, it}iy acres, more or less, the estate that wasibe solvent or otherwise :
would now be glad to take one thousand, & fis suffered to float jn the water until it £ > a iy :
we are not willing to believe that Mr [becomes putrid and is then eaten. They of the late Michsel Stiver, dec. Terms ARTHUR SMITH dws,
Findlay will not have as muy voies as [often bask on the shore or on logs, where of sale, one half of the purchase money atig yi ro April 7, 1817
My. RE jh i ail county, The they Lp On ie App ach of raicy}ihe time of the delivery of the ‘deed for the } :
eyes of the pe ; ing every day,fweather, they make a owing noise : bie) &
because they sce none electione ering mjresembling the bull, or rathor like snoring premises, and i Femander 1 two equal
the county for him but violent federalists {in sleep, which may be heard at the dis- yearly paymenis. Due attevdance will
and quids who owe: Nim money >This tance of a mile. They seldom leave the [be given at the time and place of sale by
ia truely the fact and is one of the ad-fbanks of the rivers and deep ponds, from Sti inistra :
vanlages of having a rich candidate. His]which they retreat to the water ‘on the De Se A Having tis day dissolved by mutual cons
vote in the convention to hmit the rightfapproach of danger. When they are By rue Count, : sent, requests ol} those indebted to said
of suffrage to the sons of frecholders has{found at a distance from the water, they 1 30th Apri, 1817. firm, to cone forward and settle their res-
shaken his popularity to the centre: it has {defend themselves to the last extremity; Wy Pe pective accounts, on or before the fust of
All persons indebted ‘o the estate thag
undivided moiety or half part of a certain {wasof Peter Dewit, late of Patton Towne
: ship Centre connty deccas’d, are hefo
by requested to make immediate
payment. And all persons who have any
demands against the said estate, will
James Potter, the heirs of Alexander{please to present them legally authentis
cated, forthwith to the subsc ber hve
in said township, for sett.cmeni; so that
A RR Tm Ve a
s v
elosed the mouths of hundreds that werefand when wounded, they will hold a stick trikin, March next. Grain of any kind will be
howling in his favor. It has made the la]so fast between the teeth as to be carried Clk. O. ©. |{receivedin payment atthe murket prices;
borious, honest and independent poorjby ita considerable distance; the jaws : ; . - either at Rock fron Works or at their
mun lock upon Heister as one of the eleven fof the lion but little exceed those of the * *The following prices will be given injstore in Beltwionte «5
men who would have Robbed xis son ofjAliegator in strength. In many instances, Bellefonte PHLIF BENNER,
his birthright —~In Northampton county tknots of tightwood of the size of a goos:} or raw hides six cents per pound P. CAMBRIDGE,
gc good cause is prosperous. We shall{egg, have ocen found in their stomact ;} Caifskins ten cents per ditto. Bellefot 1
do weil their and better in Lehigh. An whether to aid the power of digestion, o | “or good merchantable chesnut oak bak, cllefoute, 20th Jan, 1817
exniosiiion of Heister’s votes against thejtor what other purpose is not known. f:f delivered before the first of July, five} N. B. The business will be coatinged
encouragement of Domestic Manufac - {[t disappears in cold weather in autupan, dollars per cord, red and black-gak bark,lin future in the name of Philip Bounce?
tures must de His busincoss with sverypiand vetorns in the spring ; execpt four dpligss and filly cel : LR , ’
- x +