American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, June 02, 1817, Image 1

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Ne se
me mesg eee
Acguaints his friends and the public
“igenctally that he has removed to the
house tn which Mr. Robert Hayes lately
resided, pear to Me. R. & W. STEW-
ARTIS Store: and carries on the
Tiloring Business,
the shop tormerly occupied by George
G -
custom may rely upen every attention
deing paid to their orders.
No pains willbe spared to accommo-
date those who may think proper to em-
ploy him, with the newest Philadelphia
fashions :
Bellefonte March 31.
For Sale.
{onramne 200 acres, more or!
Yess, called Baver’s Delight, situate in
Ferguson township, Centie county, adjoin
tng lands of Jacob Houser; Benjamin
Whitehill and George Coble; about 7
miles from Bellefonte. .
The aforesaid tract of land is of the first
© quelity limestone land. Its improvements:
are, about fourteen acres ot the first rate
meadow——an orchard ol 70 bearing apple
trees—ona hundred hewed logs, fi
plete preparation for building a bank barn.
Tuaere are inthe whole about eighty acres
of cleared land, under most excellentfence.
Terms of sale will be made known toany
person disposed to purchase, by
Ferguson townsbip, April f, 1817.
| - {HE partnership of George and Ar-
4hur Smith is this day dissolved by mutu-
41 cor ents of which circumstance, all con-
cern | will please to take notice Those
Wnd-lod to said firm, are requested to
fake paywent to George Smith, and those
having demands are hereby notified to
ack to hun for payment of the same.
Wecember 6; 1815. |
Lycoming § Potter
F Fa i rT E
PERIIAT pursuant to the provisions con-
Tinea in an act passedat the last
session of the legislature of Pennsylvania,
entitled ¢« Anact to enable the governor
to incorporate a company for making an
artificial road from Jersey Shore, in the
county of Lycomingy to Coudersport
in the county of Potter,” books will. be
opened by the undersigned, commissioners
named in the said act, at the office o
George Vaux, No 39 south 4th streetin
the city of Philadelphia, onthe second day.
ef December nest, at ten o'clock A. M.
for the purpose of reciving subscriptions
for the stock of the said company. Si-
wilar books will be also opened at the
same time and for the same purpose in
Northumberland county at the house of
Thomas Gaskins, in the town of Nore
thumberland ; and in Lycoming county,
‘at the house of James Cummings, in the
borough of + Williaxpsport, and at the
shousc of James Collins, in the town of
Jersey Shore,
ntlemen favoring him with their
WK om 10) near
t~ 14 mehes ace, 60 teel jong; and about
8000 shinples—all of (he spot, and in com.
Of first rate land, containing one huw
dred and sixty acres, and allowance, siua
ted on the North West side of Bald-eagie
creek, near
grist mills, saw mills, carding machines
and fulling mills. The bottom land is of
thie richest kind, and the upland of the
best limestoie quality. A consideroble
portion of this place is well timbered;
there is also a variety of fruit traces.
This property posseses the great ad:
vantage of being situated on a navigable
stream emptying into the West Branch
of the Susquehanna.
A further description is deemed unne.
cessary, as no person will purchase without
viewing the premises. !
The above property will be sold very
reasonable, The terms will bc made
known by applying to Job Packer near the
one other tract of vuimproved bimestone
land, contaming FOUR HUNDRED a-
ores, lying to the South East of Abraham
(Elder’s, in Halfmoon township, sixteen
imiles from Belicfonte. This tract is ol
excellent quality, fies handsomely, and in
a good setdement, adjoining Abraham El-
der and others. Robert Elder, who res
sides near the land will show it to any per-
son who may apply to him to view it.
The above property will be sold cheap,
for Cash, and an indisputable title given
‘by the subscriber, living in Bald Eagle,
Millhall, Centre county.
Bald Eagle, Feb. 24.
Mill Hall, convenient to}
| Toexecute, inthe most able and perfect
TON, in Bellefonte
bps EE — A eg ee ee hr Pa
IN June 1816, the Subceriber issued pro-
+J3als for a splendid, and in all respects
American edition of the DECLARATION]
F IND PuNDENCE; with fac similies
{ithe subscribers to that national docu-
He advertised that the size of the pa-
ner should be 36 by 24 inches ; of the
Loest queluy that Mr. Amies could man
wlactore. ,
Ihe design in bas relief, encircling the
tdeciara wn of Indepencence would be the
work of Mr. Brippomr. It was to be
surmounted by the Arms of the United
states, and adorned witli medallion Por-
vaits of General Washington, John Han-
cock and Thomas JeBerson. The Ans
of the Thirteen United States in medall
ou, encircle by characteristic ornaments,
was meant to form the remainder of the
The whole design was to be engraved
by Mr. surrey ;
Thein.crior of the Cordon by Col. Fair-
man ;
The Poitraits by Mr. Leney of New
York, irom original paintings ;
The Fac Supilies by Mr. Vallance who
has been permitted to have access “othe
Secretary of States’ Officeat Was agten,
for this purpose.
The Arms of the soyveral State.
copicd from official documents an
ited with a particujar eye to herald”
to be
J accu
mainer the plan so advertised bas been an
object never lostsight of by the Subscri-
Interesting Discovery
afflicted with
AND to those whuso foclings of hus
mapity excite them to inquire aud di-
rect where they may obtain a perfect cure
for the malady, in the most safe, cacy and
offectual way : hd }
Doctor Griggs,
No 277 Nerth Second Street Philadelphia.
Confident tha this remedy is superior to
all others that have cver been in practice
thinks it his duty to make it known to the
public, that he has succeeded in effectually
curing near one hundred persons in this
city, cfthe most dreadful of all maladies,
the CANCER, within the last 3 years ma-
ny of whom had despared of ever obtaining
a cure, some of whoin had been attended
in the Alms Heuse and Hospital of this
place, without success and now are ef
fectually cured— :
By the effiicted’s Hun ble servant
Daniel Griggs.
N. B. Reference can be hadot some
hundreds of the most respectable citizens
of Philadelphia. *
p> All editors of papers in this state
will please insert the above once a week
for three months, and send their accounts
for payment as above. :
All Editors in the\United States will
subserve the cause of humanity by, giving
‘the above a few insertions in their respec.
tive’ papers.
Sefitember 54 1816.
To Iron Masters.
Ax experienced Iounder, now out of
employment, wishes a situation at some
I'urnace. Sufficient recommendation as
to his capability can be bad. Letters ad-
dressed to the subscriber in Bellefonte, Pa
will be punctually’attended to.
February 17. : :
The partnership of John Rowls and
Son, Blacksmiths, has by mutual consent
beenthis day dissolved. Those ndebted
to said firm are requested to settle thei
John Rowls.
{ber, who has been unceasingly, anxious not
{only for the spicudor and accuracy but
2% those who are so unfortunate as to be
The realized.
prompt execution of the work.
An expectation was entertained that the
work would be ready for publication in
¥ebruary 1817, but this expectation cannot
~The publisher duly impressed with the
importance of the duty he has imposed up-
on hiinsell is determined, that all the ex-
peciadiums hie has raised as to the Accura-
cyy Taste, and Splendor of the publication
shall be fully realized. The difficuitics
that bave presented themselves have been
greater than wes expected, and the cx
pence incurred heavier than had been cal:
culated : but the general approbation with
which the Proposals were received, has in-
cited the publisher to. perseverance, and
determines him to make this edition wor»
thy the principles which it is intended to
pet peivate, and the nation to whom it shall
be dedicated. 0, wn aL,
Itis needless to speak of the merits of
the Artists employed : they are known:
could better have, been found, they would
have been resorted to, om this occasion.
The Plate has been under the graver
ever since last May ; but such is the quan.
tity of work, and the style of execution, that notyet in the power of the Subscriber
to promise its completion, before the nexi
anniversary of the day on which Indepcn-
dence was proclaimed.
It is found thatthe Paper will require
to be 88 by 26 instead of 36 by 24 inches;
as there is no Copper-plate Press suflici-
ently large to werk off such an impression,
The difficulty of procuring official impres-
sions, drawingsand: descriptions of the
Avms of the respective States, has proved
another source of delay. Many of those
that have been received, are of so imper
fect and confined a’ character—the draw
ings so inelegant, and often so accurate
not conforming in design to the eerified
description=that it was found indispensa-
ble to dugage an Artist of science, last
and skill, to reconcile the discordant ma-
terials, and make the drawings harmonize
with the descriptions on record This
a Press must be made for the purposc.|.
; Pennsylvania. :
. of J ay .
EE ee eens crs stunt
authorities, and a listo
names :
The engravings will be delivered to su
scribers in the order in which they may
have subscribed. ids :
‘It is contcmplated to have some copies
printed on paper prepared to éarty colours;
to have the Shi€lds accurately tinctured in
the modern style ; and the Plants, &c. co-
lourcd by one of our most approved water
colourers. The price of those superb cok
sites will be THIRTEEN dollars cach
As no more of those copies will be prints
2 than shall ‘be subscribed for, gentlemen
who wish for them, are requested to add
the word « coloured” to their subsertipie
As itis determined to raise the priced
non” Subscribers, these who have underta-
ken to coitect Subseriplions, and those who
wish to be considered as Patrons -of ‘this
Nationa! Publication, are requested to furs
nish their panics te the Publisher, on of
before the 410 day of July vext, alter which
date, no Subscriber can be received on the
terms of the original Propotals.
No, 70, Chesnut Street,
PuiLADpELvHIA, Feb. 1817.
NN O real proficient inthe Greek Lane .
guage needs to be informed of the inpor-
tance of having the rules of the Greek
Grammar in Latin,
The student, who can construe, parse, *
and write 1 atin well, enters with peculiaf
advantage on the stuoy of the Greek Lane
Not only the rules more doncicaly exe
pressin tbe Latin thay in ‘the Erglish;
but the: bast achotiests Lomamentavys and
Grammars of the Qrock tapgy pr, nave
generally writen in Latin and the cindent;
who has become a proficient in Laun, will
acquire the kuowledge of the Greek with
much more facility and accuracy than. be.
who, without such a previous knowledge,
applics to it merely with English jules 3,
rhe former, whilst he is studying the G: eek’
Grammar by Latin rules, 14, at the same.
time, improving the knowledge of the Tat.
in, the Grack Grammar in Latin heing
most excellent classic book 1 the latter as
he studies the Greek by an English Greek
Grammar, cannot possibly do this; itis
unnecessary. to. state how importa: the
kiowledge of both Greek and Latin is to a
theral education. .
The editor has used in the first edition
and will contiive to usein this, his, ps
endeavors to render it both concise ond
comprehensive ; hig chief aim being toens
able the student to promounce, resove ia
good Latin, and pause thie Greck with “re.
cision and critical accuracy.
He exalts in the recollection tha the
first edition hasfor a considerable’ ime,
been used ‘in the Jersey’ CoMege, the
Chambersburg and New Ark, {Del} Aas
demies, and others reputable seming ies,
where it is studied with superior appro-
bation. is
Application (post paid) may be io to
the editor in Philadelpiia, North Fourth
treet No. 44.
It will be printed on as good type and pa-
per as the foimer edition of the ‘same
size, well bound at seventy five cents res
tail de AL
The customery allowance will be given to
Booksellers and Teaclers whe subgciibe
for 6,13; 50, 100 or more copies. The
wo k vil be putte press as soou #5 a
sufficient number of subscribers are ob=
tained. 2,
®atober 18, 1814,
Richard Rowls.
ments eonpecied with the pubbcatiug gs
task Mr. Sully hes undertaken; and is pro-iSuh. riprions will be received ly John
ceeding in it with all the zeal thatthe sub-} njnmcomery, Attorney General 3; Robert
ject requires; and he will compleat the! 20iitar me chart: Lot demes Cali
Armsol the several States mn sucha mar}. Join Parviag ce, yey at Jaws
ner as to make this publication the staud Res 8 Know drovosy aco the Ro
ard of reference for accurate kvowleducl win Sivclair, vice provost of Bal
on tne heraldry of the Union; and USABLE College, Mesais, Lon's and Mi
cimen of National taste srioters BalGmon. + 6a the }
It shall be delivered to subscribers aff Denny, vecto 45: Che
EN dollars each copy, to be paid on de Acaticmy 3 VWahe bo: € 1a
iIVery. Yieher, Esgie H
The engraving vill he accompanied bi} ditenglanzantar :
s PAMPHLET, cofita Line thy. Ficisl doen} Dobson #05, 0 ' =
Curoyy 1 wi $a ’