American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, December 23, 1815, Image 1

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    - A clirizens, it dicted the terms of peace.
rrr P28 NPP pp rrr is Fraser re FB DOW CONSUMING their theans of subsistences
payadle half yearly in advance.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
December 8, 1815.
This day at 12 o'clock, the governor of
ils state transmitted to both the houses
®t the Legislature, the following
To the Senate and House of Representa-
. tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl-
. AT no period of ‘our existence ns a na-
ton has our character stond so deservedly
digh and our prospects been so bright as
"ox present. Single handed we have waged
. mglorious war against a nation of all others
"- gnost able and willing to cripple our com-
merce, annihilate our navy and dry up the
sources of our Independence and happiness.
An honorable peace has brought with it an
abuhdant commerce, which will enable our
~ @overnment to meet all demands and pro-
* #ide for all probable future wants. The
Pavy, which in our contest with Great Bri.
iin was the first and the last portion of
public force which covered itself with glo-
.#y, and the nation as with a shield, has,
within a few months, carried our fame inte
other nations, and conquered ancther epe-
my.—After liberating our captive fellow
» The Barbarian pirates, that for centuries
*. have plunder ed and exterted tribute from
pil Europe, have beep humbled by the
Joungest nation of the earth. The cre.
scent of the east has gen eclipsed by the
¥ising star of the wee, Yand we should be
nore or less than men, if these repeated
gallant achievements of our colintrymen at
Bome and abroad. did not make us proud
of the name of Americans; a pride which
itis honorable to cherish, and which I
rust will be cherished, until every man
‘Who is entitled to the appellation will feel
80 much of its dignity as to make it a res
Pectable passport throughout the world.
' Since the meeting of the last legislature,
#vents the mest important, extraordinary
and unexpected have agitated and couvul-
sed Europe. An individual, attended by 2
Body guard, confiding in the affection of the
“people and the devotion ofthe army, land
‘edon the shores of France. His name
the herald of his glory, was hailed with ac.
olamations ; he rode as in a triumphal car
to the capital ; not anarm nora voice was
zaised against him, and he was Ina few
days seated on the throne which a Bourbon
had hastily abdicated. The sovereigns of]
Europe combined against the man whom a
pation had welcomed. They poured their
armics upon France like a mighty torrents
end a single but sanguinary battle decided
¢he fate of that kingdom, and hurled from
fis throne that man whose genius and ta-
fents had caused kings and empires to for:
get their hatred and unite apalnat this
mighty one as the common enemy of all.
The allied armies entered France, and comm.
pelled her to drink deep of the cup off:
which she had made others taste. Pranee,
the first and most faithful ally of the United
Beaten, Is devastated and dismembered by
foreign arms, while those of her ‘own chil.
dren, instead of being turned against the
®nvaders, are employed In destroying each
ather. “United, they would have stemimed |:
the tide of invasion and turred back the
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violating the dearest objects of their love
and turning them from their homes, hungry
and houseless. As hurhan beings we must
feel for our fellow men, nor can we help
feeling acutely for the sorrows and suffer.
ings of those who stood firmly with usin
our day of adversity, who with their arms
assisted to raise, and with their blood to ce-
ment, the glorious temple which we raised
to independence. - Shall those awful dis-
pensations of Divine Providence pass be-
fore us without our being deeply impress-
ed with the baleful consequences of being
a divided people ? We must unite upon
national grouud; we must cherish a nation
il spirit and become ‘an wnited people a-
gainst all foreign foes; or (which God for-
bid) the ddy may come when we, like the
people of France, in szckcloth and ashes
may weep over the ruins of our unhappy
and dismembered country. The page of
bistory is full of the most impressive les-
sons, but if any one truth be more repeated
ly or impressively illustrated; it is the ne.
ceseity of union amongst the people. Let
us be wise, and profit by the experience W
ages. Ja our late war we had too muche
contention, too much of division, but, Hea-
ven be praised, with all our embarrass
ments and all our drawbacks, a just and
glerious war Has been terminated by an
honorable peice. Long may the peace
continue j Jong smay the nation repose in
our falthful militla, our brave army, and
gallant navy have profusely strewed the
land, the ocean and the lakes. The best
way to preserve peace, is ta be prepared
for war. We live m en eventful age, and
duty requires prudent preparations to meet
those dangers which jealousy, hstred and
envy may engender. The late war has
done more to secure the permanence
our republican institutions and to establish
fof us a character gbroad, than its most
zealous advocates and most sanguine
friends could have hoped. It has shewn
us our strength and our weaknesses, and
we Owe itto ourselves, our posterity and
mankind, to profit by the knowledge thus
During the late war the soil of thie com
monwealth was never trodden by an hostile
foot, yet it had at one time a greater num.
ber of militia and voluntecrs in the service
of the United States than were at any time
in the field from at. other state in the u’
nion. Our militia and volunteers were ac.
tually engaged with the enemy in Canada,
on lake Erie, at Baltimore and elsewhere,
and stood ready to repel him from the states
of New York and New Jersey. These are
proud facts for Pennsylvania, and I could
not deny myself the gratification 6f placing
them, without comment, be ore our fellow
citigens; not, however, without cherishing
the hope that th may stimulate to such
legislative provisions as shall make the mi-
litia the best dnd safest, as it always must
be the surest, icetrument for the support of
national independence and the preservation
of internal tranquillity.
Experience has shewn the futility of the
idea of converting every man into a sel-
dier. An efficient defence must in my
judgement be sought in a sclect militia
Such 8 body, always erganised, disciplined
and well appointed, ¢an on any emergency
be promptly brought into the field ; and so
long 38 freedom is appreciated and patriot
ism inherited ffom a brave ancestry, we
ject, it would seem po necessary yi aid
honor and safety on the Jaurele with which]
* “SATURDAY BrENING, Dissinber 8 23, , 1816.
and foster the epirit that animates our
youth, by granting immunities to those who
shall enrol themselves in select corps to
serve such a period as may be fixed by law,
holding forth to him who honorably dis-
charges his duty, future exemption from
service, a liberal remuneration for thé uni-
form accoutrements furnished by him, and
for the time he shall have spent in acquir-
ing the art of war. Itis well observed, in
the farewell address of the great and the
good Washington, that « timely disburse-
ments to prepare for danger, frequently
prevent greater disbursements to repel it.’
The whole male population between cer-
tain ages might be held in reserve, ensolled
and mustered perhaps once a year. The
quantity of labor which would be perform-
cd by this latter body on those days now
spent in attempting to tech themi the mi-
itary art, would be in value, equal to the
expense which ought to be incurred in or-
ganizing and equipping a very considera
ble body of select militia. [ c¢#h not dis
miss this subject without declaring my con-
viction that the ate war has manifested the
patience under privations, the military ar-
dor, and innate courage of our fellow citi
zens. In the south, where difference of
language, of habit and even of national pre.
judices, tended to disunite and distract, yet
all were, through the delicate attentions,
sagacity, firmness and super-eminent qual-
ifications of one of the first heroes of the
that invaluable right to all those who
believed to be within the spirit of its
antee. It is submitted to your eohsiderms
tion whether, under legislative provision,
the qualifications necessary to exercise the
right of suffrage may not be move clearly
defined and better secured, thao if all casea
of doubt are left on the declson of irrest
ponsible officers, whose decigions on sims
ilar points are as dissimilar, as ave the feel,
ings, prejudices or opinions of the different
individuals who constitute the various sloes
tion tribunals throughout the state.
Relieved from the various and compliod
ted duties incident toa tate of war, the los
gislature williturn more of their attention to
the cultivation of the arts of peace and the
amelioration of such of our laws as muy
be found to have any unsound analogy to
the severity of European polity. First fa
order and first in the interest of humanity
stands a completely revised penel codes
The materials in the report of the Attorney
General, and reports and bills of late les
gislatures on this subject, will it is hoped:
be fotind so ample as greatly to lighten
the labor of graduating a scale of crimes
and proportionate punishments. A sys
tem of criminal jurisprudence which shal}
as far ac human laws shield persons and
property against oatrage or injustice, and
yet be tempered with merey and mildnessy
is, I am confident, expected by théchristian,
and the philanthropist. In the contemple
ted system, Its oped, will be Intfoduced
ago; made subservient to the general weal,
sources of the most honorable emulation
and cauwes of the most glorious triumph.
The reports of the brigade inspectors,
made agreeable to law, of the arms, am-
munition, military stores and camp equip-
ments, in their respective brigades; exhibit
valuable pronerty, sorie of it in such a
state as t6 impress the legislature with the
necessity of collecting into depots where it
can receive the attention necssary to pre-
serve it from destruction. I would sug-
gest that an arsenal for such purposes
be built at the seat of Government, and a-
nother some where near lake Erie. Of
the rifle, so destructive to an enemy in
hands of our hardy woodsmen, there arc
few the property of the state. I would
recommend the purchase of some, and an
increase also of field ordnance.
The loan of $300,000, directed by a law
of the last legislature, to enable the United
States to pay the Pennsylvania militia and
volunteers who had been in service the
last campaign, was effected as soon as
practicable. Unfortunately the sum was
not sufficient fo pay all who were enti-
tled, and Congress not having made any
appropriation of monies for the payment of]
militia some remain unpaid even at this
late period. If any thing should prevent
Congress from promptly attending to this
subject, I would recommend ar addition-
al lone to enable government (o pay those
meritorious citizens who are yet unpaid.
Legislative exposition ia required “of the
law giving additional pay out of the state
treasury 0 our militia while in the ser.|;
vice of the United States. Itis doubted
whether the provision of the law extends
to and embraces the cases of those of our
vice, but who wers arrested on the march
by the order of the secretary at wae before
they arrived at the place of rendezvous.
A declaratory law appears necessary to
prevent in cases a deprivation of ihe elec-
shall never want sbundant materials to form|ti¥e franchise. The leper of the constita-
Masars pf biheroom "pen those who i vo fe Vo sham ths dasinsble ob. ion dous Wk a 2 ind Ip presen
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militia who had been ordered in the ser-|tal cases.
ample provision for the suppression of vice;
In addition to what on this subject is men
tioned in a communication I had the hoo
to make a former legislature, dated Des
cember 10th 1818, to which I beg leave to
refer, permit me to suggest the propries
ty of preventing, as well the demoralizing
practice of holding unauthorized fairs, and
of so regulating those that are authorised
as to prevent their being s¢epes of dissipas’
tion and vice, father than marts for the
ling is practised to an enormous amount.
It would in a great measure prevent or ag
least tend to lessen the evils of drunkenesgy
if the property of habitual drunkards were
placed in the hands of trustees, without
whose consent debts subsequent contracted
by any such mentally diseased persery,
should by law be irrecoverable.
Frequent and serious reflection has cone
firmed the suggestions made in the come
munication above alluded to, that the res
sult of forfeited recognizancesin cases of
personal wrong, ought ef right to be ap.
plied to femunerste the parties injureds
be paid for tavern licenses; provision to B¢
necessary when new trials are ordered for
reasons having no bearing upoti the mess
its of the matter in controversy) : respects
ing larcefies committed withotit the st:te 5
the inefficiency of the writ of habeas core
pus: the frequent applications for
and the want of & court of revision in caphe
[beg leave to introduce to your.
notice also, that it frequently occurs in
counties where the sitting of the copmt of’
quarter Sessions is limited to four darey
that eriminalg cstinot be sentenced, becaysa
period. Imprisonment to the next term ls
purpose of sale and barter, a# the prevens-
ting also the violation of the law agains .
Its penalties are openly evaded, ©
under the specious name of «distribation of’
property;” by this ingenious device, swinds :
also as to the modification of the sums to
made to prevent the too frequent setting
aside the verdicts juries (now became more
a verdict of gulity ig not found within thay =
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