a i Sas ‘the Great Island, on the west side of tlie . westbranch of Susquehanna,~these lands, a + hy yg yi 8 © timber, and bavivg on them Stone Coal, +. Tron ore, aud scites for works, in the pos-f session of monied men to settle and im-§ & prove thems, would soon be of very: great] % .. value &c the titles are good, and taxes One half ef 4he purchase money to] paid be paid when the sales are confirmed, the| oP a EP Ne v OETICAL. ON TIME. BY SELLECE OSBORN. MOV’D by a strange mysterious powety Who hastes along the rapid hour, Itouch the deep ton’d suing—+ £’en now 1 saw his wither'd face, Beneath yon towers mould’ring base; Where mossy vestments cling. Dark roli’d his che erless eye around, Severe his grisly vissage frown’d, No locks his head array’d-— ¢ grasp’d a hero’s antique bust; ¢ ik marble crumbied into dust, And sunk amidst the shade! Malignant triumph fill’d his eyes, 1 Sce hapless mortals, see,’ he cries, « How vain your idle schemes-— Bencath my grasp the fairest form Dissolves and mingles with the worm; Thus vanish mortal dreams. The works of God and man I spoil § Tie noblest proof of human toil 1 treat as childish toys ; 1 crush the noble and the brave § Beauty I mar, and in the grave 1 bury human joys.’ Fold ! ruthless phantom—hold ! T cry’d; J thou canst mock the dreanis of pride, And meaner hopes devour ; ¥IRT UE beyond thy reach, shall bloom ; tWhen other charms sink to the tomb, She scorns thy envicus powers On frosty wings the demon fled, Howling, as o’cr the wall he sped, « Another year is gone The ruin’d spire—the crumbling tower, Nodding obey’d his awful power, As TIME flew swiftly on. 8inco beauty, then, to time must boty And age deform the fairest browy Let brighter charms be yours ; he female mind, embalnt’d in truth, Bhall bloom in everlasting youth, While TIME himself endures: To Samuel Dunlop fate of Centre County, Tailor : YOU are hereby requested to be and ap- pear in your proper: person at a Court of Common Pleas, to be holden at Bellefonte, %or the County of Centre, on the 4th Mon- day of January next, to answer the coms plant of your wife Maury Ann Dunlop, who 8.45 by hei next friend, Willlam Petrikiny for a divorce from the Bond of Matrimo-! ny, and to shew cause if any you have, why the said Mary Aon Dunlop should not be + #ivorced agreeably to her petition or libel. Win. Alexander, SE f. he of Centre County. NOTICE TO IRON MASTERS. pV virtue of an order of the Orphans] court of Centre county, will be sold on riday the 29th day of December next, at the house of Evan Miles in the Borough| of Bcliefonte, the following mentioned valu. able [rp being part of the rea} estate ‘of Jolin Duidop late of Centre county de corsed, to wit? ‘The one undivided haif part.of ¢ Washington Iroh Works,” con- visting of a blast Furnace and a Forge, both lately erected, now in blast; and hr’ good order, with about two thousand acres of laud situate in Bald eagle Township in sa county, about eight mile# from the Bald eagle creek, (a navigable stream) and ten miles from tie west branch of Sasquehan na. The quantity, quality, and convenience of the ore, attached to these works, as well as their situation, and quality of the land, wili be found worthy the attention of enter« prising men.—— Also the whole of 77 adjoin- lag tracts of unimproved land containing about 415 acres each, sitdate in thc said ¢ounty of Centre, about twenty files above + a considerable part of them being rich and well watered, the whole abounding with ~_fesidue in two annual payments.—atten- dance will begiven by John G. Lowrey and} Charles Huston, Adm’rs. and the sale ‘to somuicice at 12 e’clock. _ BFTHE COURT. Wm. Letrikin, Crk. 27, 18158 ¥., HAR B Slank Execufions for At this Lice. & oy For Sale, A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND. Containing about four hundred atres, 60 lor 700f which are cleared. Algood dwel- {ling House, and double bait, with four ex-{ ‘cellent Springs ol never lailing water; also Peach, Apple, and Cherry orchards of first rate fruit, thereon. Thereisndkva quantity of ten or twelve acres of good meadow upon the place; and 18 or 20 more can be made with little difficuity. The above Land ts situated in Boggs township, threc miles above Milesburg, adjoining thc Bald eagle Bottoms. Anay person wisning to pur chase, can sec the property by applying to the subscriber on the primises. William Hinton. Novm 28, 1815. Ten Dollars Reward. 1 ona or mislaid by the subscriber, a bundle ot papers containing as folloWs: wo hundred eighty four dollars in Hun- tingdonand Centre County Bank Notes, a promissory note of Jacob Boas in Harris. burg of § 2500--also an account curren srith Jacob Boas, and an account curreit with the Harrisburg Bridge Company, ali enclosed in a letter of Jacob Bucher, Esq. Cashier of the H. B. Company. The bundle with the above mentioned money and papers was missed on the road between Derrstown dnd Altz’s tavern or mill. “The finder will be rewarded with ten dollars at the delivery of the above men: tioned money and papers to Mr. George Kraemer in Derrstown, Koush tavern, near the Narrows, John Stitzer in’ Youngimans- P. A. Karthaus. Bellefonte, Nov, 10, 1815. {tovn, or John Norris, Esq. Cashier of the} Centre Bank at Bellefonte Land for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale, one hun- dred and fifty acres of land, situate in Nit- tany valley, Centre county, Walker town- ship. The land is of the first quality, well timbered with black-oak, Shell bark hick- ory, Red-oak, Walnut and White oak ; has on it two springs of excellent water; one of them rising at the foot of Munéy or Bald eagle mountain, and forms a delightful &it- uation for a distillery; being but two and aw balf miles from Dald cagle creek. For further particulars apply to the subscriber living on the prindises. ~ WILLIAM WILSON. Nov. 27, 1815. Maotice. ALL persons having: any demands a- |gainst the estate of Cupt. William G. Green, late of Bellefonte, Centre County, ;are requesicd to present the same legally authenticated, and those Mdebted to make {immediate payment t&' JOSEPH GREEN, Adm'r. MirLrssurae oan Nov. 27,1815, E | Dickinson College. {The trustecs of Dickinson College have ‘the pleasure of anbouncing %s reorganiza- dion. The Rev. 1 bx Dr. Jour M