POETRY. rere FO By T. Campbell. AT the silence of twilight’s contemplative hour, : I have mus’d in a sorrowful mood On the wind shaken weeds that embosom the bower, Where the home of my forefathers stood. All ruined and wild 1s thelr rootless abude Aud lonely the dark ravers sheltering tree, And travell’d by few ds the grass-covered road, Se Where the hunter of deer and the warrior trod, To his hills that encircle the sca. Yet wand’ring 1 found, in my ruinous walk, By the dial-stone aged and green, One rose of the wilderness, left on its stalk, To mark where a garden had been : Like a brotherless hermit, the last of its race, ; Alb wild, in the silence of nature, it drew From eich wandering sun-beam a Jonely embrace ; Tor the mght-weed and thorn o’er shadow- 7 ed the place Where the flower of my forefathers grew Sweet bud ot the wildernes ! emblem of all That survives in this dessolate heart ! The fabric of bi'ss to its centre may fall; But patience shail never depart— Though the wilds ot enchantment, all venal and bright ; In the days o. delusion by the fancy com- bin’d With the vanishing phantoms of love and = delight. Abandon my soul like a dream of the night, Aad leave but a deserc behind. Be hysh’d my dark spirit ! for wisdom con- dems, When the faint and the feeble deplore— Be strong as the rock of the ocean, that s'ems A thousand wild waves on the shore— Throushvthe periis of chance and the scowl of disdain | May thy front be unaltered, thy courage ehte: Ah ! even the name 1 have worship'd in vain, Shall wake not the sigh of remembrance acatn! To BEAR Is to conquer our fate. eck of the Svl Shipwr viph. Particular account of the loss of the Bri- ti«’s sionp of war Sylph, and the melancho- ly canfirmation of 111 of her crew having perished. Mr. Malthy G. Rose ar- rived in this®city yesterday mocaing from Soathamp- toa, which place he left 02 Moaday last, and furnish- ed the editors of the Mer caitite Advertiser with the flowing particulars rela- tive to the shipreck of the “eaemy’s ship Sylph, viz. That aboat half past 2 o'clock oa Tuesday morn- ing, the seventeenth inst. th svlpar sloop of war + struck oa thebarnear Shin- e 0:1, southside of Long [s- laad; aboat 9 o'clock the sa ne moraing she capsised withia £0 yards oft! e shore ato eternity 111 The survivors number, to wit: the urser and five seamen, were taken of the wreck in coarse of the day, al- eX TRIE iL y ~ hd : i Nate RIL IIL. p y 1 > LW ijtants, who provided them with every thing in their power to make them com- fortable. At the time the Sylph capsised, the beach was covered with people, who beheld the dreadful situation of the unfortunate crew, withoutbeing able to render them any assistance, owing to the severity of the oale, and the tremendous 8 reaking upon the shore Mr: R. alsoinformed us, that six of the dead bodies had drifted ashore at South- ampton, and sixteeen more at Fire Island Inlet [about 50 miles fromthe place of shipwreck] among whom was the second lieu il these were decently inter- red. | 3 ii 34 { mh - Ll 3CLC n+ . We further learn, that the Sylph was bound from the Delaware, with des- patches from the Comman- der of the Spencer, 74, to Admiral Hotham of the Su- perb, eff N. London. The survivors were at Southampton, under care and charge of Ma; Miller, commander of the Garrison at Sag Harbor, who, we understand, would send them to this city in the course of two or three days. Our informant also stat- ed, that he learnt from the Surviving prisoners, that two impressed American seamen were on board the Sylph, and were among those who perished. We have not ascertained their names, but understand one of them was anative of Vig- yiflla. ha BT HICRICAS the subscriber gave to % Davia Storm, two notes of one pua dred und ninety pounds each ; the first pay- able 1st of Aprii 1815; the other ist of April 1816; and eight other notes of oue hundred pounds cach: the first payable 1st of April 1817, and one cach succeeding year ; and one other note of one hundred and twenty five pounds, nayable first of A- pril 1825. Tiasis therclore to forewarn all persons from taking an assignment on said notes, said Storm not having complied with his engagements. or —r TE ¥ Tw § HENRY YOTTER. Beilefonte, Sept. 17, 1814. FOR “ALE. WR! be sold at private sale, a tract of Land coxiawning 25 acres, in Centre Coun- yy, Haitinoon township, icrmerly the pro- Janes “hehan whereon | r 12 acres oi good readow, bearing orchard, a good spring The land ie Fa” Sars ¥ 1Isoia good ality.” A acres are cieard. Term sale may be known by Ix appiying LO 15 abou! vounss ~ a gu bout 45 i | FOR 23 A Hii, the aa wn TdE subscoiber informs tae pubic that he tas for saic a general assortment of FRUTT TRE LS. As it is ouc of the Best propagations ona farm or lot, he hopes tone et With encour - agemont In so usciti abusmiess, tor wich he wii tha: kK those who will aver un with thelr custom, and will’ answer them their satisiaction, JOB PACKLR. Baro EacLe, Jan 13, 1815 ib OF LETTERS R mining "an the Puost-Clieey Helle f Jani Yt, 18135,which if nul redeemed quill be G ural Post Clice in 3 months from this date. Philip Ants, James Armstrong bis, James Ainson, 2; John Adu tiiew Alison, Nichoias Ale sander, Nat iel Beek, Benjamin Brooks, Hl Johu Cook, Dantel Cartaer, Jess: Amaviah Cobuecny Mes. tone Claw has Davidson, Joun Endsley, Jacou John Hansoi, Enoch Hastings, iacob tic- ther, Patrick riughs, Thodus Henry toy, 2 5 James Harbison, 8s betia Henderson, Jacob Houten, isaac Jones, Jno Jounston, David Joauston, Anthony Kennie- dy, Calch Kepbart, Chuistopher Keatley, Michael Myers, Samuel Mies, Mary Me Kerrigan, Tuomas M Clennend, 25 Phi- lip Moser. Jamios allutoch, James New- ili, Bayid Nichoisony Wm. Nixon, Joseph Orwig, Jane Patton, John Patterson, Job Packers, Wim. Peurikin, 9 # Hugh Quinn, Col. Mathew Rodgers, Win. Russel Records, Goorge S (reo Sweaty Spencer. ve Stroupe, Margaret and Mary Steer, Eleanor Steer, John § Sedum. Sumuel Taggart; Abso- iany Tims, Joseph Updegratly 2; lIsauc Ups graff ard John tewing Jesse Wiih- anys, Coarles Wison, Benjamin Way, Horeman Younge. r REC sent to (pe L.O0RS01, hy 1 Auintich ind. trastings, oD . ws George cilzer, $9 nt? rer a STEWART, P. -M. 1814. 1] adh dy Deft PROVFOSAL, WILLIAM M?CARTY, FOR PUBLISHING 2 NARRATIVE Ja 1H CAMPALGN IN RUSSIA, DURING THb YEAR 1812. BY SIR ROBeR{ KER PORTER. TEP & E— he octavo cufi; ©f (his WUTK si daree LD .liur [iresent edu ve afjirded tu sub- SCriocrs, Wm a duvdecting voli f nar A490 fia sy Wi Cne DD llaand tif- ty (nls ouurds , and Ure Dutier wid Seventy five ent, bound, paywblc on &cltoery. JOR rn LC Worx tkineas of Frixca DAOUTOUSGFFPy aid cw large maps, (a Jutl sheet cach ) cx- | wowing Lhe uavance ol the drench army co Moscow, and ats re treat theryfrom, Should sujficien« CHEUUTAG Ment offer, he wu k will be de- Aver dts the subscri- Crs ina sore tune, gill b: ; Seon 4 ri Tue « Navtative of the Campaign in Russ a, unig the year 1812,” bas descry- ely received Jie nighiest encoaniuimns from aitfcrent Reviewers. We copy we 1oilow- ing frou the a count of the crossing ot tiie Bereziia vy the drench, in their retreat from Kussia. “ T'wo bridges had beea completed, the oie near S tuvenziy and the other near Ves- sexovo. Here, mdeed, was Napoicon.— Tue opposite shoe was Zcbmino. The wistant the work was passabicy the hinpa- vent Lomperor of the Fronck ordered over a sufficient numberiol Lis guards to render fie way loierablg sac from 1mmediate molestation ; aud the moment that was se. ce tated he fohowed wit bis suit a id pion- cipal geneials @ a Proiulscuons cows of soldiers press ng ater im. The brdge was nardiy cleared of his weight ‘ana that his chosen companions, when the rush of fu atives rodoubieds No order could be kept with the hordes that poured towards Is passage lor escape an life, for the Hus- jas weic in their wear 3 the thunder of Vigtensiein was roliing over heir heads — No pencan describe tie confusion and hor ror of the scenes which ensued. The F ench army baddest its 1car guard, and thy found thems ives at once _exposcd to al the operations of the Veg. C1 On the r.gat and on tie ict ere w CECUjit | cmibclitshed sith a rR owl tury I 5 ] TH . 19 TO | » CitbuUls,y LAYOLICHS. ang &: aceatbemn on every side; certain death was Oh Lueir rear; in their front alone was tl re any hope ot safety; and, drantic with the desperate aiter thousands Liew towa bres, 1c ii alive, thousands tupon 4 the Berezin nver, but most ove no ( CPS to Lhe i ius ne plunging ito Lhe pHUnZILE it i Heil M wiv CO 6 ofr them a passame Misery Dad (obs diS- zou the Frecueh o my, and 1a: the prescat dismay io voice of order was hen; tac fthinuit was tremendous, was destruc. ve of cach other, as the. despanis wictchts pressed forward and strug tor procedence i the moment of | escepe. Vipteasiein Stood in hortor, view o this clus of lauman misery 3 10 close it at Once 1) Geatey, OF 11 capitulation was the wisn oi is brave heart; but the endmy was liantic; nothing could be heard bak tat oar ol caunon and the cries of despair. The wounded aml the dving covered tho@® sucface of the ground; the survivors rushed in wud fury upon their affvighted conirades ‘Blige coud not PUDCHRLEC, wd at the nearest ys; ! 0c bodies of these passages were so Aled with desperate - Saves thal tacy crushed on each other to Tins of artitle- S54ge, cavalry, and waggoi:s of all y Leg intermixed andodriven pell- meil to ea pout, hundreds of human - be- hs were wodden down, trampicd on, torn aud mashed to p.eces Officers and sol- dicts were mingied in one muss ; self pres- ervation was the omy stimulus, ahd seeks mg tiaty many a despairing wretch precip- stated nis comrade to dest action, that ne might hud his place onthe biidee. Thous sands feline io river, Tolindy Phot thems, ves In thie hideous sticany hoplug to Save themselves by switnming, bug in afew Bugs they vere jamiied amidst the. JOCKS olice which rojled alone jis and either killed inthe eoncusion or ho to death by the extremity of the cold The alr resonnded with the yobs aud shricks (it thing more horevible than cries) of We dying, wounded, | and diowning ¢ but tiey were ouly ‘heard at inteivais, {or one continued roar seemed to fill the heavens, OL aC wussian artujary/ pouring its Hoods oi deathiwi retribution on the heads of the €csoitors of this ouniry. Welcome indeed were the deaths tsent; few were fis pangs who fell by the bali or the sabre, compared wilt his torture who lay mungiod beneath the crowding fect of his comrades, who ex« pired amid the crashing horrors of a world oiice. But the despair of these fated wreiches was not yetcomplete, "Tire head which had planned all these evils might yet bea.noagst them : and the bridges, croan~ my beneath the weight of their loads, were. to be fired ! The deed was done ; and still crowd upon crowd continued to press cach other forward choaking up the passage ae. mid bursting flames, scorched and Irozen at the same 1ustant, til at length tie whole . sunk with a death -like noise into the bosom of Berezina #7” Subscriptions will this Office. £5 wich scomd t a " 3 Hom Ree enstios: Qs Lid Qa tha DEL 5. BUL Oly pic CXC {or suaocation and to death. ry, bat 3 Kinas was some be received STRAY. STRAYED away fron the pasture of the subscriber some time in August last, a two years oid BRINDLED {IEIPFER. Any person taking her up, and giving in- formation thereot - to the ewucr, shall be liberally rewarded. ot : WILLIAM RIDDELL. 1814 rn aren a 0 Nev. #8, ——————— SIX CEN riper I'S REWARD. RAN ATAVY I tr . > : RA AWAY from the subscribe robving in Bald Eagle Township, Centre County, 0) the 6th of October, un Indented appre « uce named, JORN SWARTS, about five feet fourl inches high, had en when he went away, a homespun drab roups dabout coat and waisteoat, course LOW trows sers, and small fur hat; talks Dutch, and tollerable Englsh ; a great tovaceo chewer and Smoker. Whoever takes up said Run= away aid brings him back to me, shal! re. ceive the above reward.but no charges aid, (IUGH WHITE. Bald Eagle, Nov. 19, 1814. ———— HENRY STEWART ; » FEY A B EB {373 i BB ESPECTFULLY iuforms the citizens MQ ol Belicfonte ant its vicinity, that he Las commenced the TAYLORING BU. ~IN ESS, at the i badk'of My: Janes Rothrock, and imm@fiiately adjoining his * Hatter shop, where tliose who ma to favor hun Ph : please with thet) custom shal receive every accommodation ana attention in kis power to bestow, ? o] prenticeship in the y ol Baltimore ; and naving had an oppor-, tunity of perfecting his aself in the knowl ed re of his profession by an exercise of of ifs various dutics, in many of the best, 5 111 that he flatters himself qualified: to give general sausfaction to Lis customers. October 3,1814 H ing served his Cit ' Save SHOPS ’ ” ne ia tio - tr ———— ~ . $38 Tr y- ¥- « ni atity of BLANK LX ECE ; at 5.3 a) 7 : th? Office. i Va) ar