" . aE Rk 301 tall Ot WR ~ 3 net : sat wariniy Ail J LS) tr wate ate, during three whole days, was, last ¢norossed lor a d¢vening, ordered “ § OTP ara 2 Te ant 3 i 3 third reading in that body en thls day. WT TI TN ARM ITIL WY WA TATE “ - * k i - > . 2 : : . ; A . 5 Dissolution of Partnerships. The Partnerships of Curtin & and Boggs & Curtin, are this day by mutual consent. Those icdebted to eitiier of the said firms, will make payment to Roland Curtin, who only is authorised to peceive the debts due. And those who have demands, against €l ther of the said firms, will present them to said Roland Curtin for settlement, as he is pow the sole owner of Lagle Forge. Reiland Curtin, Moses Boggs, Fcb. 18th. 1813. NOTICE. All persons indebted tothe subscriber, nD 0 100s SS dissolved by Note or Book account, are requested to core forward and discharge their respec, tive accounts, as no further induigence can be given. Those who neglect this notice may rest assured that their accounts will be put lato the hands of a Magistrate for collection. Jacob Test. Beliefonte, Feb. 16:0. 1815. " FO< SALE, - A tract of Land containing one hundred and fifty seven acres, in Halfmoon town ship, Centre, County, adjoining lands of Thomas Thompson, Jr Avvabam Elder and others. The land is of a toierable guatity; upon whichis a very thriving young apple oreaard, acd other bearing truie trees. A- bout 45 acres cleared. There are on the premises a good House and barn, a spring of excellent warter. The land 1s sittated within about fourteen mites of Delisfonte, Any person wishing to pur- chase may know the terms by applying io the subrériber near the premises JESSE AVHIPPO. Halfmoon, Nov. ‘9. ° DISSOLUTION or PARTNERSH + THE partnership of Tho: Beatty & co. is thisday dissolved by mutuai consent. The Books and Papers belonging to the said firm are left in the carve of Ilisha Moore, Esq. in Bellefonte, who is authorised to re- ceive ail monies due. Persons indebted ave requested to call and make payment. alc WILLIAM BEATTY. THOMAS BEATTY 28th, 1814. Bellefonte, May 15n*8w. LEGISLATIVE REGISTER: Many of our subscribers have expressed a desire to see a regular narrative of pro- ceedings, in our state legislature. For the information of such persons, and of the public in general, we give information; that a capable hand has been employed for that purpose ; and that the legisiative pro- ceedings will ve weckly, and. faithfully re- gisrercd in the Chronicle. Three or four columaos of every sheet will be devoted to that deparunent—To give the debates at length is not the intention. If however, debates on general and important points de take place, some of the speeches will be given in full. : The gditor invites such as wish to have the lemislative proceedings, to attend to it early that there may be vo breach in the narrative. Subscriptions for the Chronicle will be taken for 4 months, at 75c¢ts. to be paid inadvance. i Hariisburg Chron. BLANKS, Horsedills, And bills of other deseriptions, can be NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. RAR A REID RN -~ Ad. id IMMEDIATELY, two or three Joun- XxEYMEN TayvLonrs, to whom generous wa- Sus and constant employment will be given, oy HENRY STEWART. Nayvembor 7, 1914, : FOR SALL Efi AREY HHS subscriber informs the pubic that 5 fur-sdic a genera assortment of FRUITTTRLELLES. is one of the best propagations on 2 or lot, he hopes to meet with eneonr- crement in so usciul a business, tor wich Le will thaok those who wiil favor nim with their custom, and wifi answer taem LO thelr satistuction. 5 A arm JOB PACKER. Bap EAGLE, JAN. 13, 1815. Bist OF LE1T1E8S R maining in the Post-Cjpic , Idlicfonze, Jan. 1, 1815, which if not red dined will be seng to the Genral Pose Gyiee in 8 months fram this date. Philip Andis, James Arnistrong, John A- bis, Jumes Aibson, 2; John Adams, Mat thew Allison Nicholas Alexanders. ~vath iel Beck, Benjamin Brooks, Ulenry Binder, John Cook, Banici Cartuer, Jesse Couksoi, Amatriah Coburn, Mrs. vanefiiaik, hie. has Davidson, John Bndsley,ducou Hinrich John Hanson, Enoch BRastuigs, Jacob tie ther, Patrick Hughs, Thomas Hastings, Henry Hoy, 2°; James Flaihisons 18s :bilia Henderson, Jacob Holter, 1saac Jougs. $0 Johnsiony David Joansion, Antuony Kouer dy, Caich Kephart, Christopher Keauley, Michael vers, Samuel Miles; Mary dic Kerrigan, Thomas M:-Ciennend, 2: Pui lip Moscr. James Meintochy James New- ih David Nichowson, Wan, Nizon, Joseph adv “Orwigy Jase Paton, John Batersons Job Packer, Win. Petrikin, 9 ; Hugh Quin, 2 ; Col. Mauthew Rodgers, Wm. Russel George Records, George Deitaer, George Dweany Spencer, ye Stroupe, Margaret and Mary Steer, Elcanor Steer, Joha § Bedaaly Samuel Taggart, Abso- fan Tims, Joseph Updegrair, 2; Isaac Updegralf and Jol Irwin, Jesse Wiili- ams, Charlies Wiison, Benjamin Way, Herrman Younge. R. T. STEWART, P. M. ————— Qs ~) FOR SALE. Will be sold at private sale, a tractof Land containing 25 acres, in Centre Coun- tv, Halimoeon township, tcrimerty the pro. perty of James Shehan whereon is about 10 or 12 acres of good meadow, a young bearing vrcliard, a good spring The tand is ofa good quality. About 43 acres are cleard. Terms of sale may be known by applying to the owners. Chr stian King, Johu Yoder, Jan. 23d. NOILICE. Public Notice is hereby given, to all persons that are in any way indebted to the estate of John Barber, late of Centre county, Esq. deceased, to make puynient to ¢ither of the subscribers, before the 1st day of February next, as on that day, ail notes and accounts unpaid will be put ar sult :—and every person having any legal demand arainst the said estate, will please Lo present their dccounts for. payment. JAMES DUNCAN, p J. G.LOWREY,S December 28, 181 4. Adm’ rs. HENRY STEWART TALLOAK. TB ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens i , of Bellefonte and its vicinity, that he has commenced the TAYLORING BU- SINESS, at the House back of Mr. James Rothrock, and immediately adjoining his Hatter shop, where those who ma’ please to favor him with thelr custom shall receive every accommodation ana attention in Lis power to bestow. : Having served his apprenticeship in the city of Baltimore ; and having had an oppor- tunity of perfecting himself” in the knowl- edge of his profession by an exercise of of 1s various duties, in many of the best shops in that piace, he flatters himself quaiifted to give genc:al satisfaction te bis customers. October 3, 1814 ° W7HERIAS the subscriber gave to David Storm, two notes of one nun- dred and ninety pounds each ; the first pav- able 1st of April 1815; the other lst of April 1816; and eight other notes of one hyndred pounds each : the first payable 1st of April 1817, and one each succeeding year ; and one other note of one hundred and twenty five pounds, payable first of A- pril 1825. Thisis therefore to forewarn all persons from taking an assignment on said notes, said Storm not having complied with his cngagements. HENRY YOTTER. Beilefonte, Sept. 17, 1814, A quantity ot BLANK EXECUTI ONS for sale at this Office, NOTICE AR LTTIIAE Rv PEN RNR py IS HEREBY GIVEN, Thatby anact of Conzress cuiitled % Anact to provide addi- tonal revenues for detrying the expensa of goverment, andmainatainng the public credit, by cutics on sales at auction, and ou licences to retail wines spiritous liquors, and foreign merchandize, and for encrea- sing the rates of postage,” passed the23d December, 1844, an additional duty ofone hundred per centum on sales at auction and an additional duty of 50 pur centum on licenses to retailers are © daid, totake ei- tee: from the Ist day of Jebruary 18i5 Comiuainsuy wo which acts that can be 1n- spected at (his office, new obligations ar- imposed on auctioniers, and tie said-add- Lois! duty on ilcenses Lo retalietl's, is to be paid on written application 10 be made by them. us well by those who have obtained ii- cens:s fi riodsge tending beyond the ist day of Fchraary, 1815,as iy others, in the way therein prescubedyagreéably to forms which can be obuained from the Collector.- Given under wy haud this 9th day of Janu s toi ps ary, 18135. Wm. H. PATTERSON, C.llector of ihe Revenue for the 19th Coldecrion District of Pennsylvania. Potters Mills, 9th January, 18135. NO TIUK 1S HEREBY GIVEN, That agreeably to the act of Congress, entitled Ao act to provide aaditional revenues for defraying the expences of Government and main- taining public credit by laying duties on spirits distilled within the United States and territories thercof, and by amending the act laying duties on licences to distiters of spirituous liquors, passed December 21, 1814, every person who shall atter the first day of LFeoruary, 1815, distil spirits, withinthe United States, is required, in ad- dition to the duty on the licence already taken, or hereafter to be taken by him to pay (wentyicentsa gallon on ail spirits - dis- tiilcd alter that day, or subject to the limi- tation in the sawd act expressed, to pay twenty five cents a gallon on all such spi- rits, iu wuich case no licence is required to be take, and that agrecably to the said ac- a bond is required previous to the said day, to be g ven to the coliccior, aud other duties required to be perfouned under penalies therein Float, vised of the cules incumbent oa him te diséharge, an abstract ofthe several acts of Congress subjecting stills and boilers, and spirits 10 Cuiy, hus bec prepared; a copy of witch = with forms of state- ments required {rom a distiller, will be fur- nished to bin. by the Collector on demand. The Coilector wall also furnish, blank bonis, and such other blanks as will enable prescrbed. ier ‘may be correctly ad- : ny LC Gabel the distier to comply with the several pro- visions of [aw, WM. H. PATTERS: IN. Collertor 1924 District r Collectors’ Office, Jan g. id, LANDS FOR SALE. A tract eof Land situate n Halfmoon townships Centre county, Pennsylvania, Contains 50 acres, 6 of which are na state of cultivation, and adjoining lands of Thos. Downir g, Joseph Yoder and others. Tis lot 1s0l the first quality of lime-stone laud ta the neighborhood. An indisputable titlé will be given. For terms apply to the subscriber, living near tae premises. DAVID HOLLINGSWORTH. Halfmoon, Jan 20th, 1814 To var CREDITORS OF SiMUEL WirLrLis. GENTLEMEN, Take Noticey, That T have applied te the Court of Common pleas of the County of Westmoieland, by petition, for the bene- fit of the insolvent laws of the Common- wealth of Pennsvivania. and that the said Court have appointed the third Monday of February next, for the hearing of mé and my creditors, at the Court house in the Bor ough of Geeensburgh, in said County ot Westmoreland, when and where you may attend 10 sow cause if any yon have, why I shai} not receive the beneht of the laws and 1 be discharged from confinement SAMUEL WILLIS, Tegtmoreland Jail, January 5th, 18135 TG BE RENTED, (And possession giventhe Lat of Aprilnext ) THE Greist and Saw Mills adjoining the Town of Milesburg, together with the land attached thercto. For particulars en- quire cf : JOSEPH MILES, { Bel ¢fonte. Der. 31, 1814, Doc business. AN OPDINENCE FOR THE EURTHER PRY. rEcPIoN GF HoUSES FROM FIRE. Spe. 1. Beit ordained and enacted bY the Town Council of the Borough of Bellu- losite, and it 1s hereoy ordained and enacted by tue autuoriy of the same, That the owe neror owners of all and every dwelling house now builg, or whieh hevealter may be built within the bouuds of the said Borough shail tuenish the ssmwe with two leathern y fire buckets ¥ which buekets shall be pla» - ced in the entry of such other part ol wwe house as shall bE most casy ol access dhd be marked with the owners name ot the initals thereof; and shail be Kept in good repair fop using at ail tunes in cases of fire. Ny x Sec. 2. And be it ordamed and ena ted, tha should the owner or owners of any such house, or houses, now built, or that hereaf- ter may be erccied and built within the hime its of the said borough, neg lect or refuse on or before the first day of Apuil next, or within three months next after any such house may be hereafter buill, and oceupted to furnish and provide the buckets as afore said, such peison or persons 80 negitcung or refusing, being thereof convicted before some Justice of the peace in and’ tor the county of Centre, shall forfeit and pay the sum of seven Doiiars with costs of prosceu- tion, to be recovered at the suit of the ¢ of burgess, assistant burgess and towcouncit of the borouga of Beilctonte, winch hoes or forfeitures wien recovered, shall be paid o- ver to fhe treasury of the borough for the use of (he same. And the houses sone glected to be furnis ed by thie owners there of, shail as soon as conveniently may be thcreatter, oe furnished wich two buckets as aforesaid at dic expense of the suid borough. : Sec. 3. And be it ordained and enacted that it shall be the duty of tae High Cons stable to vise each every dwellag house within the limits of said boroughs within ten days nexi preceding the last Saturday ih the months ci Febriary, May, Sepiember, & December, yuariy, aid CX amine whether the provisions of these ordi ances are compiyed with, so far as. res- pects the fire buckets being In thew proper piace and in good Tep, and make information of eypery default betore sore Justice of the peace in aud for Centre County, so that the sane may be prosecu- ted and every person or persons being the inhabitant or enant in possession of SHER’ house or houscs at the ime such default 1s made, in keeping the buckets aforesaid in their proper places and in good repair, avd being convicted thereof on the inforniation aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay a fine or iors fciture of not more than five nor less than one doliar for the use of the said borough. Sec: 4. Be it ordained and enacted, That the erdinance heretofore passed for the pre- tection of houses from five (so far as re- jates to providing Duckets;) be and he same IS percby repealed, Passed ino ar ordinance Jan © 10; i813 ANDREW GREG PRESY. GF THE COUNCIL. ana ATTEST, rsa Moore, (4. Cw BD ‘ ow SELL Brrr I do certify that the above is atrue copy of the original ordinat ce, in witness whepes of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the corpo acon. Erisua Moore, Ck. » » CAUTION. | [3 - a uh iN’ TH HEREAS. the subscriber gave te Y % Hugh Milliken, two bonds,’ of twe hundred dollars each. One payable the 1st of june 1815,and the other the Ist of June 1806. This Is cherciore to forewarn ali persons irom taking an assignment of sand bonds as I am determined not to pay them unless compelled by law. : P Wi LL AM CALDWELL. November 5, 1814 LAND AGENCY. THE subscriber wil attend to the bysis ness of a Land Agent mthe of Br. risburg. Those wishing to procure patois or cepies irom any of the i WH 8 will 5: business executed with promptness. ALIAANDER GRAYDON, Junr. Harrispune, Avec. 14 1814, Depot pb ie Merchants. and others take Novice! THE Subscriber ar the Thit Hammer Shop, near the end of Nivmy Maoupt will make atthe shortest notice, #1. stantly keep ou hand, Spaccs together with every 'otacr artic: oi the Blacksmith and Cutlery: 1p 5, JAMES WHIT) vi {faa i 'N. B. An apprentice wanted te the g ’ 3 COV Ovi iS, 1 ie: “why
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers