American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, February 27, 1815, Image 2

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    A From fety, Noy, 13
The King of Sicily is on the point of set-
ting out for the Congress at Vienna, where
itis said, he will enforce his claims to the
Kingdom of Naples.
| Most of the foregoing articles are sta-
ted to be from the Freneh papers.]
“To speak his thoughts—
Is every Freeman’s right.’
The treaty of Peace be-
tween the United States &
Great Britain, was ratified
by the President and sen-
ate on I'riday 17th and the
ra.ifications exchanged
with Mr Baker.
Mr Baker, the bearer of the ratification
of the Treaty of Peace by the Prince Re
gouty and charged with the promulgaticn of
the same at the British military posts and
\aval stations, arrived in Washingtoa city
about 8 o’clock on Friday gvening.
The further consideration of the bil from
the Senate, & to incorporate the Subscrivers
to the Bank of the United States of Ameri-
ca,” was, on Friday last, indzfinitely post-
poned ty the House of Representutives—
Yeas 74— Nays 73.
f | — § G—
Letters from New Orieans say, that Gen.
Packenham had brought out his wife and
family, and was (0 be Governor General of
New Orleans, and its contemplated depen-
dencies ; that a Mayor and Coilector of the
port of N. Orleans had also come out in the
‘The Brutish General, Sir Edward Packe
enham, was an Irishman by birth and fami-
ly. He wasa brother-in-law to lord Wel-
{ing ton, and brother and presumptive heir
to tie Earl of Longford, with an estate worth
30,u00¢ per anuum. The laurels which he
gained in France and ‘Spain, have withered
and died on the banks of Mississippi.
A letter from New Orleans says, « Du.
ing the action, gen. Jackson was running
along the line cryiug out, « give it to them
my boys, let's nist the business to day.”
Ho is a noble Hero, and 1s adored by ali his
: gy © 0 CRES—
The public curiosity Las been laudably
excited with respect ‘to general Jackson,
the protector of New Orleans. "This high
ly favored aud most {fortunate generaly 1s a
native of North Crrolia, from which stare
he For many
years Lie was an able and successful prac-
remaved to ‘Tennessce.
titioner of daw, and was transferred from
bat profession to the Scnate of the United
Jia tCS.
Tits office lie vesigned, and was
appointed a judge of one of the course of
Tennessee, which office he held until the
approach of the war to the southern states.
vt the rank of militia general, he can-
raenced his military career, against the In-
digns in the full of 1813, and appears to
have been better adopted {or conducting a
~ war with this wily, fierce and untameable
race, than perhaps any person who ever
commanded against them. The rapidity
of his mniovements disconcerted all their
stratagemsy. and relying chiefly upon the
bayonet, the fury of his onset overwhelm
cd all opposition.
Early in Nov’r. last, when various move,
ments of the enemy indicated an attack on
Orledns; when from their extensive prepa-
rations, it is evident they intended a perma-
nent judgment at that important depot of
the western conatry, it. became necessary
‘or the government to provide an adequa‘e
force for its defence. Most fortunately for
that country, most happily for the safe
and glory of the U. Ssates, gen. Jackson
was selected to command this force. His
late memorable repulse of the brave and
determined enemy, has not perhaps an e-
qual in all history. i
In dwelling with found remet Hethnce,
as every American must, on $heharacter
of gen. Jackson, two circumstances are
particularly worthy of notice
the extrzordinary faculty
The first is
of uniting so
thoroughly in himself the confidence of e-
very class of people under his con mund—*
Americans, French and Spanish—bjack
and white-+regulars, volunteers, mititia
and privates—-and pouring into this heter-
ogencus mass the whole enthusiasm of his
OwWh heroic spirit
i The other cirdu mstance
is, his unaficcred modesty. By illiant as
have been his successes, he speaks of them
as of b reacts of duty; praises his officers
his men, nay, the enétmy—all byt himself,
the inspiring soul of all his armics achicve-
General Jackson is about fiftyifive years
of age, although health aud a vigerous
constitution give him the appearance of
youth. In person he is tall and thin, with
features exprssive of his character, indica-
ting firmness, penetrating and decision. i
79% ~ y
From thep National Intelligencer.
\ ) February 11.
Copy of a letter from an officeer in the U-
S. Army to his friend in
City, dated.
Camy, near New-Orleans,
Jannary 20, i815.
The ‘enemy have at length taken their
departure, after having remained on the
banks of the Mississippi for tour weeks,
within five miles of New-O:leans.
1 hey
left their encampment on the night of the
28th ult. in the most secret and precipitate
manner; they left on the ficld 16 picces of
cannon, their equipments and an immense
number of ball ; their dead were left in the
most shameful manner, not half buried:
They elt 70 of their wounded in their camp
and two surgeons, with a request from Gen
Lambert to General Jackson to consider
them as prisoners of war; they being man.
gled in snch a manner on the moning of
the 8th by our canton, that they found it
impossible to take them off. Among the
number several officers. We bad an ex-
change ot prisoners a day or two before they
left here, those taken in the gun boats and
about 40 we lost on the night of the 23d
uit—We also received an express from
Fort St. Phillip yesterday, the British floet
left therc and returned down the river on
the morning of the 17th inst. aftera bom-
bardment of nine days, during which time
they threw better than. 1000 shells in and
about the Fort;we have ascertained tlie
enemy’s loss to be better than two thou-
sand on the 8th, and by their own accounts
since the evening of the 23d they have iogt
3,600 men, while ours docs pot amount to
also per-
regiments and
strength, they had landed 9,400,
Gibbs is also dead.
100 10 Killed and wounded, we are
fectly acquaiited with thei
TP YN Seager wr
LTR a.
The Treaty! !
The treaty of peace, as ratified
President and Senate contains eleven arti-
cles. The first article stipulates that al}
bostilitics by sea and land shail cease as
soon as the treaty shall have been ratified by
both parties. All territory or possessions
taken during the war to be restored to the
respective powers, except some isiands in
the Passamoquoddy. The second article
prescribes the time at which hostili-ics shall
cease m the different parts of the world,
The third article—all prisoners taken ta be
inmediate.y released afier their debs shail
be paid I@ Sbecie. Articles fourth, filth
S1Xth, seventh and eighth
} 1
Oy toe
cretayalwar, to
to be appointed 10 seite the Lo
dispute Articic ninth—host igh
the United States and Indian trib
immediately. Article tenth
to use their ntuost endeavors toh
the Slave Trade. Articie cle
ficatious to be exchanged at
within four months. Nota gy]
« Free trade and Saijor’s rights
word about the Fisheries or 1a
Trade. Fen
National Bank
The hill from the Senate « tof
the Subscribers to the Bank of §
States ‘of America,” was indefi
poned nthe House of Represen
Friday last—Yeas 74, Nays 73
Dates from Savannah to Febr
no mention of the reported acti
Gen. MInwssh and Col Woodbi
At the last dates, the great we
slowly, but amicably progres:
the most delicate and importa
congress, that of partitioning an
suring a permanent peace in Eup
: he
ting territory, has been nearly
we may safely presume that the
of Europe will meet with no in
Great Britain, Russia, Austria, P
France, will be in future, the Jeadi
Spain is groaning ui
of Furope.
and ecclesiastical tyranny, and the
of her spasms presages approachity
or a speedy dissolution
The othe
can be * rendered formidable onl
cumstances.” ‘hey never can 2
cient magnitude and importance
the destinies of Europe. B
The brig Macedonian, which g
wvith toe iil fated President, has fol
destiny, having been captured a fo
She was to accom
stereship, on 2 joi
ands «
finda vesse: as ever sailed from thi ;
out ot por
President asa
tow distant part of the world
otiier country. She was buiit ia
cut afew months since, for 2
7 Ha)
Dale Lic
3 Cll
was upwards of 400 tons burthen.
The Constitution, Wasp, Hon
cock and Sy ci, are the only U8
now at sta.
May lastysince which time nothin
heard tom her, No certain
has beets obtained of the Wasg
28d Scpt when she was cruising
ira. N. E. Pay
Savasvan, Feb. 6. ~The U
brig WASP, passed close iu
liv ht, on Saturday morning last
stood to the nerthward and casty
New York, Fel
At 12 o’clock yesterday Bri
Boyd, the commanding officer
trict, received a letter from th
al War, anpouncing that the P
received and examined tre Tre
there was no doubt it would b
and directing him to gave notic
Generar Boyd
to the Commander of the
off tiiis port.
wrote to the Britisn officer, an
cop; of Mr. Monroe’s letter
were sent down to the squadi
Spencer in the Revenue Cu
commanded by Capt. Brewstey
Through the politeness of €
we are cnabie to present th
our readers.
SIR---It is with great satisfd
I bave to inform you thata tre
was concluded between the Ul
and Great Britain at Ghent, on
December last.
A copy of this treaty was rec
by Mr. Carrol. It has been ¢
the President, and will (1 bave
be ratified. :
I give you this information,
tics may cease immediately
troops and those of Great Brita
%e proper for you to notify this
tish commander in your vicinity
I have the honor to be, resped
Your most obedient
Zo the Officer commanding at A
Head Quarters, Third Miilaryg
New York, Feb, 178
SIR—I havn the honor to
you, by Major Spencer, U
my, a Copy ofa letter th
received from the Hon. J:
] } >
1 havt
The latter has bec g
moni hs, and was on the coast off§
ibe cn
B the
2 de-
€ dia ely
I losed a
\ Major
ol Boyd
jefters to
0 y tnat
0] peace
24th of
d to-day
CL by
b doubt)
een our
dt will
he Bri-
BMIL 0 profit on the sale
ates ar- great In Iiolland its
morning Per centum, immediately on the
’ Monrce, Se. the ne
congratulate YORIOR the ahem
: ge
return of nenee :
of Peace between Great Britaisn and
the Uniteq Sta
: tates, and to offer you such
velre stnienig ag your ships may require,
I have the honor te be :
With much res: eet, Sip,
Your most OL edients humble SVG
IP LOYD, Brigh God
| 3 YR, Brigh Gon
OResr commmndiv hissBritanic '
Majesty's ship 88a off N. Youk,
The New Treaty.
By the treaty of pea
| EVE x ka 3 ty
ted States and Great Bpit
rights and
are left as they
The chief object of
war was the attainment from Great B
of a recognitio tral
| all those sailing undey
it. This object hss not heen obtained
Owing to the peace in Eucope,
tice of impressment will cease for
possessions of both countries
were before the war,
nof the principle, that ne
flags should protect
the prac _
the pre-
sent, but the principle remains as heretofore
a disputed unsettled point,
States have concluded a peace without ol,
taining that for which chiefly they went to
war. This has been owing to the une
ted overthrow of the Jate gover
France, ang tlie sudden peace in
Had the” war between Great Britain ana
France continued some years longer; ase.
very one expected it would, Great B
would have been so stra
Ihe United
nment of-
ghtened and redy-
‘ced that without doubt the United States
might have imposed their own te
rms onthag
But when we consider that the
pening contrary to alps
expectation ; threw on us the whole im.
mcnse land and naval force of England, we
psacein Europe hap
tiaye much reason to congratulate curse ives
solute sacrifice of any of our rights.
Our making a pesce on such terms. with
out obtaining full security for seamen, is
not then discreditable to the country, but
owing to unexpected revolutions and chan
ges in Europe which were not to be an.
cipated, and over which we could have ne
control. If we were now to go to wap with
Spain for the Eloridas, and then owing to
Spain’s forming an alliance with France
without Fiorida, it could rot be ascribed to
and other powers we should make
timidity, nor would the commencement of
the war onitnat account merely be adjudged
The war whichis just now finished has
done the United States some nin vlad mas-
ny respects it has been of inc ucuiable bea
chit, exalting them mw the scale of nations
and suring the permanency of the governs
A concise view o' the evils and ad-
vantages of the war wiiibe attempted inthe
next paper.
Pexs. Rervnrrcan.
The militia bill has passed the house of
Representatives, with a multitude of amend
ments, which will be considered in the sen-
ate. A resolution for the final adjourn-
ment of the present legislature on the 13th
March, hzs been adopted by both houses.
The president has pardoned the Barra.
tarians, and all offenders against tle revens
ue laws, provided they procure 2 certifi-
cate from the Gov. of Lonisianna that they
aided in the defence of New-Orieans.
Extract of a letter from an American
gentleman in London to his friend in this
Country. :
I ‘sincerely con-
gratulate you on the conclusion of a treaty
of heace with Fagland on terms which, un-
der the circumstances are highly adlvanta-
geous to our country.
Mr. Gallatin says that the holders of A-
merican government stock will have rea-
son to congratulate themselves; as their
must very
of it here
price advance
ws that atrea