American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, September 07, 1816, Image 3

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    Pa .
coat esas dcs Baoan territories to Spain in
AH NR aa
of $65,600, and killed a man.
: MWautage Baik suspended its payments on
JX hursday.
ne ’ cy
ID - and $34 3 euioin oi
& Holy Alliance.”
. sian Ambassador, and is so received by the
_ ®’dminsirations 1a the Uaiteo Sates,
wy, Fa
dd ri
A Lag Oo! Worough, at the lace manulic-
; of Mr. 1
Heathcote, a mob has destroy §
ed machinery and property to the amount
Liverpool, July 6.-~We understand the
Tie British parliament have addressed
the prince Rogent, requesung him to cause
to be proclaimed in ail the West India I-
ands his royal Highaess’s displeasure at
the daring insurrections; to undeceive the
Blacks where they have erroneous impres-
the Colonisi Au-
18 carry into effect every measure;
to promote the morals civil and religious
improvement as well as the comfort and
bappess of the negroes, and to make eve-
Fy necessary provision against any violation
of the iaws against the slave trade.
Sweden is stated to have acceded to the
Paris, July |.~Pecligiucr, one of the 23
coaspirators, has insisted in court, that he
2s facts to communicate to the king, facts
which will save France; but he will com-
municate them only to the king mn person
\ [Official] :
A person is here calling hitfiselt a Per-
court, still he is suspected by some to be
an imposter,
The Marquis of Landsdown and Mr.
Zicrney have gone to the content to pass
ai w months. ;
A want of money is seriously felt by the
government! One of the Finance Com.
missioners as for paper moncy-—another for
+k of dee ress a Breed loan Xe. :
"The Emperor of Russia has abolished
the Vassalage of the peasants of kisihoni-
oi==The process cuimmences at once, but
is 10) be gradual aste the compieie eniran-
chisement 30as to be perfected mn (4 years.
Au instantaneous entire change of freedom
wright have bad effects amoag people
their condition ~~ There are about
100,000 of them.
Phe decimal division of money has
Been adopted in Holland~1t was proposed
2nd much praiged in Englant; but thee
were impediments as to “iis introduciion
This mode originated under the federal
The Boman Catholics in the British
dominions «ntertained confident expecta,
tions from recent declaration by Lord
Castlercigh and Mr Canning, that they
fic soon to enjoy all political privileges in
common with the Protestants.
it is said the court of Brazili propose to
exchunge for South American teritory.
The Doe frigate is preparing to take
Sir Robert Hall and suit; to Quebec, he
13 appointed to command on the lakes
~- Captain Lockyer is his captain, and hieu-
tenant Bruce his flag licutenant ‘
July 2.-~Geneval Marchant has been
t1tcd before the first council of war, and
atquited A considerable expedition is
preparing at Constantinople. Ii is sup-|
posed to be destined against the Dey of
Alxiers, who has long «isregarded the au.
hority of the grand Seignior.
Rome. June 15.--Our court 18 in a del-
jcate position with respect to that of En
gland. The affairs of the Irish Catholics
ave calculated to exite a Mvely interest ;
and on the other hand we have a real ad-
vantage in not displeasing the Rnglish
Naples June 16 —Y usterday the ministers
of forerpn affairs, it is sald read dispaté¢hes
from the prince Regent of England relative
to the prompt arming of the embodied
4r50Ds, and the levying of seemen to man
the ships of war which are preparing to
put to sea to cruise against the Barbary
pirates. :
Public. Lands.
From the National Inteligencer.
Tn September next public sales wil]
bez made of lands of the United States, in
Ivpiava. It is said by those who have
the best means of information, that there
is not in the United States, a tract of land
of equal ‘areca, (aboat tAreec million acres)
which includes a greater proportion of rea!
iy good land. I is abundantly watered by
the Wabash and its numerous branches
The waters of the Wabash almost touch
the waters of the Mmmi of lake Erie.
“he mew state of Indiana, supported i’
necessary, by the gallant states of Kentuc
ky ap! Ohio, on the south and east, and
By the brave soldiers of the late army on
the west (to whom 13,500,000 acres hav
been assigned,lying between the river
Illinois and Mississippi) is a highly inter-
esting obj: ct to wise and prudent and
benevolent men. Lét us venerate our in-
atitutions and may we never feel how bit-
ter ave the « tears which patriots shed fo
dying laws”? Z:
Wanted immediately, 1
or 2 Journeymen Tailors, to whom geo
wages ard constant employment will be
given by
Samuel Baird.
A New Song.
Tunc.~4 Paddy's Wedding.”
0! wo'ai you hear
What rearing cheer,
‘Was spent by Jonuy congress O!
And how so gay
They double their pay,
And double the people’s taxes O
There was Clay the scold,
Aad Johnson, the bold,
Who did not shoot Tecamsen 01
And Oimeby and Lowndes
As eager as hounds,
On the scent of the loaves and fishes O !
Arab! by my shoul, it would maki
your heart leap ior grief, to hear the poop
soldiers begging for their pay, the widows
for their pensions, and the officers for new
loans, while all the members are drinking
and singing merrily,
i'welve dollars a day,
Twelve dollars a day,
Twelve doilars a day’s the dandy O'!
Taere was Clay in the chair
With his flax coloured hair
And singing the tax bill cheerly O 4
And smil’d as the rabble
S0 foudly did gabble,
The audiance scarcely could slumber O'!
It was aye, it was no,
"Twas too high, twas t00 low
“ The ayes will rise I” said the speaker O!
And quickly arose
Two eyes Lo the nose
And the salary bill was carried O
Yes ! by ' wy shoul they dnanimously
salavy bill. Genticmen, order !
dollars, and myselt 3000—~Shall it pass ?
Aye! aye! aye! The ayes have it, theres
fore they all began to sing, :
Twelve dollars a day,
Twelve dollars a day,
Twelve dollars a day’s the dandy O !
But och ! by my shoul
‘They all star’d like an owl,
When tire people all Liss’d their ditty O 4
Said €lay, we're broke, jak
They don’t relish the joke,
The devil hag got in the rabble O !
We have put on their backs
A mountain of tax,
{Over the West branch of
disigreed upon cvery question, except the}
This bill}
proposes to give us ull a salary of 1500]
{any where in gears,
be made by the fepublean wmefubers, at
- Jthewr next session.
£esolved, “That the procecdmg of thi:
meeting be signed by the Chairman an
Secretary, and published in the Hunting
don Republican, Jjuiiata Gazette and Amer -
wean Patriot, FL
: M. WALLACE, Caairman,
Davin R. Poater, Secretary.
Susquehanna at Lewis-
ment of three Dollars per share is re-
quired to be paid to me on or before Satur-
lay the fourtecnth day of September next.
tars per share is required to be paid to me
on or before Monglay the fourteenth day of
{Jctober next.
By order of the Board
William M Quhae,
: Treasurer
Lewisburg Union Coun
ty, Aug. 6th, 1816.
N. B. Receipts for Centre county are left
with Messrs, Duncan & Forster, Aaronss
burg, and Mr. Joseph Miles, Bellefonte.
ih *& Dollars Reward. |
TRAYED away from the subscriber,
ing at Rock Iron Works, Centre county,
on the 14th of August, a BLACK MARE.
She was cut by the kick of another beast
in her hindparts, and a small hollow in one
fof her hips, occasioned by a kick. She
rides well and casy, but slow. Will work
The above reward
will be given to any person giving informa-
tion where she is, or if brought home all
reasonable charges paid. She steer’d her
jcourée towards Lewistown, or to cross
* | Pussey mountain towards the Bears’ mea-
An army, a Bank, ez cetera O | peo
Which so tamely they bore, +
That we all could have swore ©
They weve perfectly broke to the halter O!
How shall we creep out of this scrap:
says ene.
Says Clay, I will persuade the
people that twelve dollars a day is too little
to subport myseitand my wife. Says Har-
din==D"ll turn the thing offin a joke. Says
Ormsby, I'll beg pardon to my constituents
and promise never to do the: like again.
« Well done my lads 1” says Johnson, and
so they all began to sing again,
Twelve dollars a day,
Twcive dollars a day,
Twelve dollars a day’s the dandy O'!
————— ~ ~ v —_
At a meeting of the democratic. repub-
lican delegates trom the several townships
‘io the county of Huntingdon, convened on
Wednesday, the 14th August, 1816, at the
house of Patrick Gwin, Esq. in the bosr-
ough of Huntingdon, pursuant to public
notice, for the purpose of nominating suits}
able characters to be supporced ‘as candi
dates for the several eleetive offices, at the
cnsuing general election, and appointing
Conferees as well to mect those that may
be appointed by the other counties compo-
sing this congressional disirict as those by
the other part of the senatorial district-—
Michael Wallace was called to the Chair
and David R. Porter, appointed Secretary
~—when it was determined by ballot, that
the following persons be supported.
For Assembly, Conrad Bucher, Christian
(zarbeir~ Commissioner, Philip Roller— Au.
ditor, Michael WallacewConferees, David
R. Porter, and William M<Elevy, Junior,
‘n meet those that may he appointed by
Mifflin county, to nominate a Representa-
tive in the Senate of this state, and those
hat may be appointed by the counties of
Vifflin, Centre, Clearfield and M¢Kean, to
iominate a representauve in the congress
of the United States.
Resolved; That the said Conferees be
and they are hereby instructed to suppor,
Alexander Dysert, for Senator, and Willi-
im P. MtClay, of MifRin county, for Can
gress—Lrovided, That the latter will give
(through the delegates from Mifflin coun-
ty, or otherwise) sufficient assurances that
he will endeavour to have reduced the com-
yensation allowed by the existing law, to
members of Congress. :
Resolved, That said Couferees meet at
the honse of Samuel Henry, in Barree
‘ownship, on the second Monday of Sep
‘ember next, at two o’clock, P. M.
Resolved, That this meeting adjourn,
0 meet again at this house, on the Tues-
ray of the next January Court, to take in-
to view the propriety of instructing our re-
oreseniatives of this state, who to support.
Rzuizzonts, fay 10, 1816,
| et any
1 Aveust 14, 1816. : :
| Caution! +}
M/HEREAS my wife Sores hath left
_ my bed and board without any just
causes this is therefore yo forewarn all per-
sons from trusting her on my account, as I
am determined not to pay any debts of her
contracting after this. date, unless compel-
led by law. As some of my children have
absconded with her; all persons, therefore,
are hereby forbid harboring them at their
peril, as I am determined to prosecute any
whe shall do so as far as the limits of the
law will admat,
Aug. 26, 1816, ora)
_ Ran away from the Subscriber living
in Clearfield County, an indented Neoro
+ John Hall,
sails yours of age; had on when he
went away a tow shirt and trowsers, and
mockasins Any person securing said boy
in the jail of the county wherein he may be
taken, and giving information to the sub-
scriber shall receive the above reward.
George Wilson, jan.
‘August 15, 1316.
Cave vo the plantation of the Sub-
scriber living in Ferguson Township, a
SorreL Horse, about 14 hands high ; has
three white feety'and a lump on his might
side. The owner is requested to come
forward, prove property, pay charges, and
take him away
James M<]lroy.
August 8 1816.
The Spread Eagle, Square
| and Compass.
William T. Brown;
(Or MiLYox )
» ‘
RR espEcTruLLy informs bis friends
and the public in general, that he has taken
hat old stand, the
in Aaronsburg, formerly occupied by Sam-
uel Miles, where he hopes by prompt at-
rention, good liquors and stabling, to mee:
with a share of public patranage:
And that the third instalment of four dol-§
3 WIL R be exposed to public sale, in
YOXBURGH, on Tuesday the 29th Octo-
OBr NeXt, 25% gia
1150 Lots
in the said town, arfd a large number of Out
Lots. tis situate in Richland township)
Venango county, at the confluence of To-
by’s Creek Witang >
s navigable for 128 miles
I'he creek is also navigable for upwards of |
70 miles. Tt is seventy miles distant from’
Pittsburgh, and about thirty from Kittans
sing, Franklin and Builer. The land in
he vicinity is of a good quality; the cours
ty healthy; in general; well settled, and
HS hereby given, that the second instal. rapidly improving.—Terms will be made
Known at the time of sale. §
Joseph. M Fox.
Notice, &
7¥ NO the Collectors of County tax nck.
_ding 1815, those in arrears will’ do
well by calling and settling their Duplicates
on or before the August Court ; Otherwise
suits will be brought immediately after
that time, against delinquents indiscrimf-
nately. 05,
By orD®r or ThE CoMmissionEgs
P. Cambridge,
Bellefonte, Aug. 8, 1816,
Public notice is hereby given, tliat ig
purstance of an order of Orphans Court
of the county of Centre, will be exposed to
sale by public outcry or vendue, on the
26ih day of August next, at 4 o'clock in
the afternoon of said day, in the borough a¥
Bellefonte, the following tracts or parcels
of land with the appurtenances, situate in
the township ot Ferguson, in the county
aforesaid, late the estate of Gen. John Pat
ton, deceased, to wit : One tract surveyed
in the name of James Boggs, one tract sum
veyed in the name of James Gaw, one tract
surveyed in the name of Robert T. Stews
art, one tract surveyed in the name of Hen-
ry Davis, np of a tract surveyed in the
name of Michael Redman, part of a tracy
surveyed in the name of John Cociitan, and
part of a tract surveyed in the name of
William Corhran.
Terms of sale; One third of the pues
chase money in hand, the remainder in
four equal annual payments—Due attep~
dance will be given by
Wm. PETRIKIN, Clerk O.C.
Clerk's Qffize, Bellefonte
May 21,1816.
CAME to the plantation of the subscrl®
ber some time in April lasg a dun mare
with a black stripe along her back, and a-
bout three years old. The owner by prov-
ing property and paying charges may have
her again. 8
Ju 20, 1816.
Bear Skins.
The subscriber wishes to purchase
and will give cashfor a quantity of bear
skins, Saddles, Harness, Bridles fc. made
at the shortest notice, and for sale as
George Test,
Bellefonte, July 30, 1816.
Stray Bull,
Cave to the plantation of the subscri-
ber living in Ferguson township, Centre
county, about the 15th of December last,
a small red and white Bull, supposed to be
two years old this spring ; the owner is de
sired to come, prove property, pay charge
es, and take him away.
APRIL 6 1816
THE quota for Centre and Clearfield
counties, of the laws passed at the last segs
sion of the Legislature of Pennsylvania;
came to hand this day, to be delivered 14
the different officers, entitied to copice
theveof; ail of whom, wiil please to apply
personally, as receiptd are to be taken pe
their delivery.
Prothonotary’s office, ¢ ;
aomingtien for governve, that may
| Anronsaunay April ¢.
Beliofoniz, July 141616.