American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, October 28, 1815, Image 3

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“Bpanish troops under general’ Morilio.”
- -aggeration ‘in the following article which:
-. ad by the poignard. —
: < ‘ fo iB
peice were Rilkiiod By the Fench gover”
ment. The sum required of F rane, ty re-
imburse them ior the effcnce of the war
is said to be about 25 millicns sterling, and
that when this is paid the complete admin-
istration of the country will be restored to
the king. Louis hal ordered a contribu-
Cork papers state, that it is the Litgntiuy
of government, during the next sessiod =
Parliament, to intraduce and support & bat
giving unqualified emancipation to bis Ma-
je8ty’s Roman Catholic subjects of Ireland,
tion of 102,000,000 francs as the requisi-{JoSty
tion towards the payment of ‘this sum,
it being one of the Sr preliminary condi-
tions of the treaty of peace A Vienna
article of July 20, says, « we are here dai-|
ly more and more persuaded that the trea-§
sy of Paris will suffer several changes in
favour of the allies, and that France
will loss several great provinces. The
restoration of the three legation to the pope
‘is considered as a proolof this, since it
leads to a supposition that Austria will ob.
dain an indemnity elsewherew—Howeve:
great our joy may be at the glorious suc-
‘eess in France itis tempered in some mea-
‘sure bj the reflection that the fruits of
‘peace will not b= the immediate gesult. As
matters now stand, it will probubly be long
‘necessary to hold the rod over France, i
we wish 10 be safs from anew attempt of
the French to proceed again to revolution
ary measures.” The remonstraace oi
‘Louis XVIII. against the military occupa]
tion, &c- and the consequent oppression of}
‘bis subjects, (as lately published in the A. |
merican papers] is sad by the Morning
Chronicle to be a genuine state paper ; that
iL had been read to the national guards at
Paris, and had been handed” to the minis-
ters of the Allied potentates; and it was
supposed would tend to hasten the depar-
ture of the allied troops from Paris. The
Morning Chroaicle is of opinion that when
Louis 1s left unprotected by their bayonets.
he will soon be compelled to retreat from
the government of the country. Phifipville
Laon, Rocroy, Marienburg, Strasburg, &e.
; had surrendered to the Allies; Toulon re-
mained in a state of siege. The differ-
«ent regiments which constituted the Army
of the Loire, had proceeded with much or-
der and obedicnce io the cantoneinent as-
signed them.
A letter dated at Havauna on the 30th of
eptember, and received on the 6th inst.
at Charleston, mentions a: the Havanna,
that Carthagena bad surrendered to the
We sincerely hope there is much ex-
we find In an Ohio paper. The citizens
of Ovieans have proved themselves such
good Patriots that it would give us pain to
believe the carried their foreign prejudices
or predilections to this extent.
(National Intelligencer.
Extract of a letter from N. Orleans, dated
September 11. j
The affairs of Europe have excited most
extraordinary interest in this section of
she union. Party cententions have arisen
20 an unbounded degree; skirmishes and
even assassinations take place among the
hostile powers of this city, at least weekly.
' Last week of eleven burials, five were cause
The wife of the unfortunate Labedoyére,
fied a few days after his execution.
BOSTON, Oc. 19.
The Fisheries.
Mr. Ashcron, the British agent for the
province of New-Brunswick, writes thus
expligitly of the Fisheries :
¢ London, July 10.
“The intercourse between the United
States and the King’s colonies is to be strict
ly carried on in British built vessels, and
none others.
“The Americans are excluded from the
shore Fisheries, and are not allowed to
come into our harbors; as formerly, to fish;
hey are to possess, int this respect, no other
right than the subjects of any foreign nati-
on ; which by the law of nations, is limited
2© 3 leagues from the coast.”
S$ Se
A letter from a gentleman in Holland to
his friend in tite city of Philadelphia, dated
July 28,1815, concludes as follows: “you
will hear it said the war in France is ended ;
do uot believe it, the Bourbons never can
vemain long on the throne of France.”
A ———
Charleston, October 4.
By the slip Three Sisters, captain Shep-
perd, arrived at the port last evening in 13
days from New Orleans we Jean that the |
U. States schooner Fire Brand, capt. Cup-§
ningham, had caplured a
to belong to the noted Barratarians, loaded
with Specie, Silk, &c. and carred hep in.
They were seen by capt. Shepperd going
into balize when he came out. Captain $.
,politely handed us a New Quiepns paper of |
Th 5th September, nathing new.
f} 10.
pirate suppased 1 . Shaenefelt
th. Gallagher
reserving to himself the payment ef the]
ip FepeErAL RepuBLISAN-
Senate of the U. States,
During the fouricenth Congress
Fed. Ani Ad. Demo.
1. New Hampshire 2
2. Vermont
3. Massachusetted
4, Rhode Istand
5 Connecticut
6. New-York
. New Jersey
. Pennsylvania
9. Delaware
12. North Carolina
13. South Caroline
1 4. Georgia
15. Kentucky
16. Tennessee
17. Ohio
18. Tyouisiana
0} OQ COOOONAUCT © rt 1 rs + we
3 | OBI = WT t=O OMIM Doe O
In Lexington, Kentucky, on the 29th of
Septeraber last, Capt. William G. Greeny
Laic of the U. States’ Army, and formerly
of this county.
Tue Prinvrer’s Soriioquy, oz
This is the best of worlds that we live in,
To lend, and to spend, and to give in; ;
But to borrew, or beg, orto get a man’s
own, a 2
"Tis of all other worlds, the worst I have
known. 2
Public Sale.
1: subscribers, executors of the cs-
tate of James Lramiiton, deceased, of Sels-
bury township, Jorocaster County; will scll
on Wednesday the Oth day of December,
at the house of Mr. Jaws Cuinmings, ia
the borough of WiiltamsMoity 4 certain
tract of
x A J 133
containingalo ut 2335 acres, situate (90 the
first east branch of Pine-greek, above wand
adjoining lands of Samuel Shoemaker, v \§-
It is of a good quality, chiefly bottom lana.
An indisputable title will be made agreca-
bly to law, by
Causes for trial in the
Court of Common Pleds of Centre County,
at November Term 1813.
Les. of J. Moore
G R Terzie
B. Rush’s Ex’rs.
J. Lukens’s Kx’rs.
S. Harvey
J. Harris
R. Barber & al.
J. Davis’s Adm’rs.
W. Swanzey
William Tate
Gi. M«Kee
R.T. Stewart
Brown for B. & C,
A. Campbell
John Singer
. Miles's Ex'rs.
J. Wharton
A. Albert
C. Whitehill
Geo. Mong
vs Gordon a
vs G. Waggoner jun.
ve G. Waggoner =
vs C. Lucas
vs C. Donner
vs J, Mahon
vg J. Atchison
vs Miller & al.
vs D. Barrett
ve Tho. Wilson
vs A. Reed
vs Mitchel & Mitchel
vs H, MiCied aad
vs J, Johnsto
vs J. P. de Haas
vs W. Campbell
ws Geo, Miles
vs Smith & Hunt
vs D. Johnston
vs W. Patton
vs Jacob Guist
N Harvey vs J. Hetherline
Jacob Ober vs Tho. Spencer
Zipernick’s Adm’rs vs J. Keen & al.
B. & Cambridge vs Tho. Wallis
Tho. Wallis va Thu. Barlow
J. Philips’s Ex’rs. vs "™R. Curtin
J. Ash & al. vs Herring & al.
same vs M. Row
same vs Bailey & Fronk
same vs D. Bryan & al,
fame vs Cailor & Bear
same vs H. Spangler
same vs J. Strawcutter
vs John Keen
ve Lipton & Johnston.
Bhai pd EA
Satholic Emancipation.
“ {Peter Hinkle,
jot Stove pipe for sale.
{that an Election for twenty one Directors
List of Lefterd nl
Ren:ainiug in (he Post office 30th Septeth
ber 1815, which if not taken out and
postage paid, will be sent to the Genera
Post Office in three mouths from this
William Adams,
Zacheriah Albright,
Wm. Ainmerman.
Hon L. Brown,
Thomas Barlow,
Michal Beaver,
Lh Cadwallader;
Isaac Conden,
Michael Claper,
Jesse Cookson ; 4
John Campbell.
Eliza Davis.
1 zi.
Eleazar Evans,
Hannah Everhars,
Samuel Everhart,
Susannah Elder,
Joseph Essington
Thomas Elfis,
Michael Fetrer,
Johu Fury ; 2,
Nancy Fleniing.,
William Keliey,
Josiah Lambeurn,
Jocob Lanta,
John Long,
Samuel Miles,
Rickard Moore,
Samuel Miller,
Hannah Mackey,
William Mason,
Wiliam Moore,
Jacob Miller,
Andrew M’Kee,
John M¢Kinly,
William M:Clure,
James M¢Intosh.
Job Packer,
Samuel Parker,
John Patterson,
Wm. Patterson,
Wm. Petriking
Abraham Pastoris,
Daniel Rush,
John Robinson.
James Sheechan,
Francis Steel,
Andrew C. Smith,
Christain Spars,
John Soloday,
Anthony Smith,
Jonathan Sethsayer,
Hetty Stephenson,
John Shannon,
William Spencer,
Edward Sautherland.
Andrew Thompson,
Rebecca Templeton,
Joseph Thorndyke.
Ve w,
William Underwood,
Jane Vanhorn,
Joseph Updegraff,
John Wilson,
Simeon Westfall,
James Gardner,
Philip Gulich.
: H.
John Himiljer,
Jacob Hotter,
Richard Hughs,
Thomas Hastings,
John Hutten,
Nehemiah Hadly,
Thomas Heney.
George Johnston,
Charlies Jackson; 2,
Isaiah John,
Catharine Johnston,
Hugh Johnston,
Thomas Jacobs.
William Keith,
John Keen,
Join Kirk,
Adam Krumrine,
RT Stewart, P.M
- Land for Sule.
\ W/ [LL be sold at public vendubd; at the
Wea House inthe Town ef Belle-
ionte, Centre county, on Saturday the 4th
day of November next, 324 acres of patten-
ted land, situate on the north side of the
Bald-Eagle creek, and nearly adjoining the
same, about five miles above Milesburg,
Dewitt’s tun passes through the centre of
this farm,and affords a good cite for a saw-
mill. The lana is of good quality and re-
markably well timbered. Mr. Isaac M¢
Kinney living near to Bellefonte will show
the land at ng time previous to the day of
su. '€~~Sale will commence at 10 o’clock in
the t.¥enoon; when attendance will be given
and the terms (which will be accommoda-
ting,) mac'e known by
Moid. M‘Kinney.
Carlisle, Oct. 5, 1815.
THE subscribers takes this method to
inform the public that the hayv'® commen.
ced the
in the Borough of Bellefonte, next door to
James Rothrock, where the intend
keeping a constant supply of tin-ware for
sale. They will shortly have a quantity
Septernber 30, 1815. :
N. B. The highest price given for oid
Puter. ‘
Centre Bank of
The stockholdars are hereby notified,
5 3 . \ eg :
To all my ceditors, notice 1S licrchy id
en, that [ have applicd to the Court of Coty’
mon Pleas of ludiana Couaty, for the bene
fit of the Insolvent Laws of this Common.
wealth, and that the Court have appoimgil
the first Tuesday in November next, to
hear mie and my creditors atthe Courtim
Indiana, when and where you ruay attend
if you think proper. iy
James Kelly.
Indiand Jéil, Sept. 19, 1815,
Six Cents Reward,
WD AN away from thé subscriber on re,
day the 17th of this inst, an apprentice
to the Weaving business, hamed
Who ever takes up said appreatice and
brings him to me, shail bave the above 1é-
ward, and fifty lashes well laid on into the
bargain, but no charges. All persons ard
forwarncd harboring said apprentice, at
their peril, as I am determined to prosecuis
any who shall do so as far as the rigor FF
the law will admit, %
| Richard Carey.
_ Aug. 18th 181s. bie
All persons indebted to the subscriber i
any way whatever, are eqarsis to
Ls 7, 4
rmrv— 2 0
{the office of Elisha Moore,
payment, as all my account sem
his bands for collection.
can, forcibly it I must.”
George Ki
Beurevonte, Oct. 7, 181%,
Notice !
NOTICE is hereby given, that ths sult.
scriers will attend ‘at the lats dwelling’
house of Jolin Wrigley, dee: in Pike town«
ship Clearfield county, on Monday ah
Tuesday the fourth and fifth Cayl uv ep.
tember next; and on Monday ana Tuesday
the 18th and 19th of the same month, aigh
the first and third Mondays of Octobes,
November and December next, for tie
purpose of setiling the accounts of the
said deceased, All persons who are ink
debted to said estate, are requested then
to come forward and make payment ; and
{all who have demands against said estate
are desired to bring their accounts forwarfl
legally attested for payment.
Aug, 29th, 18135,
All persons that are in dny way indebrath
to the estate of John Dunlop, late of Centre
county deceased, are respectfully informe
that payment is required, and must be made
before the 17th day of October next, —fivst
and last notice by way ot advertisement, and
those who do not comply with it, wil, in
three days from that time, receive notice mn
the way directed by the laws of this state,
to compel payment, : :
And all persons who may yet have
counts or demands against the said csiate
will please to present them. i
C C.HUSTON, § Adar
‘BELLEFONTE, sEPT. 29th, 1814,
eh J
For Sale,
A Burteyor's Compass, with oJ] the %-
struments belonging thereto, Jr will be
sold reasonable. Any per son devirons of
purchasing, can have an “sportunity of dow
mg so by calling on 00 ef; hed
Spring Mid, Hayr 4 township, Centr
county. aes r
Aug. 8, Las.
For Rent.
7, he subscriber offers for rest the farms
will be held at the Bankinghouse in th J
borough of Bellefonte, on Monday the 2 ni.
day of November next, between the bh 4c
of ten and three o’clock cf said day.
A meeting of the Stockholders,
held on the first Monday of N- svember, at
will be
A the Banking house in Be'jefont sat 2 oclock
P. M. agreeably ta the
“Act regulating Boks.”
By Orde of the Board,
Jno. Norris, Cas'r.
BeirEronTE, Oct. 9, 1815;
Oats Wanted immedi-
ately by
Provisions of the
wanted at this Offiee,
i whieh she now resides, situate on Bald.
[Ragle €réck, Centre county, ad joing,
lands 6f Roland Curtin end others, contaiur
ag 400 acres of first rate land; fifty of
which are in a high state of cultivation,
| Also on eaid tract are a young Apple and
Peach Orchard, and excellent spring of ne-
verfailing water near the house. Yor fur.
her information enquire of the subscribel-
living on stid premises,
Elizabeth Low.
Barn-Eferx, Aug, 24 1815,
Neatly executed at this