POETRY ety SII nee {The tru'h of the following picture being taken for gronced, it serves to show, like the journals of voyagers, what habits prevail is other countries © Each reader on redding this, as on perusing a des- cription of Suvage manners; congratn afes himsell cu the superior civilizatiop and morality of his own neighborhood!) | Sug. Dem. THE POOR MECHANIC. Y know a poor mechani¢— poor, ’tis trues: For tliese few reesons 1 will state to you: Too oft he enters ar the tavern door, “To meet his {iiends, and take a glass os more ; While there, a customer calls in, to view Mis articles, and buy a thing or two; But finds the shop alone, except 4 boy, Without a master aiid without employ, nd althost without sense, ind LOL “The price of any thing there is to sci. “Another ‘calls the twentieth time or so, To get the thing he ordered montis ago; “But finds it in the same u ifin’sh’d state It had been every lime he cdli’d of late 0 2 LTS ee 115 C teil ~ Disgusted with the treatment he receives, He waras to go, but this short m ssage leaves «Inform your master he may take his case " % And finish it Whenever he may please, « And then dispose of it to whom he can * Pll keep my money lor a worthier man.” Thus while the young mechanic ' wastes his time, His reputation, money, health and prime-— His customers be loses, one by one, Till, in the sequel, he 1s quite undone. Now fearful creditors their calls begin, As frequent as his customers Zed been ; With language plausible though full of guile, “Ie lulis their apprehensions for a while, Yet how to pay his debts is at a [0Ssw— How fares his family 2 His pensive wife Resigns Wie prospect of a tranquil life— di ended sadness bugs her infant dear, Aud lonely shells the in¢iancholy tear ! Wile he who vow’d to cherish aud pro- tect, Treats Lier with cruelty or cold neglect ; Her friendly admonition he derides, And paoddy for his family provides; Yeb, what he spends for liquor every day, 4'he Butcher’s und the Baker's bill would pay. Erom the Western Herald, BY PARTICULAR REQUEST. THE NEGRO WOMAN’s COM- PLAINT, Whose Sou and Daugliter were taken fram her by a ship’s Crew, belonging to a country where the God of justice and mercy 1s owned and worshiped. HELP ! oh help ! thou God of Christians | Save a mother in despair ; Cruel Whitemen steal ay children ; God of christians ! hear my prayer. From ny arms by force theyre rended ; Szuors drag them to the sea; Youder ship, at anchor riding, Swift will carry them away. There my son lies pale and bleeding ! Fust with thongs his hands are bound ! Sco the tyrants how they scourge him ! See lus sides, a recking wound ! See his little sister by him; Quaking, trembling, how she cries ! Drops of blood her face Desprinkle ! Tears of anguish fii her eyes ! Now they tear her brother from her; Dowa below the deck he’s thrown; Sulf with bleeding ! thro’ fear silent ; Save a single, death-like groan ! Hear the little dau “Take me, Whitemen, for your own; Spare ! 6h spare my darling brother ! ‘te’s my mother’s only son ! ghter begging : ‘Sec upon the shore she’s raving ; ‘Down she falls upon the sands ; ¢Now she tears her flesh with madnes ! ‘Now she prays with lified hands. ¢Iam able, young and hardy, ‘He's asick and feeble boy : ‘Take me, whip me, chain me, starve me; ¢ All my life I'il serve with JOY «Christians ! who's the God you worship ? ‘Is he cruel fierce; or good ? $ Docs he take delight in mercy, ¢ Orin spilling human blood ? ¢ Ah! nay poor distracted mother, ¢ Hear her scream upon the shore I’ Down the savage captain siruck her 3 + Liteless on the vessel’s floor. "Up his sails he quickly hoisted, Lo the ocean bent his Way e-me Headiong plung’d the raving mother, #ram a rock, into the sca! oS Wife and Home. . Ki egvectailon wat entertained that the [Work would be ready for publication in If 2 man be not happy in his own house February 1817, but this expectation caine where shall he look fur kapiness I=Ji Is oe realized. : al tig proper theater of a woman’s glory| The publisher duly impressed » ith thy —Iit is ine just bounds of a may’s felicity. limpertance of the duty ke has imposed up- He may, indeed wander In a a 1. uicdess ion himsell, is determined, that ail tie ex sca: chof extraordinary bless; but the sule pectations he has raiscd as to the Acewrss, of his feel, lke that ol Noal’s dove icy; Taste, and Splendor of he publicafan wiil find no restuniil returned tothe arkisbali be tully realized. The difficuliids of domestic tranquility. The peace hejthat have presented themselves have bea enjoys at home, entitles kim to respec greater than was expected, and, the cx abroad, gives joy to his conversatiotiy and {pence incurred heavier than had been cal «das vigour to his friendship It is tlusiculated: but the general approbation wil, also which consoles in calamity, aijwhich the Proposals were received, has in rlucks ogi the arrow of i-natured cca [cied the publisher to perseverance, an sure. Happy the man, who, with cool de-{determines him to muke this eyition wo- terminate” indiffvrence can withdraw [thy the principles which it i$-jutended fo {rom the world’s applause, and the worlds | pet petuake, and the nation to whom 1t shal’ envy ; meeting, in the smties ofa wile, be dedicated. 0 : a gratification which the former camo Itis needless to speak ot the merits of abate by its subtiity, nor the latter em-|the Artists employed : they are known : bitter by its venom. {could better have been touad, they would ; AY Lave been resorted to, on this occasion. A STAGE COACH AN OTE. | The Plate ies been ume J grave: Some members gale Cariisle Caucus GVEf since last May; but suchis'the quan: a Ee up lity of work, and the style oflexecutions tha roceedings to hose whosch: theamwe lis not yet m tho power of tne Subscriber Br heii Coby le tions Ho browse its completion, before the nex: TS Ue hd 1a miversary of the day on which Indepen Ta ; as or ed fidence wasiproclaimed, ; Jasnilee loop ai ieU Hi Iv is IiBad thet the Papsr will require Magik victory wom be A CA tt o be 38 uy 26 instead of 36'by 24 inches; as not to call hi a dear Zh us there is no Copper-plate (Press guffici- A democrat who vias in the sige’ wih © tUC!e 18 RD ork off sual sin Yripression, ios, gently heard, Fie 6 Wa Press must be made for “the purpose. crowing jor some time, but at | "The difically ofiprocuting oficial inmpres- taoughi . progeciBingg pion OF RCE Cons diawings'dnd = descriptions of the and Lest els sincerity. Praysie,’ suid Arms of the 7 oSrootive States, has proved he; turning to the noisicst ul the Sanus. i Th i sersy 4 Pray stv, do you buolieve 3 you aa Qe Cage yo dn 1 i | A < o Wan aa LS 1 pice to report ticl J « 3 A rho ¢ Ci CLOG, Lai AL } . ue SLAC, pert by ry kak Ut, > anotiier source of delay. Many of those : : of 93 Ca hat have been received, are of so imper BAVE Just said” & ane sing tect and confined a charecter—the dras- gs s0 Inclepant, and often so inaccurate ; niorning in design to the certified duscription—-that it was found indispeusa- bier to engage an Artist of SCIEnce, taste and skill, to reconcile the: discordant ma iteriuls, ant make the drawings haanonize wich the descriptions on record.” This ftusk Ade Sully lias undertaken; and is pro- cueding in it with all the zeal that the sub- ject requires ; and he will compleat the Aris of the several States in such a'mai- ner @s to make this publication the stand: ard of veicrence for accurate knowledge Sa on tne heraldry of the Union, andasaspe- ditt ihe 4 wager. icimen of National taste. Well sir, now we begin to underswand; : a g “one asoiher, and iL would seem from. It shall be delivered to subscribers at “yourlast dec aration that you are more 11 doliars cach copy, to be paid on de. cussery “me sir, I don’t undersd you Jicy what do you mean siv.” “¢ Wiy gyn)” sald the democrat, I mean imply what’ +1 have said, do you Dbeiieve t the « Carlisie candidate will have a majority “overthe Democratic candidate atthe “next genirai election!” + [ have ‘no doubt at all about it sir, no sensible wan “can doubt it.” « That may be si, said “the democrat vey ceoly, bu! you wild excuse we i I doubt and if i alse “express ithe opinion that you are not “very confident yoursell.” « Yes sur, I ¢ ani sir, very confident of it and I would “back my opinion with ” 308 CC < S yey 3 a “sanguine than 1 had given yeu credit a ~~ o Q Cc as R rsrrcrruiy inform their friends and the public in general, that they have rented « Laurel Spring Paper Mill,” (near Birmingham, Huntingdon county) from Mr Charles Cadwallader; where they in- tend, by the 1st of Jannary next, to com- mence the Paper-Making business, and carry it on in all 1ts various branches. From the experience they have had 1» yhis business, and by paying strict attention to the same and making good paper, they hope to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Those who have been customers to the above Miil. will be furnished with Paper in the usual manner; and those merchants and others who have been in the habit of taking in Rags, are respectfully informed that the usual price will be given for the same. Dzc. 26,1816. gn was to be engraved BLANKS. HANDBILLS, HORSE. BILLS, &c. EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE, RESONABLY, AND AT livery. “for. 1am myself a sauguice man and The engraving will be accompanied by “1 sometimes bet upon eicctions, burl ! ; { ments counected with the publication as * wrong, or so far take advantage of his authorities, and a list of the subscribers’ “ 1gnoranc : I'll tell you what Iwill do sir—f, =~ The engravings will be delivered to sub- * will stale three hundred dollars and you scribers in the order in which they may “&indlay has not a mujority of TEN THOUS-| It is contemplated to have some copies ‘AND over Joseps Heister you shall re- ‘printed on paper prepared to cerry colours, “ihe shall have more than ten thousand the modern style ; and the Plants, &c, co- “ majority then the five hundred dojlars Jourcd by ove ot our most approved water that the Carlisle caucusser became as pies will be THIRTEEN dollars each | dumb as afish. He would not bet and As no more of those co be subscribed for, gentlemen $d in a3 1 acti i - } 18 vali boastings. {who wish for them, are requested to add MT RNG FEN SNe on. oF As itis determined to raise the price to INDEPENDENCE. ken to coliect Subscriptions, and those who IN June 1816, the Subcriber issued pro. Wish to be considered as Putrons of this an American edition ef the prCLARATION 1S thelr names 9 ik Paciiohe I ay OF INDEPENDENCE; with fac similies|2¢ 0" the 4th day of July next, after whic REDL terms of the original Propospis He advertised that the size of the pa- JOHN BINNS, best quality that Mr. Amies could man- PriLapeLrHIA, Feb. 1817. ulacture. Declaration of Indepencence would be the ’ work of Mr. Briprort. It was to be States, and adorned with medallion Por- traits of General Washington, John Han- of the Thirteen United States in medalli- on, encircled by characteristic ernaments, Cordon. The whole desi The interior of the Cordon by Col. Fair- man ; York, from original paintings ; The Fac Similies by Mr. Vallance who Secretary of States’ Officeat Was pgton, for this purpose. copied from official documents ant sxecu- ted with a particular eye to herald” ; accu To execute, in the most able and perfect manner the plan so advertised has been an ber, who has been unceasingly anxious not only for the splendor: and accyracy but ! | 1G FOR SALE, A WELLIMPROVED FARY Qi firstrete land, containing one hune dood and sixty acres. and alivwanee, sivas ted 0: the North Westside of Bald-caple reek, (near Mil Hal. conve nent te ireist mols, sow milis, carding mischin N and fullig mills The botton. laid 15 7af the richest Kind, and tre upland of thie Desi. Emestone quality A considerable purtien of (Lis place is weli timbered 3 hess 15 piso a variety. of fiuit trees, : His propert Wwsteses the gren i vaniare of De Be on a He ¢ stream eniniying into” the West Branch of the Susquebianna rd A further description is deemed cessary, ds no person wiki puich viewing the nremises. Tic above property wi reasonable. The terms will he made sown by applying tc Job Packer near the Diemisess 0 AESO-. one other tract of unimproved I'mestone 2nd, contwnitg FOUR HUNDRED a- cresylying ro the South East of Abrahom Eider’s, in Halfraoon township, sixteen miles feory Bellef: This tract is of sXecilent quality, Yes handsomely, and in 2 good sottlement, adjoining Abraham Fie der and others. Robert Eider, who re- sides pearithe land will show it to'any pera son who roav apply tolim to view it The above property will be sold cheap, for Cash, and an mdisputable title given by the snhscriber, livin in Bald Eagle, rear Miithall, Centre county. JOB PACKER, junr. Bald Eagle, Feb 24. ; : nnne- asc withous o oO Mile To Iron Masters. A N experienced Founder, now out ef ciployment,»withes a situation ‘at some Furnace. Sufficient recommendation a8 'o his capability can be had. 1 etters ad- dressed to the subscriber in Bellefonte, Pa. will be punctually attended to. CHRIST, WINKELMAN. February 17. Notice to Farmers. ] HE subscriber living one mile from toe borough of Bellefonte respectiully gives notice, that he bas commenced the busie aess ol making $n WIND MILLS. Those disposed to favor him with thely custom are requested to give him a call. iheir work shall be done at the shoricee notice, and on the most reasonable terms. THOMAS MOORE, Jan. 11,1817. . N. B. Cash, grain or boards will be tak- en in payment. : DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Benner & CAMBRIDGE, Having this day dissolved by mutual coms sent, requests zll those indebted to said firm, to come forward and settle their res- pective accounts, on or before the first of March next. Grain of any kind will be received in paynient at the market prices, either at Rock Iron Works or at their store in Belleionte. PHILIP BENNER, P. CAMBRIDGE. Bellefonte, 20th Jan. 1817 N. B. The business will be continued in future in the name of Philip Deuuner % Co. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. TE I HE partnership of George and Ars thur Smiths this day dissolved by muta- al consent, of which circumstance, ali cone cerned will please to take notice Those indebted to said firm, are requested te make payrnent to George Smith, and those having demands are hercby notified to ook to him for payment of the same. GEORGE SMITH, ARTHUR SMITH. December 6, 1815. Bellefonte Academy. UBLIC notice is hereby given, thst the Bellefonte Academy in Centre county is recrganized, and open for the re- ception of scholars. The trusices have ens caged Mr. M. Chamberlain, lately fiom Dartmouth College, (Newhampshire) as a tcacher; a gentemdn of respectability, and inyhly qualified. Fn this seminary willbe taught, the Greek and Latin languages English grammar, Geography, and the dif {erent branches of the mathiematickss By order of the Board of Trustees. J. G. Lowrey, Preside a PampraiET, Containing the officiel docu. “would not in this case doany man the to make an even bet with names. “ him, “shall stake two hundred, and if Wigliae have subscribed. “ceive the five hundred dollars, but if to have the Shields accurately tinctured in “shall be mine.” Is it necessary to add colourers. "The price of those superb ceo- 1 »pies will be print- the company were no longer troubled with’ 2 than shall 2 the word ¢ coloured” to their subscrtipi- Declaration non-Subscribers, those whe have underta- 4 . 3 { 3 J Trad: Ss Pan ste . posals for a splendid, and in all respects, National Publication, are requested to tui of the subscribers to that national docy. date, io Subscriber can be received on the per should be 36 by 24 inches ; of the No. 70, Chesnut Street, The design in bas relief; encircling the surmounted by the Arms of the United ANDREW HARPST & SONS, cock and Thomas Jefferson. The Arms was meant to form the remainder of the by Mr. Murray ; The Portraits by Mr. Leney of New has been permitted to have access ‘o the The Arms of the several State: to be racy. object never lost sight of by the Subscri- Prompt execution of the woris THR SHORTEST NOTICL, Bellefonte, Sept. 21, 1814 sy ie sold very oR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers