American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, February 17, 1816, Image 4

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P=om the National Fatelligencer.
¥ }ave a Country no more.
I one had 2 home and a dear litte cot
Bynature encircled with trees,
And it rose on the uplands, a sweet rural
“Spat, :
As ¢’#r courted the western breeze.
X caild itthe enove”—and T made it my
theme, :
‘Ere | rove from my dear native shore;
Bat lonely it stands now by Bawa’s clear
For 1 have a country no more!
1’d gardens and shrubs—I bad fruit treesimedies for bots in orses, and have until
{thre last four years fallen in with the gen-
and flowersy ,
Green sofas amd seats for the muse:
1 had walks trimm’d with velvet and fine
summer bow’rs,
Where bees fed on negtarine dews—
And there to assist the improvements of
Fair Filo once lavish’d ber store ;
"But I'm far from the « grove” the delight
of my heart,
Ang 1 heave a country no move’
"0 Enix! lov'd Errx | eternally dedr!,
How deeply distress’d was my mind,
Whom I saw thee, th’ sorrow’s sad chrys-
talline tear,
“about one quart applied, by turning moder
The sits dow'n to his ensoecial meal, and wie Original Anecodtes.
his palate is pleased he has no other
on to gratify. Such is a bachelor! Such
the life of a bachalor! what becomes of
him after death Iam not casuist ensugh
i 8 a aL
a, Ti To
led with women and others, in a state’ of
© scarvation, and supplied hem, but did not
-iie | enquire perticalany as to the fate of that
Oi oF cr mame i £wo or three, days after, howe: :
e of our conjosprs, ia setting vP ve Grand Commtinds, was boarded By
a manuscript article respecting the Circus, boat, who stated that a brig hud acrived at
put the words « Mill on ¥#'e,” instead of that island, filled with people from dal
“Bill of Fure” — and many persons went 19
to determine.
NG: carl
An Enigma,
b Ata banquet, when solving epigmas was
one of the diversions, Alexander said to
his courtiems—<YWhat isthat which did not
come last year, has not come this year, ang:
will not come next year ”’—A distressed
officer swirting up, said—< It cortginly
must be our arrears of .pay.”—The King
ona, Bin in starvation. That the ci-
x Thy : , «try unpelledby the want of provisions, had
the Circus to Witness thé mew piccé who “capitulated 3 and the famine seemed Fike.
‘diherwise would not have attended that Iyte deésn oy the . wretched inhabitants. | |
‘ The laree aatteh ci frogs a
evening. . he ge aad Ho cuy of Carthagina acd
x ; ; A ores fo WIESE. wccounts, fell Lato thie
ak a oO - - wal. x " 4 3 d
; Lhe above carejeas deviation from a copy hands OX ta - enemies on the Sth of lag i
{8 not quire so ludicbus as one which oy month. hi aa
2 Givensd, ha be mma br cured some years since in the Centinel of: TT :
to be paid up, and also increased his salary’ : pal Aving Te 1 the 1.15 of I. of
paid up, | fict~a compositor having rendered te Last of Letter
#hod THE SEW GARE SHINE CE NGINBL words « a variety of communications una- Remaliming inthe Post Ofge at Mill Hall
; s 3 : S h 3 : 4 . . - = - 5 a of . yw uf -* r od an
) I have, during the last thirty years of my voidably orjted,! $0 as to read # a variety Ahdvegr 1¥ wiry Whlliam MiNall, John Pat-
life, been frequently called to prescribe re: of cmminition Waggon ke. © E terson, Philip Grove, Ela Davis, James
\ ge M Bride Ql ta Pn
A simple 14d to 5° ‘colntry paperofics Bo, oben ith, James McKee,
No . 2 - : x Be Johnston, Alexwider Mol: Jato!
> ‘te J hes r 3 i ; tally JACO
leral opimon, that there is no effectual rem- instead of following the printed Copy Bv= Heatherlin, Wm. Leopard, Fe
tedy after the insect had arvived to any de- fore him, viz, « On this question the ayes James Barney. x ?
gree of forwardness ; aud believing any dis- nd nes were fakev,” Sc. licred it 50 as N atahn H ay
vy whi the life of | | Lvasahlin 2arvey, P, M
covery which tends to preserve the to read « the eyes and noS:¢ wore tas Mut H 1 ny 3A ¥
so valpable an animal, however simple, % Bey j 7 br AL dal1, fan. dst 181,
ought to be generally known—I would ven- ken, Repend in’ doing this he thought
ture to recoramerdd the use of a tea, mado himselfa smart fellow for correcting the
o Woripyacd and Pogay =) lee Spalied spelling and grammar
this femedy in every easc! . Ns to ribhiC: -s a®0rd
been consulted these several years, some The above typographical enerdoges Mord
of which were in the last stages of disor- afew samples of the « miser ies’” Editors
der, and have in every instance found ® ef ofgewspapers are heirs to.
fcctual in dedtroying the bots in a shert. Boston Evening Caz
€harleston Jan. 20:
time. | Three stalks of each ‘plant iv suffi-
Fall of Carthagenag—-By the British brig
For Sale,
Containing about four hundred ches ’
1s sour hundred acre
or 70 of which are cleared. A wood ae
fing House, and double barn, with four ex
cellent Springs of never failing water; alse
Peach, Apple, and Cherry orchards of first
rate fruit, thereon. Lhereis nowa quantity
ut len or twelve meres of goad meadow upon
wiely down the throat, if the first applicatts the place; and 18 or 20 ‘more can be made
Dissolving in light far bebind ;
*Twas then Woe unsluice’d Sensibility s!
BPRing, pin fu
As my heart bled in paio from each poru.y
And the last lonely joy of my bosom Leos
wing, |
When I saw my IErNE NO these
Yet what were my sorrows on leaving the
; {4 grove,’ ‘
With all its delectable charms,
Compar’d toe my suff rings on leaving my
YW ho encircled my heay’o in hgrarms. |
Ob | this is the anguish that never can slee};
Till the pitying Gods shall restore
¥he « wanpeReER” again to his love o'er
the deep,
And to Erin, his country, once spore !
Bow happy is az who can sit by his fire,
With his ate at the closing of day,
And her pledges of love in the land of Hs)
While content wings Lis moments away :
Thus bless’d have I beetienguch content-
ment was mine, wo
E’er the winds dnd the green billows
Poor Syrvius afar o'er the breast of the
Who alas! has a country no more!
&. Street, Washington City, :
11th December, 030.3
/ re DB G—
A sketch of the thing called
A Bachelor.
He is a sort of a whimsical being, which
nature never fended to create; he was
formed out of the odds and ends of what
materials were left after the great work was
over. UsBuckily for him the finer passions
are allmixed ap in the composition of thos
creatures intended for social enjoyment;
what remains for the baghelor is hardly e-
uough to rub round the crusty mould inte
which he is thrown; to avoid waste, some
FEAR ao. be quite insip-
id, mustbe substituted in the stead of more
valuable ingredients; so in dame Nature
tosses d€if love without measure-—a kind of;
undeystanding that is fit for no other use
a sprinkling of wisdom, which turns acid’
frorn the sour disposition of the vessel in
which itis contained; and the whole com.
position is concluded with an immederate
portion of oddities. Thus formed-—thus)
finished~~a bachelor is popped into the
warld—~mere lumber without a possibility
of Itving happy himself, or essentially con-
tributing to the happiness of others. His)
only business is te keep himself quiet; he
ts up to lie down, and lies down to get up
fo tender impressions enlivens his walk-
ing hours; no agreeable dreams disturb
his slumber. If ever he speaks the lan-
guage of sensibility, he speaks it on the ex-
cellance of some favorite dish, or on the
choice liquors with which his cellar a-
donnds; on such subjects he feels the rap-
tures ofa lover, The pace ofa bachelor
is sluggish, he would hardly mend it to get
outof a gtorm though the storm were to
threaten a deluge. But.shew him a lady.
who is entitled to the compliment ofthis
rat, an? he will shuffle on as if he was wal:
Xing for a wager! His housekeeper or his
lanndress he can talk to witheut reserve:
but any of the gex, whose sondition is abovedtwo Daliars and enc and hail cs. Given unfe
#n usual dependant is his terror. A bar-
rofm 18 his sanctem sanctorum against
bright eyes ang dezeling complexions—
hére ye lounges out half his days; athome
cient—it should be steeped in water, and |
‘Utiicorn, capt. Pollick, arrived this toring
| rom Kingston, (Jamaida) we received a
«regular file of papers to the 2ist ultemo.
i | These contain a seport of the fall of Caetda-
yaoM A FONDON PAPER. | gena, into the hands of Morillo, the king's
Among the reports in circulation, itis = general, by capitulation ! the report, how-
said, that number of ships of war have de- ever, wauld not excite the least appretien-
parted for Halifax, and that explanations = sion in the midst of the friends of liberty
fave been demanded of the government of | were in not corroborated by the captain
with litle difficulty. «The above Rand i §
situated in Boggs towmhip, ma |
above Milesburg, adjoining the Bald-eagle
Bottoms. Anny person wisning to pur- ;
ehase, can see the property by applying ©, A
the subgeriber on the primises.s
William Hinton.
Novm 25, 1815,
on should not succeed, repeat the same—
which 1 believe will neyer fail. ~~ =
the U. States relative to the treaty with the aiid passengers in the Unicorn, who infor- ry ~
Indians, and to the cession of the Islands med us that two after sailing, they spoke BL AN K S a
within the Niagara. 2 Tia schooner 9 days irom Curthagena, fil- for sale at ghis OFFICE. %" 3
Er ¥
Nn Sh “ 3 = cm
DR. Arthur Bell late Treasurer of Clearfield County, in agcount with said County,
from the 21st of February, 1815, to the eighth of December, 1818, inclusive. =
: eee OB 1 B11 CD © ——
‘By balance due sn last settlement
To cash received on unseated Bends B 3856 50 : gue sn Last 8 436 13) bo
Ditto received from Collectors 100 64 ; By Cash paid Jupervisors on Road orders 72978"
Ditto received of Abraham Witmer ~~ 250 00 i By Sito pais | gid Collins on the Cours Howes
Dato recqived of ditto by Hobeit Collin 20000 oumeaths ea olen 8 al ong 1419 6
Barrel ib HL By ditto paid on Wolf and Panther orders he my
By ditto paid on Fox ordérs : 83
By ditto paid Greenwood Bell former supervisor, a
for money advanced to build a Bridge over
i Andersong Creek 130 66 -
| By ditto paid the viewers of the state road from *
| Bellefonte to Indiana 203 63
| By ditta paid pritfers for publishing sales of uns Sw
seated lands 90 3
By ditto paid Alexander Hamilten for paging an. %
nual statement 19.00 Vo
By ditto paid for Eletton expences 677 EN
: By ditto paid assessors wages 61 - “
& By = pad Cotes Shei per centage 21 9% yo
y ditto paid ior a desk for Commisgioner® wi
Byditto paid office rent ii Ofige i> > 4
{ By ditto paid postage of letters 19% §.
W By gitto paid William Bloom interest for mongy a
advanced as supervisor’ £3.50 [
« By ditto paid in the case of the Commonwealth vas : A
| Robert Rayman ; 3A 4
By ditto paid William Petrikin, Clerk of uarger- A
; Seastons inal to April 23th 1815 San) 18359; 7
By 4itto paid John Owens Constable for attending « :
ourt J
i} ‘By ditto paid: Robert Maxwell as Commissiones 3% |
| By ditopaid Willam&ate' ditto ha
'| By ditto paid Samuel Fulton ditto 63 00
By ditto paid Samuel Coleman as Clerk &9 GO
By ditto paid Road Viewers 500 :
By Commission on receiving 8 4,407 14at 23 pr :
| Lem (4 or
| By ditto on payin § 2,756 94 at 21 per cen 6892
| By ditto on § 448 38 supervisons duplicates 22 43
| {By Cush paid expenses going to Philadelphia thucely 2
| Sect Taxes SS 0 }
By Cash paid Samuel Coleman YTreasumer :
By balance dure the County hi > i J
Be 40y 14 8 6.407 14
To ballance per Contra dus “he county P82 ay
. BAVING examined the actoumsof Arthair Bel
two Dollars and one and = half cents.
dred and sixteen.
atc Treasurer of Clegrfield Cunt
: he tre 7, we find a Malarme due the County. of ei
In pine w estof, we have hereuntd set our hands this second day of J : hae
HAVING examined the accounts of: : thar ‘reasurer of Cleafiel County, wé find a sai ant. Aol
i A Ta y a bal due C )
‘this 2nd day of J Tn 16. Sage duesg ane cighty
% |