American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, November 23, 1816, Image 1

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    Published weekiyby
Mo. 1.
XT ...31 1 ible
Lord Ezmouti's
The London Gazette Extraordinary, Sun-
day Sept: 15.
Apxirac ry OFrick, Sept, 15
Capt. Brisbane, of his Majesty’s ship
Qucen Charlotte, srrived at this office last
cgught with the following despatches from
Ludmiral Lord Exmenth, G. C. B. address=
ed to John Wilson Croker, Esq s—4
Queen Charlotse, Algiers Bay, Aug. 28.
In all the vicissitudes of a long life
of public service, no circumstance has ever
produced on my mind such impressions of
<ratitude and joy as the event of yesterday
Yo bave been one of the humbie instry-
. nents. in the Hands of Divine Providenct,
7 lor Bringing 16 Teron ferdcious Governs
mont; and destroying forever the suffer
“able and horrid system of Christian slavery,
call NEVRr cease fo be a source of delight
and heartielt comfort to every individual
1 may,
Bappy enough to be employed in it.
1 Lope, be permitted, under such impressi-
ens; Lo offer my sincere congratulations to
a - " zx: -
i En Mel fai Sor
es by TER
ed in the gate way,and in consequence the
surgeon, 3 midshipmen, inal]. 18 persons,
weve seized and confined “as slaves in the
usual dungeons. The ¢hild was sent ofl
acxt'morning by the Dey, and as a solhary
instance of his humanity, 1t ought to be re-
corded by me. ;
Captain Dashwood further confirmed,
that about 40,000 men had been brought
down from the interior, and all the Jannisa-
ries called in from distant garrisons, and
that they, were indefatigably: employed in
their batteries, gunboats, &c. and ‘every
where strengthening the sea defences.
The Dey informed Capt. Dashwood he
knew peviectly well the armament was des-
tuned for Algiers, and asked him if i was
true ; he rephicd, if he had such wformation
he knew as much as he did, and probably
(rom the same source~ine public prints.
The ships were all in potiy and betwee:
#0.and 50. gun and mortar-boays rgady, Wit
several more in forward vepair. he 1€) |
had closely ‘confined tix Loisul; and re
fused either to give him-up or proinlse his
persenal safety ; nor would he Leas a woud
respecting the officers and men seized in
the boats of the Prometheus.
From the continuance of adverse winds
shed Lordships on the complete successiand calms, the land to the westward oi Ab
which attended the gallant efforts of histgiers was not made bifore the 16u, and
Majesty’s Beet; in their attack upon Al-
gic1s of yeswerday; and the happy result
pretduced from it on this day by the signas
ture of peace,
Thus bas a provoked war of two day’s
existence been attended by a complete vie
tory. and closed by a renewed peace for
England and ber Ally, the King of the Nes
Fo gi
the next morning, at day break, the tice!
, Mm
The Glasgow near me immediately
weighed, but the wind had been driven
‘¢ cannonnade, and she was o-
anchor again, having obtained
away by
blidged t
rather a
1 bad
der position than before,
cfect/ which were executed
thet manny of the ships. bemg
“I here were awful moments during the
condlict, wich I cannot now attempt to
escribe, occasioned by firing the ships So
was advanced 1a sight of the city, thougs
pity of despatcning a boat under the cover
sar Us, and 1 had long resisted the eager
not so nearas d hud intended, As the stapsf utreatics of several arcund me, to make
were becaimed, I embraced this “opportu-fi°
cember 23, 1816.
About tnnset 1 received w massage fom!
Admiral ¥iloe, conveying toma the severe
loss the ifapregnable was sustaining, hav:
ing then 150 killed and wounded, and re-
questing 1 would i possible, send him
a frigate to divert some of the fire he was
iis time sent ordets to the ex-
plosion ve:cl under the charge of Lieut.
d Mi Parker, by Capt. Reade
of the epziniers, to. bripg ber into the
Mole; but the Rear Admiral having
nought he would do. him essential ser-
vice if ckpioded under the battery in his
iront. | 1 sent orders to this vessel to. that
1 desired
alse the Rear Admiral might be informed
now in
Emir ona certain el the | destruetion of
{i whole, I concluded I bad executed
thie, mio. diuportant part of my instructions
ahi should make every preparation for
withdrawing the ships and desired he
woula do so as suon as possible with his
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania.
: Lf hE LR
i ic ad Hee i cont HI FAR
RR mis. a nol
command, will be received by bis wpyal
Highness the Paice Regent with his ay
customed grace. CT Re at
The approbation of olr spryjges by our
Sovereign, and the good opiniontol els
country, will I venture to affirm, by re.
ceived by us all with she Tighest sinstaor
tion. . : i Fin y
If I atterapted to name to their lordshipe
the numerous officers, who in such a cons
flict, have been at different periods miore
conspicuous than their companiens, 1
should do injustice to many ; and I trust
there is no officer in the ficev 1 have the
honour to command ‘who will doubt the
gratelul feelings 1 shall ever cherish for
their unbounded and unlimited support.
Not an officer nor man confined his exer
tions to the precise}limits of their own duty;
ull were eager to attempt services. which I
found more difficult to restrain than excite;
& no where was this feeling niore conspics
vous than in my own captain, and those
officers immediately about my person
ly gratiugd “and -thanus ere duo to all
nder my command; as well ag to Vice.
Adil Capelen, and the officers of tho
squadron of his majesty the King of the.
Netherlands ; and { trust they will elieve
that the recollection o/ their services will
never cease but with my life. In no me
stance have I ever scen more energy and
zeal ; from the youngest midshipman 10
the higest rank, zall seemed animated by
ane soul, and of which 1 shall with delight
attempt upon the other frigate dist:ntipear testimony to their Lordships, whents
90 yards, which at length I gave ino ;
of the Sevein, with a fag of truce; and thel(*4°" and Gosset by my side who had
denviands & had to make, In the name of his GLE eager to land his corps of miners pres
Royal Highness the Price Regen, on thof, me most auxiougly ler permission 19
ver testimony can be useful. rah
Ihave confided despatch to rear Admis
ral Milne, my second in command, fromy
whom 1 have received during the whole
thevlands, on conditions dictated by the!
£ unness and wisdom of his Majesty’s gov,
teroment, aod commanded by the vigour
service intrusted to me the most cordiak
and honorable support.’ He is perfectiy
informed of every transaction of the flees,
oA 3 py . 3 3 In?
Dey of Algiers, (of wuich the accompany Ror Licat, Richards In thls Sips
ing are copies); abecung paige.
the oliver oh The frigate was ins.antly board:
'¢ OMcer 101g and in teu munutes ina perfect blaze;
of thei: measured. ;
§ Pe ania] for the honor
¥ha confidends his
‘have been pleased to repose on my geal,
on this highly important occasion. The
greans were by them made adequate tomy
own wishes, and the rapidity of their mea-
sures speak ‘for themselves. Not more
shan one hundred days since, 1 left Algiers
with the British fleet; unsuspicieus and ig-
sorant of the atrocities which had been
cominitted at Boua ; that ficet, on its arri-
val in England, was necessarily disbanded, {3° service, until near 3 o'clock; when ob-
and another, with proportionate resources,’
¢resied and equipped 5 and although impe-
i i { 43 rey, . 3
ded in iis progress by calms and adverse Colved ater a delay of upwards of three
pression or cruelty, whenever practised up:
op those under their protection.
Would to God, that, in the attainment of ‘yards distance. At this moment not a gan
this object, 1 had not deeply to lament the had been fir ed, and I began to suspect
severe loss of so many gallant officers and (full compliance with the terms which ba
men ; they have profusely bled in a contest
wagesty’s Minvteie
hus poured the vengeance of an if)
sulted nation, in chastizing the cruelties of)
@ ferocious government, with a promptitude
beyond example, and highly honorable to
the national characterm—cager te resent op-
sweryat which time, if no reply was sent,
(be Was.lo xc
(Fort. who, oit being told the answer w
lexpected 1 one hour, d that
{would wait tw
observed, two hiours were quite sufficient,
The fect at this'time by the springing
up of the sea breeze had reached the bay,
and were preparing the boats and flotilla
replied that it was
The officer then said he
serving my officer was returning with the
{signal flying that no answer had been re-
{hours, 1 instantly made the signal to know
i the ships were all ready, which being
‘answered in the affirmative, the Queen
; Charlotte bore up, followed by the fleet, for
‘their appointed stations; the flag leading
in the prescribed order, was anchored in
the entrance of ‘the Mole ; at about fifty
wail two or thr irs i : 's apd | a
£6 Tours lof the Dey's aD gallant young midshipman ina rocket
u to the flag ship ;. bE oh bro? No. 8 although forbidden was led by!
y 2 « = AY
0 or three hours; he then,
3 ardeat a
CBRIEe, 1 WICH ire
nine of his crew.
fre of t
as possible, to save powder and
gle oft
whole time, s
Providence at this interval gave to my
anxious wishes the usual laud wind, cem-
mon in this bay, and my expectations were
compleated ,—We were all bands employ-
ed warping and towing offyand by the help
of the light air the whole were under sali
and came to anchor out of the reach of the
shells, about two in the morning, after
tbeen so many hours in their hands ; at this
which has been peculiarly marked by proofs! period of profound silence a shot was fired
ol such devoted heroism as would rouse
every noble feeling, did XI dare indulge in
selaiing them.
Their Lordships will already have been
informed, by his Majesty”s sloop Jasper, of
my proceedings up to the 14th inst. on
which day broke ground from Gibraltar,
after a vexatious detention, by a foul wind,
of four days.
The fleet, complete in all points, with
the addition of five gun beats, fitted at Gib-|
agus from the Mole and two at the ships to
the northward then following ; this was
promptly returned by the Queen Charlotte,
who was then lashing to the mast ofa brig,
fast te the shore in the mouth of the More,
and which we had steered for as the guide
to our position.
Thus commenced a fire as animated and
well supported as I believe was ever wits
‘nessed, from a quarter before three until
nine, without intermission, and which did
raltar, departed in the highest spirits, and not cease altogether until half past eley-
with the most favorable prospects of reach.
ing the port of their destination in three
days, hut an adverse wind destroyed the
expectation of an carly arrival, which was
the more anxiously locked for by myseclt,
in consequence of hearing, the day I sailed
y Gibraltar, that a large army had. been
asscinhled and that very considerable addi-
sional works were throwing up, net only
wn both Sanka, of the city, but also immed:
lately about the entrance of the Mole ; from
this i was apprehensive that my intention
of making that point the principal ; object
afattack had been discovered to the Dey by
‘the same means he had heard of the expe.
dition. Thisintelligrnce was, on the fol
Jowing night, greatly coufirmed by the Pro-
nethieud, which I had despatched to Al-
giers same time before, to endeavour to
get away the Consul. Capt, Dashwood
had with difficuliy succeeded in bringing
away, disguised in midshipman’s uniforny,
his wife and davghter, leay boat to
drirg 0 down
ki a
their infant child a
¢ si TY
aliy COI
in a hasket with tha surgeon; who thought
© :
Ro had composed &t, dud it sohappily one
The ships immediately following me
iwere admirably and coolly taking their sta-
tions, with a precision even beyond my
most sanguine hope; and never did the
British flag receive on any occosion, more
2ealous and; honorable support. To look
further on the lise than immediately round
me was ptifectly impossible but soavell
grounded was my confidence in the gallant
officers 1 had the honor to command, that
my inind was left perfectly free to attend
to other objects, and I knew them fin their
stations only by the destructive - effect of
their fire upon the walls and batteries to
which they were opposed.
- 1 had about this time the satisfaction of
seeing Vice Admiral: Van CapcHen’s flay
im the station I had assigned to him, and
soonaiter, at intervals, the vemamde: of
bis fiipatess keeping up a well supported
Gite on ihe flanking batteries he hadeffered
'to cover us from, 4s It had pot been in amy
inaweer, from want of room, te bring him 0
twelve hours incessant labor.
b The flotilla of mortar, gun and rocket
boats, under the direction of their respec-
tive artillery officers, shared to the full ex-
tent of their power in the henors of this
day, and performed good service ; it was
by their fire all the ships in the port (with
the exception of the outer frigate) were in
flames ; which extended rapidly over the
whole arsenal storehouses and gun boats;
exhibiting a specticle of auful grandeur
and interest no pen can describe.
on. :
The shells from the bombs were ad-
mirably well thrown by the royal mariae
artilery ; and though thrown divgatly across
and over us mot an accident that knew of
occurred to a ship.
Fhe whole was conducte
by the
Having detailed, although but
ture to hope that
gervices of mysel
ihe {rent of the Mole:
as) wounded, bis brother offier killed and
Thelenemy’s battries around my 6ivi-
sion were about ten o'clock silenced, & in
a state (f perfect and dilapidation and the
ships were reserved as much
to res
ply to alfew guns now and then bearing
upon us although a fort on the upper an
city on which our guns could
not be brpught to bear, continued to annoy
the shipd by shot and shells during that
The sloops of war which had been ap-
propriated toraid and assist the ships of
the line and prepare for their retreat, per-
formed not only that duty well, but em-
braced every op portunity of firlng through
the imervals, and were constantly in mo-
d with perfect
siienee, and such a thing as a cheer I nev.
er heard in any part of the lime 3 and that
the guns were well worked and well direct-
ed. will be seen for many years to come
and remembered by these barbarians for
The conducting this ship to her station
masters of the ficet and ship excited
the praise ofall. The former has been
my companion in aitas for morc than 20
ly the progressof this shot service, Iven-
the bumble and devoted]
f and my cfiicers and mer
yery disoviption I have the Liquous lo
from the earliest petiod of my. commands
and is fully competent to give their. Lord»
_ spirit to lollow in support efisuip. endafaction on any points which
1h may havens ed or have not time
to siste. I trust 1 have onrameu mony
him bis esteem and regard, and I regret
1 had not sooner been known to him.
The neccssary papers, together withthe
defects of the ships and the veturn of the
killed and wounded, accompany. this dese
paich ; and 1 am’ happy to say Captains
Elkins and Coode are doing well as also
the whole of the wounded. By accounts
fromthe shore I. understand the enemy’s
loss in killed and wounded is between six
and seven hundred men. :
Io recommending my officers and fleet
to their Lordship’ protection and favors
I have the honor to be &«c.
neers 0 O—ee toi ’
NEW YORK, November 5.
The whole of the American squadron,
under com. Chauncey, were leit at Naples
on the 26th August, by capt. Mills, of this
schr. Amphion, arrived at Baltimore, = ©
Extract of a lsticr from Naples, dated Auk
« The demands made by Mr. Pinzknep
on the King of Naples, have, 1 understand,
been complied with, the king agreeing tor
pay te the United States the sum of thres
hundred thousznd dollars. This businegs
being settled, and all the Amcricen squads
ron. except the schooner Hornet, beg now
here, it is supposed the feet will «ail in
the course of thiee ov four days for Mose
sina, from thence to ‘Syracuss, then visit
the Barbary states, and proceed to Gibrale
tar to make arrangements for sending one
of the ships heme with despatches, and te.
carry home the men whose time of service
has expired, i“
4 1 think it is % mistortune for the peo
ple of Naples, thar Murat is nat still theip
king, as he certaiply improved the city
more then the present king would in, a
hundred years. The inhabitants here seem
o laugh ar the idea of his (Murat) having
been shot, 2Bd say that Peis still alive, Tne
deed, » French gentleman, (formerly an of-
ficer in Ronaparie’s army) vom we carr~
ed from Malta to Gibraltar in our ship, told
us that he was still alive, and insinuated
shat he knew where he ‘was’?
Extract af a letter fiom Leghorn deted
Spr. 8. :
« There are dificrept reports in tOWD reg
pecting the success of Mr. Pukney’s mis.
sion fo Naples = Our American and Eng
lish correspopdens sate shal nothings