American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, May 11, 1816, Image 3

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    § Qusiy debated, and [ost after matare con
sideration—t would ot become us ther:
fore to atalgn 1s fate, did we lament
e=Welegrel Dowever, that the wmcasu
did not. receive 1s quierus from a fuk
€Xpressiou Cl tae representative voice.
April 25.
The bill or the more effeciual collec
tion of the revenues ofthe United States
was drought lorwad, engrossed, aud by
tog read a tied ume, the question wat o
ould pass was warmly opposed. A
dong desultry skirmistiog suet oiad
Vate arose, in wiicu tas nh wus advocy
ed by Mr. Calioon, “slr Grosvacr qu
Mr Webster, and opposed py; Mr R.
doipt, M: Gaseon, Mr Lyoa and
Wight. tor tae greawr pari of the d
bate turned upsn the conduct of the o.
awetary of the Treasury ~snimadversion.
oi whom, by Myr Randolph were cu
deavored to be repelled by Mr Calhou
Tle great object of the d¢ funders of th
bill, was to get rid of the objection, tha
it was lutended to operate as an indem-
pity for past misconduct In the Secrewary
of the ressury——and thatic was for that
purpose, and could be for no other, thai
the words + ag heretofore” were lugerted
in the frst section. On this point Mi
Grosvencr contended that the word:
could have no such effectynor be neces-
sary fur any such purpose ; since if th
Sccrelary of the treasury had been cilpa
ble with respect to the LADK NOES rec iv-
ed into the ‘freasary, (a charge upo
which Mr G. ‘mo ast not either to just.f;
or dccuse fim) Cougres had been pai
ticipators with Oimi 1a the whoe tians
actions—tor he had all along mono!
them in bis reports ot what was nocossary
to be done, aad what tad been, and 1t wus
their duty ifit were wong to have sep
kim. Mr Calhoon, in a speech of som:
Yength, defended the conduct of the Hecre-
tary of the Treasury deprecated the
course of attack taken by Me. Kaudolpn,
and absesved that unmerited censure Sei
dom ‘ails to recoil upon him that off. rs
at, :
Mr. Randolph still adhered to his as.
¢ *[ Aa explanation was demanded by the,
‘ntieman from Loulsauna, bat not
y him from Virginia. }
After the reception and reference of a
. WwW petitions,
lepresentatives of the United States of A-
rericain Congress assembled, [hat all du.
eS, taxes, Imports and cxcises, laid or im
iosed by government, oughi, by the provi-
ya of the constitution, to. be uniform
roughout the United States ; and that no
cierence cught to be given or allowed by
y reg lation of commerce or revenue, to
1s of one state, over those of another.
Ind resolved further, That the reven-
ss of the United States ought to be col
states, as by law provided and declared.
% And resolved further, That the Secre.!
sy of the Treasury be, and he hereby is,
| iquived and directed, 10 adopt such mea!
sures as he may deem necessary, to cause,
s soon as may he, all dates, taxes, debi
ov sums of money accruing or becoming!
wyable to the United States, to be eollect-
-d and paid 1a the legal currency of the U. |
«ates, of Treasury Notes, or notes of the
jank of tne United States, .s by law pro-
«ded and declared ;.and that from and atter |
he first day of February nexi, no such 'd@-
tes, taxes, debis or sums of money, accra-|
ng ov becoming payavle to the U. Sates,
3 afuresa.d, cugot to be collected or ve-|
ceived otherwise than inthe legal currency
“fthe Unived Siates, or Treasury Notes, or
utes of the Bank of the United States, as
The resolut
Mr, Lewis moved their indefinite post
A.debate. of much length and. no little
warmth followed occupying, in at reat de-
rree, the ground taked on the oil on the
same subject which was yeste: day ejected
~rhe firends of the resolutions urging the
necessity of some legislative actin : matter
Mr. [#ebster rose, and submitted the}
11 lowing resolutions :
« Resolved by the Senate and Huse of,
cred and received in the legal CUrrency sary, in the 4th hne of the 3« resolution,
the United Suates, or in Treasury Notes,
“in the notes of the Bank of the United jeem nec@ssary, to pay ail claims agains:
“foresard : :
ions being twice read, )
pel Cillay, Condict, Creighton, Culpepper,
Mr. Brisk moved the Hllowing clause
after (he word + declared,” a the (1h line
of the third resolution : «ar any wotes of
«any banks which have been or which
shall beveatier be paid by the U. States
s forauy debt, due or deinaud by the saic
+ Unuted States ”
Mp. £dwards had no objéetion to the
amendment, if the mover would designate
the mode by which the notes paid awuy by
the goverement could be indentificd-=with-
out that, the amendment would be useless.
Mp. Wight replied, that 1t would be ve-
ry easy lo ascertain the notes so paid mark:
ing them na way 10 be andentified and thal
that difficuty could be readily obviated
He asked for tac yeas and nays on the
question, wiich were refused; and the a
mendinent wis rejected aimost unanimous -
7 ie. Goldsbrough thea moved to insert
the following words after the word ¢ neces-
After an absence of ia a month, tS,
editor returns to his duty. He was glad
to be absent during the publication oi the
long hist of wuscated lands; for though a
very comforiable thing to Aim, he is schsie
ble it could not be very amusing to his
readers. But it was necessary, and he is
sausficd his patrons will not require of him
an apology on account of it. Many articles
are on file, which have been received dus
ring my absence. They shall be attended
to as early as possible.
“ But your journey-~Was it pleasant?
~Who did you see f~=What did you hear?
Will the National Bank go into operation?
How du the people like “it that congress
bave raised their wages? What is tie re
sult of the post-office enquiry ! Who will
ve President #’’——— Bless me, what a nome
ber of questions. Aye, my journey was in=
deed pleasani=—the welcome of hospitality,
and the voice of friendship beguiled’ th
ume of all its tediousness, and reduced
clays to less than half their length.
«If long I staid—=forgive the crime,
Unhceded flew the hours;
How noiseicss falls the foot of timey
That only treads on flowers.”
But the gccomumodations of the steam beat
—the adventures of the stage coach, and.
some traits of character, must be pustpond
vd to a more convenient season:
Whether the National Bank will go into.
operation, is a matter, on which doctors
ilsagree, and therefore I cannot pretend to
decide. Some think thercis no doubt as
bout it. Others think it impossible to ob-
tain sufficient specie, for the purpose.
Spapish dollars are 18 1.2 per cent. pree
mium in Philadelphia j American at 15 1-2
Mest of the banks are making exertions to
enable them to pay specie. If they do so,
the National Bunk will me on—if not, itis
very questionable whether 1t will be able
to proceed this year. i
The law raising the wages of members
of cangress is reprobated by many; and.
adyocated by some. But the opposition or
support of the measure assumes no party
character. Men of buth parties opposed
and supported it: and the grumbletonians
do whisper as a matter almost as certain #8
fact, that some who voted against the mea- -
60 as to read, ¢ such measures as he may
« the United States iegal money, or such
«treasury notes as miy hereatier be ac
« ceptable to tiie parties having such claims
«apainstthe United States.”
Tis motion produced a ‘good deal of
discussion, fo which Messrs. Ingham, Pit
kin, Cady, and Webster, opposed the a
mendinent ; and Messrs. Groldshorough and
Wright advocated 16. Mr. Wright de-
maided the yeas and nays on the question,
which were again reused j and the amend-
ment was negatived without a division.
The question on ordering the resolution
to be engrossed and read a third time, was
decided mn the afhrmative
The resolution was ordered to be read a
third time to-day. and was forthwith read a
third Gove, af passed by the following
YEAS—Moessrs. Adgate, Alexander,
Bacr. bass, Bradbury, Breckenridge,
Brown, Cady, Calhoun, Champion; Chiap-
‘Cuthbert, Davenport, Edwards, Forney,
Gaston, Goldsborough, Grosvenor, Haile,
Hawes, Heuderson, Herbert, Huger, Hun-
gerford, Ingham, Johnson Va. Johuson Ky.
ent, Langdon, Love, Lovett, Lowudes.
Lumpkin, Lyon, Marsh, Mayrant, M:Kee,
so deeply interesting to the public weal;
the alarming consequences which might
and probably would foliow from adjourning
without doing something on the subjectk:
and the fac. that there was a majority yes
terday in favor of the bill, but accidentally -
sure really wished it to pass. But such cule,
umny as this you know, is too bad to be ta
The result on the Post-Office enquiry,
is favourable to that department ; and fully
acquits toe accused of all improper conduct
MeLean, K Middleton, Moseley, Neison
Va Newton, Noves, Oamsby, Pickering,
(Pitkin, Pleasants, Reed, Reynolds, Rug-
BS. Suarpe, Sheffcy, Smith,
d. Stearns, Strong, Stuart, Sturges,
.sertions ; charged the Treasury with ve-
ing the cause of that inundation of bad pa
per with which the country was deluged,
and sated that thoy had three grades of
bad paper ready for their various purpos gs.
&, which was worse than the other two,
The first the last bad kind, with which
the paid off their favourites. The second
or worse kind, wiieh they kept for those
who stood lower tn thelr esteem ; and the
and which the uscd 10 pay away to. poor
soldiers. He stared thet having to receive
thirty dollars from oie of the Vergiuia
militia who bad been al the defence of
Baliimote. they give Lin at the Treaury
2 chéck pon the Bulk of Columbia for it,
but knowing that there would be a loss
of 22 per cent, upen it, he refused fo
take it. The Hon Geademen had talked
the benefits derived irom thie services of
that exocutive officer: but he (M. R)
dd nor buiieve that any gratitude whate
ver was due in that quarter. Me remem-
bered that in Feburary, 1815, he passed
through Washington, and every mouth
was then filled with execrations against
governmen, znd yet now the people were
called upou to be grateful to this modren
Colvert, this orher Pitt, jot bartering thet
paper of government for the very worst
trash of Bunk Noles.
Ap iufiolie deal wes said besides of very
little 1terest a: any rate, & ¢evtaiply of sul
less, as the subject upon which it was spo-
kon, has vanished-=the bill beibg reject-
ed 1 majority of ones=their being 59 Ayes,
and 60 Noes, ’
The Tariff bill which came from the
senate with some amendments, was then
saken into consideration and the question
deing put that the house should concur
with an amendment making the duty on
brown Sugar 3 cents instead of2] Mr.
Randoiph opposed it Hist as it was
fraught with injustice io lay a tax ona
prime necessary of lif, to the distress of
‘every part of the union, merely to serve
the purposes of the very richest braneb
of agriculture in eur state, and that one
the smallest, Louisiana ; but chiefly as
ait was made by the senate whose consti
tutional competency to alier money bills,
or assess the taxes of the United States
he denied. And when it was considered
that the senate knew that very article of
the bill had been laboriously discussed by
the representatives, and that the ques-
tion had been even taken by yeas and nays
e affirmed that it was in the highest de
gree indecorus in the senate to make such
an alteration in it :
Mr. Robertson of Louisiana, rose to
answer Mr. Randolp!find by some obser.
vations of his, called up the latter, who
spoke with some warmth and asperity in
veply.* The concurrence ofthe house
with the amendment of the senate how-
ever, was carried ‘by 54 to ¢8. Andall
the other amendments followed in the
~9ame course, :
Adjourned at a very late hour
absent when the question was decided, &c.
~—and the opponents, of the measure pro-
testing against it as well from its objection-
able natures, as against attempting iL when
there were so few members remaning, and
after the question had buen devided by tie
tlouse iy the rejection of the bill yesterday
The gentlemen who spoke against post-
ponementahd n favor of“the resolutions,
were Messrs Webster, Caihouny, Grogve-
nor, Alexander, Moseicy, Pickering. Lyon,
Colpeper, Goidsborough, and Sieftey;
those who opposed the resclutions were
Messrs. Lewis, Smith of Md. Wright and
Hardin. «8
Atthe close of the delate, Mr Lewis
withdrew his motion for pos ponement }
and bo peg
Mr. Webster, atrer observing that it was
in compliance with the wishes oi gentle.
men friendly to the gencral object of the
resofut ions, but averse to the adoption of
the two first, witlidrew those two.
Mv Calhoun proposed to amend the re-
maining resolution by extending its proyi-
sions to the notes of all banks which should
atthe ume specified therein, pay their
notes in specie on demand. :
Mr. Webster saw no nccessity for this
amendment—and it would be betiex hel
toought to leave it for a weasuly regulati-
on. It might happen that a bank preyed
ing to pay specie might send its notes fo a
great distance, where, if they were offéred
in payment, it would be impossible td as.
certain whether hey were redeemable
with specie or net. 1
Myr. Cawhoun agreed that it -was not he-
cessary, because the ‘I reasury had already
exercised the power, and it might very
well be left with the Secreiary still—but he
had offered the amendment to mect the
wishes of other gentlemen. As, howev
it was objected 10, he would uot pressi ’
and therefore withdrew it. i
Mv. Smith of Md. moved to strike out!
the “]st of February,” aud insert the 1st of
March. Negatuved—aycs 52, n0¢s 53.
remarks, offered the following amendment:
«all banks and banking institutions whose
«t notes may have been received in the col-
« lectionof taxes or other dues in behalf
« of the United States to pay the same
« notes in gold orsilver or In treasury notes
« of the United States or “in notes of the
« Bank of the United States.
Tue amendment was opposed by Messrs.
Cdwards, Calhoun and Milnor, and sup-
ported at some length by Me. Pickens, and
pegatived by a larie mo. jority.
On mation of Mr Pickin, who remarked
thata few days weuld be of much impor-
tance to the banks preparing for the pay-
ment of their notes, the twentieth was in-
Mr. Pickens, alter some introductory
ggart, Tau, Taylor 8 C. Telfair, Tuck-
, Webster, Wilcox, Willoughby—
We shall notice the matter more fully the
first moment of leisure. : *
NAYS Mescrs. Archer, Bennett, Bird-| On the interesting point-——Who will be
sall, Brooks, Bryan, Caldweil, Clayton, President ? it is really difficult to form an
‘Clendennen, Clopton, Crawford, Darling. {Opinion The small number in favour of
to Ha Hall, Helster, Irwin Pa Low: [Me Moxnos in cancos, and he desided
2 a Randolph, [opposition to him, by a respectable portion
is, Lyle, Miloor, Pickens, Sg
Roane, Root, Savage, Southard, Tate, of hisown party, renders the result exs
: : tremely doubtful
Taroop, Ward, Whiteside, Wiikin, Wil- Av J ——
Sheriff’s Sale.
fiams, Thos. Wilson, Wm. Wilson,
‘Wight, Yates—=34.
NR cs a t—
B Y virtue of a writ of venditioni expov
nas, issued out of the court of comnion
The Senate procecded to the consider. pleasof Centre county to me dircotedy
ation ‘of the, resolution from the house of will be exposed to public sale. on Monday
representatives, for the ecllection of the the 20th of this inst. a certain House and
IN SENATE=-April 29.
‘three Lots of ground, situate on the west
side of Water or Spring street, in the bore
ough of Bellefonte, numbered in the gener-
al plan of said borough, 15, i6and 17, with
the improvements and appurtenances.
A Lot No. 83 inthe general plan of said
borough, situate on the side of Bisha
op street, with the appurtenances, seized
and taken in execution asthe property of
Hugh Gallagher. pal”
One tract of land, situate in Walker
township, Centre county, contaming two’
hundred acres, be the same more or less,
with the appurtenances and improvementsy
adjoining lands of Henry Hay aud others,
and the Muncy Mountain—taken in exc
cution as the property of Thomas Spencery
and to be sold by
Wm. Alexander, Sh'ff.
MAY 11, 1816.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Stock
holders of the Centre Bank of Pennsylvania,
that the Directors of said bank have thig
day declared a dividend for the last six
months at the rate of cight per cent per an-
num on the stock paid in— payable at auy
time after the thirteenth instant.
John Norris, Cas’rs
BELLEFONTE, May 6, 1816.
r :
Ww ILL be sold at public sale, in the
Town of Milesborough at the late dwelling
house of Mary M:Kerrighan deceascd, all
the property of said dec’d. to wit: a house
and fot of ground in the said Town—beds
nd bedding, house and kitchen furniture,
ic. kc. Saleto commence at ten o'clock
£. M. and the usual credit will be giveéy,
public revenues in the lawful money of the
United States, 00
The question was taken on an amend-
ment, reported ‘to the resolution by the
committee ot finance,
YEAS -~Mgssrs. Chace, Daggett, Dana,
Fromentin, Gore, Howell, King, Mason,
N. H. Sanford, Tichenar, Turner~11.
NAYS ~Messvs. Barbour, Bibb, Barry,
Camptell, Harper, Lacock, Macon, Mason,
Vu: Mofiow, Roberts, Ruggles, Tait, Var]
oum, Wells, Williams, Wileon-—~19.
The question was taken on the following
amendment proposed by Mr. Dana:
«That any bank bills or notes which
may be received in payment of services
due to he United States within any one
district of the custems shall be equally re-
ceivable in payment ef like duties within
every other district.”
And was as follows :
YEAS—Messrs. Dana, Macon, Turne:
NAYS~—Mcssrs. Barbour, Bibb, Barry,
Campbell, Chase, Condit, Daggett, From-
entin, Gaillard, Goldsborough, Gore, Har-
per, Howell, King, Lacock, Mason, N. H
Mason Va. Morrow, Roberts, Ruzzles,
Sanford, Tait, Tichenor, Varuum, Wells,
Wililams, Wilsou—27.
My. Campbell moved to add a clause
(substantially) to include in the receivable
paper, the notes of ail banks which shall
pay their notes on demand in the legal cur
rency of the United States; which wasa
greed to. | :
The sation was then agreed to by the
following 3
YEAS—Messrs. Barry, Bibb, Campbell,
Chase, Confit, Daggett, Dana, Fromentin,
Gaillard, Harper, Howell, Macon, Maso,
Va Sanford, Tait, Tichenor, Turner, Var
num, Williams—w19.
NAY SemMessTs. Barbour, Goldshoroug.
Gore, King, Lacock, Mason, N. H Morrow
serted instead of the first of February.
Roberts, Ruggles, Wells, Wilsog—ell. BzizzroxTe, May 10, 1816,