American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, September 14, 1816, Image 1
RD REDIF Anh di SHEE 3 Tt “the People have arvogated to themselves a 8 BY REQUEST. From the Aurora. a Democratic Meeting. 3 Treonuty Daparimens Rev Agresble to public notice,a AWMETOUS #neeting of the Republicans of the city and| Sir, To guard against misapprchensions _wounty of Philadelphia, who are opposedithat may arise, in regard to the discripiions / 3 of money demandable for the Intermal Du- townhall, in the Northern Liberties, onjies and Direct Tax, it is congidered pro- r to advise you that the Revenue will nat be collected in Coin on the 1st of Octo- ber next, Unless an arasgeméent shall be Resolved unanimously, That, as Pree-{cffected with the State Banks to supply the usur rhe Community with the necessaiy medi- of Members ot Cougress, in dictaing tofam ; and that due Notice will be givea of} * the People of the American Republiclsucn an arrangement, if made. Yours respectiully, . SMITH, Com". of the Revenue. 20 cavcys nominations, assembled in the Monday aiteruoon last the 26th August jipe @nd after discussion, unanimously adopted Rie following Resolutions : gmen, we protest against the usurpation ~ ‘Wrho shall be their Chiet Magistrate ; be- cause, the Nomination of Members of Congress having been hengtofore tanta. gnount to an Election, the praciice violates the constitution of the United States which declares that Members of” Congress shall thereby violated ; and because 65 Indivi- duals, out off pwards of 7 millions, chath- ed only with legislative powers, and not au- thorised by the constitution or delegated by powel to prescuibe to the whole People of he U.S ‘who shall be their president, Penasyivania, we protest against the usur- “pation of certain Members of the Gengral Asscinbly, in dictating to the Freemen of this Commanwealth, Electors of President and Vice President of the United States, Because no trust of that sort was conferred tial atiributeol a free State was violated by the assumption of a power pot delesated s and because the People of this Congres. slonal District were not even nominally caucus from the whole District, and se 6 having presumed to dictate 5 Elce. csulved mnunimousty, That the plea ob expedieney when Parties were neatly ual, for resorting to a Nomination of a President by a self constituted body, can- fot now exist, the necessity which was supposed to require it having ceased; since, dy 10 posibility whatever, cana President be chosen by a minority so reduced 2s is: the present Federal Party. Resolved unanimously, that we have strong Fotos for believing that the constitutional ights of the People have been infringed by the interference of the executive Magis trate of the United States in the selection of his Successor ; that the sepeated Elec- tious of the Secretary of State, as succes- sor of the President strengthens our belie! and that we considerany compromise made Derween Members of Congress in cellusion withthe Executive, or executive influence sed to insure the selection of a Succes: ‘®or as having the most dangerous ten- dency ina Republic. Resolved unanimously, That this meet: ne accept the invitation of the Democrats of Lancaster county, to send Delegates to a Convention to be holden at Carlisle on the 19h of September next for the pur- se of forming an Electorial Ticket, to : £ recommended to suffragesof the republi- gans of Pennsylvania, Resolved unanimously, That this. meet- jung do accordingly appoint John Cochran, George Summers, George Budd, and W. J. Duane, delegates from the city and ¢ounty of Phijadelphia. Resolved unanimously that the Delegates. thus appointed, shall use their influence go Have Josef Reed and Mathew Lawler, of the city of Philadelphia and Michael Zeb aud Rodere Muilin, of the county of Philadelphia, nominated as4 of the Kjec- rs of President and Vice President of the U. S. : Resolved unanimously, that copies of these Resolutions be transmited go that they may be laid before the Democrats of the counties of Lancaster, Northampton, Wayne and Pike, at the meetings publicly notified tobe held in their counties. Resotved unanimously, That the proceed- - ings of this meeting, signed by the Chair pan & Sec’ry. be published in the AURORA ¢, Pennsylvan EST ER eT DER HAMILTO od. chat a exchange of is of commerce, bet wean the U. State ea Qomrhissi ’ “fiext. ‘Major s place on Wed- yy {Georgaiaze {hold & trealy with the on the ist of Scpromber Franklin passed through nesday last;on his way to 1 are also informed, thatien. hon. John Rheaare appointe ersy to treat with the Choc next. ‘We are unacquai tect of the Gevernment, treaties; but suppose it is land from the Jnd om (he Mational Fndeltigencer. ci1sSULAR TC COLLECTORS OF THR RIVE: 4 » ! 2 YS SRA U.S. Anny. The 3d Regiment M8 left Detroit, to establish, posts in Greenbay and Chicago, on Lake Michigan. The Sth Regiment # to be employed in opening & in holding these; " to purchase suc it 1s our interest 4d Commissions ws in October Mercer, Aug. 90. TURNPIKE ROAD. of the Citizens of the borough requested at We are informed, ‘by a Gente who was at Nottoway Courtnouseg at the calle Court for the examination of Captain Tho. Wells, for shooting at Judge Randolph and of Mercer, and its vichity, 18 the Courthouse on next, at candlelight, to consult on the pro- and best means of having a Turo- pike Road laid ‘out from Pit terford, through this borough. Sirti : 3 ee 4 5 29. On Smarday last young Man, named m 2 tree which he 43 4 —- rid Foctares Nt 6 rc Treosury Department Aug. 22. . ‘Rot = be Jcolors 3 Degause’ rputidicang hia Las that 4 : © Principles, which recognie the Govern Notice is fiéreby given, that junds have ment of the many instead of the few, arel-feaqnry Notes, and the interes as become due at the Loanoffice of New-York, in the State of N ew-York, at the times hereafter specified ; that is 10 say & =r "Bedford, Aug. in Colerain township, 2 Peter Eunsnan, tell iro had ascended for the purpose of cutting dus vackoons, upwards of 4 adly hurt, that he die hour afterwards. been assigned for the paymen 0 feet. He was 50 d in about half a IT & We have been mforme that his Parents and Friends reside im of wear. Reading, in this State. The Treasary Ndtes, which became due as aforesaid at any time durin ay year 1814; to be pard on the first Resolved nanimou dy, that as Citizens off tober next. 2. The Treasury Notes, which beeen due as afovesaid in the months of Jan- March, April, May, and the Ist day of hy Boeton, Aug. 31. The hon. Mr. Har- wary, February, June, 1815, to be paid on November next. uponthem by the People; because an essen-{.o en x nr ury ‘Notes réspect. ¥ ation of thie Holders ther at the said Loan Coffeehouse lest evening, accompanied hip Son, on his way to St. ne will meet with the hon. 1 oner on the part ¢ igsioners are to slands in the bay of P of the bay of Fundy) applic ively, Newyork, on g ye specified ; ~ gepresented inthe Harvisburg Caucus ¢iz |. Ah WL A To Raves ia ited interest will cease to AH only having been adinited to said Treasary Notos resvectivelys ce in the city of the days respectively; Ve) ga 1 . after which days respe be payable en th : And Notice 18 hereby fur 'S tors for a popuiadon of 120,000 persons, repeated, that f being a fif1A of the whole a Elce- for tink 0 iy a have Dec tors forthis Commonwealth, containing a PH the Aa haan nd 401 of Ph po walation exceeding 800,000 persens. delphia, 35 follows; that § Si RR t, The Treasury Not heretofore become due, to be paid forthwith ; interest on the said Notes having ceased to be payable. 3. The Treasury Notes which shall here- after become due, as last aforesaid, to be paid on the day & days, when they shai respectively become die § after “which{ ely interest will cease ® ury Notes re ehanded within their boundaries, «6 Treaty of Peace 1783! and { by hs Britanic M at the time of; and previous of 1783, within the limits of authorises the eting at St. An- ds have begn assigned f such Treasury Notes, Novascotia. The tre Commissioners, after adjourn to any other place ; 8 ill find it comveuient to adjourn to Bosten. be : 2s act aforesaid Hanaissunoe, Sept. s. ‘MRS CARSON & CO. A warrant arrived at this place yesterday for the removal of Mus. Carson, and her] : ciates, Jones and Davis, to Philadel ble on the guid Treas respectively, £5 4% And the said Treasury Note due and becoming due at Philadelphia, as aforesaid, will accordingly be pai c tion of the Holders there at the Loanoffice in the Ct at the time aforesaid. The Commissioners 0 eral States are requested to make this no-| Merc known, by all the means phe d the Printers author. te laws of the W. S. will be pleased to insert it in their ree spective Papers. A J. DALLAS. Sec'ry. Treastry d, upon the applica- of wo ty ot Philadelpht tion to the U S. Bank is erchant of Philadelphia took res unsubscrited for on ctorss 4 hibit pda the whole of the shares 1 ast meeting of the Dire chant is the Democratic M en Gir whose whole subsotiption to [pstitution amounts to on of dollars ; more city of New York aston, or Charleston, by up § Loans in the sev tine generally in their power ; an d to publish t 3 millions and Amount of Subseription to the Baok of the The Federalists of Delaware have nem- x U 8. 23 it stands at she closing of the inated Maskill Ewing, Esq. as State Sena- tor, for the district composed of Chester apd Delaware counties. 1 Philadelphia; 2 Baltimore, . 3 Boston, including 4 Charleston; "5 New York, 6 Richmond, 7 Washington Citgs The Democratic Délegates of the State of Delaware have recommended Manaen Bull, to the Republicans, as a Candidate for the office of Governor ; and C. 4. Rad: ney and Wiliam Hall, tor Congress. 10 Providence, 11 Middieton {Con.) 12 Wilmington (Del) 13 Cincinnati, 14 New Orleans; Kentucky Election. The following Citi- zens have been elected to represent the State of Kentucky, inthe 15th Congress: David Walker, George Robinson, R. C. Anderson, Tunstall Quarles, Thomas Speed. acted, to serve for R. M. Jchasen, Joseph Desha, David Trimble, Anthony New, Tros. FLETCHER is el the remainder of the present Congress; in| the room of James “117 Portsmouth, 18 Nashville, Clark, resigned. Knozville, Aug. 1%. We learn that Gen. ackson, the hon. Jesse Franklin, of North inister to France, Mr. Gallatin, our M JOHN CQCHRIN Ca'am W. J Dugns Sec'ry : |srrired at Paris, Juip 13. Jt was rumere period Carolina, and General Mervinesher, of Russisy was to be nade at Pauis. = from Detroit to Fort Meigs. Com. Barney, in addressing the Vote of Prince George's, observed, that he never knew Democrats and Federalists to agree, but in one instance; viz. 10 fun away’ ek Bledediburg ! : ' JAurara. ad Col. Wm. Greenhill ; that the Court aos quitted Capt. Wells, upon the testimony adduced by those Gentlemen. themscliie, 5 a § i Petersburg Repu : VIRGINIA CONVENTION. Our readers will bear in mind, that, ¥e- veral weeks since, several Gentlemen, om abott 13 counties of Virginia, met at 41 Winchester, ard recommended to the dif- ferent counties of the Commonwealth lo send Deputies to 2 Convention, to be held at St aunton on tLe 19th inst. to confer upon certain amendments to the State Constite- a x vos : tion; and the best means for calling a gen clay, the British Commissioner, appoIdiec evs) Convention for that purpose. None tocarry into execution the Sth article of &t the lower counties have accepted the in- the treaty of Gheat, arrived at the eXchaDEE! iioq,0n and those only to the westward of | lis have in any respect whatevé¥ complicd Andrews, where with the recommendation Soe of thiegey: Ir. Holtned, ti€ 15, 5 way more or less public, through a the U. States, Ei or smaller number of Citizen&- decide 0 pave appointed Deputies, who assembled at Seaunton, on Monday, the 19th ins on di gat day 65 Gentlemen appeared, TOM randmenan; belong § which cous; 9 fiom a GED Bedford, S$. as being! ich had 1 Deputy only. The Conyenti on 3s composed of respectable Citigenss several of them of high standing and know( abilities ; 6 Members of Congress, and se- veral Members of the Logislature. Gen Breckenridge (of Boutctourt) wilt called to the chair. A Clerk, Dootkeepsty &c were subsequently appointed. ; Three propositions were submitted ® the Convention; ore was for a Conventig of the People, without the iterposition the Legislature 3 another, for an addressto the Legislature to call one. Gn. Black~ burn, of Bath, was against any Convention” lat all, believing that representation migit be equalized in the Senate, without it. : a Rich Comy Extract of a letter froma Lieutermant of they Americap Navy, attached to the Me die terranean squadram, to his friend 1 Virs ginia. yu Hh sy id U, §. Ship Washington, Gibralio¥ Bay, . y : f July 6. 2 ! ¢ I wrote you on the morning of our mw rival, when 1 supposed we should not ré- main here more than 12 hours: Some dys, however, have elapsed; and we are still in ‘Gibraltar. The Java arrived yesterday, and we are momentarily expecting 10 see the Constellation and Erie. This, I prev suis; accounts for our delay. ; « Qur Minister, Mr. Pinckney, is a " g 5 with much attdntion by the Governor, &e and dined on sliore. The English Officers 4 aa seem disposed, on all occasions, 10 be very $8,878,400 grentive ; and 1 hope thero is no desire, on 4,014,100 |gur part, not to reciprocate the feeling: ¢ The Dutch flee’, under Admiral Vaps 3,598,600 | Capel, consisting of 4 frigates and 1 sloop 2,001,2000f war, is lying in the Bay. He has been 1,698,700 [off Aciers ; but failed in the ne iationy “1,270,800 and is new waiting the arrival of a rein 958,700 {fs rcement from Holland, when he pry 300} ;1ares a second visit, Fhe Dutch Off 741,900 ave also been very civil, and profess great: $87,3004¢ icnaship for the uv. Ss. i ¢ I was this morning introduced to tho. © 470,000) ove Admiral, who appeared to be well 308,500 | scquainted with my character, as he said, $58,300 from English accounts: He expressed 130,200] much surprise to frad me 50 young a Marg 120,670} 4aying, ¢ it was no use for the Americans {0 gO 10 Bea to Acquire their profession ; for 36,300 it appeared (0 be their birthright.’ el should infes, from all I can learn, thats a War, eithe? with Spain or some of ‘he Barbary Powe: #, is by no means an impro< bable event; apd thatieo atnd iar : » GE Ad Dra “Ho Rd "op ow by %