ance fell very fasta but our attention was the some . $e A 4 yo Published weekly by ALEXANDER a ve # ON, ia Bellefonte, Penn Eas i svivania. =~ Cy IMARKABLE PHENOMENON. From the Vermont Republican. A ‘he following extract, from a communi- #iion of Joel Manning, jun. Esq. of An over, Vermont, a gentleman of un- ‘dubted veracity, to the editor of thi paper, we think not unworthy the atten tion of the curigus. It has since been ascertained that similar appearances were noticed the same night, by some people passing over a high ground ih Reading, a place eighteen or twenty miles north of Andover ¢ The circumstances of which I speak, ck place at Andover, Vi. It will be re collected by all in this vicinity, that on the evening ofthe 18:h of January last, there was a very hvavy fall of snow, accompan'- ed with lightning and thunder. Happen ing to be from home that evening, I came out of a neighbor’s house in company with twee (SE ® young map, my brother, be n the hours of 10 and 11. We noticed that thc particularly attracted by the ficquent flash es of lizhtning. After passing a few rods, we observed, en the top of a stake in the force, a light resembling a blaze of fire, about 2 or 3 inches in lengih though not sored and bLirilBsat. We soon observed {was only y king the following remarks s—That tiisd only visible on high land at some diss tahce From the place where we were stan ding. Resperting the forest trees, I can only say that we saw no light on them. Lights might be there and we not sce thems :hrough the falling snow. To be sure, oy; cxperiments were all of them near the ground ; but as far as we know, the higher in the air, the greater the quantity of light; and, as far as we are acquainted, it increa sed very fast. From the height of my ead to that of my hand, with my arm c. ccted at full length, it appeared almos! doubled. It appears that the wind increased this Ceht, by this experiment: stand your back « the wind, place your hand and fingers ap, mitten on, about eight inches from cour breast, so high that a spark would be sach on the highest ‘point of the nitten, {uth facing the wind, with your hands 1m the same situ:tion, and there would be more sparks, and those larger. Even bn that state of the air the concurrence of many circumstances seemed necessary Lo produce the appearance of a conical blaze or hissing; that upon which it must be that on every stake was atizht; and also ou the highest of bushes by the side ef the fence. This excited sc much wonder and curiosity that we called to the people in the house, and alsn to some who were at toe same time passing the street, to see phenomenon. We soon obser- . yed it on gur hats, hair and miltens, when held “righ white sparks of various sizes, from lost its conical form, and the sound was al- those which were but just discernable to Sry apy pot in the form of a blaze, but of | 8c of the size of a large buck shot. We found by examination tuat upon any (bald, yet prudent inflexibility with which the puisacd them, all incicate a mind of [the highest order. The great body of mankind must always be imposed on by circumstances, aud therefore will be litte inclined to allow, that Tecuinseh was nog ian accomplished military commander, bud falso a great natural statesmen and orators {OF thie tnany strange, and some strongly ‘characteristic events of his life, we are \going to give onfy a litde one which we Gately heard related 3 which affords an ade (miteble specimen of his proud ambitionsy - : La=, dangerous spirit, and of the suvi'mity ch sometimes distinguished his =las quence. It wosin 1811, at the council (which general Harrison held with the fodis tans at Vincennes, The chiefs of some itribes had come to complain ofa purchice ‘of lands which had been made from tha Kicapoos. [It is generaily known that this council effected vothing, and broke up in confusion in consequence of Tecumseh thaving called governor Bairison a liz, Ig ‘was in the progress of the long talks that {took place in the conference, that Tecnme sch, having finished one of his spieches, {looked round, and secing every ope seats ved, while no seat was prepared for bim; a lmomentaty frown passed over his conntes ‘nance. Instantly general Harrison crdor. led that a chair shouid be given him. S Qn ow OCMmey person presented one, and bowing, ss ¢ 10 him, « Warrior, your father, general Har- {rison, offers you a seat.” Tecvmsel’s dark eye flashed. « My father I” he ex. claimed, indignantly, extending his a ms [towards the heavens, « The sun is my fas ther: and the earth is my mother, She ‘gives me nourishment and I yepose upon As he cnded be sat down, suddenly, cross legged, upon the ground. v Nat. Register, nati TR — PROGRESS OI RELIGION. It appears by a comaunication address ed to Governor Tompkins of New York which has been publisted in the newsias pers, that a part of the Oneida nation of In- diavs, which was herctofore known by ihe “PAGAN PARTY,” have renounced their paganism, and taken the © Christian's Ged, S ash a Ad . ito be thei God, aed their only hope and. salvation.” hisinformation isteuly grat- ying, and holds out strong encourages ment to missionary labor. : — £5 LATEST FROM IRELAND. New Vork, Marc 12, By the ship Coiumbu rived fast evening from Cork, we have reccived Dublin prpers of the 1500 of Jani On the 13th there was 2 ing ol the inhabitants of purpose of petitioning ler a 1 itament. The meeting was ve ous, consisting of forty or fil'y ti A sting of resolutions, 2nd a the House of Commons, Were read, znd unanimously carried Price of meat in Dublin market, oi! ~ 11th of January, beel rca 7 woi0 cents h 8, Smith, A 5 oonels