American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, November 02, 1816, Image 2

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2 whan ffi ried
| The trie republican @etiod of aomina- long tried hullic servants, gommh: Hug
© ting a Governor, and the one sanctioned by {destinies aud that of your ceunty win |
i . ¢ long experience of sticcess, is the method antsied, or ried only to be found wit: Hy
who are probably .anxions for war with| For many years past the nomigations for{by the members of the Legislature. Thefdesttute of tho capaoiliies and qualifican=
Spain, our navel commanders should take ithe office of Governor have boed made bypeople for six months past have uly re-[ons essential 0 the discharge ofthe high
into their own hands the remedy which tithe members of. the Legislaupeg, and thisjcoliected th a Governor i8 to be choser jdutics of public funcuonvaries, Such |
belongs to the government only to apply. lis one reason why the demourdly parity hastin Oct 1817 ; they well know and approve known to be the goneral scope, cirri 5
A war with Spain is perhaps not greatlyibeen so united throughout “a date as tojol the practice of the candidates being no fund motives of the Men who would now Bl
to be deprecated, But yet not to be anxious~ triumph over ledeiulism' (#8 lscveutcenjminated the session preceding ; and in eve-| for seifish PUIpUSES divide, ‘distract, and i ELL.
ly wished; and, if we ave engaged in wariyears. Some discontented demaprats, wholry one of the countits, members have boenjdestioy ie Duisociatic Fany of the Stata
“4vith her, let us see our way clear; and be | wigh by uaiting with federalists ud other-ichosen with a view (0 their making such and Union.
well satisfied of the strengthefour ground. wise, to destroy the democratic (hriy, have ronination. x ¥ou have not forgoten, Fellow-citizens,
A tew days willafford us more satisiac- | propesed a new method of makalg this ne-{ Those who oppose legislative nomina- [the political Missiouarics poured in upon
Jo. tory infgcmation. wg \mination, and recommend that ue peoplec’tions; wish to divide and break fhe demo {You iv 1812, om the State of Newyorky-
sotto » {of each congresbiondl diss a qitd elect cratic patty. Aad whatdo they in stead {© induce Penpsylvauia to give her vote for
delegates to meet at Carlisle in Jun: foxt.! A nominaténby & causus lik pat latel Le UW t2:Clinton, and you LILSL remember
A shght view of the subject js sufficient to hud at Carlisle, elected by tires hundrcd|With pride how signaily your Lee ity Le
satisty any person that the fiest and usual mer out ofthe whole state! Or a nomina-[S15ted iow tonprauons, and bow Lutuiuliy
and long tried mode, ® the one by' which tion by one or two printers, as wus done {yOu stood by the regular Nominauond ot tae
the real sentiments of the people can be with Lattinier and Wayne in 1814! or a Democrate rary of the Lou. it was
best collected and expressed, and with thejnomination by a private dinner partyyin the |Your vole which preserved he
¥ iow, and wo. greatly lament it. Wo shalt
be glieved, however, it, urged on by thel
exasperation of the people of New Orleans,
© American PatrioT.
© To speak his thoughts—
‘ds every Freeman’sright.”’
pA Te
he integrity
In this day’s paper will be found the ad-
dross of the General Committe of Corres.
. pondence, to the Democratic electors of
Pennsylvania, The election is past, but
the address is not the less worthy of pe-
rusal on that account. It is published with
she view of giving it that circulation in
this county which we supose it to deserve.
It is a just exposition of the conduct and
motives of what is called the Old School,
or third party—-a party at the head of
which is the redoubtable Gen. Duane and
bid honest friend, Michael Leib? ~~
When such men are the first to becsme
champions for republican purity of prin-
ciple and virtuous reform, men of political
dntegrity and virtue must, indeed, be
Arnotnen Coyvention~-It is how ru-
moured that a convention of Malcontents
‘#3 to assemble in Carlisle some time in
December next, to nominate a candidate for
the office of Governor of Pennsylvania.
This Caucus is te be held by the enemies
of Caucuses, and its object is to defeat the
election of the candidate that may be nom-
inated by rhe republican convention at
Harrisburg. We give this early interna.
tion of the intentian of « the Union of Hon-
est Men,” that the Républicans in the State
may heon their guard. Dem. Prees.
The Aurora says « the Carlisle delegates
represented nearly 1000 ficemen of Penn”
avlvania.” One thousand out of hundred
and twenty thousand, are called the people
‘and their tickets called the « people’s tick-
et.” Though by the bye the number did
not exceed 300,
i il
. The Clintonians, finding that they could
not get the federalists to join them in their
Eurves Caveus, determine henceforth to
act alone and assure a new name ; « Inde-
|eented at the convention
least expense aud wouble; and that thy!
newly proposed mode would in reality ad)
in practice deprive the ninestenths of the
people of a share in the nomination.
© \. Which have the best means of ascer-
taining the sentiments of the ficofile most
July----the members of the legislature, or
a Carlisle convation 2
2. Which of the two would be under the
Ereatest resfionsibility io the pieofile, 50 as
impartially and firmly to obey the pub
lic will in nominating a condidate 2
On the first point the two methods will}
scarcely admit of a comparrison. The
menibers of the Legislature are elected by!
the people 1 mass on the 2d Tuesday of;
of their constituents on the subject of the
next governor, have every possible mean
in nominating a candidate
On the contrary, by whom would the de-
instructed and chosen?
living at and near the county towns. It i
people in a district would meet.
non compose a congressional district, and
Now suppose a meeting of this districtto
be invited at Elizabethtown for the purpose
from Harrisburg, half that number from Le-
twenty or thirty from Eligabethtown, But
how would it be itv the “weswefn country;
where the districts are larger f=It is easy
to know the result. :
The truth is, that this project of nomina-
ting a Governor by a Carlisle convention,
would take away the nominating power
from the people and vest it in a few idle e-
lectioneerers and office hunters in the ci-
ty of Philadelphia and inthe county towns.
No others sould attend at the district
meetings, and no others would be repre-
The project
comes from the city of Philadelphia ; & its
object is, and the result would be, that the
city end a few county towns would nomi-
nate the candidate for Governor, tothe to.
tal exclusion of the western counties and of
the people gencrally who live in the coun-
‘pendent Republicans.” The Carlisle del-
‘egates were certainly independent. Be.
‘ng appointed, comparatively speaking, by
nobody——responsible to nobody, on whom
ould they Be dependent 2
A statement of the majoriites of federal
and democratic votes given to candidates
for Congress, in the scveral counties at
‘the late election.
Piiladelp hia city,
Do comty,
Bederal Demoeratic
that the members of the Legislature will
Then 28 to the second point, can it be
questioned wheiher the members of the
Legislature are more under the control of
the people than would Be the delegutes of
such a convention ? The members of the
Legislature being elected by the people,
are responsible to them for all their public
conduct. They must act so as to please
their constituents if they wish to be elected
again, or if they wish to retire to private
Ife with the good will aud esteem of their
fellow-citizens. And what member is so
buse as not to desire the one or the other of
these ! Nothing canbe more certain than
carefully consult and faithiully obey the
wishes of their constituents in proposing a
ans proscribz every man of their party who
‘October in every year; and at every third;nomination be agreeable to the sentiments
year they are elected expressly witha view and wishes of the people who are wh choose.
to the nomination of a Governor. ‘Lhe: The Proceedings of the late ik
members, coming from all the chief ing, and the ;
and all the counties of the state, and know: Phin connty, are a very foreible wlustration
ing before their own election the sentiments and proof of this circumstance.
gious were not so very long, we would pub-
of uniting the general voice of the people lish them .
-lgravely, in the name of the people of Penn
gylvania, adopting columns of denouncing
legates from the congressional districts bejresolutions, is more rediculous than any
By n few citizens!comment could make it. « Trying to joke”
glabout it, according to the request of the op-
rediculous to imagine that one-tenth of the position print, is ynnecessary. ;
counties of Lancaster, Daughin and Leba-{
contain more than ten thousand voters.
of choosing two delegates, how many per- Q
sons would attend ? Perhaps half a dozen of the Republican Members of the General
Assembly of Pennsylvania, relative to the {the countics of Pluladelplda, Lancaster,
banon, six or eight from Lancaster, and {Presidential Election, held at Harrisburg,
{ing to such a Commiitee were enjoined
aad elected the Candidates of the Party.
lt was the vote of this State that Sheureg
to the Union a continuation of the Afmiy.
1suraiion of James Madison, which cohitinye
ation has, under Providence, bee the
mean of covering our Arius, by sca, by land.
and on the lakes, with glory, and of secur.
ing to our Country an houcrable peace,
Who can say what might have been the
character or the destiny of our Country, if
Pennsylvania, in 181%, could have been
bribed or persuaded to have given their
voles in opposition to the regular Nominae
tion of the Demogratic Party of the United
The same Men, with new auxiliaries,
aré now iunning the same race of intrigue
ang corruption, which we doubt not will
issue in the same signal defeat. Axin
1812,50in 18i6,a few Shioawn yelions
way Ross was nominated in 1808.
~The federalists talk about proscription,
dbont those democrats beiny proscribed
who do not unite in supporung the legisla-
lative nomination. Yet would not they have
proscribed every federalist who would
refused to vote for Ross, and Lattimer and
Wayne, although the first was nominated
bya small dinner party at Phiiadelphia,
and the others solely by Bronson and Jack-
son ! And will not the old school Clintoni-
shall refuse to vote for their electoral tick.
et, formed by a caucus of ELEVEN.
To nominate is not to elect. Nomina-
tion will not benefit a candidate, unless the
ent election in Daus
in gecret caucus fnake an Bless
and ask you to vote it in preference tn tile
one framed aad recommended by your Ree |
presentatives. .
- Let us inquire how has this new Electam
al Ticket been got up; and then ya
with that which 1s recommend:d in the ye
sual manner. On the 12th August lest, a
meeting was held in Lancaster of persons
‘friendly to Be Witt Clinton as President
ofthe U.S.” These persons rccomiuends
ed that the Citizens in each county of
Pennsylvania should elect Udlegaier, to
meet at Carlisle Sept. 19, 1816, (0 form an
Biecroral Ticket ior Pennsyivania. In
pursnance of this recommendation smal}
meetings of persons, hostile to the Admine
istrations of the General anu State Goverfie
ments, were held at particular places mn
If the proceedings of the Carlisle Cau-
The farce of ELEVEN men
eS} D) | Ea
To the democratic electors of Pennsylvania
Fellow-citizens, At a numerous meeting
Dauphin, and Camberlind; and at thoge
March 11, 1816, the Subscribers were ap- meetings, not amounting to 590 persons,
pointed a General Committee of Corres-| 11 Delegates were appobited ; some pro
pondence, and the usual duties appertsin-|f€3sing to be Federaliats ann othorg tebe
ofa new sect calling themselves OlMhoni
Men, but ali professing hostility to thgAd.
ministrations of the General and State Gos
vernments. These poisons, thus elected,
met in secrgy, at Cavusle, and they not only
torrued an Electoral Ticket for Pennsylvas
nia, but denounced as ¢ a conclave of Coupe
pers’ the Republican Meeting of 118 meme
bers of Congress at Wasungtlon, and age
upon them. They are sensible of the hone
or confered, and feclingly alive to the re-
sponsibilides connccted with snch an ap-
We had hoped that the union of senti-
ment which so generally prevailed thvough-
out the state would have made any address
from us unnecessary. We continued in
this belief until after the late General Elec. |serted that the 54 members ¢f Assembly
tion, when we saw a new Electoral Ticket at Harnsburg were the “mean istremen’s®
published, and the votes of the Freeman of [of the ¢ conclave of Usurpers’ a VWasiings
this State solicited in its belialt. The man- ton,
ner in which this Ticket has been formed,{ It is deserving of remark, that 11 non-des
the reasons given by its Framers for oppo- script Politicians, assembled at Cailisls,
sing the’ Electoral Ticket recommended should denounce the Representatives of
by the Republican Convention at Hanis- mor ¢ than 4 millions of People of the U. 8,
burg, and the style they have chosen to and the Representatives of nearly Lalfg
adopt in their Address and Resolutions, million of People of Penusylvania, lor have |
are of a character so novel, so 1ndecorous, ing assembled at Washingon and Harcige |
and so hostile as to demand fren us the burg, to give their opluion on the suvjcct
present Address in vindication of the prin- [of the Presidential Election. Yet they whe!
ciples, the conduct, and the Candidates of {thus caucuszed to devounce Cancusses,
the Democratic Paty. Tobe silent would: have not prepared any other or better plan i
be a criminal dereliction of duty. Weare;by which public opinion could he asgers |
conscious of the purity of our principles, tained or the public suffrage of the Usion
and of the talents, upwrightness, and pat-|concentrated. It would seem enough for
riotism of the Men and the Parly who arcithem to denounce and destroy. Inthe
now assailed. wreck of the Republican Party, they dops
To repel unjust accusations against them to find office and emolument, regardless 0
is a main point of the duty confided to us.jthe wellare and careless of the happiness
We willy however, be as brief as 4 desirve{of those, over whose ruins they would rise
to be explicit will admit. nto power.
You must have witnessed with disgust] The Republican meeting at Washington
candidate for the office of Govarnor. Iffthe extraordinary efforts which have lately {that recommended Juues Monroe snd 1),
they do nol, they seal their own politisal{been made in some districts of the State w|D. T ompkins, as Candidates for the offices
destruction. forma 3d Party, professing a peculiar de- {of President and Vice President of the Us |
But to whom would the delegates of ajvotion to principles, a dissatisizciion with!S. consisted of 118 Members of Congress,
Carlisle convention be responsible ? \Whom jihe Vedoral Party, and a detestation of the {all of whose names are published. Each
would they fear to offend by making an im-fconduct of the ruling: or Democratic Party | Member represented a population of 35,000
proper nomtioation ? Certainly not thelof the State and Union ; yet in their prac-{inhabitants; the whole meeting represents.
people, but only a few persons round theliice seting at naught all their -prolessions, fed 4,130,000! ! yet this meeting, thus cone
Present democratic majority
® Ho federal opposition.
Par. Res.
to divide the democrats, and it possible to
elect an old school man or a federalist, or
county towns wlio sent them. The peo-
Assembly, by having the power to discard
or re-elect them. But what similar hold
would the electioneerers of the city and
towns have over the delegates at Carlise ?
I'he office of delegate at Carlisle, judging
from a late celebrated caucus, is not so pro-
fitable or honorable as to make it sought
It cannot be doubted that the object of
this new Carlisle caucus is te divide the
democratic paity in the-state, as its authors
have divided the same party iu the city
and county of Philadelphia. The object is
{ery body Lut 3 firm and genuine democrat,
laboring only to granify their ambition orlstituied, was by the Carlisle Caucus of 14
ple ave a feCure holdaf Ut pyemibiers oftheir avarice, outraping lithe sober niax-
ims of Republicanism ; supporting and
supported by Federalists they unitedly go
to the polls and vote one Ticket to prevent
the success of the Democratic Candidates,
they denounce and would devoie to des
truction the purest, ablest, and most es-
tcemed Republicans in the U.S. It is
this 3d Party, thus made up, thus bunger-
ing and thirsting for office, and thus stiniu-
lated by personal hatred and personal ob-
jects, that now offer you a new Electoral
Ticket, in the hope that you will become
the Wsuuments to accomplish her un-
principled projects ; dhs cast a gloom over
gardless of their oaths,
the glorious prospects of the Republics
deygunced 2s ¢ Conclave of Gsurpers a
as ¢ Tyrants and Traitors’ ae fnfuedent, a8
insolent, as secret midnight Coucussers, ree
We want words’
tg express the indignation we 'ecl at such
daring proscription, such CODSLMMELe Tats
pudence in Men who lave given no cna
preof of their good sense or respec for
public opinicn, except that of gludiousiy
concealing thu. Own names and au horiiicg,
and having their proceedings attested by a
Chairnuan and Secigtary sot known beyouds
the vicinity in which they veside. ia
The Convention of 11 were not content
with denouncing 118 Members of Congest
as mpudent Usurpers ; they ranst alsu de-
’% PRAY res t= Teri 2 errs prenile: ery Fane Fh er aval A Ft ts or KI Es TEE carats Cal od erases 5a > half
withdrew yous coafidencvfiom@ai hil andinounce the Bepriseniadves of uiarly