XT DPCOR'SOUTH OF THE BANK. JAMILTON, BELLEI( NTE, (Pa) NE PU BLISHED WEEKLY BY ALEXANDER I - . wr General Orders. H. Quarters Tth Military District, Camp blow New Orleans, | AssuravT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Bi JAN. 21, 1815. { ‘ee Before the camp at these memorable ihes shall be broken up, the general thinks ga f¢aded them publicly to notice the conduct duty to the brave army which has de- of the diffrent corps which compose It— he behaviour of the regular troops, €on- sting ol pavts ol the 7th and 44th regl- heats of fant, and ne corps of marines, al. commanded by coionel Ross, has been shcil 48 to mere ms warm approbauon.— ns 7th regiment was led oy major Payne aud the 44th by captwn Baker, Wn the ac- {iok of the 23d 1 a mauner that does those "officers the highest henor. They have continued through the campaign to do fo duty with the same zcal and ability with which it was commenced. On thay octasion their country losta valuable of- ficer in the death of lieutenant MtClellan of the 7th infantry, who fell whiie bravely leading his company. Licut. Dupuy of the 44th, although severely wounded in time to take a share iu all the subsequent attacks. this action, returned in To the Tennessee moutted gunmen, to then gallant leader brigadier general Cof- hie fe oy tire ggononal thanks not only for their: uniform! good { proconta Wares out —— —_ Monday, March 20, 1815. General Ardair who, owing to the indis- postions of general Thomas, brought up the Kentucky miiitia, has shiwa troops will always be valient when their leaders are so. No men ever displayed a more gallant spint than these did under that most valuable officer. His country is un- der obligations to nim. The ,eneral would be ungrateful or in- sensible to merit, if he did not particulariy notice the conduct of the officers and men who so bravely supported and so skilfuily d Colonel M-Rea, in thd action of the 23d, shewed, as he always igected his artiliery. does, great courage Lieut. Spots, under whose immediate direction our “artliery had been placed, leditto action with ada- ring courage worthy of admiration. tain Humphrey conunanded the first bate tery on our right—the service is greatly indebted to that ofhcer, not only forthe abe and gallant manrer in which he directed his fire, but for the geweral activity he display- ed in his department Licut. Norris of the navy, with Mr, Walkers Martin and a detachment of sea- men, was stationed at the sccond battery; and lieu. Grawley, with Me VW. Livings- ton, master’s mate, with a similar detach- ment, were smationed at a 32 32 pounder which was remarkably well direcied--they pefformed their duty with the zcal and bffYers Win. «ot gharacterized the navy of the United States.~Captains Doms inigue and Bulluche, lately communding Lae Cap- 4 No. 52. A epee TTR —— Carmac, who commanded them, bya wound which that officer received in the attack of the 2