American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, May 19, 1817, Image 3

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    2. ,
7 C/
. 5 ~ ntfing ’ * hn Fad: = in ni ~ uf vg £
i L The nau ah Ou th 43 . Trhfferent parts Ob
aid the otual relations ayaa sub- |
gist between it and the moter. [Stal es. 9 nae
11. Ou the process which nature em-{ °° i
3 1 : r <9 i 3p ra aa oa
§ z pioys m the reunion olf devided paris (fel CO § He A
8 fi. The influence of the brain on thel . a.
F fugcricns of rospiration-—ilic circulation; MEF CAT {a2
> :
Ww iil
hia, a few days siace.
he [7 ano
ine %
[hes v3 138
wa, tarough
wil ct
Ldyirs,—chicf ornaments of the society in
«Iis not 0 urs to command success,
But we'll domo 1e—we will deserveit”
! .
BE i Bellefonte, Muy 5,1817.
ctivar, to produce ang of
personal acknowledgements with
chi hie has been honoured; by name
s gentlemen, who are tadebted to tw
their a: of elegance aud fashion, and
his ingenuity, have be
Ana Of the par
Belaar, Tinoco y a EY fpr
we like the graadi : wr
LEFT mv house ‘cir the 148 oF Fig
striped trousers, wool hut, &e
The absence of this toy :
wicked persons to brand Fis upinipy
sarents with his murder — All ori cis of
nas Jed sume
i sy in
Seana allnia near, | : ‘un : 2 . coe hice 3 7 iy
BM 4V. Ou tae best means of resuctiatio isequialo, hoisied® Wo Oil which they bloom. He will theretor¢ti,g my son WAL eR SELLY
o ’ 2 RE 2030 Ally t > aii = : » 2 y
Piel § v 3 . . i wh Bic de, in the lanoma re of that rreal hearer dt 3 i 2 AIRAl wz, Das Yost a Fore
® fn case of suspended animatien from 3 vires Bred -d the lay cl 3 ania 5r€afiabout 16, of the usual z:, has jp ore
i 8 drown * ed POTTY ver ir ¢ s pirable gases t OW pe XR n poard 5 Tek : plain, Go noratl Smyth, Come on hovee- tooth, and has the two hrst ieiteys of is
a or guOviiy Ou nC res pia «alO) 3 . . ; : » i . — . 3 1 5
or from other causes. hi 2 i} ri of 2 vif DaiEtome on footy~~Come In troops —iname marked with gugp.powcers on I13
i ship In 1€ POL 1 Rial ail” come singly —Come any how, but armed} .n, Hetook vith hint a black recat
= 3 Each dissertation shall be transmit-
i ted to Lie YCsponding secretary of the
EB 8061 Di. Joh Barnes, No. 275, nerth . i
| RSet ou. .uicet, on or belore the 1st of A private letter from
January, 1818; having on it Some MOLLO,| Cg "il B
~ as a mark of designation with a letter Constantinople By gs an.
# dnclosed, containing the name and address ze.
ig the named adore )account of an earth-juake,!
fof the author.
11. All dissertations, the successfull (which has recently done
with the accom Sanled etter unopened. yy uch damage at Jerusalem},
it is expected that communications Gn
A Greek and an arminiani®
will be received post paid.
All cditors of public papers through-
science, will please to give thisa few! 3
5 jared.
From the Washington Recorder.
Court of Centre county:
onc excepled, will be yeturned,if desived,) {Ty
I i the township of Potter, in the county offto the Siaie of Oli from some
oul the United States, who feel fopmeich urch were overinrowi,| Centre olor cupid, bounded by lands of
to pr ¢ the improv 2 y >dics ~~ x ’ 1; . Bin
o' promote the improvement of medical and that of St. sepulchre’s, James Potterf the heirs J Alexanders
has been also saver ely La containing in the whole tract, about cigh-
The writer of this; ly acres, more or less, the estate that was
tof ihe lute Michael Stiver, dec.
JA Newspapers throng hout he U ted States
Vv order of the Cphans’ will have humanity 1 hope’ fo juseri
the above, by whichmeans my so f Bving,
may return to his disconsolate family 5 Of
: sonie person who may have 'scon Hi,
WILL be sold ou the premises on aive some information. whereby the hol-
iesday the third day of June next, one 1d suspicion may be wiped aww
Adam heely.
N. B. I amied to’ rhink: ho has gone
. 3
(divided moiey; or hall part of a certain
act of land, si uate, lying, and being in
sions Which dropt from him @ short timé
before his departure.
x Aprii 21, 18!7
ohiston, decdased, and Sinking creck,
~ b
As soon as the nest of the catterpillar
makes Ws appea 1ances take a brush (or
mop) with a handle sufficiently long to
reach the nest on the trees ; dip the brush
(or mop) into a strong white-wash made
intelligence, takes the op-
Reeeipr for desiroying catterpillars on fruil,
porta ty of adding, that]
‘the aumber of catholics in|
the dominion of the grand)
Secignior is much greater
ot sale, one half of the purchuse money al
the time of the delivery oi the deed for the
premises, and the remainder in two equal
yearly payments. Due atten dance will
be given at the time and place of sale by
Samuel Stiver, administrator.
Take Notice,
i HAT the subscribers have severally
applied to the Court'of Common 'icas at
Gentre county, for the benefit of the sever
ai acts of Assembly of this state, mud for
the relief of insolvent debtors, nd tit the
same court kath appeinted Moray tha
of fresh stone lime, and rub the place D>
where the west 1s sufficiently—Tbis than 13 gonerally supposed
proves at once an effectual cure. My or- 2 i
chard last season was full of catterpiilars none smal rovince, he
{ 3
nests until Tused the white-wash which AL : ha
totally destroyed them, and I'sce no ap- SAYS there are nore than
als season.
T. TROTTER. tile, there ave at least
As the {ime for raising = 1 Te
” . & ) v 1
vegetables 1+ new approach aurei Opring
. i 27 N :
ing & as they are frequently | i NN #
destroyed by insects of dif-* NEAR DIAMINGHAM.
rent kinds. 1 } THE S.bscuiber respzciintly inform®
19] lg nds, ! will sugest his friends a the pubtic in general that
fo dng experience of all ‘he has opencd a tavern in the stane house
: Opposie the bridge across the Juniatta
i those who may be disposed river at Laurel Spig Paper Milly on dhe
ah TYR vy Tar those SEE and direct 1oad ‘from Pittsburg |
Fe to save them a remedy that Frgugh Sinking Viliey, a Lougd
ve RAL - ailcy, past Lrawlord s QINSen s
for 3 number of years ex- taverns to Bellefonte , Great Island, Penn’s
perience has with me pro- Vileys Northumberland, and the adjacent
ved successful. At any He has a supply of every necessary
. - suitable for the accommodation of travel
fime when you find them lers and others; and will pay strict atien-
likely to be inj n red pre tion to those who may favor his house.
> T J Rey
: : EE ohn MStration.
pare slacked lime, and in ap 16,1817.
the morning when they are — =
wel with a heavy dew d ¢ « THOUGH LAST, NOT LFAST ”
SL or} ——
’ a '
them well with the lime Chambers Colhoon,
and they will be driven TAILOR,
away. Grapes melons I-
: rish potatoes, and aimosi ufler expelling ‘the scraps and pairings
«ll ‘kinds of (from the domicii lately ‘eccupicd hy. Waa.
. 1 ; :
V egetables . Welch, cordwainer, removed, has beon
- iregulai ly appoitted fo succeed him as Lic
——rl Ty
have been thus saved-==joccupant of said tenement, dwelling, or of-} °
pearance of catieapillars in my orchard 120 004: and in Constan- on
INFORMS the fashionable, the plain, !be mada Kote at the time and piace of his business: ng ‘by J Go ii alt ution]
ibe whimsical, and the eccentric, that he,isale, by : ’ :
96th day of May inst. to bear us and or
creditor sat she Court Lousein the horengh
ri Bellefonte,
By tue Cover,
Sth Apail, 1817.
Wm. Petrikin,
Cik. O. C.
Thomas Green,
James C'reen,
William BR atiy,
Jurhor Bll
Thomas Moore.
Centre county jail, ¢
ALL persons are hereby cautioned from} Ma: 2 1817
{purchasing a certain note, given by me tw ns
| PHOM AS HENDERSON for the sum of
geverity five dollars, payable on the first
{day of August next, as I am determined
{not to pay the same, unless compelled by
law. "
Henry Sharrer. Respectiuily inforins Lis friends ard Lhe
pnbiic in general, that he ha yao ed
May 16, 1817. his shop next door’ io “Me. Cue
bridge’s Store, where” by sti ict: atteio on
to business, and kicpiug the best of work
men, he bopes (10 merit 4 share of tus
sublic patronage.
Boliefonte, Afri 21,1817
N. B. Ail persons indebted to the sub-
scriber are requested to call and. sete
sheir resnective accounts OQ crs on
Ironworks will be taken in lau. ot cash.
Samuel Bard
WW ‘LL be sold at public vendue, on
the 2 aay of June neXi, suing, at the
jate d rell'ng house of Otto Ferdinand Her-
man Lounge, deceased, peav Kovihaus |
Cori zion township, Clearfield. cot nv,
vari y or household and kitchen furntiure,
—A 3u,a'quaniity of 810i © gouds, CoLoist
ing of : i ————————————
i. 7. : oy
graware, 4% ESPECTFULLY ivi |
( PAL » 7 and the ablican on OE
“tocke re SAL ey
1 MEO ry W a > rented © Laurel SINg Pips read le
Wise : Biri: ham. Hun dnpdon creou is une:
is. : . Mr Charles Caivvaljader 3 whore apni -
Grockeries §c. €. = und bythe 1stof Jangiory next. tole
Pei ow mence the Paper Makmg. busimess, god,
The property that'was ot tae said Otro! cs: oy it on in fH valiovslirapchese }
I. H Youige, deceased —The terms willl! From'the @#¥sericrice iy: have’ had
to the same avd ivnak by doe ena thoy
F. W.GEISENHAINER;® hope ‘to ‘me it and receive a Lib iaal [dm
x and Admr’s of public paironage. oy ivy
J. F. W.SCHNARS;, Fai de whe have Deen dusfomeérs dole;
/ a ae above Milt waflbe ‘fare fod wine Fhper!
: : tA thie usual matmer; and il ase meneen is
‘NFR HK v/ XK” and othr rs who'have been in ithe habit of |
: CEL ‘ [LL ; BANA taking in Rs, ate respectfully uliormed
that (he usual price will be “given fprane.
Drci26, 1816 °°
p * 3 . g
Take I otice
M bid All persons indebtéd 0 the estate “hat
HATS De el have wae of Peter Dewi, late of Patlor Town.
sre dase Jade , YY) hy ak : ; § ‘ i 5h Y a
tus ay oF are 2 boi end fo the last ship Centre connty decendc, ure heres
six months at I of eight ‘per cent. by requested 10 make | immediate
per annum, payable at goy time after thelaonene. And all pegsons who bave ny
1 41h asian. . : 1d perate iI
sald cslate, wi
demands against the
\ 1 olease to present them legally Authmus
Ino. Nortis, joleasc to present them lexaly AFC AL 17
Sy o ; cated, forthwith to the subscriber Lyng
n_ said township, for settlement; 60 (hat
he may kuow whether the said cstale
Le solvent or otherwise,
i. ashier.
Bellefonte, May 5, 1817.
RY 5 OF PARTNERSHIP i Bellefonte April 7, 1817.
FHE pariuership of Lawrence and! :
Lecnard Peters is thisday dissolved by'muo- © : 3 a ru
inal consent, of which circumstance all
wg mo ~~.
a I - p . 34 * ice.
sed spose to save cars Cornoow, though he cannot boast of
2 : oe ‘having taken his degrees mn either Pari
Spring 5 2 *
/ ¥ y. i 1 5 beans f1 om the yond, sweet Dublin, or the city of Bio
effects of frost, have only they Love. yet, from his studious: appli-
: ‘cation to the higher brauches of the scien-
when there has been gq tific profession to which he has the henor
6 fr St . . fto belong, and which 1s conlessediy the
; rost over night, fo w GY most ancient, and, some of its admirers ai
3 3 . | irmy the most necessary ‘of the polite arts,
them well the next morning; he fcels confident he has attained that hap
ef: ATL - py command of his faculties which enables
before SUn-rise w ith cold him to swir hig measures to men of all par-
waler. ties, of alt Stace, Whi, Saptices, peculi-
: : aritiés and particularities. Indeed he has
A SUBSCRIBER. [made it the great study of his life to set off
— Nature to the best advantage-~to straigh-
RATE 3 } ten hier abberations--to correct her extra-
: CHARLESTON (S. C.) April 26. vagancies, to compensate for herneglects,
We understand that the and to-give to hernost exquisite models
boa xen of beauty, the indispensabie accompant-
Spaniards are very much [ments of fashion, ease and grace.
; . As punctuality bas,ot late become a de-
exasperated against the A -lsideratum in the polite world, as well as
100s . (NA QO {among men of business, Calioon has de-
Ba mericans in Consequence |ermiced that his promises shall be honor:
A of : . i ably fulfilled and his engagem ents rigid.
yn - ) ee piratical Craisers, ly executed. He deems it indelicate to bis
which are {itte qt yreihern, 10 sey apy thing of the superiori.
: {3 yl out in the! of his style and manner ; apd it
t might
persons concerned will picase Lo take no-|
aff YO. 1017
Shri 19, 18%4,