American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, December 23, 1815, Image 2

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    Weap® ofthe Criminal hizarded. Por sews
edy, 3 Would recammend a. continuance of
that court during the week in Which it com.
menced, and a continuange so much longer
-2s'may be necessary to. compleloly end by
verdict and judgement any cause commen
ced during said week. As it frequently
‘Happens that persons accused of the high.
er grade of offences are pot arrested and
Secured in time so thit a precept can issue
for holding at the next scssion a court of
~eyer and terminer, 1 would propose that at
a court'of quarter sessions, the president
Being present a court of oyer and termi-
wer and general goal delivery may be o-
‘pened and held, though no precept ior that}
urpose mag have been previously issued |
would yosey ‘also; that seduction be
punished as a criminal offence. The law:
Ln persons wrongiully accused of
Brimes and misdemeanors, are compelled
Po pay the ‘of their own witnesses, is
oppressive and dissimilar te. the usage in
wither cases. it ought 10 be provided, that,
joe 3 the pacticability of adv fapcous-
which may be made and &
durability of the articles which have had
falr experiment amongst us, that it is
deemed unnecessary to urge arguments io
their support. The general governmes
fully aware’of the importance of the sub
ject, will itis confidently hoped, follow th
dictates of political wisdom, and pre
ourmanufacturers against injurious for
competition or combination: a cont
ously sought real mdependenée of our
country, and again impose on us a depen-
dence almo&t colonial. So far as individu.
al state means can aid national measures fo:
the prometioniot this and other desirabl
objects, wavmay confidently pledge the co-
operatisn ¢,¢ faithful Pennsylvania, who we
anticipatr, will soon take a conspicuous and
permav’sn; rank amongst mantfacturmg
nate; é ol
. &'. no time since the existence of our
where the return of ignoramus is made by:
Rot;guilty is rendered, and the prosecutor)
pay the costs, the juries shal)
ly determing, whether the defor |
s shall ‘be paid by the prosscy’ o
av by himself. 1fan indictinent fot 4 jy.
¢ in a public road or highway ¥¢ 4 gn.
al not sustained, it ought for obvitw ; ren.
gons to be provided, that thie Pr ppecutor
ahall not be Hable for ‘costs, Wey 4 there
evident male and want of PIOF able cause
, The object in the contr plation of a
sand jury, or where ontrial a verdict 5
ke legislaturesin having tor orted. by, the!
1 or ho supreme Au’ 1, such parts of the: publig treasure daring a short
nglish statute flaw = 40 of force in
state, is. confided o auiisipated from state during the war, our resources arel
Ihe prescot generale sembly.
~ No sufficient Tea 4, ih its 1f to my
‘mind, why the 119°) of sues in fact is_im-
posed on the judges of the supreme court:
20. much me is, thereby consumed, as
makes it impossible for them to hold the
sourts of error twice a year. I would sug-
gest a'provision for the trial and disposal
otherwise of such causes, and an injunction
at the Jprente fe cout be held twicea
“Near in each of the several districts of the
state. “That an allowance by a judge must
Me had before a writ of error or of certiora-
i can isac:pravoniofien derogatory toper-
oie] liberty. Those writs, because the
@¢ who allows them has no discretion,
sight with safety be sued out from the su-
preme court and courts of common pleas
yea vets without such allowance, and
a/hdavit required on these issuing from
se latter court, might be taken before the
Prothonotary or before a justice of the
ace. Arbitrators it would seem; agree-
®ly toa decision of tho supreme conrt,
«sannot nonsuit a plaintiff. 8hould they
Dot possess this powery so that they may
Bet be required to try a cause where there
#8 no evidence? Powers coextensive with
#hose of the supreme court te reverse ar.
bitration proceedings, ought to be vested
& the courts of common pleas: which now
seem to be denied to the latter. Under the
arbitration law of 1810, the plaintiff appeal
fiz gives bail for the moncy; but the de-
JKendant, who generally is under the temp-
muon to appeal for delay, is only required
® eater special bail. This requires cor
zection. The defendant should certainly
_ dotappeal with greater facility than the
plaintiff. The surctios of sheriffs are now
excnerated at the end of two years after
the office expires, a period too short for a
developement of the varlous transactions
cident in many counties to that office. = 1
Jouid recommend that sheriffs bonds here«
er to be taken, as respects their sureties,
should be of force for five years after the
expiration of the office. The ambiguity in
the 20th section of a law, passed 24th of
February 1729-30, entitled % An act for the
rclief of insolvent debtors within the pro-
vince of Pennsylvania,” declaring who shall
not be. elccted sheriff; has created much
difficulty. « 1 would recommend the repeal
of that section, and the enactment of a law.
{ments, disappomunents and losses’ to the
£0" cernmsent, was the utility and value of
Jdand mavigation more clearly evinced
: The embarrass-
«chan during the late war.
government and to the cifizens, Fconse:
quently irom the want of that made of iu-
tercourse and transpottation, for war like
as well as commereial purposcs have been
so manifest, that further excitement than
a reference to the example and projec
of our gister. states and other nations is
deemed to be useless. It may however,
he proper to add, that notwithstanding’ ap-
propriation of nearly a million of dollars of]
and, the extraordinary expenses of the]
ing them om, as 10 the kind of goddsfa
the quality #néf
gaiver of all good, .
cjments and pave motives, aided by loca
gsnowledire and a concentration of public o
ay i
rt Joy
course would préteact the long and anxi
poe 8 Bi ot PRA TP Ry tae pompiety chime
ents for the ‘people's good. May we fle be do reject this bereyolent law
fopunuc Quly to apprechite those inestima- ended by the Govarnof§ we fe
ol principles of religious, civil add politi-fuut a period to their political existance.
cal liberty ind to be duly gratetul for thd] We Swill use Sp infeed Ris 1
favors isvished upon us by Him, asa 2 1) against Sofie on cifgtion;
oF jand the + places which kiow them pow,
1am persuaded that your sound judi shall know them no more. |
PEN SR . k
~~ The Married Ladies.
inion from every part’ of the’ state, will Eh ap oh
adily discern and promptly adopt those Washington, Dec. 12.
oans witich will best promote the hap: ab
ness and well being of the commonwealth ; Tho House of Representatives yosteodag
and 1 promise a cheerful co-operation ho 834 sat in the Chamber prepared for it in the
measures tending to a judicious regulation}: iidi ceted hv the ator ml ES
of our finances, es oa distribution of gilding sregiod oy She Mca for the ey
justice, the promotion eof uscful knowl Fommordation of Congress, and the Seaute
edge, and generally an incuication and fos-] Wilt convene there to-morrow.
tering of all the virtoes which constitute
ihe strength and can alone secure perma-
hence to governments, founded as are our
state and national constitutions, on the equai
:1ghts of man.
i Simon Sayder.
Hxnxissvre. Dee. 8th, 1815.
ER di *®
From the Senate having ‘occasiena
been engaged last week on what is called
Executive business (which is wigs br :
«cled with closed doors) a very genera
impression prevails, that they have adready
had under consideration the Commerciat
Treaty with G. Britain. If ratified, ‘it wi)
of course be made-public, Rn
American Parrior.
a To spreck iis LEONG hE ym p
4 yy of . — 4 Cm
Is every Freeman’s right”
Gen Rinarry a federalist was electe
i ma sy
Brriesonts, Deceunrr 23, 1813,
‘For tna ATDIOT.
Phe Governor in his late mussage re-
commends for the consideration of the Le-
yistaturey a law placing the property of ha-
unimnparéd, and united with individua
wealth and enterprise, are equal to the an-
complishment_of any practicable water
communication. I presmine again to invite
your attention to those two higly impor:
tant objects : the: @onnecton of the Che:
peake and the Delaware, and those of the
Susquehanna and the Schuylkill.
On the subject of cducation, I regret to
say of the many seminaries throughout the
state which have beer aided by grants from
the legislature, few have gone into operati
on a liberal sc#le and those areunprosperous
for the want of sufficient funds. This state
of things 15 probably owing to & too gener-
al diffusion of individual suppert and p
lic bounty; axl such would not have bee
the result, if endowments by the legisla-
ture had been more consonant to the con-
stitution, which directs that + the arts and
sciences shall bw promoted in one or mere
seminaries of rearning.” While on this
subject [ fred it @ duty to say that from
various considedations and loeal causes
the injunction, thst schools be established
throughout the stefe if such a tanner that
the Joos may be tavight gratis, has not been
catriad into « fect, 19 any extent nor in 'he
liberal spirit of that instrument. © ¥
It }8 with high graification 1 refer the
lepisiature to the auditor general’s expo-
sition of financial concerns of the common-
wealth. So abundant hag been our reve-
nue; that of the debt of 300,000 dollars
contracted under an act passed the 2sth
of Febuary 1814, to pay expenses incident
to the war, there remains uhextinguished
but 45,000 dollars. Thig balance could
now be paid, but will not be received before
it is due agreeable to the contract. Aad
we have a well grounded hope soon to
extinguish the loan to the state of other
300,000 dollars first above alluded’ toy with
out embarrassing the treasury, svidiofmect.
ing also in due tims any unappficd for ap-
propriations, as wellasany probebic reas-
onable expendittire for the furtherimprove.
ment of the state, witch the prevailing
spirit of liberal policy can dictate to a wise
and prudent legislature. po gaid
For proof of how little the just and ne-
“fall times and upon all oceasions. ie held up
bitual drunkards in the hands of trustecs
for the use of their wives and children ;
and disabling them from contracting debts
without the consent of the guardians ol
their property. Such a law (though i
would be a reflection upon the morality
id sobricty of Pennsylvania) wouid uun-
doubtedly have a salutary effect. It is a
“melancholy trath, that mtemperance is finstant, after giving a portion of the Be
country. It is no disparagemect to men
of influence and respectability to be secu
| in that state of mtoxica.
prevailing to an alarming degree mw Bist f the Secretary of the Foster sig
{Governor of the Stato of Maryland ost Magy
day. : . a.
On the 7th inst. John W." Eppes; Esq.
was chosen by the two houses of the United
States, to fill the vacancy occasioned by
the resignation of the honorable Williasd
B. Giles. a any
The National Intelligencer of the FR
- he following; summary of the contents ¥
“hat part of the report which relates to the
brings them upon a levet mprovemen. and management of the Revd
with the vilest of the vile. And the man,
whe ix free irom the sh ofdrunkenness a
ROL 48 a pattemrto imitate, but as an exam.
¢ to deter, and stigmatized by manyy as a
nan of no.soul and destitute of the spirit
comming a gentleman, It is uot the mere
men are not sensible of the evils couse-
quent upon a life of intemperance, tha
makes so many “vmnkards ; but it is be-
cause they have ret firmucss enough
pellation of 2 « a clever jolly tellow,” af the
popular phase ‘is. ‘Khu men bogin by
noderate fashionable demking ; and the
Lransition from this io h#bitual drunken
uess is insensible and easy. "These an
the reasons why so many of our husbands
who vere sober and industrious, have be
came profligate and dissipated; relinquish-
cle for the more boisterous pleasures of che
bottle. To effect'a reformation, we have
jentveated, remonstrated, and scolded, and
all to no purpose. We, therelorey think
the Goverior acted wisely in recommend-
ing a law to the Legislature depriving ha-
bitual drunkards of the donnnion over their
property, and placiug it in the handsof trus-
tees for the support of their families. We
think the Legislature will do well 16 enact
the law immediately. Altiough the men’
clainy exclusively all the talents, know:
Jledge and foresight ; yet we womens have}
some influence in the recommendation. vf}
this measure, and we will have more in the
cessary warin which the nation has been]
engaged has obstrécted the channels
wealth, and for evidence of the continued
fied lately, and wwe suspect the honey moon
p ¥ y 1, i - . = >
lem ref cS Ol Sugats refined within the United =
love of ardent spivits —It is no: becausc| States, on stamps, on salcs at avction, and
0 resist the snore: of those whol
laugh at them for their sobriety. And be: {30th day of June 1816, and, in lieu the coy
cuuse they are ambitiods to teeedve thc ap -§
ing the calm satistaction of the family cir-}
execution Fhe Governor has been mar. |
Fo nge.,
«Mr. Dallas proposcs that the doubie-
duties on imports be continued until the
30th day ofdune 1316; that the present dua
on postage, be continwed; that the Direc
fax be reduced from six to threo millions
of dollars; that the duties en the quantity.
of distilled spirits be discontinued alter the
that the duty on licences to distillers be
jdoubled after that day; that the duties oy
licenses to retailers, be reduced te the 1ates-,
sf the year 1813, that the duties on articles
fmanutactared in the U. States, and the de
ies on household furnito re and watches, he
repented. ie ig ga
«Tho third branch of the Report, relates.
to the National Circulating Medium, and
conclndivg with the following proposition &
“ That a National Bank be cstablished a
the city of Philadelphia, having pawers. .
erect branches Clsewhcre; and that the
Capitol of the Bank (being of a competcat
amouit) consist of three fourths of the pubs,
lic stock, and onc fourth of gold and wp
I a ily. fam
nia BE
on 5
PriLaperenia, Des. t4,
Tur Bangs —-Our lettcrs say it is, ine
tended to introduce a bill into the House
-| happiness and general prosperity of theids not quite over, and thatthe recomincada- 2 :
sion by the officer, and ‘defthing cledrly in-[state, Pennsylvania esuitingly books to the ftion of a measiire so favorable to the rights of Representativesito compel the: severad
compatibilities. Sheriffs omitting to re: many and lately erected = Fpub. : oa poy hve been at the instiga- hanks of this Commonwealth, to pay te
turn judicial writs at ov before tlic. day. they [lic spirit, amongst which are seen, bridgesjtion-ol hts wile. Let no one wppose thet, lotrald 5
are Shien ought to be personally 4) over the Delaware and Schuylkill, and foun flaw for fear jt will be said, that they are ash Bie feet J on the several bal
pongible, unless it happened from some un-|over the bold and rapid Susquehanna; three funder petty-coat zovernment ; for it would ances ¥ ich may hecome due to each oth=
avoldablecause. 7 ft 0 IGF them completed within three years from be niueh better for society if the women had | “1 Whenerer this subject shall come to.
‘Lhe: people are frequently subject ‘to|the commencement of the work, and the{more voice im legislation than they have [he discussed it may lead to such an extene
faws for months before they are promul-{fourth at the sedt of government rapidly pro We have beea called federalists and avris-. os prin Rew ’ robabiy
gated. This is much complained of andigressing.. A bridge is also building at Bex, jtocrats, bécatise if 1s said we are fond of the i 308 prncp may. probably. nog
sught to ‘be ‘remedied, by directing that] wick oyer the N. E. branch of the Susque show and parade of Monarchy, and hay YeL bg contempiagd. 3 pid
haws of a general nature, taking effectihanna, A turnpike road from Philadelphia] republican’ plainiess and simplicity. Now tl r—— Lg
Mithinaiz months after their passage, shall {by way of Reading to" Sunbury, is énteml-{We promise that the Legislature: willbe pi New-Loxnaw, Noy. 2.
be published in newspapers. Decisions by ing itself towards Eriey dividing the statejoact our favoriie. faw, that we will be-f Captain Kirtland, of the ‘Brig Hercules,
eovirts of law which repard to acts olassem-{into two nearly triangles Another tarn-jcome staunch republicans ; and a2 $00m as|romrCork. has fave oh: 7 Gn
5 aD a earl : a Er er ad rom Cork, has favored us with a file of
bly, shionld be represented to the legisla-f pike road from Philadelphia by way of Lao- thie men refrain from foreign ‘wines and Cor 4 SER of OL The site
ture; and uniformity of decision. on similar{caster, is progressing along the southern byandics, we will lug asside our foreign #.} OTS papersup tot eh ai
poitis would more generally prevailjboundary of the state towards Pittsburg, = fnerics and appear clad in homespun. We fuation of Ireland ie most distressing ; thew
thmoushout the state, if written decisions! place which bids fair to be the great man request all women ‘whose husbands are papers are fair of open murders, private a \
end-all others of importante made and pro-{tactuting mart of western America. A meters of the legielature, 16 WIE tof ions Hinliwa y robberies ph define 8
soupce:d by, courts, were reported and pub- general spirit of public and private liberali- then ng them possitive instructions | A y Mp _— hos! a ngs
lished. These subjects being for the most jty, ehservable in every section of ‘the state ng, in case they support the meas- burditiigs, &e. Bands o men amounting’ to
rt intimately connected with the adinin-|—an unparaileiled progress of jarts andjure, that they shall be welcomed home. at fo oveval hundreds, infest the roads, killing
ration ofjustice, criminal and civil, will. | manufactures—vast and valuable agriculfthe end of the session with pleasant 100ks,| 1a aviv ers and guards, aidlplun dering 6 er
tural ipiprovements, abundant harvests andl smiles and kikses. But threatning, in di euachi A fb Di
consequent increaselot wealth—thiese indis-| case the should oppose it, to give them aj MIF coackos. ¥ fg
pusable and unerring indications of a pres: ¥ i op Bo y rh
he restive esvex; Docu ®.
most villainous scolding the first i]
systen us com wnit ] rc A St ACH 4 SI ; 11 ) wi HEY es
’ al a Eas what Topionsty Hor fem: Tao six months afierwards. We serious de-f An ckpofhin ander Marat to rogaly
amply guarding the citizen against oppres-
T feubassiired, engage your seriots consid.
erat os ta god 3 PRN
The subject of manufactures, from full
Biking gd
tion, and a curtain lecture every night for}
experience during
Wd 6 wit, is pew fo We