8 Advertisement. ta empower the Burgess of Bell fonte to compet the High Constabl or Collector of taxes to hay over monies by hin recoived, and for other purposes. + Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Town Council of the Borcugh of Belle- Jone in town council assembled, and it i hereby ordained und enacted by the author. ty of the same, ‘That hereafter. when any Coligeton of any takes as- sessed by the Town Council, or any warrau! for the coilaciion of aug fine imposed by any ordinance of the Town Ceuncil, shat ¢ pat iuto 1he hands of the high Constable or Collector, to execite ana collect the same ; the said high Gensiable or Collector shall oa or before the return day in the said wrrants mentioned, produce to the Bue- g/ss or in his absence or inability to ac thie ass stcat Burgess of the gorough the recip of the Treasurer of the Corporation for the paymont ofthe amount of the money in tee said worrant me tioned; or make 8c) other teturglas way be deem’d suffi ciorit n'lw; andiincase of a false aoturs or that hic does noaproduce the treasurer's zcccipt oor before ihe petorn day &s dis rected tor mak: such other rewurn as may! He desmed snfficient in law Ly the said Bur. essorassisient Burgess of the Borough aio ; the said Burocess or assistant “1 rress shall forthwith issue a SUMMONS, Qu which + The Surgess and Town Couns iif the Borough of Belicionte ‘in the 7 gsatd DER HAMILTON, A SATURDAY EVENING, dugast 3, 1816. See a Aadbe ii futher ordained and) * ihe Publi nacted by the auRoriy aforesaid, That i] : To the Public. wil be the duty of the Burgess and he is| FN the Lycoming Advertiser of the 11th \oreby required on the delivery of any war-| if inst, I have observed a number of untrue ant and duplicate to the high Constable or{and @Rjust statements, 1 suppose 0 injure Sollector for the collection of any Taxes{my character and propery, signed Jo or assessments to furnish the Treasurer off Moran. [I received two nofes on oh (he Corporation with the amount of the Moran the third day of April last, payabl: moaies contained in such duplicate, which three days after date; and two other note: mount the Treasurer shall charge to thelan John Moran and Fhomas Proctor, no said high Constable in the Books of the for erroneous statements, but for reales Treasury, and shall credit the same from tute, which contract 1 complied with the ime tof time, with such sums of money as!third day of Aprily which 1 can prove by \¢ may receive op accountofsaid tax; and judge Fieming and others. The property ih the amount of abatements or exoner-1i sold John Moran was part of a tract o tions, as shail be certified to him the by{tand for which Wm. Dunn obtained a pat Cown Council, and at the time of settieing fent from: the Commonwealth of Penmsylva ff his duplicate, the high Constable orjuia the fourth day of December, 1786 ; anc Coflector collecting and paying over thellus been held ip peaceable possession, aud ane, shall be allowed five per &ent. on thé{the title has never been disputed, 1 ca mount coliccted and paid over, in [uli for}urove by a number of respectable old res his services in collecting ‘and paying ower idents in Lycoming county. This contrac o the Treasurer. was made between Moran and me the firs Sac. 5. And be it further ordained and week in September last, and the convey nacted Gy the auchomty afovescid, That oplanee Wrote, I can prove by Joseph J. Wal olf wavkants issued by the Burgess or 4s Hace Esq. and Moran pad i. in his posses- sistent Burgess, lor the: eotlection ot any[Sialh and I never goen it until the 3d day o' (axes contained in any duplicate, the said April last, the day it was signed and ac- Burgess or assistant Burgess shail make knowledged. ~The above’ propetty I ive - 9aid warrants returnable before the bought honestlyand 1 do not owe a mal sid Burgess or assistent Burgess as neap one cent for it. I leave the world to judge as may be on the thirtieth day from the is. whether I have been guilty of fraud or un suing ot the said warrants ; and on 21] war- gust statements or not. county of Centre shall be plaintiff) directs, efor service tothe Coroner; high She: iffy sab-Sheriff. or any Constable in and forthe county of Centre, commanding the i Conaté dio onl £15) 10 [éppear forc vim on such day as sheil be mentioned’ the 501d suminons; not exceeding five days from the date thereof, aud then and! there to shew call ¢ way judgment should net be renderéd tind oxecation 18sue aginst! : AntiuT Br contained ny the waitl| arvapt + and ihe said hieh CoUstable or oie toresther veglecis to appear on the fay mentin ed iy the Lunnnons, or doesnot s.cw suficient couse why jud.ment should ro A DeArel; dirs be . ‘ \ » Bye 44 | ve ee . gf Gis 1 a ensid tbe 2 EN ww ' dy 63 HRECUpCH Gia mst shin then the said Bure ssior assistent Burgess 11 enter udgtnenvagamnsy: the said Con. » or Collector for the amount or bales ‘the monics which shail be due onj id warrant, togetuer with cosiss on which; ¢ shall be no stay of exccution, but the id Burgess or assistant ‘Rurgess: shall is- gui execution in such form: as 18° preserib- | Sa . (HS rapts for the collection of any fines impos+ : John White. ed by the authority of any ordinance of they May ¢ said Borough, shall be made returnable] ay 20th, 1816. hifore the said Burgess or assistent Burej= tt mma dese as near as may on the twentieth froin the issuing of the same. LY YUR SALE. “Suc. 6. And be it further ordained ond” ; : chactod by the authority aforesaid, Thatl HE subscriber offers for Sale the the Burgess or assistent Burgess of the house and lot of ground on which he now Borough of Bellefonte, ov any other officer sides. The house is commodious and acting under the avthority of any ordinance vantaglously situated for almost any kind of the said Bovvughs shall tax, demand and, “business. It would well suita Hatter receive, in all process issued or executed #0 terms apply to Uy thems the samc fogs and. costa. as byes SBINOS Rothrock. she laws of this Commonwealth, are deem-{ = : ¢d legal and allowable in case of justices ofl N. B. All persons indebted are reques- sii nonce Sheriffs, and Constables. ted to pay off, on ‘or previous tothe lst : of July next—=Those having demands ar desired to call and settle. | | J. R. Passed into an ordinance, July 6, 1816. Signed, : Andrew Gregg, President of the Council. ATTEST, | H Editors in t : Tota Blanchard, €P4 To all Editors in the Uni ted States. I: ed (by: the laws (of ithis| Caminouwenkit; I €h i FOE | BR an AWAY from the subscribers, liv- : ° where judgments are obtamed belore jus. tices of the peace, directed as aforesaid for the recovary of the same, and if any Coro- per. Sheridl, sub-Sheriffy or Constable as aforesaid, shail omitor neglect to make re- turn of any execution in such case as afore. said, he hey shall in like manner as a- i! be proceded against, IAS c 2. And be it Further ordained and enacted by the authority afresaid, ‘That swith n ten days after the high Constable or Collector shall have received any duplicate and warrant tor the collection of any tax€s which is or may hereafter be assessed by the Town Council ofthe Borough of Belle fonte ; the seid high Constable or Collector shall give notice to the said Council ora majority of thew, that be is prepared|to meet them for the purpose ol obtaining ach exoneraiions and abatements of the taxes charged m sueh duplicate, on account of 2bsem and indigent persons therein tax- ed or athes wise as the Council may think just and reasonable. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained and cuacted by the authority aforesard, That the Treasurer of the Corporation of the Borouch of Bollelontey shall receive all monies that are now, or hereafter may be due to the corporation and pay and deliver the same in discharge of the debts of the or * torporation on ordersito he drawn on him} by the President of the town council which orders stall specify as near as may be, ithe consideration for which they were drawn, a pust and tiue account of which m oi ders the said Treasnver is directed and T quired to keep entered ina book, to bel kep' Ly him for that purpose, and to hold and keep the same at all times ready tor *he inspection of the Council; and the } treasurer shall at the time of settleing fccounts reccive so much per cent. on alt menies received and dishvrsed by hin, as the Town Coineil shall deem a suffici- £ut compensation forhis servicas, LA -a and so on to! nies, andj AARONSBURGy April 4. 2 5 TOCKHOLDERS in the Lewistown and Kishacoguiltas Turtipike Road Com- panys residing in the County of Ceitre, who have not paid the first instalment are hereby notified, that I have appointed Jno. Norris, Eeq to receive the ‘same, whose Receipt will be a sufficient! discharge forip aif worn, a roram hat nearly new, a new the payment of said Stock.—The work 1s 1 o5. of fine shoes, a | ght pattern waistcoat NOW progressing rapidly, and money much ook with hiya two new homemade linen vghted 10 cary ¥ Ou § therefore, tas hoped | gpips, and a bundle containing a kit of that all concerned will be punctual 10 PAY [shoemaker’s tools, and an English silver ling up the stock called for, without delay. | otoh wThe other an apprentice to the Wm. Brown, jun. Tailoring, trade, named ANTHONY Treasurer. RAYNE MYERS; about § feet 5’inches high, about 16 years of age, hight complex- lion, tair hairy and chuunkey made=}tiad on gi — when he went away a dark moleskin coat- : he Spread Lagle, Dquare ee corded velvet pantaloens, black roram hat, black broadcloth waistcoat, singie and Compass. breasted. He isan artful and cunniog lad. oe We will give 20 dollars reward to any W illiam 1. Brown, pe rsonor persons who shall apprehend said (OF MirTon) ing in welicfante, Centre county, Peni. on ‘Sunday night the 18th ult. two apprentice boys ; the eldest an apprentice to the shoe making trade, named JOHN COLEMAN, about 19 years of age, five feet ejght inches ‘high, dark complexion, black hair and eyes. ‘Had on whew he went away a dark brown coat, dark corded velvet pantaloous, about MAY 31st, 1816. apprentices, andisecure (hem in any jail so that we can get them again, and. shal also advertise them in the same Newspa- per from whence they received their infor- ation, making affidavit at the same timc by or from which paper they received such information. We will also give the editor of any newspaper the like sum of twenty dollars, which shall give the inlor- mation of said runaways to the apprehender The above reward or rewards will be paid to the Jailor for the use of those entitled, when and where we shall receive said ap apprentices. It is hoped editors will give this adeertisernent 2a general circulation land discourage, if possible, the profligate |practice, of which these fellows are guilty. John Irwin, jun. Jeremiah Menon. LLEFONTE, dune 3 1816. 1 » BD ssprerrurry informs his friends and the public in general, that he has taken hat old stand, the STEN 4 TEN > y STONE TAVERN in Aaronsburg, formerly occupied by Sam- uel Miles, where Le hopes by promptat- tention, good liquors and 'stabling, te mec! with a share of public patronage. 13 Abd Wanted immediately, 1 Journeymen Tailors, to whom good vill be bo “ or wages ard constant employment sven by 1 Samue BrrizoyonTe,July 10, 181 i > _— ~ ADVERTISEMENT. THRE subscriber wishes to receive pros posals for opening a Waggon road from Karthausson little Mushannon, to Kersey’s settiement, on Toby's creck, a distarice of about 30 or 34 mules. It willbe given in whole or in separate parts, so as to uit he undertaker Those desirous of cone racting for the above wll make Immeds te application to Fred. W. Geissenhainer. KARTHAUS, June 224d, i816. re. Dissolution of Partnership THE partnership of Curtin'& Tierney 's hereby dissolved by mutual consents Such as have had accounts opened with, ud firm, will please to cail at Roland Curtin’s store, in order to have the sams balanced. Roland Curtin, P. HH. Tierney. MAY 21st, 1816. N. B. The business will in futur: hs conducted, and the outstanding debts wil} ne collected by R. CURTIN. en Senate NO LICE. ALL persons holding demands against. lie es ate that was of Thos. M¢Kee, and of Jane Templeton, will please to hand them forward to the subscribers before the first of August next, or expect to be forever cut oul. THOS. M