American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, November 25, 1815, Image 1

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    & rrrors PIL pp ETSI OST ISITE
fayable half yearly in advance.
Ee rrsrsrrsrs SLOSS SSS rr rN
No. 11.
I endeavored to prove, in my last, that
the appellations democrats and federalists,
are not correctly understood, or else that
they are grossly abused; and I mentioned
that it would be exceedingly useful if one
could designate parties by their rea! views
and actions.
I have since that time, been thinking a
bout parties themselves, and 1 confess that
there is a great deal to puzzle one in the
investigation, too much for me to unravel.
Xt is a common saying that no two men can
think alike on all matters, and it is also said
that this inability is the cause of parties; i it}
may be so, but let us see. If men cannot
argue about all things, it does not follow
that they must disagree about every thing i
on the contrary, we know that most men
do agree upon son: of the most interesting
matters, as the shape of the earth for in-
stance, as well as about the revolution of
the earth on its axis, and other subjects e-
gually abstruse, and likely te create doubts.
Well, if the mass of civilized people are
agreed about such things, why should it be
impossible to agree about matters much
more Tables and susceptible of Compre.
There is no one, I presume, who wil! de.
ny, that, that form of government 18 best,
under which the mass of the people are
likely to be the most happy and enlighten.
ed, the most virtuous, the most industri-
ous, and the most generous. If this is
granted, as it must be, the question is, which
form of government really is best calculat-
ed to produce those important consequen-
ces? The solution of this is much easier
would rather he licentions than consent 10
those of the ¥nited States have the great-
est cause to be happy and contented. What
man of any party will deny this ? who would
consent to exchange situations with any
private subject of an European state? If
no one would, if our general happiness is
admitted, what is that happiness owing to?
surely not to the nature of our soil, the va-
riety ofour climates, or even to our re-
moteness from Earope. If we had a king;
a nobility, and an established church, sur
soil, our climate, and our situation, would
not prevent the evils'that all agesand coun-
tries have been produced by those cancers
on the body politic. No, it is freedom, and
that alone, which makes us an envied nati
on, wal
If this be the case, is there any sone who
would wish his country to be robbed of ci.
vil and religous liberty 2 1 sometimes hear
people say that there 1s a party in our coun-
try which would gladly exchange freedsm|:
for some European system ; that party is
called federal ; but I disbelieve the accusa
tion; I think it as preposterous as the accw- |
sation against the opposite party, that they
delight in anarchy. Ido not believe that.
if the question was put to vote, there woulr |
be any considerable portion of our people
in favor of changing our form of govern:
ment. ol
I may admit that there may be in the
democratic party corrupt or turbulent men,
who never consider consequences, and whe
even an imagined diminution of their free.
dom: and I am fully persuaded that there
are in the federal party, (I think I'may tru-
ly say) many men who would be glad to sce
a diminution of popular freedom, if that
would enable them to assume the airs and
distinctions of aristocracy. But that there
is any desire for anarchy or aristocracy in
the great body of the people, I positively
eny. od
1f; then, this be the case: if the mass of
than it is to prove that the earth is round;
and yet nobody disputes the shape of the
earth, whilst there certainly are many, w
disagree about the best form of —
ment. Why is this so? I cannot account
for it in any other way than this—it does
not pick a man’s pocket to believe in the
lobular form of the earth, nobody is inter-
ested in maintaining the contrary; whereas
it would kecp money out ofthe packet of me-
ay a parasite, if all men could agree about
principles of government.
By this I mean, for 1 wish to be well un-
derstood, that many public writers and his-
torians have been well paid by the depen-
dants and pensioners of despotic and mo-
narchical forms of government for praising
manarchy, &c. and for disparaging free go-
vernment—whereas, in a fres government?
nobody in particular is interested in prov.
ing the excellence of what he already pos.
sesses, feels and enjogs—thercfore it is sel-
dom or never donc—although it is every
body’s concern, it is nobody’s business.
In America, ten people read for one that
reads under a monarchy; the circulation of]
books and journals in this country is prodi-
gious ; we know, or ought to know all that
1s said in Europe in favor of monarchy and
aristocracy ; and we can compare the con»
dition of our own people with the situation
of Europeans, sufficiently well to be able to
say—whether there is any people in Europe
equal to us in general intelligence, In vir-
tuous dispositions, in industry, and in soci-
al enjoyments ?
I despise national as well as private con-
ceit, but I think that facts warrent me in as-
the community leve the form of govein-
o ment, under which they enjoy greater hap-
?| piness than any other peoplc—why are
they marshalled into two parties, sometimes
scowling at each other as if they were hos-
tile enemies? This is the question which
so much perplexes me; this is a question
which, 1 humbly think, every American
ought often to ask himself; itis a question,
the discussion eof which would, I am sure,
tend to the perpetuity of freedom and pro-|
mote harmony in society: For what can be
more distressing than to see neighbors,
friends, and even relations, regularly
straining every nerve, at least once a year
to morlify and thwart the wishes of cach o-
ther? And for what? Very few cau teli
when the election is over.
Perhapsmy way of thinking is petuliar,
1 may be wrong, but I pray the editor of the
Aurora to let me appear before his readers
that they may judge—~by no means desir-
{sured for aught that I say, which may be
incorrect. :
a hd
Sleeping Beauty.
Under this head we lately gave a singular
instance of somulence in the servant of cler-
geman, who removed his family to Duns
ninald for the benefit of sea bathing. Our
last accounts left her still sleeping—she
has now awakened from a dormant state of
nearly 40 days.—The following are further
particulars from The Montrose Courier.
“The girls name is Margaret Lyel, a shoe-
ing that he should be answerable orcen-|,
nesday, Juue 28th, she awoke about 2inthe
morning, and, after bleeding freely at the
nose, fell asleep, & so continued till Friday
June 30th, at five in the afternoon, being
a period of 63 hours When awoke she
complained only of weakness, took some
refreshments, remained in bed, and was
found in the same somnolescent state next
mornings Saturday July 1st, deprived of
all sense, and totaly devoid of motion, with
her jaws so clenched as to render force
necessary to open them wine and watter
was sparingly administered. In this state
she remained till Friday July 7th when her’
power of swallowing returned, and her jaws
hitherto closed, now opened freely; but no
food was given her till three days after;
broth, bread &c. were then occasionally,
but sparingly given her. When the pow-
er of swallowing retuined her left hand re-
gained motionw=if bread was put into 1t, and
put to her mouth she ateit very slowly;
hut the hand remained in the same po-
sition, uniess put back, after the bread
was consumed. Bleeding, blistering, sud-
den immersion into cold water, has been
restored to; snuff and spirits of hartshorn
had been applied to her nostrils; her arm
had been punctured so as to bring blood
and divers other means had been used to
jarouse ber, but in vain; yet, during the
whole time, she retained a healihy appear-
ance, her breathing was €asy, and nothing
in appearance, distinguished her froma
person in ordinary sleep, her pulse general.
ly being about 50. In the state above de-
scribed the remained down to the afternoon
of Tuesday the 8: inst. when some ap-
pearance took place which indicated that
she was not altogether unconscious of what
was transacted beside her, Her father
naving read a portion of Scripture about
10 at night, went,and asked her if she heard
him, to which ‘she answered slowly and
faintly, “yes.” Her eyes remained closed
the next moming, when, with some gentle
efforts, they were opened, and sensation
gradually diffused itself into her limbs.
When fully awoke, she complained of pain
and giddiness. Visitois were very proper-
ly denicd admitiface, while she was in this
state ; but yesterday: she was so far recov.
ered as to be able tdgo about with a little
assistance, #e retains no recollection of
any thing that occurred in her presence ;
but neaily about the time she. awakeneds
she conceived the night to have been very
long, and her sleep uncasy, she was there-
fore anxious for day. The time she slept,
from June 23, at three A. M. to the time
she spoke on Tuesday the 8th inst. at 10
P.M. is 40 days (with the exception of 5
hours, and the few hours, she was awake
on the evening of Friday, June 30,) during
which time she appears to have been ab-
sorded in the soundest sleep.”
a As
From the Boston Daily Advertiser, August
[he following narrative, and letters we have,
copied from the correspondence of Ba-
ron Grimm. The Baron was led to no-
tice it, trom its being made the ground
work of French tragedy called 4bdir,
by Sauvignry, represented at Paris in Jan.
You can well remember that the general
interest which Sir Asgill inspired, a
young officer in the English guards, who
was made prisoner and condemned to death
by the Americans in reprisal for the death
of capt. Huddy, who was hanged by order
of capt. Lippencott. The public prints all
over Europe resounded with the unhappy
catastrophe which for 8 months impended
serting, that of all the people on earth,
meker’s daug ghter at Dunninald On Wed-
over the life of this young officer. The
extreme grief of his voter) the sort of des
li rium which clouded the mind of his sister
at hearing of the dreadful fate which menas
ced the life of her brother; interested every
fecling mind in the fate of that unfortunate
tamily.—The general curiosity with regard
to the events of the war, yielded, if I may
so say, to the interest which young Asgill
inspired, and the first question asked of all
vessels that arrived from any part of North
America, was always un inguiry into the
tate of that young man. It is known that
Asgill was thrice conducted to the foot of
‘he gibbet and that thrice Gen. Washing=
ton, who could not bring himself to commit
this crime of policy witheut a great struge.
gle, suspended his punishment; his humans,
ity and justice made him hope that the Ene
glish general would deliver over to him the
author of the crime which Ae was con”
demned te expiate, /
Clinton either ill obeyed, or insensibly
to the fate of the young Asgill, persisted ir
refusing to deliver up the barbarous Lipe
pencott. In vain the king of England, at
whose feet this unfortunate family fel}
down had given orders to surrender up to
the Americans the auther of a crime which
dishonered the English nation; George I],
was not obeyed In vain the States of Hols
land entreated ofthe United States of A-
merica the pardon of the unhappy Asgill
The gibbet erected in front of his prisony
did not cease to offer ta his eyes those
dreadful preparatives more awful than death
itself. In these circumstances, and almost
reduced to despair; the mother of the wpe
fortunate victim bethought herself that the:
minister of aking armed against her own.
nation might succeed in obtaining that
which was refused to her King. Madame
Asgill wrote 10 the count de Vergennes a,
letter, the eloquence of which, independent
of oratorical forms, is, that of all people and
all languages, because it derives its power
from the first and noblest sentiment of our
nature. i
The two memorials which are subjoined
merit being Pregeryed as historical monue
Letter from Lady Aagill to Comte 4 Fore
«Str—+If the politeness of the French
Court will Permit a stranger to address ; ity
it cannot b@tloubted but that she who u-
nites in heMelf all the more delicate sensam,
tions with which an individual can be pene-
trated; will be received favorable by a no-
bléman, who reflects honor not only on his
nation but on human nature. The. subject
on which I implore your assistance is (oo
heart-rending to be dwelt Upot ; most pro~
bably the public report of it has alrcudy
reached you; this rejieves me from tie bure-
then of so mournful a duty. My son, my
only son, dear to me as he is brave; amiable
as he is beloved, only nineteen years of age,
a prisoner of war, in consequence of the cas
pitulation of York town, is at present confine.
ed in America as an object of ws
Shall the inrocent suffer the fate of
guilty ? Figure yourself, Sie, the situat
ofa family in these circumstances. 4
Surrounded as Iam with objects of dis-
tress, bound down with fear and gri
words are wanting to express what 1 ell,
and to paint such a scence of misery; my
husband given over by his physicians. sone.
hours before the arrival of this news, not
in a cendition tobe informed of it; my
daughter attacked by a fever accompa=
nied with delirium; speaking of her broths
erin tones of wildness and without an ine
terval of reason unless it be to listen to
some circumstances which may console
her heart. Let your sensibility Sir, pains
to you my profound, my inexpressible mise.
ery, and plead in my laver; a word, a word.
from you, like a voice from heaven, would.
liberate us from desolation, from the last
decree of misfortune. 1know how far G,
Washington reverses your character. Tell
him only that you wish my son restered to.
liberty, and he will restore him to Gappie