American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, September 14, 1816, Image 3

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    and spread thadgh evry seco
happy countiy, spread throughout tc.
wile: babliabie globe==ull every pearl
shail be warmed wan a Savidie’s blood, Ki
yemoval into the oper counter; I placa]
Sy son William x ~liza Hay, and Eliza
Berrien at the Mount Zion Academy id
Hancock county, Georg; which Academy
33 at present under the direction of the re-
yerent Heman, a presbyterian clergyman,
of peat piety, waicats and learning.’ Last
Tuesday nigh I received a letter from W.
Hay, ulorming me that the Lord had pour-
“ed out his spirit among and upon them.
set out tie next morrlug to behold the re-
ality of this good news, and found such mat-
ter of rejoicing, that I am cogstrained to
¢ tnake is communication to you my dear
“Brother, kiowing that you love the Lord &
deli ht inthe tion of sinners j-=believ-{G ey Lral Assémuly of Feuusyivaedy epli-
ang also assuredly that it will gladden yourjged « An act 10 leguiais the \xcnural ied
al : : : ] A don wit tins Comuoa wealth ; Lis oli-
a Qe circumstanecs attending this revival gined ow the Sherils ol te different cous
gre as {ollows— Vir Beman was absent. onics to give public houce of sucn Eiccuon
a visit to 4 sickfricnd in Augusta, and there! to be neld, 404 TO eulmeratlc in such ne-
was nothing speciat when he left homes! cc what officers are to be elecreli s L heres
Mrs. Bemaa says she was unwell and rath-jjgee, I, VWILL(AM ALEXANDER; Sherdy ol
er in a cold frame of mind herself Shealll cnire, coun do ucicuy make kaowin
: our king.
Aa ah Mp, Coli i. APN
Ba | a ns aE
J galiva
5 Siva
every mouth be filled with praises otGod |
E pe
Vciile, venite, O tempora benedicta ! 3
{To all Editors inthe Um-
3 : |
WW sxe A 5yin‘and uy an act of the}
> Ay 3
a under my hand at Bellcfonte, this
12th day of Sept inthe year of ou
© Lord, one thousand eight hundred
aud sixieen, and the 4st year of the
dudependence of the United States.
Wiiliam Alexander,
ted States
BD 4 & : bi
ay AWAY from the subscribers, liv-
ing in Bellefonte, Centre coudty, Penn. on
sunday night the 18th uit. two appreauce
boys ; tie eldest ai apprefitce to the shoe
making trade, named JOHN COLEMAN,
about 19 years of age, five feet eignt inches
high; dark complexion, black hair and eyes.
Had on when he went away a dark brown
coat, dark corded volvei pantalogns; about
a once observed an unRcomInon SETIoUSHESS |, (| gLve Lids public Holi Ww the Lacciors
ip the countenances of some of the Miitie! jj (ue 'counues of Lentre and Cicarbicid,|
girls, with traces of weeping and mournitGs lena a General Etecuon will be heid nN
she enquired into the cause, but could get] guq counues, on Lic second Yuesuay oi
nothing out of them for some time. Sbhe!(ctober next, being we Bib day ol tie|
insisted on knowing what was’ the matter, mann, ac tie Seyuial ciccuon disrics of!
and found two or three of the little’ Bids isu connudés, au wach Lane the qualiicd]
were in sugh deep concern for the state of gc tors of suid conulies will elect iu con
their aculg that they had gone out to Dray! yi ction wiin saul vlact, :
in secret 10 the Lord. his spirit was 000° (ie peisou Hor sueber of the House of
communicated to others, until the whole of’ Represcataiives of the Uisted' Statesy Jar
the female ¢chool (about forty in number) po strict composed of he counuss ul
were brought under deep convictions. in! pig, Cen, iuntingdon and Ulearfivia,
this state of things My. Beman returned and, J . erson ior memocr of the house ot
drought his siek friend with Him, this friend R., rh, Of the Lominouwealin of
was general S. of Venaont, who command- p Li Avanid. kg
ed the Vermont troops at the battle of A the qualified electors of Ceutre and
Plausburg. He was in a consumption amd ,eariicld counties, wii elec seperately tor
lastfall was prevailed upon to travel, very cach coun, one Comumissioncr and ose
much agaist his will. ~-He says he had 00’ 4 yqier for eacis of said counties. 5
thoughts of coming southardly, but was led’ [|e Eieciors in the county of Centre
on from place to piace contrary to his wish= iif take notice, that ihe elecuon will
es and intenilons, until he was finally jeid at the following places, vig. «ii
“brought amongst these dear children when ; t
they were thus exercised in mind. Hes
. upwards of 50 years of age, and has always
v been esteemed a champion ot firmness. He
had enirenchéd himscH (as he thought) in
“thie strong holds of morality, disregaiding
the gospel and all us ealls,—The spirit of
the Locd, howeverat this time, and this
place, reached his heart, melted him down,
disarmed his boasted firmness, levelled his
moral fortifications, and constrained him to
receive the kingdom of Heaven as a little
chiid. The female department is entirely | 4 Patton townships, and
seperate from tae male :==they are upwards ao WOSHIPs A ct of the All
of 2 mii¢ apart, tad nointercourse. between i y Absakam Elder. 4
thom but he blessed spirit of all grace ea ny he district composed of Spring town:
sily boanded over the space which seperat- ; ot Ah
ed tha and fastened — arrows of Cat 5h pian Los I Bh the
on uptih many of their hearts «~There were Courthouse iy sas ohn
nearly seventy boys and young men, nearly
gne third of whom were” niade anxious to
enquive “what must we do to be saved!”
oh the riches of redeeming love, the tri-
umphs of almighty erace Lwathe teacher in
the English department, a young man of
talents, who never regarded these things
before, was also made to cry out for mer-
oy. He and general S. together with about
fifteen of the pupils, have been hopefuily
converied«wand many others arg now under
dec p convictions, «
Nor is the work confined to the Acade-
fhy— it i8 likewise spreading in the neigh-
dorhood. ‘Those children who are under
she influence of the spirit, are continually
exhorting those to flee from the wrath to
somes ard seek an interest in the blessed
Jesus—I know you will enter warmly into
my feelings when I tell you that my dear
Sfarles is among the number. Bless the | ng on
ord, oh my soul, and ig beginning po
bonefits =] Svs a, a fotd county ; thence west to the district
simple; and. satisfactory expression than, line between John Cauan and Hutitels dis:
his—and I 2m happy to add, this is very | trict; thence south by said linc unto a
beach corner of two surveys in the name
much the case with all of t . The
have been bowed down under Th They} ot George Meade, N 0. 5294 and No 5295 ;
of puilt, driven to Christ for mercy, and thence north along said line to the place
have received pardon and peace through lof beginning, at the house of Andrew Over-
the application of tie adorable Re. dora the forks of Sinnamahoning, in said
deemer. Thus aré the oid and young | township ; And a
brought in together the hairs which 4 The district composed of the remainder
blossoming for the erave, the beardless ©f the townships of Pike and Lawrence, at
youth and even babes and sucklings, have the house formerly occupied by Benjamin
here had their second and best birth, and Jordon, deceased. ;
have together united to perfect praise dnd And in and by an act of the Qeneral As:
united to perfect praise inthe fear of the sembly of this state, passed the 17th day
Lord. I spent two nights anda day with of March, 1806, it is directed that the In.
‘thse new heaven born souls. and Spectorsof the said Geaeral Elections, shall
found it truly pleasantto be amongst them, bE chosen by ballot, on Friday next prese-
They have indeed a little Penticostal seas. ding the first Tuesday in October; (being
on The dear little children are speaking 1D® 27th of Sepkember inst) at the scve-
with new tongues, and are ina new jan. ral election districts ; and the election of
& A
"For the district conposed ol the town
ship of Haius, wm the town OL ‘Aaronsbulgs
a. Lire house of Christa. Muruasc i
The district composed of wie
of Miles, at the house oi Lacuarian
in the own of Rebersburg. EAL
The diswict composed of Potter towns
ship, ai the house of John Benner (Quid
Fort.) ; nk seh
The district composed of
ship, at the house et Johu Waggoner
Ferguson Wwn-
The district composed of Boggs town-
ship, at the School house in the town of
Milesburg. Sli NE
The district composed of Walker town-
ship, at the House of Wiiham Smith.
The district compesed of Howard town-
ship, at tire house of Frederick Shenk
And the disirict composed of Bald Eagle
township; at the house of. Samucl Morri-
son, Mall Hall. : ih Ry oF
... The elecwrs of Clearfield county are
requested to take notice; that the election
will be held at the following places,
For the district composed ot the town-
ships of Bacar and Bradford, and all that
part of Rush township lying west of the
Allegheny mounta n, at the house ‘of John
Geerharts 1
Aid the district composed oftirat partof
Lawrence township, In Clearfield county
the Waters of the Sianamabtioning
at the north east corner of Cicar-
|shirts, and a bundle contamning a kit oi
The district composed of Half-moon}~
all that part oi}
1 BELLEFONTE, June 1 1816.
A fonte in Town Council mety and i is hereby
ordained and engcted by the auihority of
guage. Blessed be God sceptics and gain-
sayers cannot say ttisis {rightned imma-
gination of poor, timed children, for their
ages are from 11 to upwards eof fifty ; and
there was no earthquake, no thunder, no
no earthquake, no thunder, nu lightning.
no alarming cispensation of Providence,
all was’ calm and serene.~Here then it
must be confesed is the mighty power
of God, the Flotjous efficacy of sovereign
grace. | To God then be-all the praise and
These my dear Brother, are the leadiag
features of the revival in Mount Zion
Academy, i orign & progress. Oh may the
such inspector shall be held by the respec-
tive constables, (who are required to give
at least one week's notice of such election)
assisted by two qualified citizens, chosen
by such citizens qualified to vote ag shall
be then present. And the Inspectors cho-
sen are required to be at the places of their
districts, on the day of the'General election
aforesaid, at 9 o’cleck in the morning, 1
do and perform. the duties required of
And the return Judges of the respective
districte aforesaid, are required to mect al
the Court house in the borough of Belle
fonte, on Friday next after the second
half worn, a roram hat nearly new, 2 Dc
pair of fine shoes, a 1 ghi pattern waistcoat
~tool with him two new 'homicmade lines:
shoemaker’s toels, and an English silver
watch —1 fic. other an apprentice to the
Tailoring tiade, named ANTHONY
WAYNE MYERS, about 5 feet § inches
high, about 16 yeais of age, light complex-
ion, lair hair, and - ¢huukey made—Had on
when he went awey a dark moleskin coat
se, corded velvet pantaloens, black roram
hat, black broadcloth ‘waistcoat, single
breasted. He is an artful and cunning lad]
We will give 20 dollars’ reward (0 any
pe rsonor persons who shall apprenend said
apprenuces, and; secure nein in any jail
30 that we can get them again, and shal
also advertise them in the same Newspa-
per from whence they received their infor
mation, making affidavit at the same ume
by or from which = paper they received
such information. We will also give the
editor of any newspaper the like sum of
twenty dollars, which shall give the inlor-
mation of said runaways to the apprehender
The above reward or rewards will be paid
to the Jailor for the use of those entitled,
when and where we shall receive said ap-
apprentices. It is hoped editors will give
this advertisement a general circulation
and discourage, if possible, the profligate
practice, of which these fellows are guilty
Jobn Irwin, jun.
Jeremiah Menon.
% 5
AN ORDINANCE to prevent galloping
~ Bellefoite.
Section 1, Ben ordained end enacted by
the Town Counc of the Borough of Bolies
the same; That if any person or persons
whosoever of the age of sixten years or up-
wards, shall tun of Jailop any horse oF
norses, mare er mareds gelding or geldings
within the said Borough of Bellefonte, eve-
wy person‘or persons so offending and be-
and running horses in the Borough of
. hy,
ry person or
sve persons which he, they os
citer of them, shall see oficnding against
tals ordinance, and every of the said officers,
who shall neglect tor the space of ten days
te prosecute as sforesard, shall upon cone
viction thereof pay ‘afine of the same ae
mount as could have been imposed ou the
{fender (bad he been prosecuted and cori
victed) for every such neglect which fine
with the costs shall be levied of the goods
and chartles of the officer so neglecting ro
prosecute except he shall pay the said fine
and costs within one month trom the date
of his conyiction. ;
Sec. 4. Bei: further ordained, That é.
very offence commided agalnst the piovi-
sions nf this erdinance shall be. prosecuted
pefore the Burgess or assistent Burgess
for the time being, or in case of their abe
sence or incapacity to act, or in ease ofa
vacancy in said offices, then the said proses
cution may be had before any ene of tha
justices of the peace within the said Bor.
ough, and the costs of prosecution shall be
the same as 8 allowed for similar services -
vefore justices of the peace by the laws of
this Commonwealth. :
Sec. 5. Beit further ordained, That the
fines recovered by virtue of this ordinance;
shall be paid one halt to the prosecutor, aud
ine other half to the Treasurer of the Cor
poration, for the use of the said Borough,
except in cases where some of the cfficers
meitioned in the third section of this ordis
nance shall prosecute ; in which case the
whole fine ‘shall be tor the said Borough;
and in every case where an officer prose-
cates ex affiéio, or where any other person
prosecuting shall relinquish his claim
any part of the fine before trial, the said
officer or person so prosecuting and relin-
quishing shall be a competent witness at
the said trial.
Sec. 6. Beit further ordained, That it
shall be the duty of the high Constable and
he is hereby enjoined and commanded un-
der the penalty mentioned in the third seca
tion of this Ordinance, to arpest immedi-
ately and without further warrant, any and
every person offending against the provisis
ons mentioned in the first and second se¢c-
tions of this ordinance within his view, and
him, her or them to take forthwith befors
the said Burgess, assistant Burgess, or juss
tice of the peace, as the case may require to
answer for such offence 4s before direeted.
Sec. 7. Be it further ordcineds That
every prosecution for any offence commits
ted against the first and second sections of
this ordinance, shall be commenced beforg
the expiration of ten days trom the date of
committing thereof aud not afierwards,
Passed into an ordinance; July 6, 1818,
Andrew Gregg,
President of the Cousigs
John Blanchard,
. stent
The Spread Eagle, Square
and Compass.
William T. Brown, 8
ing thereof duly convicted, shall lor every
horse, mare, or elding, which he, she ar
they shall so run or gallops pay 2 fine of
not tess than one, nor more than tour dole
lars, to be levied of his, her or their goods
and chattles, together with the costs of
prosecution, but if goods and chattles suthi-
cient to pay the said fine and costs cannot
be fourd, then the person so convicted,
shall be conveyed to the gaol of Centre
county, there to be confined in close custo-
dy by the keeper thereof, for any time not
less than twenty four, nor more then forty
eight hours, except he, she or they shail
before the expiration, the time adjudged
pay the said fine and costs.
Sec 2.
gvery person or persons under the age of
sixteen years, who shall run, or gallop any
horse or horses, mare or mares, gelding
or geldings, within the said Borough, and
shall thereof be convicted as aforesaid, eve
ry such person so convicted shall be com-
mitted to the gaol of said county, there to
be confined for any time pot less than twen-
:y four nor more than forty-eight hours tor
every such offence, except he, she or they
shall pay down to the Burgess or other
officer before whom the conviction shall
ve had the amount of the fine adjudged by
the said officer which shall be rated accor-
ding to the first section of this ordinance,
or unless sufficient surety shall be given to
the said officer, that said fine and costs shall
be paid within one month from. the date of
such conviction.
Sec. 3. Be it further ordoined, That the
Burgess or assistant Burgess of the said
borough for the time beigg, shall convict
avery offender against this ordinance, on
his own view or on the ath or affirmation
»f any inhabitant or inhabitants of the said
Borough, er of any other person or persons
And be it further ordained, That
{OF Miron)
B® Ho
eseecrronny informs his fiiendd
and the public in general, that hic has tak
‘hat old stand, the
in Aaronsgburg, formerly otcupied by Sam-
uel Miles, where he hopes by prompt at-
tention, good liquors and stabling, to meet
with a share of public patronage.
4 :
i HE subscriber wishing to leave Belles
fonte, and steer his course for some other
Country unknown to him at present, de-
sives those indebted to him to come forth-
with and discharge their respective debts
and by punctuallity he assures them they”
will save cost and trouble.
He also offers for sale’ Lot No. 41, 0m
High Strect on which he Yesides. The Log
adjoins that of the Hon’ Thomas Burnsidry
and is an excellent site for any kind of puigs
lick busmess. _ wit LAL
Also two Lots Nes. 162 & 163 adjoining:
George Lonberger. One of said Lots is &
corner Lot and both areat preseny, n &
high state of culgvation, For Terms oE
sale apply to
James Dundass.
- “
Wanted immediately, ¥
or 2 Journeymen Tailors, to whom good
wages and constant employment will ker
given by
Samuel Bairds
qualified by law in similar cascs, and
agcred flame bare lighted up encreage
Tuesday in October, thea and there tel
be tho duty of Burgess, wsisag B
it shall |
Baygaesin dey 10 1816.