American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, August 03, 1816, Image 3

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7% AND voizon having been a cetlectay, wo)
es delingaent in paolic dues, shall hold
peat in tho legislature.
Judiciary-—A Supreme Court to cons!si
of th:ce frdges, to Ue stationary at tac seat
of governiaent, with appellate jurisdiction
© only, £XCepl uy CASES wiere the Circuil
1s i d or concerned. Circuit
I courts to consist of a president and two as
he is hereby enjoined and commandad uns
_¢rthe penalty mentioned in the third gece
on of this O:dinance, to arrest mm
_ ¢ly and without further warrant, any and
very person offending against the provisk
ns mentioned in the first and second sec-
ons of this ordinance within his view, and
.irn, her or them to take forthwith before
ne said Burgess, assistant Burgess, or jus-
(the said Borough, the sum of money or
{price by them thought reasonable aud jus
demand for such licence, which sun
BOX BU RGH. shall notbe more than five, nor less tha
k wo dallars for each licence, and provide.
WILL be exposed to public sale, injalso, that no such licence issued as afore
FOXBURGH, on Tuesday the 39h Oct said, shall continue in force for more tha
150 Lots
ttwenty four hours.
Sgoeurt is inle.we Passed mtg an ordinance, July 8, 1816.
or by ballot.
- corner Lot and both are at present, na
ciates. Presidents to be appeiated by
Te Jegislalure ; and associates and jusuces
of the peace to be clected by the people.
Supreme judies appointed by governor al
senate. Eicctions io be by ballot, unl
1821, then to be established by the legisla-
ture, and unalterably fixed either viva voice
Militia Persons sorapulods of bearing
arms, not compelled to do duty, and subject
only to a fine wo be collected by a * civil offi
cer, and thc fine to be proportioned on the
fowes: scale of fines of the same order
€apiains (0 be clected by their company;
majors by the qualified voters of thelr bat-
talion; and colonel, by those of their regi
ment. Above a colonel by the officers
composing brigades and divisions.
Siavery prohibited, and the constitution
pever to be amended so as to admit of it.
Education abundantly provided for. Ten
per cent. on the sale of lows in every county
seat hereatter established, to be appropri
ted to the use of the schools. a
A state bauk to be established, with a
Branca on an average for every thres coun:
tics, The two banks, one of which 1sat
Vincennss, and the other at Madison, may
become state or branch banks.
Oaths to be admimstered agreeable to
the conscientious tenets of the deponent
Corydon established as the seat of gov-
erment until 1825, and afterwards until re-
moved by law.
The officers’ salaries are low, but may
be regulated after 1819.
In otiler respects constitution yery nea
resembles that of Ohio.
The members appeared to be men of
reflection and cand our. I arrived too late
to hear the debates ; but [ have been here
part of tao days and in a eroud both dey and’
night and nave not heard sn cathor profane
expression |! !
“The members of the cermvention are
now scattertng. May the blessings of
Heaven attend their exertions for thelr
country and posterity ; and may their ex
ample siiintiae our state to frame a better
constitution, and our legislature to pursue
a bet ter and a wiser policy!!!”
ee a ee ee
in the said town, and a large number of Out
Lots. Itis situate in Richland townships
Venango county, at the confluence of To-
by’s Creek with the Allegheny River,
is navigable for 120 miles above the town.
The creek is also navigable for upwards of}
70 miles. It is seventy miles distant from
Pittsburgh, and about thirty from Xittgli
ping, Franklin and Buder The land
the vicinity is of a good quality ; the coun!
ty healthy; in general, well settled, and:
rapidly improving.— Lerms will be made;
known at the time of sale.
Joseph. M Fox.
—— i iti
ee es
Causes for trial at August
Term. 1816, in the Court of Common
Pleas of Centre coutty.
loseph Ball v. And. Hunter
J. Lukens’ Ex’r. v. C. Doner
J Miles & al. Davd Spottz
samuel Harvey John Maion
Rachael Meek James Glenn
J. Fulton & al. Duck « Gorrel
Simon Gratz . J. Stover kal.
Antheny’s Ex’rs. Wilson & Elder
William Tate Alexander Reed
Willink & al. The. Thompson
Delong & wite J. Gardner
John Singer . W. Campbell’ «|
Waggoner & wife William Reed <4
Swate Treasurer v. J. Smith’s Ex’rs.
P Benner v. W.Patian
GG! Rothrock v. S. Patton
Fleming & al. v. A Paison
Zippernick’s Adm. v. Keen & al.
RK. T. Stewart v. W. Pettit
J. Kleckuer v. Heltman’s Adm.
Public notice is hereby
pursuance ol an :
of the county of Centre, will be exposed ©
sale by public outcry or vendue, on the
26th day of August next, at ¥ o'clock in
which 0
order of Orphans Court,
Andrew Gregg,
President of the Council.
| John Blanchard,
NS Ordinance.
AN ORDINANCE to prevent gahoping
and running horses in the Borough oi]
Belletonte. :
Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by
the Town Council of the Borough of Belle-
fonte in Town Council met, and it is hereby
ordawned and engeted by the authority of
the same, That if any person or persons
whosoever of the age of sixten years or up:
wars, shall run or gallop any horse ot
norses, mare or mares, gelding or geldings
within the said Borough of Bellefonte, eve:
#&y person er persons so offending and be-
ing thereof duly convicted, shall for every
horse, mare, or gelding, which he, she oi]
they shall so run or gallop, pay a fie 0!
net less than ome, nor more than four dol-
lars, to be levied of his, her or their goods
land chattles, together with the costs ol
prosecution, but if goods and chattles suffi
cient to pay the said fine and-costs cannot
{be found, then the person se convicted,
shall be conveyed to the gaol of Centre}
county, there to be confined in close custo-
dy by the keeper thereof, for any time not]
{less than twenty four, nor more than fort
eight hours, except he, she or they shali
before the expimtion, the time adjudged
{pay the said fine and costs,
Sec. 2. And be ic further ordained, That
ievery person or persons under the age ol
(Sixteen years, who shall run, or gallop an;
liorse or horses, mare or mares, gelding
or geldings, within the said Borough, and
shall thereof be convicted as aforesaid, cve
ry such person so convicted shall be com-
mitted to the gaol of said county, there to
be confined for any time not less than twen-
ty four nor more than forty eight hours for
the afierngon of said day, in the borough
Bellefonte, the following tracts or parcels
. ic)
of land with the appurtenances, situate in
Notice. .
ALL persons having Jemanda against the
astate of James Packer, senior, late af Bald
Eagle Township, in Centre county, deceas-
ed, will please 10 present them to the sub-
scriber for settlement, and all persons auy
way indebted to tac seid estate, will please
to make payment on or before the 18t day
_of January next.
J. B. Shugart,
BrrieroNTE, August 6, 1816.
Bear Skins.
The subscriber wishes to purchase,
and will give cash for a quantity of bear
skins Saddles. Harness, Bridles &c, made
at the shortest notice, and for sale 28 ue
George Test.
Bellefonte, July 30, 1818.
ue subscriber wishing to leave Belle-
fonte, and steer his course for some other
Country unknown to him at present, de-
sires those indebted to him to come forth-
with and discharge their respective debts
and by punctaallity he assures them they
will save cost and trouble.
He also offers for sale Lot No. 41,0n
High Street on which he resides. The Lot
adjoins that of the Hon Thomas Burnside,
and 13 an exceilentsite for any kind of pub-
lick business.
Alse two Lots Nos. 162 & 163 adjoining
George Louberger. One of said Lots is a
high state of cultivation. For Terms of
sale apply to
James Dundass.
Remaining in the Post Office at MI Hell,
June 30, 1816.
William Wilson, John Sterling, Fred.
A Richards, Roswell B. Johneon, William
Campbell, Joseph - Morrison, Elizabeth
Shade, Jolin Mohou, John Quigley, Hugh
won, deceased, to wit : One tract survey
in the name of James Boggs, one tract su
veyed in the name ot James Gaw, one tract
sutveyed in the name of Robert T. Stew.
avt. one tract surveyed in the name of Hen-
ry Davis, part of a tract surveyed in the
name of Michael Redman, part of a tract
surveyed in the name of John Cochran, and
William Cochran.
Terms of sale; One third of the pur.
chase money in hand, the remainder in
four equal annual payments—Due atten-
dance will be given by ;
Wm. PETRIKIN, Clerk O. C.
Clerk’s Offize, Bellefonte }
May 21, 1816.
AN Ordinance to prevent Stage plays,
wax figures, rope and wire dancing, pup-
pit shows, or any other artificial or nat-
ural shows or exhibitions, being exhibit.
ed in the Borough of Bellefonte withayt
licence. :
Sec. 1. Beit ordained gnd enacted by
the town council of the borough of Bele
| fonte, and it is hereby ordained ang enacted
by tne authority of the same, That alter the
due promulgation of this ordinance ; if any
person or persons shall show or exhibit any
siage play, rope or wire daucing, balancing,
tumbling or juggling, or that shall show
or exhibit any animals, wax figures, pup-
pits ov any other natural or artificial shows
ov curiosities whatever within the limits of
the said borough of Bellefonte withont first
obuaining a licence from the Burgess
asgistent Burgess or town Council of the
said Borough for so doing, and being con-
victed thereof before the said Burgessor
assistent Burgeas, shall forfeit and pay the
sum or fine of twenty dollars, for the use of
the said borough; to be received before
the said Burgess or assistent Burgess as
other fines and forfeitures are receivable.
Sec. 2. JAnd be it ordained, That the
Burgess or assistent Burgess of the said
Borough or a board of the tewn council for
the time being, shall have power at the re-
quest of any person or persons who have
any plays, shows, figures or curiosities as
aforesaid to exhibit, to grant a licence
or licences for tiie same, provided the per-
son or persons so applying shall pay tothe
said Burgess, assistent Burgess or town
art of a tract surveyed inthe name of
jevery such offgnce, except Lie, she or they
shall pay down to the Burgess or other
: y We Miofficer before whom the conviction shall
the township of Ferguson, in the Countylye pag ) .
aforesaid, late tire estate of Gen. John Pate, he amount of the fine adjudged bj
the said officer which shall be rated accor-
ding to the first section of this ordmance,
{or unless sufficient surety shall be given to
the said officer, that said fine and costs shall
such conviction. 3
Sec. 3. Be ir further ordained, That the
Burgess or assistant Burgess of the said
borough for the time being, shall convict
every offender against this ordinance, on
his own view or on the oath or affirmation
of any inhabitant or inhabitants of the said
Borough, or of any other person or persons
qualified by law in similarcases, and it shall
be the duty of Burgess, assistant Burgess,
high Censtable, and of each and every
member of the Town Council to prosecute
every person orpersons which he, they or
either of them, shall see offending against
this ordinance, and every of the said officers,
who shall neglect for the space often days
te prosecute as sforesaid, shall upon con:
viction thereof pay a fine of the same a-
mount as could have been imposed onthe
offender (had he been prosecuted and con-
victed) for every such neglect which fine
with the costs shall be levied of the goods
and chattles of the officer so neglecting 10
prosecute except he shall pay the said Ene
and costs within one month from the date
of his conviction:
Sec. 4. Beit further ordained, That e-
very offence commited against the provi-
sions nf this erdinance shall be prosecuted
before the Burgess or assistent Burgess
for the time being, or in case of their ab-
sence or incapacity to act, or in case ofa
vacancy in said offices, then the said prose.
cution may be had before any one of the
justices of the peace within the said Bor-
ough, and the costa of prosecution shall be
the same as is allowed for similar services
before justices of the peace by the laws of
this Commonwealth.
Sec. 5. Be it further ordaned, That the
fines recovered by virtue of this ordinance,
shall be paid one half to the presecutor, and
the other halt to the Treasurer of the Core
poration, for the use of the said Borough,
except in cases where some of the officers
mentioned in the third section of this ovdi-
nance shall prosecute ; in which case the
whole fine shall be for the said Borough,
and in every case where an officer prose-
cutes ex officio, or where any other person
prosecuting shall relinquish his claim to
any part of the fine before trial, the said
officer or person so prosecuting and relin-
quishing shall be a competent witness at
the seid trial.
Sec. 6. Beit further ordained, That it
teouncily 23 the case map he, for the use of
shall be the duty of ie high Constable apd Befigfonte, July 1,816.
be paid within one month from the date of
ice ofthe peace, as the case may require to
answer for such offence as before directed.
Sec. 7. Be it further ordaiwedy, That
very prosecution for any offence commits
wd against the first and second sections of
his ordinance, shall be commenced before
“he expiration of ten days from the date of
~ommitting thereof and not afterwards.
Passed into an ordinance, duly 6, 1816.
Signed, ;
Andrew Gregg,
President of the Coungl.
John Blanchard,
Over the West branch of
‘Susquehanna at Lewis
burg. x
NOTICE is hereby given, that the
first instalment of three dollars per share
s required to be paid te me on or befora
Wednesday the thirty-first doy of uly -
By order of the Board
William M:Qubhae,
Lewisburg Union Coun.
ty, June 27th, 1816.
- N
Remaining in the Post office at Bellefonte,
which if not taken out and postage paidy
will be sent to the General Yost office as
dead Letters in three months from this
tine.= June 30, 1816. :
A. Nicholas Alexander, William Adamy,
John Atkinson, Philip Antis, James Alison
B. Francis Boyce, Joseph Brownlee, Hen-
iy Baihurst, kibenezar Blair, Thomas Baw
low, Jacob Bechtle, Susan Brown. C. Han
nah Clever, Jacob Cando. D. Melchor
Duikle, George Donnaldson, Jobn Doug-
lass, Samuel Dixon, Malachi Dongle.
Cyrus Evert, John Emerick. F. James
Fulton. G. John Gerdner, Jaccb Gray
James Garducr H. John Hall, Hannah
Hauson, John Hutton, John Haslet, David
Hollingsworth 2, James Harbison 3, Jacob
Hetherlin, Jacob Holter. I. Joseph Irwin,
William Irwin. K. Adam Klinefclter,
Caleb Kephart, Adam Krumerine. L-
John Linebaugh 2, John Lamb. M.S am-
uel Moore, Jacob Mug, David Mitchel,
James M¢niosh, Ehzabeth M:Lenand,
Wayne Myers, George Miles, -M¢-
Clure, Surveyor, Jacob Michal, James M¢-
Gee, Andrew MKee, 2 N. James
Niel, David Nicholson. P Jobn Purdue,
iohn Patterson 2, Laurence Peters, Wm
Petrikin 2, William A. Petrikin, Robert
Pennington, Mary Pennington. R. Jesse
Richards, Adam Russel, Henry Rushal,
William Ross 2, Mr. Reem, Susan Robert-
son, John Rankin, Alexander Robertson,
Samuel Riddle, William Robeson, James
Ross. S. Arthur Stewart, John Shank,
Christian Sparr, John Smith, Marguret
>mith 2, Joseph Shirk 2, Philip Shirk, Mi-
chael Sweany, 2. T + Samuel Tagart. W.
Elizabeth Whitson, Margaret Whitson,
Joseph Williams, George Ward, Caleb
Way. Jacob Way. Y. John Yeryer, 2
Z. Ezekiel Zimmerman,
Stray Bull,
Came to the
ber living in Fergusen township,
county, about the 15th of December lasy,
plantation of the aubscris
a small red and white Bull, supposed to bo
two years old this spring ; the owner isde-
sired to come, prove property, pay charg-
es, and take him away.
APRIL 6, 1816
THE quota for Cente and Clearfield
counties, of tise laws passed at the lu6l scae
sion of the Legislature of rennsylvania,
came to hand this day, to be delivered Lo
the different officers, entitled tp copica
thereof ; all of whom, wil please to apply
personally, as receipts are 10 be taken on
their delivery
J. G. LOWREY, Prot’y.
Prothonotary’s office, $