American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, November 25, 1815, Image 3

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    —- - —
pr " : wi
American Patriot, lone ot the stipy
« To speak Bis thoughte—
1s every Freeman's right”
Arrreronye, NovEMBER 25, 1815.
A C—
gnounts to $ 6,859 70 ; that of Clearfield
“10 $1,575 89%; that of Armstrong to
1,487 dollars and 27 and an half cents. A
full statement of the amount of Direct Tax
“2 sapportioned by the board of Pruicipal As-
sessors to the several counties in the state,
shall be published next week.
i edir ~ a-|stipulates :
This county”s quota of the direct tax a 4 plundered works of science and art
Marshal Ney’s trial progesses slowly=—
In addition to other indulgencics,
ly is allowed to visit him.
the expenses of tl
cHorts to support
parte; und that
munerated to Great
Nine Millions sterling.
weil it putified, we arc assured, that by ‘a.
gp a France iste pay ail] Notice.
}& warsprovok’d by her
the usurpation of -
the sum which wili be re-
Britain will exceed
Another artcle
e restoration by France of
mon JOSEPH GREEN, Adm'r.
his fami-
Advices from All Europe.
ALL persons having any demands a-
gaat the estate of Ct William G.
3reen, late of Bellefonte, Centre County,
are requested to present the same legally
authenticated. and those indebted to make
immediate payment to
MiLesBUrRG Forge, .
Nov. 27,1815.
TO be sold, by Public Sale, at the house
of Joseph Butler, Bellefonte, on Friday the
Ist day of December next, two Horses,
Ten Dollars Reward,
OST or mislaid by the subscriber, &
bundle of papers containing as follows:
Two hundred eighty four dollars in Hune
tingdonand Centre County Bank Notes,
a promissory note of Jacob Boas in Harrise
{burg of § 2500-=aiso an account current
with Jacob Boas, and an account current
with the Harrisburg Bridge Company, ail
enclosed in a letter of Jacob Bucher, ksg-
Cashier of the H. B. Company. Th
The bundle with the above mentioned
money and papers was missed on the road
between Deirstown and Altz’s tavern or
mill The finder will be rewarded with
ten dollars at the delivery of the above men.
(7 Numerous arrivals here 8 elsewhere g.q4le and Bridle, late the property of
from Europe have furnished volumes of wr 11am G. Green, dec’d where attendance
French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, 5,4 \cagonable credit will be given by
Hamburg, Russian and British papers. JOSEPH GREEN, Adm'’r.
We can scarce find room for the marl Noypmpeg 27th, 1815.
row of the matter they fumish.] bis
Land for Sale.
Bost. Cenz.
The subscriber offers for sale, one hun-
dred and fifty acres of laud, situate in Nit-
tany valley, Centre county, Walker town-
ship. The land is of the first quality, well
timbered with black-oak, Shell bark hick-
tioned money and papers to Mr. George
Kraemer in Derrstown, Roush tavern, near
the Narrows, John Stitzer in Youngman's
town, or John Norris, Esq. Cashier of the
‘Centre Bank at Beliefonte :
~ P. A. Karthaus.
_ Beltofomte, Nov 10,1815.
Centre Bank of
The stockholders are hereby notified.
The London Courier of the 22d of Sep:
‘ember, states, that «the last mail from the
Continent, brings very favorable accounts
«f the foreign markets. Sugars weve ad-
vancing considerably. Coffee, Pimento,
Pepper, fc. a shade better.—The exchan-
szes come over also higher; and it may be
presumed these arrivals will have a favo-
Latest from France,
New Fryncsw MINISTERS.
gable effect on our market, as the general
shipping season is now at hand, and the or-
ders will no doubt be transmitted for colo-
nial produce, and for the large sales com-
Paris, Sept: 25.
The official Gazette has announced, that
his majesty bas appointed the Duke o
Richelieu to the mimister of forcign aflairs,
ory, Red-oak, Walnut aud White oak ; has
on it two springs of excellent water; one of
them rising at the foot of Muncy or Bald
eagle mountain, and forms a delightful sit-
vation for a distillery ; being but two and an
that an Election for twenty one Directors
will be held at the Bankinghouse in the
borough of Bellefonte, on Monday the 20th
ay of November next, between the hours
of ten and three o’clock of said day.
vice Prince Taleyrand ; the duke of Feltre
(Clark) minister of War, vice Gen. Gou-
vion St. Cyr; Viscount Dubouchage,
Minister of Marine; Count Voublank,
minister of the interior; and Counsellor
de Cazes, minister of Police, vice the no-
torious Iouche. La
Prince Taleyrsnd still continues his}
functions as the Negociator of Peace with
half miles from Bald eagle creek. For
Er i A meeting of the Stockholders will be
BI ulyrs aprly tothe pubscaibey held on the first Monday of November, at
the Banking house in Bellefonte at 2 o’clock
ee WILLIAM WILSON. Ip M. agiceably to the provisions of the
Nov. 27,1815. vis ~ |*Act regulating Banks.” ;
For Sale, -
By Order of the Board,
Jno. Norris, Cas'’r.
the Allies. Containing about four hundred acres, 60
Berreroxte, Oct. 9, 1815.
M. Fouche is said to bave retired to Sax="or 70 of which are cleared. A good dwel-| — TT
ony, leaving his secretary to transfer bis pa= ling House, and double barn, with four exe List of Letters ;
pers to bis successor. To save appearad-icellent Springs ol never lailing water; 2150 gemaining in che Post office 30th Septem.
ces he requested of the king his dismissals Peach, Apple, and Cherry orchards of Fist “yo 187s “which if not taken out and
atthe same time protesting his royally and, pate fruit, (hereon, Theres now a quantity postage paid, will be sent to the General
devotion. Hervcsizoed on the Sot of Sep, Bie oz wlne peres st good on Pest Office in tiree mouths from this
tember. a0 J he pluce; snd 18 or 20 morc can be muds. gare,
p77 This is Ea & li ort. ile At Soatiy. I * Shave a
1s the § situated. 1 oges townshi ree miles So
ie his on i cause of this {abo ve Mesh adjoining Re Bald eagle William Adams,
total hag is variously accounted for.-— Botioms. Angy person wisning to pur- Zacheriah Albright,
Some say it was Semnicd Jy te New fo a pos the property by applying to, Win. Ammerman.
French Parliament, and that the king ithe subscriber on the puimises.
in the demand, the voice of all F tos, The. William Hinton.
new deputies were almost wholly old Roy-i a
alists, aud members of the ancient nobility Novm 25, 1815.
and gentry. Such men must havea deids}
ly aversion not.enly to all who were con-f
ing forward at the India House.
LONDON, Sept. 22.
Some of the last American papers, as
well as letters from America, speak of the
large supplies of arms sent from the v.
Stated to the insurgents in South America,
together with the arrival of American pri
wateers with ammunition, &c. in the ports
occupied by the Insurgents. Js it done
“sith the knowledge aid approbation of the
American Government? If so, is it not
=antamount to a declaration of war against
+ Spain.
Mary Any Cranxz, so celebrated for
'_Nerfollics and intrigues, departed this life
on Tuesday last, at Morreil’s hotel, at Rou-
en. Itissaid that she died in the most
| excruciating agonies, Her circumstances
Jad of late become very narrowed, and all
¢ er quandam acquaintances had deserted
. aher—=London Courier, Sefit. 28.
’ At his house in George-street, London,
~ #Bept. 15 J. 8. Correy, Esq. R A. and F |
«A. A. 2 native of Boston, and one of the
4most emioent painters of the age.
- re
Russian Ukase.
» the Custom House of St Petersburg.
His excelency the Minister of Finance
| has sent to the Department of Foreign
- *Commercc for its necessary fulfilment, an
sattested extract from the Journal of the
scommittee of Ministers ofthe third of July
of the present year ; by whichit is determin-
ved, that «In the importation of Merchandize!
oirect from the American States during the
‘year eighteen hundred and Sfteen partic
ular specification. will be dispensed with.”
The department of Foreign Commerce,
Communicating this ‘regulation to the
officers of the customs informs them, that
- ‘merchandize already arrived here the pre-
sent seasony direct {rom the Americanstates,
4. William Kelley,
Josiah Lambourn,
Jocob Lantz, :
John Leng,
John Lammon.
vr BE
Samuel Miles,
Richard Moore,
Samuel Miller,
-Hapnah Mackey,
William Mason,
William Moore,
Jacob Miller,
Andrew M’Kee,
John M:Kiuly,
William MsClure,
James M:Intosh.
Job Packer,
Samuci Parker,
John Patterson,
Win. Patterson,
Wm. Petrikin,
Abraham Pastoris.
R. *
Daniel Rush,
Joho Robinson.
James Sheechan,”
Francis Steel,
Andrew C. Smith,
Christain Spars,
John Soloduy,
Anthony Suiith,
Jonathan Seihs: yer,
Hetiy Stephenson,
John Shannon,
William Spencer,
John I. Brown,
t Thomas Barlow,
Michi Beaver.
1 c:
: ; ii. Dickinson College. i} Ei Cadwaliuder,
nected with the murder of Louis 16thy but} —, . . & ©5ickinson Colltire ve Noy roc Coil
to such revolutionise 2 Ea i: pleasure of announcing irs reorganiza- Jesse Cookson + 4,
ave ki ‘been prefer 2 C
as have lately p tion - John Campbell.
thers attributed the change to the predo-| “op bony po MK siauT, Griners
minant influence of the Duchess d’Angou-
lente, the only surviving branch of Louis 16;
land her husband; who have returned to Pa-
ris from the southern departments. A
third see in the removal the influence of
the Allied Cabinets on that of the theille-
ries. The fact is the Bonapartists view 1)
their downfall the extinction of all their
hopes The Jacobms are offended with
Fouche for resigning. wifiel
Y virtue of an order of the Oiphans
court of Centre couuty, will be sold on
Friday the 29th day of December next, at
the house of Evan Milcs .in' the Borough
of Bellefonte, the following meitioned valu-
able propestys being part of the real estate
of Join Dunlop late of Centre county de
ceased, to wit: The one undivided half
part of « Washington Iron Works,” con:
sisting of a blast Furnace anda Forge, both
‘ly professor of Moral Puilosophy, Logick, Ejiza Davie.
&c. in Columbia College, in the city of New, E.
York, bas accepted the wianimous invita'i- Fleazar Evans,
on given to him, of principal of this semi- y{an0ah Everhart,
nary-~and will commence the duties of his §ymuel Everhart,
office the beginning df next week A pro- Susannah Elder,
fessor of the carned languages, of compe- joseph Essington,
tent wbility, and highly qualified, it is Pre- Thomas Ellis.
sumed will soon be procured; in the mean z,
tine arrangements are made, temporarily, Michael Fetrer,
to supply this vacancy, in order to meet johny Fury ; 2,
the ‘present exigency. In the course of Nancy Fleming.
this session, or at the commencement Of} gy
he next, the trustees expect that Lectures’ fames Gardner,
on Chiymistry will be delivered in the col- pjiliy Gulich.
lege as asual. wa Sg FREELY
A gentleman highly qualified is now peer Hinkle,
teaching the French and Spanish. lan= john Himiljer,
guages, and a class will be taught by him In! jac Holter,
the College in the course of the present) Richard Hughs,
session. Gis . | Thomas Hastings,
*.* Editors of newspapers friendly to li«! yonn Hutten,
terature, are requested to give the above af Nehemiah Hadly,
place in their papers.
“and all such as in like manner may be im-
ported from thence during the continuance
© «of this year in the Documents of which,
presented at the Custom House, a specifi-
<ation of the weight measure or quantity,
. contained in each packet is not inserted
“4vill not be subject to paving double duty.
“The original.
(Signed) CRRESCOFF Director Sen.
(Signed) H.SKURIDIN.
St Petersburg, 35th July, 1815.
— .
PARIS, September 26.
Though nothing official has transpired
from the negotiators wé ave confident al!
the great points of the Definitive Treaty
of peace have been adjusted; and that noth -
ing will be altered---Prince Tallyrand con!
ducts the negotiation on thé part of France;
and the great Ministers, who formed the
treaty of Vienna, are imployed by the Allies
HAMBURG, Oct. 4.
We have certain information that the
Definitive Treaty between France and the
Allies 1s nearly completed—The march of
the Prussian troops towards France has
pee stopped The Austrians in the East
Hr rance have been retrograding towards
« VY.
hough the treaty will not ha nromule
A $
lately erccted, now in blast, and in good
order, with about two thousand acres of}
Thomas Heney.
{George Johnston,
Edward Soxtheriaf.
land situate in Bald-eagle Township in said
county, about eightuniles from the Bald.
eagle creek, (a navigable stream) and ten
miles from the west branch of Susquehan-
na. The quantity, quality, and convenience
of the ore, attached to these works, as well
as their situation, and quality of the land,
will be found worthy the attention of enter-
prising men —Also the whole of seventy
seven tracts of unimproved land containing
about 415 acres each, situate in the said
county of Centre, about twenty miles above
the Great Island, on the west side of the
west branch of Susquehanna,—these lands,
« considerable part of them being rich and
well watered, the whole abounding with
timber, and having on them Stone Coal
{ron ore, and scites for works, in the pos.
session of monied men to settle and im-
nrove them, would soon be of very great
value &c. the titles are good, and taxes
paid. ©ne half of the purchase money to
be paid when the sales are confirmed, the
cesidue in two annual payments.——atten-
lance will be given by John G. Lowrey and
Charles Huston, Adm’rs. and the sale to
commence at 12 o'clock.
Wx. Perrizin, Clk.
Blank Executions for
sale at this Office. :
The Directors of the Centre Bank of
Pennsylvania have this day declared a Sirk
dend on the stock pa’d inat the vate of nine
per cent per annum—payable at the Bank
alter the 14th instant.
Jno. Norris, Cas’r.
BELLEFONTE, Nov. 6, 1815.
S hereby given to all persons inebted to
1a estate that was of Thomas M:Kee,
of Walker township Centre county, deceas-
ed, either by bond, note, or book account.
to make payment immediately to the spb
scribets; and all persons having demands
against said estate are requssted to produce
them for settlement on Saturday the 25th
of this inst. at the house of Thomas M¢Cal-
mon; Esq.
NOVEMBER 4, 1815.
| Neatly executed at this
$ Adm’r,
{Charles Jacksen; 2,
Andrew Thompson,
Rebecca Templeion,
Joseph Thorndy ic.
Ve ww
William Underwood,
Jane Vanhorn,
Joseph Updegrafl,
Jotin W iison,
Simeon Wesali,
Isaiah John,
Catharine Johnsten,
Hugh Johnston,
1 tomas Jacobs.
Wiiliam Keith,
John Keen,
John Kink,
Adam Krumrine,
R.T. Stewart, P.M.
All persons that ar¢ in any way indelied
to the estate of John Dunlop, iaic of Cernig
county deceascd, are respectfully 110d
that payment 1s required, and must be nude
before the 17th day ot October next, —tirat
and last notice by way of'advertisement, ar
those who donot comply with it, wil, in
three days from that time, receive notice in
the way directed by the laws of this state,
to compel payment. :
And all persons who may yet have zc.
counts or demands against the said estate,
will please to present thom. ~~
J.G LOWREY} _, ,.
C. HUSTON, § rat
BeyLzperTe; SET 9h, 1815,