So pa) —— e SR Cl Rn I ie bi ergy > - " RR y i et ni Toh dh RE ——————= Published weekly by ALEXANDER HAMILTON. a Bellefonte, (Pa.) siext door south of the Bank. ———————. —— ® SATURDAY EVENING, December 30,1815. _— < RES a « Frenchmen ! you are now told that not only my ambition, but your concurrent spi- rit of conquest, demands punishment ; even the acquisitions of former sovereigns and epochs ave now cited as vour erimes ! And oy whom are those charges advanced ? By sovereigns whose empives have beer form- = by successful encroachments on the in- dependence and existence of neighboring states | What was Russia in the beginning of the last century? How became the elec- tor of Brandenburg, monarch of a powerful Kingdom! Has Austria absorbed no king- dom, dismembered no provinces, and does she now hold no domain by the sole tenure of force ? Look at the map of Eurcpe.— tas France only usurped? Do all the states vecogmzed independent, even by the treaty ol Westphalia exist? Look round the globe ~sce the English fiag flying in every quar- ‘ery in countries where religion, laws, and angruage are dissonant. Iias she not sub: jugated the greater part of Asia? Is she not still endeavoring to force the ramvarts ‘hat separate her from China, and bas she uot been waging a second war. to recdyer ser influefice on the Amcrican contineht ! Our ambition wad security. If Envland had het aspired to the dominion of the three quarters of the globe, I should have tem- povised with the unfricadly councils of Spain—1F Russia had Factitioned Poland. and anned at the Empire in Germany, 1 acver should have projosed to repulse he from the Vistula 10 Volga. Europe has acknowledged the banetul influcoce of En- mland’s usurpations; the blood that lias flowed for the last twenty-five -years has flowed at her purchase: and Europe will tether rue the event of a struggle thant ve. gentlemen, truly we do not know. Previe ous to his mission ty Fiance, it is not re collected that he rendered himself ¢onspice uous by any extraordinary display of Know ledge judgement or eloquence. His wai mest advecates, we apprehend, could find nothing in his hasty visit to France as mat- ter of commendation. Nine thousand dol- fars as an outfits and nine thousand dollars for his year’s sallury, ought, we should ime aging, to be repaid at some attempt at sep- vice. Butmno sooner had Mr, Crawford an vived in Paris, and satisfied bis curiosity by examining what was extraordinary in that great city, than he becomes home- sick, and forthwith returns. The govern- ment, of course must pay to some other minister, an outfit of nine thousand dolins to the court of the French king. Mz. MUNROE, The character of Mr. Munroe is betuge known. He has been long upon the pF iitical stage. Though not a man of extig- ordinary genius—seeing through his sub- ject at a glancediscriminating, resolving and combining with the cclerity of intui- tions end the clearnes and force that diss tnguish intelectual greatness —he Jas yet raised himself by dint of application, eon siderably above iuediocrity. Respectablé in some of his discussions with forcighi moves the ascendancy of civilized people ministers, he certainly has been ; and while for the domination of northern barbarians D ; > many are incline ori i You arc accused of having preferred war to ’ nclined to ascribe the, merit CG rr I SPS Sp PEEPS PIS From the London Statesman, Oct, 13. PRINTED & PUBLISHED AT TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. payable half yearly in advance. ga rrrer POST III TPT Pr PTE? SOF MEMBERS OF THE FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. New Hampshire, Daniel Webster, C. HH. Atherson, William Hale, Bradbury Cil- ley, Roger Vose.Jedutiun Wilcox. Massachusetts. Artemas Ward, Timo thy Pickering, Jeremiah Nelson, Asabel Stearns, Samuel Taggart, Elijah H. Mills. John ¥W. Hulbert, Solomon Strong, Llijal “ Brigham; "Nathaniel Reg >, William Baylics, Leban Wheaton, Jobn Reed, Cy- sus King, George Bradbury, Benjamin Brown, Thomas Rice, Albion XK. Paris. Connecticut. Epaphioditus Champior, John Davenport, jun. Lyman Law, Jona- shan O. Mascley, Timothe Pitkin, Lewis RB. Sturges, Benjamin Talimage. Rhode Islgnd. Richard Jackson, junior Rlisha R. Porter, Vermont: Aaron Lyon, Damet Chip- man, Uhauncy Langdon, Luther Jewnt, Charice Marsh, John Noyes. Aesu York. George Townsend, ¥H. + Croclicron, William Irving, Peter H. Wen- dover, Jonathan Ward, Abraham Schenk, Thomas P. Grosvenor, Jonathan Fisk, Sam- wel R. Bots, Iirastus Root, John Lovett, . Hosea Motte, John W. Taylor, John Say- age, John B. Yates, Danicl Cody, Jebaz D. Hammend. James Birdsall, Mecha Leooks, Thomas ©, Gold, Wested Witioughby, Moses Kent, Victory Birdseve, Enes T. Throon, O. € Camstock, Peter B, Porter, (one vacant.) New Jersey. Tiowis Eondit. Th. Ward, Henry Seuthward, Benjamin’ Bennet, Lz- va Baker, Ephraim Bateman. ; Pansylvania Joseph Hopkinson, W. Milnor, Thomas Smith, John Hahn, Ym. , Darlington, John hiteside Hugh Glas gow, Wiliam Maclay, Wililam Crawiord, John Ross, Samuel Dingham, Joseph Hei. ster, Wm Piper, Wm. Wilson, Jared Ir. win, William Findley, Aaron: Lyley Isaac "Griffin, John Woods, Thomas Wilsoh, Jno. NAPCLEON T0 THE FRENCH PEOPLE. Paris, Oct. 9, The following is tHe teanslation of an ad. dress to the French people, which is gene- cally civculuted in France and which is believed to be ant authentic document written by Napoleon on boardthe Bellero- phon :— “ The machinations of treason have o- bliged me to seperate again from you; but victims of the same treason, lamoni only your misfortune ! “ 1 covetted the scepter but to sway i for your glory and welt fave ! "The knowl: edge of my devotion to your hencr and prosperity excited the hatred of the sove. reigns of Europe: Had I sought only to reign without regird to fie interests of my people, 1 should have gsiablished i. their eyes the legitimacy of my title of tlic throne. Had aggriculture been neglected. had manuviaciories languished, bad debt ac. cumulated, and pubic spirit beers degiard- ed, then i had insured the frinedslip of ri- val potentates 3 had € circumscribed the prosperity of the empire to the embellish- Bn ofits palaces, or sacrificed the ma- jesty of the throfic to the preservation of the royal duthoiily, then my dynasiy might] have possessed the inglovious inheritance “ The sovereizis of Europe confode- rated against me as a’ legislitor wlicse es- tablishment nurtured ond animaicd the talents and wdustry of the commugity of which 1 had been elected the magistate, and they proscribed my person as the shield of the power and independence of the state. The enemies of a revolution which hud triumphed over thie abuses that gucasion- peace so long 2s war was successful; and! Dis corresponcnce to Mr Madison, we = it and ahd : Malton : insensible toivbur answers die thescmmwho first warred| think itbut fair te vindicate his reputa. the caamitics ofan ijvadra country, ASE ernst 0dr ve rolnion : YN bo violated the : d o or ciated their cfiolis to paralize national ex- {peace oF An el ia vs it with tion from so ungencrogs 2n Rsporsion, and crtion, and 16 make you believe that warlshameloss Fsdein of truth 2 Who rejectedito 2vow our opinion that the credit of those was my policy, and peace the beoawhich negociations repeatedly offeredy or broke! letiors belongs chiefly if not catirely ® the goverianenits of Luiope solicit.d © vaca off when conciliation was practicable? himself’ , France. Unwilling to sacrifice the inns! a Sl yy Having paid this tribute to his acquires ments, it 18 to be regretted that uth will A ! t | “VY ho made the wae of whicli you are now trious remnant ofiyour defindets, thus eric victims ? #4 it not a war of their own lated from their comnivy, T yielded to thd sovee 2 | regretted your sacrifices, I was wishes eof your Tapes andy Wlnoved to vinditate your indignities, but If not permit us to proceed and compliment consunrmate ;your security I osurreidder odiddopred the poiicy of pcace~—the will of the: : tigi ? ; wo, hg aA [ . : ‘this wisdo i is 0 mysell into the hands of my caenmies. nation, and I redpected it as the bond be- Somes a poke bla oe his neq " iveen me and my people. Frenchmen !|28 2 statesman, The particulars of hie political life, it is not our intention at this time to exhibit. i uv i Val! « History offered no example whefe re- pesterity will judge how far Iam respousi- pose and independence were the rewards ot submission : but many of individuai de- jie to my country, for the events of cur mi- Sergeant, James Wallace, Thomas Burn- ade. : ; Delaware. Thomas Cooper, Henry M Ridgely. : Muryland. Robert Wright; William Pinckney, Nisholus R. Moore, Stephenson Archer, Philip Stewart, C. Goldsborough, &. C, Hanson, George Baer, John C. Her- bert. Virginia. (iliolson, Thomas Newton, Win. A. Bur- well, John Clopton, P. P. Barbout, Aylet awess, John G. Jackson, Janes Johuson, Wiiliam M:Coy, Hugh Neclson, James Pleasants, W. H. Roane, H. 8t. G- Tuck- ery Matthew Clay, Billard Smith, Burwell Basset, Magous Tate, Joscph Lewis, Jas. Breckenridge, John P. Hungerford, Daniel Sheffy, John Randolph North Caroling. William H. Murlee, J. H. Bryan, James W. Clarke, Wm. Gas ton, N. Macon, William R. King, J. Cul- pepper, R. Stanford, Bartlet Ravev, Wn. C. Love, Danicl Forney, Isreal Pickens, L. Peterson Goodwin, Thomas votion to the hopés of a nation! Sincé the {fatal moment when France announced that she ceased to combat {or Lier libeils wii safeties, what misfortunes, crimes and lLu- miliations have devadted and degraded. the empire. —War, with all its devastations, conquest with its violencies, tyrany with all its abuses, and subjection with its shames, have overwhelmed you! Outrage and per- fidy have outstepped, even my forebodings ! The perfidy of Austria, which uncovered my line, and occasioned disasters in Rissia ~——which bartered Poland, vielated the military convention of Dresden, and nego- ciated but to betray ; the perfidy of Prussia whose monarchy 1 preserved, when cows ardice, and treason had rendered the king- dom defenceless, and treason had undermi,- ed its Throne ; of Rassia, whose civil, mili- tary and political history is a serious of systematical contempt of faith and cq ity; of Bavaria, whose unparallclled tuipnde obliged me to fight at Leipsick for preser vation aud not for conquest ; of Switzer id who for a paitry biibe, sold the tranguiility | litary efforis. They will decide when his- tory records themy whether 1 coud have mastered fortune 5 Sut my love for France, ay gratitude for her coiifidence, and devo- tion to her welfare, can pever be subject to suspicion. Ta Fiance I owe my existence and the consciousness of that c.#im has confirmed the right of natwe. meu 1am still your emperor ! buf I hoid the crown for my son and your interests His succession can alone ensure the fruits of your efforts against a dynasty whose reign is indentificd will your slavary. For- cign force ma, suppoit the throne of a parricide king, but the power of 30 millions of Frenclimen is not to be permanently subdued. You have acquired mournful, but useful experience. You now are con: vinced that arms alone can rédeem you from vassaliage and ignominy. Cherish the brave men that have fought your bat. tles—they will De the pillars of your array, aud they will codduct you to victory. “On the rock where I am dooni’d to pass rench- That he full under the censure of Washington, for the violation of a most important duty, and was called {from his station as minister to Fiance is within the recollection of every reader, But had his conduct in this instance been as praisc-worthy as it was censurable ; yet the conflagration at Washington reflec 1 his condnct ina light so indefensible, that” it would be presumed, instead of couriing investigation, and clalming the confidence and honors of the public, he should retire” to some lone vailey, and endeavor by Lis himble conduct and obscure life, to deprov cate the just indiguation of an injured people. : oh Strong as these objections appear: Nay irresistable as they must be, to every uny prejudiced mind ; yet did they not exist, and was the character of Mr. Munroe as Williams . of her citizens, the satety of her country id future Gays! oy the disloyal Senet] South Carolina. Henry Middleton, WW. dhe ttle ot For Beuthaliy Ys vou enemies, 1 shall yet heat the echo of Lowndes, William Mayrant, Benjamin Hu- En land whose. sophisms have annilik- yous sanupa, end hall in Mie loom of its ger, John C. Calhoun, John Taylor, Thos-| 5 oo! p ah horizon the flag of your independerice ! : oY : ated public law, and whose policy, since Yh Moore, William WWcodward, J. J. Chap- the era of Pitt, had unbiushingly substitu TIC Meets pell. From the Gleaner. : LR ted power for priuciple, and expedient for Beerga, Job Foi ey justice :—not the recollection of all those es rr. : Lumkin, -—— Wilde, Bolling Hall, The next Président. condpicuous’ for its fairness, as itis distine gutshed by its imperfections, he ouzht Bes to’ bé selected, unless, indeed, the rule be made abselute—THAT THE LINE OF SUG CESSION BE HEREDITARY IX VINoiNtA. | 4 Mg. KING. In whatever station Mr. King hes bees placed, his friends may advert to bis cope duct with pride, and his country with ap- probation. In him we see the alle and en- lightened minister, advocating the just claims of lis country, and defending the rights of our impressed seamen, against. the insolent, and cruel aggressions of G, Britain, with a strength and clearness that’ Crawrorp, Mr. Kixc and Mr. Crixrox.|enforced conviction, if it could not produce Mz. CRAWFORD. {redress In him we behold the dighificd.” Why Mr. Crawfordis named in prefer: [and cloquent legislator : The darkest sila. force many Gist sovtiero er wesldrnljecis are metomthy Mungined by the persp A : a ak recent perfidies had prepared me for those Thomas Tclifair. ; which have -now been emulously per petu- Kentucky. Jumies, Claik, Henry Clay. ated by sovereigns who professed that the Jos. Desha, Benjamin Harding, Richard}, rc their ans against France only so Jong M. Johnson, Samuel M:Kee, A. M:Clean, ; : P. Sharp. Mi as Iwas scated on'hier throne. The mos: SN ohhen Ormsby, Solomon P. Sharp, 3 "lawless babarians have never manifested cah Tall. : {such cohtempt of solethn engagements. Tennessee. Samuel Powell, Isaac Tho- | Sage The darkest 208 have never presented . x ny T No tart o 8 : o mas, B H. Henderson, N. Cannon, J. B. such scenes of treachery and licentious di- Reynolds. (one vacant.) , 3 rection of force in an unresisting country. Ohio. Joan Alexander, James Caldwell,l" " “Ppe miserable king who vik content David Clendenen, William Lréighton, jun. fy, surrender France as their pray, has even James Kilbourn, John M: Lean! bis wrongs to plead! The mockery ofl Louisicna. "Thomas B. Robefison his sway desccrates the divinity of his right. Missouri Territory. Edward Hempstead {and he trembles lest the vengenece of the Indiana Territory, Jonathan Jennings, nation should sweep him and the dispoilers Albuns Tervitery, Shadvack Bonlly from the soil before the work ef rein is Mississipi Terricqry, ~ aLPaniithere. a -complished. The importarit question, Who shall be our next Prisident 2 is beginning to be asked Im every circle. The discussion of the subject has already commenced in the city prints ; and four candidates have been designated, from among whom, it is sup- posed the selection will be mace. The can- didates named, are Mr. Musrog, Mr -