American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, November 30, 1816, Image 2

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    oY 2d A pr {4
—————————y + Vital Spirit” and his © sagerny, |etu.
Fores t and palaverip. son, in the advance: | a. — " y i
AMERICAN Patriot, [tented 8 son, | LB
+ be) 4% Eu i « [ment of any one of the above gentlemen. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. whieh olise
sha i Sagfougaionn ~ |hewould laud them to the very skies. Ii The following statement of the votes ‘giver it.
ry gat yery one remembers how he praised Mr. for Electors ef P resident and. Vice P yg ——
Soypar Mornin, DecExszr 2, 1816. A : sident of the United States on the ist ind All ‘doubts and : 3
Snyder, and I just recollect, and I think 1§ ° dht is come dh icial ‘retarnshr % 2 art conjectures ahoyg |
aa stant, 1s copied from the official returns Vest (sars the Moraine Chronia
Can turn to a passage in the Aurora of received at the Secretary of the Come or : : 5 hroni
therfifth) Are Now at an end the fair 5
: : : sof . dT ¢ fair |
We hope next week to publish on pa-[1805, ww, ich he has not been very nig- monwealth’s office, : ©. {pect ‘which six weeks ago, we fondly
per of a very superior kind : and the Tour gardly to Mr. Boileau. [ know it relates Dengorart Offasieen tamed, a otally obscured—and we liege
high price we have to pay forityas well as ! AM Boiron yams. } icket, (Keto say, that the wheat which hes beer rect
snotiier accounts, renders a punctual dis-|t% #SPeccho Mr, Boileau 3 debivered to City & Count 2.815 4,110 [cd in ai the chiet com districts tum ge
sharge of all arrearages due this estab. {the senate, on the Impeachment of thelof Philadelphia 2" Lo be so pasty and cold as to bear no
lishment indispensably necessary. Those Judges of the Supreme Court. It is as Delaware 348 471 - in the market, begs use it can only be ma.) |
friendly to the establishment, and who olows : ‘Chester 1,999 1,634 afectured into four when kil dried, "Ty
know themeslyes indebted, it is hoped, will x. Montgomery 1,885 1,219 aid wheat onlcy is purchased, and the. oy |
take the hint. From the Aurora of Jan 12, 1805. Lancaster 1,223 d;4338 sequence is that average price is go oi
N reek we shall publish the pro. 3 ROC paTRet Dauphin 510 255 ly above eighty shillings, that it js cles
ext wee a pP ye P {1 We(the Aurora) «have no objection; Lebanon ; 516 198 filie ports must GPCn on the 15th’ Novae |
Seedings of the ceting which was held that Boileau’s speech should be the crite. | York 980 318 pier next.
at the Court house on Tuesday evening
: q oh hl * { i 5 5 35
von of the Talents and Ho nesty of the Le- Cumberland ,262 PE
‘last. Until this morning we were unable to
: a i "Franklin 934 12 : i
: gislature ; it is the frank appeal of a man{ A gains 20% a3 {L.atest from our Medit
procure a copy. whose virtue has not been bent in our|Bucks 1,789 3930 ranean Squad ;
arn Y fi; 3 Fro ha 1 a”
. .1Ceurts and cannot be broken by its Mifflin 323 il . colle or RS ron. 7
CONGRESS meets, at Washington City, Northumberland 506 157 Captain die of the schooner Morgiof:
on the 2d of December. : ] : “Columbia 544 64 100 New Bedford, who arrived this mornin |
The Legislature of Pennsylvania meets, } ©XPression of a than conscious of the in. Lycoming 267 i7 I'n 39 days from Falermoy informs us thai |
at Harrisburg, on the 3d of December. tegrity of his cause.” «tig some consola™{ Luzerne 378 313 fthe perdean sadn of eight sail, under
. + ISH commadere Chauncey, pin 5 NY;
The Electors for this state, of a Presi- ton, says the same Aurora, that as the Ga. a adnehana in 3 od Mon te Jo Naples,
: 3 “ F . A 5 < SH gPac il “TRACI, 4 nari §
dent and Vice President of the United zette of the United States has so constantly | ge pkg 1,563 831 fof war sailed fog Pp. lero o fop Mart aep,
at wr : i to b 3 oq 2 v gael kPa SAA Boia
Sighs Fai at Herrisburg, on the 4tho vilified every gréat and good man in the Schuylkill 340 68 join the squadron, abot the middie of Sept.
» >» yn / m; Try mes Bo . . .. k §
ecembers whola country, so its abuse of Mp. Boile aul Westmoreland 414 307 Mr, Pinckney nad closed b's negociation
m—— Bedford 423 216 {at baplcs and proceeded on hi
will tend to increase the reputation of that y’ ie Nothitw. comtnin o> mission to 1
FLOUR has fallen in Baltimore to $11 Northampton 860 Russia. NOUS certain was known as |
20 per barrel.
officers. It bas the vigour and . full
gentleman.” i Lehigh 596 to the result of his ne Lociations. ~]t was
Thus the man that then had talents, hon- Wayne 83 2 {however reported and believed that he hed
——— : i 3 ‘ongh cation at iss ! ni
. ¢] ety and virtue, he who was then wrreat| Pike 124 bronght the question at issue to successful
The genera and electoral elections o a A . Somerset 351 and amicable adjustment, It was also res |
the current year having passed, it would|and good", is now neither « wise, capablel Cambria 75 23 {ported but not believed, that he had det 3
seem that the attention of the republicans{ nor respectable; and why? becsase he Huntingdon 474 manded Nine Millions of 1 .otors that he 4 &
is directed to the Choice of the dispises the cditer of the Aurora, and de-| Centre & Clearfield 479 hadalrcady received a part of the sum
Chief Magistrate of this Commonwealth to fd ; Sin ey Bradford 395 2 (finally agreed upon; and that the residue
i I believe] 1€5ts his « Vital Spirit,” and for the same Ti 88 : 358 10 De paid in ductal oo E £
succeed the present Governor. elieve iE ioga i$ 10 Be paid in instalments, %
there is little doubt as to the person on|reasons Mr Findley is totally unworthy and{ Indiana & Jefferson 76 1 We regret to learn by capt. Allen, that
whom the selection will rest. If WiLne- destitute of all qualifications. Armstrong 71 : orig ofour Naval Capiains had died on Hoard
aM Finprer should be selogted, as the Dem) Washington 489 tic squadion. The namie of the deceased
. aay le will em, Press, F 071 officer. be’ “lee; Se
- ¢andidate of the Democratic party, he will nd ayette 27 y 2 docs riot recollect, ,
be elected, no matter in what way nomina- te a Greene 140 An Italian, Mr. Preston who has officie |
ted, by caucus, convention or otherwis- The following 18 the address of Ms. Butler 154 ated as pilot on bord the Java, Com. Perry,
His strong natural powers, long expeii- Harper, to the patrons of the ¢ Adams Cen-{ Mercer 131 came out a pascenger in the Morgiana.
er a valuable practical EE tinel,” widow of Mr. Rodere Harper, late Bie ford 2 INEST
alify him in a superior degree for the | : . {id rawior 5 8 L
Tits m P 8 editor of that paper. Itis something novel Venango & Warren 100 Cuarcesray, Nov. 11,
A number of Republicans have express-{at least: the peculiarity of her situation, Alleghany 218 419 HIGHLY IMPORTANT.
8d a disapprobation of the method hitherto flowever, justifies the course she has ta-| Beaver 180 SPANISH WA R—Captain Gray, of
“pursued, of nominating a candidate for Go ten. Re ern” Tt ——— ithe brig Sterling, arrived (his mornin
vernor by the republican members of the” bo Totals, 25.653 17,588 lirom Teneriffe, gave us the following ine
Legislature. If the objection be founded TO THE PUBLIC. %. hf —— formation: That on the 26th ult. in lat.
on principle, and it can be obviated In al Of the many afflictions entailed on me Dem, majority 8,065 23,33, long. 67, 53, he spoke schooner
practicable way, 1 should be glad to see ijt by my recent bereavement, it ma perbaps ST ——— ww fRemianco, Rogers; Tom New York hound
ae ; and I would respectfull SUF BCSL10 hho Aaccaod as aden det dete leg GOR New-York, oy, 12. (to St, Domingo ; Capt. R. stated that he
done ; pectiully supa ye ol :
poy Bd Noreen ETDS, fr fhe peepee to-wavobstramed to step before the public in the
whether it wouid not be advisable for the
had spoken a schooner with Despaiches
capacity of Editor of blic : : from Cadiz, who inf: ed hun that x
Republican members of the state Legisla- Fpacty oi A, public Journal THE SECRET DISCLOSD. adiz, who 1mformed hun that w
| Yet although reatly inconsonant with a ; : ..+. 1had been declared b Spain against the J,
‘ture, shortly after their meeung, lo re-lteclings nies by yoy and repug- An obliging friend has favored us Withigi. tes. Capt Gry bas the deg-
commend that a convention, to nominatelnant to female timidity, I feel ita duty I the fellowing copy of aleticr from Liver- patch schooncr was a Spaniard, and wad®
a suitabie candidate for the gubernatorial | yywe to the public, my family and myself, pool, which fully developes the object bound to Havanpa. :
ehair, to be held at a certain time andlig net suffer this paper to cease It may be of the late dispatch vessel. . ——
Plage be by them Hed ; 7 DE pee presumed that I possess neither talents or “Liverpool, Oct. 14, 1818, ABiNnGron, Va. Noy, 9
ously thereto, the republicans of each coun- ¢Xperience, adequate to conduct a press : ; arin va Nov. 2,
ty should nominate as many delegates to] wih honor to ‘myself or profit 5 my ha rr Duta Jpn an Shang WAR WITH SPAIN, x
that Convention as they are entitled to patrons, and that this method is ta- leaves no Ce of the ei aay A By the westesn mail; a gentleman of
members of Assembly. p /fken to solicit eleemosynary support ; but on the 15th of next os 73 ed it|this place received a letter from his fring
On this subject should be 8 ad Cele I trust in the known capacity and industry of such importance Boe ord as it respects {0 Natchez, dated 17th ult giving thei
® free interchange of s: hyment It ASE of my Son, aided by the tulents of many bovain and flour, but as eld Hoe. iy portant intelligence that a draft was them
sirable that the candidate,be wlio R4Yatiricnds, to remove any such imputation. the exchange, the shipping fiterc rsefaking of a body of militia to £0 againsy
should be selected in the least objec nal But if my hopes shall be frustrated, & upon «ween er Cll] > reo. Sy the Spaniards.
way, by men above the petty intrigues of sufficient trial having been made, it is a fast sailing vessel for th tat we; 2ve, ———t 10) Ie
anprincipled and designing men, and whose found we are wholely inadequate to the of mivin i ricods (he oe From the Connecticut Courant
peiitics change with their pecuniary views, ltask we have assigned oursrlves, we will > : 8 3 oo 3 st en | ful- m tl 3 rant,
and whose object is office. not allempt an imposition on the public, 5% iniorens Oo Lis lniskes ing Subjece =
on ely voguit nio mor com os AME LSet vould bow’ el rl Bad Times.
— roa betent hands. 3 4 :
: fie) On completing our usual surye of the| ints and’ Advirtioments on 1ke subject off
Tha o - 1 the co ; - ng y 4 if ae)
That our readers may have an opportu dn bo fot the Sapen Fe do crops we find the produce so decidedly | Hard Times. Ly une of the People
nity of seeing the style of the editor of the |P° 8 y those principles defective, that on accurate comparison of| How fionr families should orp it.”
; : . {by which it has hitherto been governed. : ; es ,
Aurora, and the manner in which he is ro. creed is not of that vacilliatia Shes the result, we cansider the presentas| Wat. shall we eat? What shall we
pleased to speak of the most respectable |cies, which can adept itselfto eyer Sa of SSArCely two thirds of the Jast y ears COP drink Whercwithal shall we be clothed,”
ple pea P ’ y without taking inte view the great inferi.
: : . easur i : : : .{—Take courage, if you are in the right
men in Pennsylvania, we copy the follow- of men and measures, but claims 58 Slority of the quality and the Produce inl, oi” procidense hel 5. those who ral
basis, the Federal Constitution, from which flour, from he grain’ bein tean ‘and in] FY: PViaent P 08¢ who rely
every deviation, is esteemed politica) |. um me 5 tn 3 upon Providence, and meanwhile employed
= re, > os tvery bad condition. Durine the PrOBresSitreir best conden onpa wire
Rete Ww kiowled h 3 i 5 thelr best endeavors to help themselves,
© : ; 1eresy. € acknowledge not the Magic {of on y d since we find that scar ;
I rom/the Aurora of this morning. |; ence ofa name whicl tions. Of our survey, and since we und that scar}. 1¢ you are a poor man, and in these hard
: Kf iy i i Ih Senouomy wf cely one third of the wheat is yet scoured times, sorely weighed down, look that in
“The office holders of Penosylvaniajdifferent times sentim ens ard opinions), 0 than one tenth of the barley, but thie Ponderods scale ‘there be rierlith
have already commenced a series of pala- [diametrically opposed. T'his brief outline few of the oats, and none of the beans. |r Lh a fui Li oe Pe Wen
vers, about Mr NooprLg of Montgomery | trust, will not be esteemed IMProper tol ne barley being all abroad in the great You hive z ford] " : 1m And
und Mr. Doooreof Franklin county. The [have been promised, for the information corn distrects; is considered a ruined Crop. lig that ail 2 av ai Bb phon a
disprite is not, whom the people select and{ofa liberal public, whose patronrge we re Potatoes will also be very deficient, andi, >. 0 c YOU notidieness to yop.
lect, but which of the Noodl D spect fully solicit Sabi 5 2 POIL © 10 extravagance to support ? no vice
ciect,y but which of t ¢ two. Noodle or 00- PRISCIL A HARPE irom the lateness of the season and thelr, support! Are you diligent, your self
dle shall reign over them—it is a sort of LA H/ “Re Asin exposed state of so great a portion of |; our occupation ¢ Ins Pd fl y ani
dilemma that is put to the peo le—not tha: _ r > is alculati y haacon ¢ lastead of rapning
ite pu people- Gg I Post Office. Vow. 15. 1 the crops, there is no calculating, what here and there, after amusemont. do you
the people shall choose some wise, capa. encrat I°ost Office, \ Mov. 186, 1818, further injury may yet be done ; but the carefully hush od w End lo you
ble and respectable man for Gover r,butl Th I Postmasters hereby re-{injur y sustained i "eat t oe hus and your tme, an vod
le and respecta nor, bu € several Postmasters are here 7 re-finjury already sustained is so great that diligently employ your hands in providin
Wiether the Chrononhotonleges descend: quired, whenever a person, to whom we shall prebably want any quantity of things wim Age body. 13 tie od
to the antipodes ; which would be the les. Newspaper 1s addressed, ceases to take it wheat and fleur which is likely to be ship- WOIBEN; Che i Secheh woo ad Sian
Cr evil as his successor, Mr. Noodle orlout of the Post Office, to advise the editor ined. : J la TOR ode 8
D Mr » r , : . and worketh willingly with her bands ?2
vodie, or Mr. Doodle or Mr. Noodle. of the paper thereof ; and to add, if known! The season is now too far advanced to Ds you both, do your best to bring up
. v 4 nr Yar » ~ 3 wT 1 i : ) % . pf
I would not disgust any of the gentle- Fpether she persen is dead, moved away {admit of our receiving any supplies of con- your sons and your daughters in habits
. or merely refuses. The mail i thened ic.and in holland ~
fen thus indecently alludedto, by defend-|"". ) Sy Jeluses 4 Thaik is burthene sequence from the Baltic. and in holland of useful] industry.
: : : With many newspapers, which are a lossithe prices are high = In many parts of Do you try your best to save, 23 well ag
‘0g them from the attacks of se profligate {to the proprietors as well 2s the public. Itally, and in the Mediteranean the crops to earn? Are there no items of Family
# pressas the Aurora. «it that blows hot or RJ MEIGS, jun. are so defective that they are so defective expences which yeu might expunge, and
cold, defames or eulogizes as its interests Post Master General hat hey are likely to stard innecd of “4TE€ yet neither suffer, nor cousiderably feel the
— supplies. {want of them ?—If you are not given te
Tr i ] The order issued from the General Pos: From the extreme! damp and unsound! strony drink, nor any consumin viceelse
fied that Mr. Findley & Mr. Boil ld : : »y Lam ag > y ’
fea n : ¥ KAP. Golleau woul »ffice, which we publish to-day, is one that state of the new erain ood dry sound for- {ard if you have hanvs and health to labor,
Wouw of ; g tw Sam, 2 y yoy hay
rather Ive the abuse than the praise of will be highly beneficial to editors of news-ieign wheat will be particularly valuable % both your seif and your household j—~ihien
the Aurora; to both, the governor is alike papers ; it will, no deubt, be very general- much wanted for several montt¢ to come. {¥ thank God and take courage,” Yi
oN ; 'y published, and we hope will be as gener- iRice has also advanced to 368 per cwt in| Hard as the times are, and bard as in
sncilicrent and invulnerable. If Dudne : icle is tishio tavistlc 3 11 i in
: ~ f2lly attended to by Post Masters, ~ {bond and this article is ising rapidly in aljall likelehood they willl continue to be
¢auld only see an office for himself and Bis) {ed. Gaz. [the Continental markets, | poor families that are blest with health
Or {is passions move. I am perfectly satis-