American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, December 16, 1815, Image 1

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    me — —
Published weekly by ALEXANDER HAMILTON. Bi
gs ror TE ara LESLIE SS
to the limitswhere the sentinels are placed.
During this ume all communication with
Mariquesito, assembled a body of troops ny of those men, who, at that time, nour
on the ‘8th inst at Santa Lucia, entered
payable half yearby in advance.
the inbabitants is forbidden. ~ Mis compan-
ions in St Helena are subject duging Ags
time Ig thi sme. vales, and must rey
with him. . Atother times it 1s left tothe
judement of the Admiral or Governor to
make the necessary regulations concerning
them: Itmust be signified to the General,
that if he makes any attempt to ily, he wil]
then be put under close confinement, and
Frans Documents relative to. the man-
ner in which Bonnfiarte is to betreated
Letter from Farl Bathurst, Sec’ry of State,
to the Lords of the Admiralty.
« Downing-street, Judy 30; 1315.
My Loxps—I wish ‘your Lordships to
dive the goodness 10 communicate to Rear
+ Admiral Sir George Cockburn, a copy of]
“the following Memorial, which 1s to serve
him by way of instruction; to direct his
conduct while General Bondparte rétnaing
ander his eare, Tlic: Prince Regent,
confiding to Boglish officers a mission of
such importance, feels that it is necessary
_€o express Lo them bis carnest desire that
no greater prrson: 1 restraint may be en-
ployed than what ehall be found ‘necessary
faithfully to perform the duties of which
the Admiral, as well as the Governor of St.
it should be found that they are plotting to
prepare the Generals. flight, they shall be
separated {rom him, and put. under close
All letters addressed to the General or
to persons in his suite, must be. delivered
to the Admiral or Governor, who will read
them before he suffers them/ to be delivers
ed to those to whom they are addressed
Letters written by the General or his suites}
are subject to the same rule.
No letter that does not come to St. Hel:
ena through the Seceretary of State; must
be communicated to the Geperal or his at:
tendants, if it 1s not writien hy a person not
living in the Island. All their letters ads
ora. must sever lose sights namely, the! dressed to persons not living in the Island.
must go under the cover of the Secretary of
ure “detention of the person of
gperiectly secu State:
General Bonaparte Eyery thing. which, : g
without opposing the grand ehject, can be! It will be clearly Priested to the Gen
: eral that the Governor and Admiral have
precise orders to liom his Majesty 's Go
grranted as an inc dalgence willy his Royal
need, be allowed the Gen-
Highuess is couvi Tents
tions which the Gener al may desire’ {to ad-
eral I'he Prince Reg: wt depends turiher|
on the well known zeal ‘and resolute char-
acter of Sir G. Cockburn, that he w ill not
suffer himself to be misicd, imprudent to
{rom thiesperformance of his duty.
Sexais ay . « BATHURBL”
“When General - Bonaparte leaves the
Bellerophon to go on board the Novthuri-
berland; it will (be the properest moment
Tor Admiral Cockburn to have the effects
examined which: General Bonaparte may
have brought with him.
The Admiral will allow all the baggage, | ee: Admiral far thin Pt
wine, and provisions, which the Gene: al lias Bull Dover rain he General on
ay have brought with him, to be taken |’ P
on board ‘the Northumberland. Among
the b: s1B his table service is to be un«
derstoos s included, nnless it be so consis
derable as to seem rather an article tor be (©
converted into ready money than {or real)
His money, his diamonds, and his salea-
any precaution.
such request or representation Is written
rust be communicated them open, that
they may both read it, and when they send
HL acconapany it. with such observations as
they may judge necessary.
‘Till the arrival of the new Govern
Admiral must be considered as entirely
responsible for the person of Gen. Bora
parte, 4nd his Maj. has 'no doubt of the ip:
'on of his person cannot be otherwise effect-
led. When the Adiniral arrives at St. Hel-
lena, the Governor will, upon his represen:
tation,adopt measures for sending immedi
ately to England, the Cape of Good
or the Last Tndics; such officers, or! other
persons, in the military corps of; St,
(na, as the Admiral, either bec ausgth
foreigners, or en gccount of t
ter or disposition, shall’ think
to dismiss from the military service | in St.
If there ure strangers in the
whose residence in the country shall seem
to the flight of General Bonaparte, he must
take micasures to remove them. The
{whole coast of the islafid, and all shipsand
iboats that visit it are placed under the sur-
veillance of the /Admiral.
points where the Admiral shall consifies
this precaution as necessary. ©.
The Admiral will adopt the most vigor:
as he shall allow.
Orders will be issued th prevent, fiers a
neccessary interval, any foreign or mercan-
tile vessel to go in future to St. Helena,
their confidence, in order to attend the Gen.
in common with his own physician ; they
ry day a report on the state of his health.
In case of his death, the Admiral will give
orders to convey his body to England,
Given at the War -Office,
July 23, 1815. }
3 EE
Latest from Spain.
LofDbox, Sept. 30.
The mail from Corrunna has brought ve-
ry important intelligence, nothing less than
accounts of an insurrection against the
existing government of Spam, in conse-
quence of its supposed oppression, Gen.
Porlier, who distinguished himself so much
in the Patriotic war, under the name of the
ble effects (consequently bills of ¢ xchange),
alsoof whatever kind they may be, must be
delivered up. The Admiral will <declare!
to the General that the British Gov ernment
by no means intepds to cenfiscate his pro.
perty, but merely to take upon itselt the
admnistrati yn of:his effects to hinder. him
#rom using them asa means of hus fig ht
The cxaminationgshall be made the
presence of a person named by Bonaparte;
the inventory ofghe effects to be rt tained
shall be signed hy this person as well as by
the Rear Adimngly or by tbe person whom,
he shall BOLTS. draw up the inventory
£7 he interest of the priv eipal (& wccording
tis property is more” or iess considera
Fo shall be applicd to hs support, ‘and in
his respect the princip al a rrangements to
be left to hum.
For this reason , from time 10]
¢ime, signify his wishes to he Admiral till
%he arrival of the new Governor of St. Hel:
‘ena; and afterwards to the latter; and if an
‘objection is to be made to his proposal, the
Admiral ok the Governor can give the ne-
cessary orders, and the disbursement will
be paid by bills on his Majesty’ s Treasury.
In case of death, he can dispose of his
property by a last will, ahd be assured that
thé contents of his testament shall be faith-
fully executed hao
Asan attempt might be made to make
a part of his property pass for the property
of the persons of his suite, it must be sig-
nified, that the property of his attendanes
is subject to the same regulations.
The disposal of the troops lelt to guard
him must be Jeft to the Governor.
The latter, however, has received a no-
tice, in the case which "will be hereafter
mentioned, to act according to the desire of
“the Admiral. *
The General must be cons antly attend:
ed by an officer appointed by the Admiral,
or if the ease occurs, by the Governor. 1f
‘the General is allowed to go out of the
bounds where the sentinels are placed, an
orderly man at least must accompany the
When ships arrive, and as long A$ they
ge | in sight, the General remains boufinedii
it must be notified to his attendants that if
dress to it, in this respect they need not used
But the p: pet on which!
or, ihe
clination of the present Gov. to concur with}
The Admi-
{board his ship, or to convey him on board
2352 in, when, in his opinion, secure detenti-
. Island{.
‘to be with a view of becoming instrumentai}
He fixes the
places the boats'may visit,'and the Govern.
ment will send a sufficient ‘guard to the
ous measures to watch over the arrival and
departure of every ship, and to prevent ali}
communication with the const except’ such
If the General should be seized with se-
rious illness, the Admiral and the Govern-
or will each name a physician who! enjoys
will give them stricl orders to give in eve-
the tow pt Coruna, arrested the princi
pala ey, and having oblamed quiet
tiony stating the miseries which had been
heaped upon Spain, by the cpunsels which
have prevailed since king Ferdinand’s re-
‘urn, and asserting that all foreign powers,
from the very beginning, had strongly dis-
proved of the King’s measures. He pro-
ceeds to make the soldiery very flattering
offers io the name of the provinces, which
he says will regulate themselves by their
iiternal juntas, until the convention of the
conven'ion of the Cortes, who will deter~
mine the fulure system of government.
Further accounts this morning says. the ad.
joining provinces are ready to join those
of Gallicia, and the next advices will pro-
bably bring intelligence of the cause being
general throughout Spain. Corrunna was
{illuminated when the packet which arrived
at Falmouth with the mail, left that place ;
and it scems that the cause of Porlier is
popular. This important event fives ; much
interest to the report respecting the state
of Spain. The French papers say that ma-
ny old castles have been fitted up ay pris:
ons, and that upwards of fifty thousand per-
301s have been thrown into confinement for
thelr political opinions, among whom are
many of the bravest defenders of the country
in the late struggle with France.
a_i :
Corunna, Sept. 19.
A very unexpected event has just taken
place here.—Gen. Porlier who had been
confined here by the King’s orders, in the
castle of St Antonia ever since August 1814,
but who obtained permission last month
to visit the bath of Atrigo on account of hig
Wealth, last night assembled the ‘troops
{quartered in Santa Lucia, close: without the
gates, and ener ed this city at one o'clock
this morning; where he arrested the Cap-
win General of the province, the Governor
of this city; and two or three other persons;
by three all was quet, and as perfect tran.
quility prevails as: if nothing had happened
Nation by the
Prod incial Junta, of the Kingdom of Gal-
licia, of which is President the Marshal
de Camp Don Juan Diex Porlier, Gen-
eral Con mandant of the Interior of the
cwAfter six years of a glorious and ob-
stinate struggle to support the indepen:
dance of the nation, and its honour, which
was outraged in the person of its Chief;
after immense sacrifices, loss of property,
and the shedding of se much Spanish blood,
we dive chased the enemy who sought to
subjugate us, we have driven Lim from our
soil, and obtained ‘the re-establishment of
the throne of our Monarch, we have recoy-
ered and maintained the splendour of the
nations we have made our name respected,
and secured our independence, the first ob-
ject of every people that values its dignity,
and degires to preserve and transmit it un.
sulted to posterity —Not contented with
défending, at the hazard of our lives, the
land of our birth, we ought to secure “its
prosperity for the future by solid institutis
ons, re-establish our ancient rights, remove
the obstacles which impede aud obstruct].
the fountains of public wealth, and secure
in all classes of the State the security of
their persons and property, and the true ex-
ercise of their industry and their talents
[The manifesto then describes the con-
sti tutional labours of the Cores, states the
joy which was occasioned by the return of
the King, and the disappointment experi.
enced on his refusal to adopt the Constitu-
tion, which is attributed to the advice of
the same evil counsellors who drew him to
Bayonne, and who afterwards. prostituted
themselves to Bonaparte. It is stated,
that “almost all those who surmounted
all those who surround and guide him now
ave of this class—they possess the chief of-
fices of state ; and those very persons, who
in 1808, were ‘named by the intrusive go-
vernment to calm the insurrection In the
provinces, cormapose part of the tribunals
appointed te judge the patriots, that is ma-
ished in the prp¥iices the sacred flame of
patrinti History does not pre-
possession of the town, issued a proclama- {sent us any } pavalied T
«Against such insults, such bins
have been’ committed in this year, the Span-
iards would long since have made a dread-
ful cry, such as they did to defend their in-
dependence, had they not, prudent and
composed, and lovers of their country, pre-
ferred, before they exposed it to new con-
valsions, seeking every method of. concilia-
tion, hoping that their King, undeceiving
himself, would be the first to change his
conduct, to chastise his perverse counsel-
lors, and preserve in fact and without stain
the opinion of so many good Spaniards, $0
Sujusdy persecuted.
%In vain we have hoped for a whole
year ; in vain has all. Europe disapprovéd
the conduct ofthe Cabinet of Madrid; in
vain have several Princes remonstrated
against the impolicy of its proceedings, and
the injustice of persecuting 80 many illus
trious patriots; in vain haye many . Spani-
abds ventured to speak truth to the king ;
.{the first have not been attended to, notwirh:
standing the respect due to such respectas
ble allies, and the otliers have been perse-
cuted. To such a degree have ‘they - got
possession of the person of the King, that
they do not permit him to listen to rémone
strances of such weight, that : ‘they do not
allow him time to reflect on the falsehood
of their assertions. ey ‘tell him thae the
Cortes and the Regency sought to remove
him {rom the throne—they try to corrupt
public opinion by spreading a perfidious re-
port, that there was a secret plan tospread
irreligion and to persecute the Cl lergy—in
short, they publish lI kinds of calumnies,
which none but me;
Dl SO perverse as thems
selves could poss y conceive. A year
has passed; the governmgnt has been in
their hands—the deputies, the members of
the Regency, the person whom they wish
to calumniate, have been surprised m the
night, they have been able to discover their
secrets, to unfold their machinations, and
yet nothing has been found but proofs of
their probity and their virtues—all Spain
is convinced of this truth; what greater
proof can there be thah itheir own judg
ments and senten cey and in respect to pub-
lic and private rights, how illegal and mon.
strous are all their proceedings~—in which
the very laws of the party they ‘pretend to
follow are trodden under foot ; in which the
accused are not permitted to defend theme
selves. pet sonally s==in_which all judge~
ments ave summarily decided, many of the
judges beitig at the same tmé accusers
and witnesses, who, forming i impeach ments
for what themselves ordered to be. exccute
ed in the time of the Cortes y 4 ge given to
the world a new and unheard'c example
of i injustice and atrocity. So many desery-
ing and respectable men, so many Priests
venerable for their virtues and dignities, $0
many officers of rank, covered with wounds
and illustrious by their services, now load-
ed with chains and thrown into dungeons,
serve to satiate the rage of their inf.mots
persecutors, who delight in their miserics,
and hapeto destroy them by torments and
[After reminding the people of the good
the Cortes had done, by the abolition of the
and counselled the King at Valencia, almost] GABELLES, the restrictions on manufac-
tures and commerce, and the different éf-
fect produced by the restoration of ¥he op-
pressions, they are thus addressed:
“Spaniards ! ei‘her the country must per-
ish or we mast find a remedy for such great
and dangerous evils. All Egrope i is Inuéyé