_; - _ A oy o ER we . 3 PR lg iy: age , Je against occasional eomipotitions from In ll measures having Such objeite; my would stop/in Paris. Fis Imperial Majes-| Ysconfidedtly refommended 0 the RoW 3) abroad but a source of domestic wealthjfaithfal co-operation will be afforded. Jty-will take the title of « Protector of the efficacious medicitie br the speedy relief Sand even of external commerce. in se- James Madison ~~ fliberty of Itaiy.” It is supposed there wiki = cure ot all nervous cemplaints, attend fefting the brenches more especialy eu * fheaisguc among the Princes of Italy, on}? with juward weaki€ss; depression of the ! gitled to the public patronage, a prefer- Washington, Dec. 5, 18135. the plan of the Germanic legion. * His{"P-vits, head-ache, t cmor, tawtness, hyster ’ \ ence is obviously claimed by such as will sn ———— i CmOnation was to have taken place aijjc fits, Gebiliin, Stunna Chien gleets + ve the United States from a depen-{ a. : rankfort on the 15% Oct. and various complaints, vesulting fiom ses > 3 Saie- oh foreign supplies, even in vo AMERICAN PatriorT. The King of Prussia has also left Paris cret impropriety of youth and " dissipated. " § easnzi failures, for articles necessary for To speak his thoneht sa and the Emperor Alexander was quigklyfhabits, residence in warm climates, the’ { ghe public delence, or coinected with the Is every Freeman's Fight.” to follow. : : iz hambeerate use of tea, the ynshiliul or ex- | primary wants of individuals. Jt will be ee Talleyrand is appointed Minister of}cessive use of mercury, $o ofien destructive an additional +ccommendation of partic. Briteroxts, Decenize 16, 1813; state. ] ol the human frame, diseases peculiar to ular manufactures, where the materials for ee —— females at 2 certain period of lite, Pluap ae : - a, barrenness, &c. &c them are extensively drawn from our agri r Albua, barrenness, &c. &c. culture, and consequently import and en- Jonx Tob, is re-clected speaker of thel * I M P OR T AN T, Under the denomination of nervous dige reat fund of national prosper- : s : : J orders, ave included several diseases of the sure, to that g prospe Senate, and Rees Hirt of Green county, Some tithe ago, we made a demand up-{ 77° "ind, and n er 3 nd independence, an encouragemen ’ . . . + {most dangerous kind, and are so various ity a rt 5 eo N { R on those indebted to us; to call during the! , J , py «_ svhich cannot fail to be rewarded. speaker of thie House of Representa- week of fie’ November, Court. and rahe that a voluine would hardly sufics to come Among the means of advancing the pub-f.;_.o payment. The little attention paid to thee Pitted duscriplion of them. It pervades, lic interest, the occasion 18 a proper oni phe Wilkesbarre Gleaner stated that the call has induced us to try whether there is| 1b 18 bulelul inflaence, the Whale ners for recaliing the aitention of Congressii a . oi come parts of Luzerne county|, strer, aud mote Tedd y tdde’ of cola Yous system, writhing the heart with inex : be ishit : Estar tl > | node O £0 vessitl isl cit ROT to the great A Haan ads been more malignant than the yellow lieciine money. We, therefore, respectiul- pushy Ing as te mots shronghout our country ue oe y fever, and that at Lackawany Hg POTSOIS lly inform our subscribers and advertising To this rei bite thnnsn de I ‘ - + mals which can be best execute i have died in the last six weeks than for six customers, that they will sliortly be waited] Sn a a hd a 2) Cpa aan pational authority. No object Within they, oping previous. upon with their bills, in the hope that all] ice, i ihe dhieial wansperis of iis faye, ; : ket : ; rs : ia 18 mptoms of its - civcle of political economy, so rich Tepay or thuse w ho can, possibly, will be prepared to} most solmonsy : Sptoms of 1 Sou the expence bestowed on them 5 there arc C 5 discliarge them. menceinent, are, wetancss, fintulenge,, pal. - neue, the utility of which is more umversaily ongress- No hack of Taboring men; perhaps in pitations, watchfulness, drowsiness after ascertained and acknowledged ;none that do Wasrrvarox, Dec, 5. [the community, are more badly paid than] 8 timidity, flashes of heat and cold, snore honor to the government, whose wise : Sa a . the Printers. Why is this the fact? Wer u0UESS, cramp; giddiness, pains In the a tareed patriotism duly appreciates] The Hon. HENRY CLAY was chosen : ] : head; back, and ows, hickan difbeulty and eniarged patriotisn ¥ app : Houses of Congress, the|donot suppose they are less worthy off 70 “hrs SIG HOTS, BIEERD, God 'h ature invites more | biect of which is {oremonve the sitting of 3 i “toon, &c. A prescnts a field where nature it pbje huilding; which hasjduethem are so large as to redder pay- The Vesstable: N — the 2vt of man to complete her own work{Congress to the new bi 8 he citlsmnejrient dificult or embarrassing. Quite he Vegeta ic Nervous Cordial is also for his accomodation znd benefit. Thoselveen voluntarily prepared by Pe i die chintrary. None | ate mobs’ enst. a great Antiscothutic Medicine, and is of monsiderations are strengthened, moreover tor their reception od Capitol hil: ie ly'paid; and none labor harder or more nse- uilinite service or purifying the blood, and by the political efiect of those faciiiides forfnouse of Representatives adjourned over fully for their little pittance than they do; curing those foul disorders ofthe skin which , intercommunication, in bringing and bind- iil} Monday, with a view to give time to the of none, ve believs, pay a greater propor- commonly appear in the form of Scurvyy ing more closely together the various partsiofficers ofthe Mouse to. prepare for their ion fox cenie to the prodact of tel a. Surfeit. Red Blotches, Carbuncles, Vicers, of our extended confederacy. Whilst thefaccornmodation in the new building: bor. Dissornive ther mnnot Lut Sec ‘the ke. &e. A Sane of the Anti-Bilions Pillsy a. individaaily, with a latdible inter-l oa : es C8 x : mn jtaken occasionally with this medicines states: ndividaels Ah avail thatnacl eos of propricty and necessity Of paying a_prin- proves of additional service in the lagt te prize and i ation, a ait er Berves ; ‘Phe election of John Randolph to Con-|ter punctually, and generéNs men will nes tioned cases. thelr focal 2 cp cto he gress is a subject of national congratulation, |veravithhold that which they kuow to be j 2 BUVIfAUC Cana'sy, MG Dy mj he Sep EIR pe ht justiy his due, longer than they can cobves Dz. ROBERTSON’s sircams susceptible ol navigation, the gen. notwithstanding the potulerce of his tem piently aveidit : HAT i AF Te dha Wwiare. five sity. as ; is : : CELEBRATED GOUT ; ; aval Evin is the more urged to Hm er, and the eccentricity of his politics ; forf i Si Foe : Apna alar undertakin zs, requiring a pationg ju- J : ; : i ce the avove invaluable medicines pisdiction, and national means, by the pros-{he ie the vagle eyed detector and the reef NO 17 CE. wes first discovered, upwards of seven r f! Tn Nat 1oa iv at atin or 8 30 { t f Hie rit a { R . a } “43 J 2 oR 3. pect of thus, sy wg . Soapis ne pe jentness opsonent o political crime, under LL persons jndebted to the subscriberjhundred thousand persons have expesient Anestimgole Ds top RS HS whatever teuptation or by whataver party] SQ in any way whatever; arc particularlyjced their happy and salutary effetts, mang Bection, eh nS Ya on ne ay it may be perpetroted. requested to make payment on or beforejof whom from the lowest stage of their tise Wuthority, Tin hr Li aaa Prov. Ame [the 15th of March next, as I must at thatjorders. Fk . be SUPpliet he Nail BR t period, myself, have made up a considera-| B77 Take notice, that each andall the tion itsell has providentiy pointed outs if —— tu {ble sum of money~If this notice is not{above genuine Medicines are signed on the The presents a favorable scoson also. Schr. Flight, arrived at Baltimere,{complyed with, costs, however disagreea-{outside covers with the sigraiure of tim for bringing again into view the establish-lpom Port Prince. It was reported there, ble, will most assuredly be the conse-}sole prop: itor, ant-of national seminary of learning with. i : } \ suence. WwW vind D BO amy and with moans | that in the gale ithe 20th Oct, Christo- 4 \ chil 1d Vv 4 k 1 . . Dy olt, M. ‘ URC 31 Id, ANU {0 10% A 1 AT 3 v \ y ‘ drawn from the property therein subject tofphie’s vessels of war and others inthe harbor} ~~ # rch 31 ang ykKe. Price two Dollars. . the authority of the genera) _governmient.f wee driven on shore, and most of the hous-| Dpcryner 15. 181g. Assafo nnd effectual cure for al gon tut aims the ‘pawronage bag : : a ; ‘he i 3 : Se ER aw of i ir Dyas esat Cape Nicola Mole, Jeremic, &c. were] en , Pe : hii lunbage, one and gravel, ot Congress, non 2 } {Cas L ; ; : w {I ; PER Ly Vi swelling and weakness of the 161I0ts, str ng, t tude for the ‘advancement of knowl unroofed or blow down. 1 i © gE Rig A~, |Druises, and all kinds ‘of ETELD WOUNM Sa A die, without which the blessings of Ii- : ——— 87 Sh RES the cramp, pains in the head, face 2nd bo a be Batty Enjoyed o oN Bre: Government have it incontemplation| ZIGNGE Mem. Bh. asd 5 Hy firs Jlilness in the neck, cuilblaivs, frogens served ; as a mod © 1nstruciive nth “aL. . ; . ; 3 rh S # / (3 mos, &C. . F “mation of other seminaries ; £37 nurse, yf" 18 sail to getablish 2 Naval Depot at York-; : Dz. ROBERTSON’ of enlightened prec opas 2d as a central town, Virginia. 9 : PATENT STOMACHIC BITTERS, resort of youth and genious from every part — v0 { * Pri DORR] a p HORE Mi ? : 77 iy of their county, diffusing on their return = 4 pew expedition is fithng out in Spain| [Hick ate celebrated for the cure of mest ‘ SR : examples of those national feelings, those b * h Ind : *, diseases to which the human body is liable, Which are celebrated for strens thening® Jiberal sentiments, and those congenial jo € sentapg nat the, Independents in South pxpyanen ONLY BY THE SOLE PROPRIETOR | Weak stomachs, increasing the appetite, and manners, which contributes cement ‘to our] America. T. W. DYOTT M. DD. [3 certam preventative and eure forthe fed wnion and strength to the great political fa- itp ) 2.5 ver and ague, &c. &c. . und . =, : ROBERTSON revalent through L 2 oht| France and the Allies several strongly for! rg P or a, Jotthern state In closing this communication, I ought 1C8 SCyveral strongly fo. “OF Edinburg ; and so afflicting to families residing in an Wot to repress a sensibility, in which you jiified places have been ceded by France. (AND FOR SALE IN PHILADELPHIA {low countries, redu : : D : : ; : LX | ndant with mar hi he : Ag i The Philadelphia Merchants have held ONLY, AT THE lakes, stagnated pools, rivers, &c. ae ah pari ll Dy ED meetings for thepurpose of devising some! PROPRIETOK'S WHOLESALE |celebrated and universally esteemed Bit- vidence to which we are indebted for it. : ; ) | Whilst other portions of mankind are la-{method of restoring or equalizing the val. AND RETAIL DRUG AND FAMILY|ters, have surpassed every remedy ever ade J Noting tides whe dietionses of war or sts we ofthe diffrent hath Hose Pius he Medicine Wareh ouse. ministered, for the relief ‘and cure of that ling with adversity in other forms, the U. ¢ Si PROS obétinate oppressor of the h 1 a are in the tranquil enjoyment of pros- made 3 reportand drawn up resolutions No. 137, NORTH EASY coRNER oF spconp|TaINE numberless mstances of their ¢ ficas perous and honorable peace. In review-|first to petition the Legislature of this state AND RACE STRER?S. ey have been testified, after the barks and the scenes through which it has been at-lfor a correction of the evils arrising from An by retail of his agents throughout the various other extolled prescriptions i led taited, wecan rejoiuc In the Proofaqiiven,l, Lo Jol Vo owieSpseares. \ they proved sucsesful, 16 the admirati he that our political institutions, founded inf = To orous ban SIpg Institutions; and the[. ns those who experienced and witnessed human rights, and framed for their preser. increased amount oi bank paper. Second,f DrR.ROBERTS ON’S happy effect. : ; vation, abe equal to the severest trials of{thata memorial be presented to Congress| CELEBRATED STOMACHIC ELIX, Sr bi a as fide ied to the ordinary Pelpraving the’ establishment 0 a National] © p CAR OF HEALTH | 2. ROBERTSON" ods of repose. AS Iruits os this experi 3 ( Price one dollar and iy. éente. : . a ence, and of the reputation acquired by the | Bank Trams, Wit has proved by rd oi Pap Sn apne soak American arsioh She fad and on the wa LH Gh TTT ~ |bave experienced its beneficial effects, to be ‘A medi Liohiv 1 ter, the nation finds itself posscssed of a : ” a : medicine highly necesssary to bo ke growing respect abroad, and Pe just cone Latest Foreign New 5. the Ey aie medicine ayer ghiered 31 PY Brlliceo rates 50 ry ® 5 fidence in itself; which are among the'best va $HED 1: Sm aus ee: : coughs, colds, SyMrronus.--The common symp . ta . THis — ptions, the hooping coughs, asthma, jr ; / orm pledges for its peaceful career. Under o New-York Nov. 19. |uain in the breast, cram s and wind i of the Worms are, paleness ofthe counte- ther aspects of our country, the strongest — stomach. head ach np of a in m the nance, at other times flushing of the face features of its flourishing condition are Cap’. Henry, of the ship Zolus, from gestion Se &c ® Prete nde ftehing of the nose, and about the seaty seen, in a population rapidly increasing on|Cadiz informs that the Governor of that] For the Dysentery or Lax, Chdiora M starting and grinding of the teeth in al a territory as productive as it is extensive ;place, died afew days previous to his sail- bus, severe Gripin and ther di op swelling of the upper lip, the appetite Ina general industry, and fertile ingenuity, fing, supposed to have been poisoned. in the bowels, and = Summer 2 NN, sometimes bad, at other times vOracious-es which find their ample rewards; and in an By the recent numerous arrivals, the of Children has proveda rir aint loosness, disagreeable breath, a hard awel« afluent revenue, which admits a reduction {editors of the New-York Gazette have dv, and estore to Nk h - To eme- fed belly, great thirst, the urine frothy and of the public burthens, without withdrawing |veceived a variety of foreign Journals— Te debili i alth from the sometimes of a whitish color, gripping or the means of sustaining the public credit,f Those from Paris are to the 4th Oct. and 2 Persons cad with Pulmonary C cholic pains, an mvoluntary discharge of of gradually discharging the public debt, oflthose from Doublin to the 8th, with London laints, or disorder of tife Breast Ty 9s saliva, especiaily when asleep; frequent providing for the necessary defensive and cates to the 28th Sept. Pa in the most advanced st . i pains in the side, witha dry cough, andpn« precautionary establishments, and of pat- A Paris ‘paper of the first ult. asters ninmediate relief. Hey Wa equal pulse ; palpitations of the heat, swooe yonizing in every authorized mode, under-fi0¢ the Treaty of Peace “ must have] Common Coughs and Colds, which are in Eee sweats, palsy, epileptic fits, fe. wakings conducive to the aggregate wealth fy qon signed this evening.” And that, in|general occasioned by obstructed perspira. Es é bs and individual comfort of our citizens. consequence ofthe Peace, a part of theltion, will be found to yield to its benign in- are % 8c respected ap picks s 0 ¥ htemaios for the Peardians of the pub-Ipy) ¢ of Welington® s army will march im-{ fluence in a few hours. Though numberless medicinesare ex. Cel ny to Py iniagt He i mediately to Hanover, where it was to ge| In Asthmatic orConsumptive complaints tolled for expelling and killing worms. = w oar So cr nations. winch I=fineo winter quarters. Hoarsness, Wheesings, Shortness of breath, | O0¢ are vi in efficacy 10 Dr. Roto: . poy Thi Game en wands The Emperor of Austria left Paris on and the Hooping Cough, it will give imme- : Wo M DESTROYING LOZE €s ; CeoiSithe morning, and the Grand Duke Con.ldiate relief ] ES, they are miid in their operation. %.d - which guarantee their safety and liberties, stantine : may be given to the soars: wi wig and religeous; and to combine witha Rantisie on the evening; of the 25th Sept. 8 younges: int Lv ith a : . "1The Emperor had six carriages in sui : > safety. Jiberal system of foreign commerce, an ime {=r : Tiages In sunt. Dr. ROBERTSON Ss { provement of the natural advantages, and The prassian guard immediately relieved & protection and extension of the indepen] NC POStS even at the hotel where his Ma-| FEGETABLE NERVOUS CORDIAL | Blank : Executions Hr fi esousseaol the aoetirs PE" josty, resided; and it was presumed from| OR. NATURE'S GRAND RESTORATIVE, 1 at ES np Th $< i L at circumstance that. po Austrian troops) Prise one dollar and fifty cons - #0 alk Rov vr 4