American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, December 16, 1815, Image 4

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    POE] ICAL.
fir dant chime I have met a sweet
Ee 11g
, A blossom unfelding. its exquisite ray ;
+ Mo
Asa vrerits blush than the rich bloom
of Muy
'Y fear that suother emamour’d may view it,
May steal it away from its fond parent
$M §
¥ hat in absence some fortunate lover may
woo it:
And 1 sigh when i think of the beautiful
to florish,
. Ou the wings of affection 1 hastily fly :
“For what is there sweeter than fondly to
What is dear to the heart, what 1s fair te
the eye.
o leave not the bower, sweet rose, till I
come, :
Hope whispers thy blossoms I again shall
survey ;
My bosom, believe me, was form'd for ay
0 leave ot the bower tiil it bears thee
*pway! A
Sec svegu TET TY
The lost Traveller.
kh incidents on wivich the following lines
are founded, are mentioned by Drake, in
one of the volumes of his. Essays; as
| Ts November's chill night, and the bil:
* lows were dashing
Onthe wide spreading beach with tu-
multuous roar ;
© Ahd the breeze *mid the rocks, which the
wild waves were lashing,
~ Howl'd dreary and hoarse on the Sen
J Fhore.
Fler the durkness and terrors of night
‘had gone by;
Bet gh! from the heavefis in torrents it
Ana the pass was o’erflow’d as the river
fel’ d high.
Ket t4ghly he ventur’d—but scarce from
3 the shore
The per ious way on his charger he {ri-
“Wich the terrified steed; and the rider he
ere ov from thé ford and whelm’ d
i £he tide:
on tes were his shiteks,” heath the wave
6 $6
dons Nis phinigd fo his wa-
on { Ln hig £5165; 28 WE §tood on the
Yhat loudly ahd yavly pial us to
8aAVEe: |
Bu Aid
ol ¥ho seaman famnfd, pale; as Ye gaz’d énithe
For Be force of the tempest no barque
“could outlive ;
And nought could we do on that horrible
But to pity and weep, for we could not
th %
5 h
Jo islet he gain’d, and fash'd to a tree,
‘He hop’d that the rage of the storm
would subside ;
| Bat vain was his hope, for the fast rising
oi + less tide.
Yomi Syl
a times the red Hghtning weuld flash o'er
the wave,
we And we saw how half-rais'd "mid the ‘wa-
ter he stood :
Oh God can i think of the look that he
re gave? ih
It thiiltls through my bosom, it freezes
&nd there when the darkness had hidden|r,
his form,
And desperate he struggled with hope-
. less endeavor«=
How his shriek re
noise of the sto
As'the ne wal rase » Mgh to cashrond him
h'd the. hikes with the
0 ety thay morning it timedly glows,
Mo the shade where the flowret is destin’d
lceased, to wit:
{value &c the titles are good, and taxes
{the subscriber on the primises.
Soon whelm’d his last hold i in its meérci-
Jast groan,
* In the anguish of death, as it roil’d to the
shore ; ‘
How dread! Oh how dread |
plaintiv e moan,
As it came to us mix’d with the tem-f.
pst) s wild roar.
was that oni®
The morn came at last-=the sun rose se-
‘The tide had fone down, and the ten
pest declin’d ‘as
And there, hero he dicd, was the travel
ler seen,
Left bare by the waters and bleach’d in
the wind. C.G:M
To Samuel Dunlop,
late of Centre County, Lailor:
YOU are hereby requested to be and ap:
pear in your proper person at a Court of
Common Pleas, to be holden at Bellefonte.
for the County «of Centre, on the 4th Mon-
day of January next, to answer the com-
plaint of your wife Mary Ann Dunluft, who
sues by her next friend, William Petrikin,
fora divorce from the Bond of Matrimo-|:
ny, and to shew cause if any you have, why
the said Mary Ann Dunlop should not be
divorced agreeably to her petition or libel
Wm. Alexander, SI ff.
wo Qf Centre County.
Y virtue of an order of the Orphans].
court of Centre couaty, will be sold on)
Friday the 29th day of December next, at
the house of Evan Miles in the Borough}:
of Bellefonte, the following mentioned valu:
able property being part of the real estate
of John Duilop late of Centre county de
‘Lhe one undivided hai
part of « Washington Iron Works,” “con.
sisting of a blast Furnace anda F orge, both
lately erected, now in blas,, and in goe
order, with about two tHousand acres of
land situate in Bald-cagie Township 3.
county, about eight miles from the Bald-
eagle creek, (a navigable sticam) and ten
miles from the west branch of Susquehan-
foa. The quantity, quality, and cenvenienee
of the ore, attached to these works, as
as their sittiation, and quality of the. land,
will be found worthy the attention of enter-
prising men.—Also the whole of 77 adjoin-
iag tracts of unimproved land containing
about'415 acres each, situate in the. said
county of Centre, about twenty miles above
west branch of Susquehanna; —these lands.
a considerable part of them being rich and
fwell watered, the whole abounding with
fron ore, and scites for works, in the pos-
session of nionied men to settle and in-
prove them, would soon be of very great
paid. One half of the purchase money to
be paid when, the sales a confirmed, the
residue in two. annual ments.—atten-
dance will be given by John G. Lowrey and
Charles Huston, Admrs, and the sale ta
commence at 13 o'clock.
Ww, ms Beteiting ed kt
Nov. ¥% 1815:
For sald, :
Containing about four hundred acres, 60
or 70 of which are cleared.” A'good dwel-
. {ling House, and double barn, with four ex-
cellent Springs of never failing water; also
Peach, Apple, and Cherry orchards of first
rate fruit; thereon: Thereis now a quantity
of ten or twelve acres of good meadow upon
the place; and 18 or 20 more can be made
with little difficulty. The above Lasd is
situated in Boggs township, three miles
above Mileshuig, adyoining the Bald eagle
Bottoms. Aniy person wisning to pur-
chase, can'see the property by applying to
- William Hinton.
Novm 25, 1815.
Land for Sale.
The subscriber offers for sale, one hun-
dred and fifty acres of land, situate in Nit-
tany valley, Centre coanty, Walker town-
ship. The land is of the first quality, well
timbered with black-cak, Shell bark hick-
ory, Red-oak, Walnut and White oak ; has
on it two springs of excellent water; one of
them rising at the foot of Muncy or Bald
eagle mountain, and forms a delightful sit-{.
uation for a distillery ; being but two and an
half miles from Bald eagle creek. For
further particulars apply to the subscriber
living on the primises.
Nov. 27,1815.
Blank Executions for}
sale at this Offices
At ion] it clos’d o'er him-ive Loar d vo
the Great Island, on the west side of the
timber, and hayirg on them Stone Coal |
Ten Bollars T Rewhid
OST ‘or niishid by. te. subsoriber. a
bundie of papers containig as follows:
t wo hundred i oho y four dollars in une
cngdonand Centre County Baok Notes,
promissory note of Jacob Boas in Harris-
burg of § 2500--aiso an account current
wit: Jacob Beas, and an account current
with the Harrisburg Bridge Company, all
fonclosed in a letter of Jacob Bugher; Esq,
Cashier of the H, B. Company,
The bundle with. the above mentibaed
money and papers was missed on the road
heween Deirstown and Altz’s tavern or
mill. The finder will be rewarded with
ten dollars at the delivery of the above men:
toned money and papets to Mr. George
Kraemer in Derrstowa, Roush tavern, near
the Narrows, John Sttzerin Youngmans.
frown, or John Norris, Esq. Cashier of the
Centre Bank ¢ at Bellefonte
P. A. Karthaus.
Dellefonity Nove 10, 1815.
ALL persons having any demands a-
sainst the estate’ of Capt. Wiliam G
Green, late ot Belletonte, Genire County,
are requested to present the same legally
authenticatedy and those lndebied td make
‘mediate payment | BO
Nov. 27, 1815.
Dickinson College.
E he trustees of Dickinson College have
‘he pleasure of announcing ics yesrganie-
The Rev. De. Jonny MK NIGaT, former
ly professor of Moral Philosophy, Logick,
{&c. in Columbia College, in the city of New
York, has accepted the unanimous inyitati-
ou given to him, of principai of this semi-
office the beginning of next week. A pro-
sumed will soon be procured; in the mean
time dirangomicnits are made; temporarily,
to Supply is vacaticyy in order to meet
the present txigeney. In the “course of
this session, of at the commencement of
thendk the this(eés Expect that Lectures.
J on Chymisiry vil Ye: @ehvered in the col-
lege a as asuak:
A gentleman Fishy Guialificd is now
teaching ‘the French and “Spanish lan-
guages, and a class will be tatight by him in
the College inv thé course of the present
Lr Editors of i newspapers friendly to Ii-;
teraure, are requested to give the above a
place in their papers.
S hereby givento all persons inehted fo!
the estate that was: of Thomas M:Kee,'
of Walker township Centre county, deceass
cd, either by bond, note, or book account,
against said estate are requssted to produce’
‘hem for settlement on Saturday the 25th)
of this inst at the house ol Thomas MCal-
mon, I.sq. ge
Nos EMBER 4, 1815
Public Sale,
Taz subscribers, execators of the 34
tate of James Hamilton, deceased, of Sols.)
bury township, Lancaster county, will sell}
on Weduesday the 6th day of December,
fat the. house of Mr. James Cummings, in
the borough of Williamsport, a. certain
tract of
containingabout 225 acres, situate on the
first east branch of Pine-creek, above and
adjoining lands of Samuel Shoemaker, esq,
It 1s of a good quality, chiefly bottom land.
An indisputable title will be made agreca-
bly to law, by
THE subscribers takes this method to
inform the public that the have commen.
ced the
James = Rothrock, : where the inten
sale. They will shortly have a quantigs
nf Stove ips § for sale.
September 30; 1815,
hays—and will commence the duties of his’
lessor of the learned languages, of compe~
Client ability; and highly qualified, it is pre-|-
— | Eliza Davis.
to make payment immediately to the sub-j Fbomas Ellis.
seribats; and all persons having demands
{John Himiliery
jdacob Holter,
- {Richard Hughs,
in the Borough of Bellefonte, next door tofe
keeping a constant supply of tin-ware for
Ni B. The highest prige gen for ol
yr *
© All persons indebied to the $ bserihoeRs
any way whatever, arc requested to calla
the office of Elitka Moore, Bey and make
payment, as all my accoun's wre. puplinte
his hands for clot “ Placcablyif
can, forcibly if T muse.”
Georoe Rothrock!
BELIEFON re, Oc. 7, 1815.
Notice v
NOTICE is hereby given, that the wit
scribers will attend at the late dwelling
house of John Wrigley, dee. in Pike towhe
ship Cleartield county, on’ Monday and
Tuesday the fourth and fifth days vs ©. inp
tember next ; and on Monday ana Puesddy
the 18th and "9th of the same month) and
the first and third Mondays of October,
November and December next, for the
purpose of settling the accounts of thc
Isai deceased. AN persons. who are in-
debited to sald estate, are requested then
to come forward and make paymeiits and
all who have demands against said estate
are desired to bring their accounts forward
legally attested for payment.
.. SAM. COLEMAN, ¢ =i ey
Aug. 29th; 1815. nls
Dividend. :
The Directors of the Centre Bank &
Penasylvania have this day declared 2 divi.
dend on the stock paid in at the rate of nine
per cent per annum-—payable at the Bank
after the 14th instant.
Jno. Norris, Cas’ re
; BErLeroNtE, Nov. 6, 1815.
List of Letters.
Remaining inthe Post office $0th Septem.
ber 1815, which if not taken out and
postage paid, will be sent to the Gene
Pest Office in three months from pn
A. William Kcley,
William Adams,
Zacherizh Albright,
Wim. Aiamerman,
John L.. Brown,
Thomas Barlow,
-Micb=z! Beaver.
: £.
El Cadwallader,
Isaac Conden,
‘Michael Claper,
Jesse Cookson ; 4,
John Campbell.
Josiah Lambourny ©
Jocob Lantz,
John Loug,
John Lammon,
Samuel Miles,
Richard Moore,
Fituuci } Miller,
annah Macke
William Mes .
William Moores
Jacob. Miller,
Andrew M'Keey
John M:Kinlv,
William M:Clurey +
James MeIntoshe
Bicmar Evans;
Hannah Everhart,
Samuel Everhart,
Susannah Elder;
Joseph Essington,
Job Packer, 3
Samuel Parke
John Patterson,
Wm. Patterson,
Wm. Petrikin, 4
Abraham Pastorig~
Daniel Rush,
John Robiuson.
James Shecchan,
Francis Steel,
Andrew C. Smi
Christain Spars,
John Soloday,
Anthony Smith,
Jonathan Sethsayery
Hety Stephenson,
Jobn Shannon,
William Spencer,
'Mithael etrer,
John Fury; 2,
Nancy Fleming,
James Garduoery
Philip Gulich,
Peter Hinkle,
Thomas Hastings,
John Hutten,
Nohemiah Hadly,
Thomas Heney.
George Fie:
Charles Jackson; 2,
Isaiah John,
Catharine Johnstony
Hugh Johuston,
Thomas Jacobs.
rs irl
Audrew T ivi
-Rebeeca Templet
Joseph Thorndgke,
¥ Vow:
dane Vanhorn,
Joseph Updegraffy.
John Wilson, ;
Simeon Westfall, +
William Keith;
John Keen,
Johm Kirk, bei
Adam Krumrine,
A. 2 Stewart, LP. a
“For Sale,
struments belonging thereto.” It will be
purchasing, can have an oportunity of do-
fing 0 by calling on the subscriber, near
priug _u Haynes township, Cente
og s0, 1815. . hE
N eatly executed at this’
3 ak Bo
Edward Southerland.
William Undervoply =i
A Suitvoyir's Cops, with all ves ine
sold reasonable.” Any person desirous of”