Red TRY. 18, PROM THE DELAWARE WATCHMAN. The Devil Fishing. « All the world’s 2” fish pond ! Shckegpeare corrected. Wat luck, old Clovenfaot, to-day? Said I, one foggy morning, As he threw out his line for prey, Poor mortal folk stborning. « Not much’ quoth he ¢but what I have, Beyond dispute is fair gam; : With notes to shave, ve caught a knave, A miser with a bargain. ) To catch a needy becu, I took A dragple-tail’d surtous—*® A would-be belle found on my hook A tempting full dress suit. I caught a congressman, by ding Of double compiensation § A lawyer, on promotion bent By Yimely nomination, These lawyers are, though oft you wish (No thanks fort) Satan had ’em, Thc most unprofitable fish Qf all the sons of Adam. X caught a surgeon witha highe fed subject for dissection, Vik Ap offte hunter witha lie, |} Well seasoned for election.” « What fich bite sharpest, Pug 1” says; « Whys as to that,” quoth he, # I find not many very shy, «Of high orlow degree.” « Your toper bites well at a cork; (When there's a bottle to 1t) ‘Tour Jews will even bite at pork, . If he srcils money through it. Your old man likes a parchment, when By mortgage some one’s bitten ; Jour youngster likes a frisker skin, Where yet there's nothing written ! Some shy ones play about the line, Till prudence waxes foeble, And these at last are often mine, for one dollar. Milk is {mode of making it. lin this city, all Catholic, land so superstitious are {rade the streets, with {sor must kneel as the pass {looking article, and draw {by two white mules, which {praying and howling as and distillers, bakers, &e.f {burn Sheep for the pur} 1 { lefonte, which if net redeemed will be A horse can be purchase: plenty but no butter, and the reason 1 cannot divine unless it be in consequence of their ignorance of the Ee There are 75 chuiches the ignorant populace, that every day ortwo they pa- Holy Ghost as they say in a carriage, and every per: | 1 i ' or instant death is the consequence,from the mab. The coach is an antique wh, : Y ® A the priests tell the people have lived since Christ was upon the earth. In- side the carriage is a priest he REGIMENTAL ORDERS. 1 lettersin three months from this date, John Askins, Jobn Andersom, John Atkinson, Christian Amehiser. James Butler, Jape Baker, TA Wa. Beatty, 2. GC, Jesse Cookson, Andrew Cleaver, Robert Couringdon, 0 George Donaldson, Henry Daugherty, Nancy Du the Jacob Ecklys ; A i ‘Joseph M. Fox, Jacob Flack, {John Harris, ‘Robert Xnox, To those who are so unfortunate as to b+ LETTERS EMAINING inthe post office at Bel- sent to the general post office as deacy October 1816. A Samuel Lamb, William Lamb. M. Samuel Miies, Rickard Moore, 2, James Magee, Samuel Moore, John Melroy, Alex. M« Williams. EN. } Atm Newelig. | 4 Sn Fare i Villiam Boggs, Daniel DO! Bayen: Thomas Crawford. Elza Pennington, Aaron Packer, Laurence Peters, Nancy Patterson, John Patterson. R. Henry Russel, Lewis Reissel, Henry Reider, Joseph Ross, John Reed, Suzan Robertson, Isaac Rogers D Ne E gness Evans, F Walter Forster, Peter Fulton. H. . George HoldenbauchThomas Spencer, Patrick Hughs, 2, Archibald Stewart, George Sweany, Francis Steel, ol TR Philip Tavior, Yames Todd, Biizsheth Thompson NV. Jacob Hetherland, James Hutchison, John Haey, Johr Helman. I. William Irwin. WW, X. William Williams, Charles Whiting, Christopher Keatly, Jacob Way, Rebeca Kephart. William Woods. L or Y. Wseph M. Yamg. R.T. STEWART, P. M. . Interesting Discovery. John Lyon, afflicted with ‘CANCERS, HE commissioned and staff officers of the 12th Regiment of Pennsylvania militia wall meet at Camp Snyder on the third Monday of October next at 10 o’clock JA. M. completely armed and acquipped for, {three days training, agreeably to the 16th Militia Law. Seotion of the 5 £ By order of the Colonel, nil manity excite them fo inguire and di- rect where thow may obtain a perfect cure for the malady, In the most sate, easy and offectual way : Doctor Gri gs, i No 277, North Second Street Philadelphia Confident that his remedy is superior to {to make payment on or before the 1st 4 AND to those whose feelings of hu Who only meant to nibble! | There's few indeed, of small or great, (Or I am much mistaken) Dut mey, by some pecyliar bail Be tempted and then taken, But there 1s one of all the rest, TW l.0 most employs my CoOkeme The IDLER pleases me the best, Aft bites the NAKED HOOK 1 Bm * Nothing can afford a stronger instance of the tyranny of fashion, than an extra yard \ of broad: cloth dangling at the heels now-a- fays That can never be becoming in the wearer, the very sight of which is uncom. fortable to the beholder. | eens O Te Extract of a letter from Buenos Ayres, dated 21st July 1816. «There is plenty of em- ployment here, and wages are very high ; living toler-! ably reasonable ; but every thing else extravagant. The people here obtained their independence, but the state is divided into three parties, all struggling for the Gevernment; they have been under arms twice since my arrival here ; the page is brewing, and I ex- pect they will eventually “fight among themselves ~The soil 1s excellent 8 and L.very WM A. PETRIKIN, all others that have ever been in practice, ApsOTA¥T. thinks it his duty to make it known to the - public, that he has succeeded in effectually “curing near one hundred persons in this Sept. 28,1816 4 September 20; 1816: x productive. | Regimental Orders. THF Commission and Staff officers of the 32nd Regiment Pennsylvania Militia, under the command of Col. Thos. M¢Pher- son, will meet at the house of Jacob Test, innkeeper, Philipsburg, on Monday the 21st day of October next; ensuing, at 8 o’« clock A. M. with their arms and accoutre- ments, in order for three days discipline. / All officers will appear in complete uni-! form, agreeable tothe 11th Section of the Militia 13w of Pennsylvania. a XY By order of the Colonel. WILLIAM PATTON, b 4 : i “Adjutant. aoa Bellefonte Academy. : UBLIC notice is hereby given, that the Bellefonte Academy. in Centre county is reorganized, and open for the re- ception of scholars. The trustees have en- aged Mr. M. Chamberlain, lately from Dartmouth College, (Newhampshire) as a teacher; a gentleman of respectability, and} = . highly qualified. In this seminary will be taught, the Greek and Latin languages, English grammar, Geography, and the dif- ferent branches of the mathematicks. By onder of the Board ef Trustees. J. G. Lowrey, President. Bellefonte; Sept. 21, 1816. . ? Bear Skins. The subscriber wishes to? purchase ¥ | . (for. payment as above. ; city, of the most dreadful of all maladies, the CANCER, within the last 2 years ma- ny of whome hid despared of ever obtaining a cure, some of whom had been attended in the Alms House and Hospital of this place, without success and now are ef- ectually cured By the afflicted’s Humble servant, | Daniel Griggs. N. B. Reference cap be hadot some bundreds of the most respectable citizens of Philadelphia. > All editors of papers in this state will please insert the above once a weck for three months, and send their accounts All Editors in the United States will subserve the cause of humanity by giving the above a few insertions In their respec. tive papers. Sefitember 5, 1816. . The Spread Eagle, Square and Compass. William T. Brown, (OF Mirren) Resercrr ULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he has taken hat old stand, the STONE TAVERN in Aarghsburg, formerly occupied by Sam- uel Miles, where be hopes by promptat tentioty good liquors and stabling, to mee! with a share of public patronage. andwill givercashior a quantity. of -bggr ¢ skins. Saddles, Harness, Bridles &c. made at the ‘shortest notice, and fo sual, r sale asu- George Test, Bellefonte, July 30, 1816. Wanted immediately, 1 or 3 Journeymen Tailors, to whom good; wages and constant employment will he riven by Samuel Baird. A 1 ' n “5 \ Ag a8 re is little wood here} _ Brerrerosts, July 10,1816, fa | 2 RARPNSBURG, April 4 Centre County, ss. Orphans Court, Aug. 28, 1816, Ox motion of Wm. W. Potter, Esq. rule on the heirs and representatives of Mi chael Stiver, late of Potter township, in the county of Centre aforesaid, deceased, to ap- pear in Court on the fourth Monday of No- vember next, to accept or refuse the real estate of said deceased, as valued and ap- raised by the Sheriff and Inquisition. ; By order of the Court, STRAT HORSE. | ) AS 1iken vp by tle ailscribors the 12thof Septomber, st. a BAY nas HORSE with a steren bis forehead, sup 1 possd to be about i years of age. - yy poy charges and teke him away. JOHN PATTERSON: kif, Sept. 20,1816, &r) Sprig ton ms Notice. solid ALL persons having demands against the gstate oi Janyes Packer, senior late of Bald Fete Township, in Centre county, deces- way mdebted to the said estate, will ploase of January next. J.B. Shugart, Administrator. BerrxronTe, August 6, i816, ae TOWN OF FOXBURGEL WILL Ue exposed to public sale, in FOXBURGH, on Tuesday the 29th Octon ber next, 150 Lots in the said town, and a large number of Out Lots. Jtis situate in Richland townshin, V enango county, at the cofluence of Toe by’s Creck with the Allegheny River, which is navigable for 120 miles hope the town. Lke criekis also navigable for upwards of 70 miles. It is seventy miles d Pittsburgh, and about thirty frorn Kittans ning, Franklin and Butler. The land in the vicinity is of a good quality ; the coun= ty healthy; in general, well en and rapidly mmoproving.-~Terms will be made known at the time of sale. : Joseph M. Fox. ! Ran away from the Subscriber living in Clearfield County, an indented Neoro Boy,named a rh John Hall, about 13 years of age; had on when he went away a tow shirt and trowsers, and’ mockasins. Any person securing sa d bo in the jail of the county where he may b taken, and giving information to the sub sgriber shall receive the above Yeward, George Wilson, jun. August 15, 1818., —— 5 Dollars Rgward. STRAYED away from the subsaribery living at Rock Iron Wopks, Centre county, on the 14th of August, a BLACK MARL. She was cut by the kick of anociher beast of her hips, occasioned by a kick. Sbe rides well and easy, but slow. Will work any where in gears. The above reward will be given to any person giving informa. tion where she is, or if brought home all reasonable charges paid. = She stecr’d her course towards Lewistown, or cro Tuscy mountain towards the Bears’ spo dows. gl PAULSLER SELLERS, Accusr 14,1816. ; : Vos my wife Sarah hath left my bed and board without any just cause; this istherefore to forcwarn all per- sons from gir on my acconnt; as I am determined nof' to pay any debts of her contracting after this date, unless compel- led by law. ' As some of my children have absconded with her ; all persons, therefore, are hereby forbid harboring them at their peril, as I am determined to prosecute any whe shall do £o as far as the limits of the law will ademat, ~~ ISAAC Aug. 25; 1816. EE at oh : Lo NOTICE, a { poi subscriber having disposed of Ids _ entire stock of poods in Bellefonte, aid intending in a short time to leave that place for a distant part, requests those who'hava accounts with bim to come forward and make immediate sottlement ; those whode. not comply will be compelied at a very early period. He also offers for sale twa lots in the borough of Bellefonte, on one of which is erected a convenient frame house and stable, ag J. B. Shugart, Caution! PARSONS, ks Ww m———— ~~ WM. BETRIKIN, Clerk 0. L, BELLEFONTE, Sept, 20, i816. ; ; Tog owner 1s desired 10 come and prove propers ¥ Fra to trogs Fe * ex 53 $8 : we ddy will please (0 Present them 16 the subel 4 seriber for settlemend and all persons any | day » i distant from 0 ad : ’ i # . } J i x 2 DOLLARS REWARD, in her hindparts, and a small holfow in one a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers