American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, February 13, 1815, Image 2

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    Nh SD i lb
«To speak his thoughts—
Is every Freeman's right.’
et men rere er
out as quirrel’s eye atthe distance of one
hundred yards. “They wiil match and beat
Woedbine’s motley crew, even if they have
half the number. A number of your deci”
plined officers aie expected to start from
Charleston, {or this place on the 24th.
At a late dinner given by the citizens of
DIED—On Friday last in Milesburg, Ajbany to Gen Brown, the Hero of Niaga-
‘Mrs. Passmrore, consort of Mr. Enoch Pass-
On Tuesday, in Bellefonte, young-
est daughter of Mr. George Williams.
—— On Thursday, in the neighborhood
of this place, David Knox, son of Mr (i:
breath Knox This young man received h
fatal blow which terminated his existence
while in the act of felling a tree. He expi-
red instantaneously.
ra, at which Lieut, Governor Taylor presi
ded, the following toast was given by his
sub exccllency on Gen Brown's reuring
from tabie :
Masor Ges. Brown—Hc planned, he
executed, be surprised tic heroes ol Spain,
Portugal and France, at noou- day, on the
‘memorable 17th of September.”
If we understand this toast, it means as
folie viz:
That Gen. Brown PLANED the heroes
of bo &c. at noon day, on the 17th Scp-
jority of two thirds, in such case required of his state tabirision the Govern To
by the constitution, and therefore will not. prosent Commedore Barney with a mew a
become a law. sword i in licu of one which, was presciited
It is farther our impression, perhaps the'k to him by the state in the year 17 82 po
creature of our fears, that no bill wil pass ‘which he afterwards lost.
at the present sesion for the establishment i
of a National Bank. We shall rejoice Hv
it happen differently—but
erent | CPE ee
such are our
National Itiligbreen tin
Ww 2shington, St Hurdag; F eb ia
The uninformed reader will ask, does a
majority entertain constitutional ‘scruples
against such a measure! No—repeated
votes in both houses prove the contrary.
Does a majority then believe it inexpedi- re
Copy of a letter fiom M Major General} :»
ent to establish such an institution? *No— a
soa to the Secretary of War, dat ved: Ny
thete 1s mot, thal we know, a dissenting
voice on this head in ¢ither house. C Amp 4 mics below New Orle ansy |
Sap 131
SI. At such a crisis, I CONOCIY AL
diity to keep you constantly Sr
Ou the 10th inst, I forwarded: on
sank be es-
tabtished as will at least mitigate
experienced by the community, as well as
Why then shall not such a
the cvils
by the governmett, from the want of 1t?
Head Quart ters, 7th Military i .
It appears by a report via Halifax, that tember.
peace with the United States was confident- 2 That he executed* the aforesaid he-
ly expected in England on the sth of Dec. oes, at noon-day, &ec.
This expectation at least proves there had “That after executing them he swrfiri-
been no rupture of the negociation, and er at noon day, ob the 17th of Sep-
may be partly founded on observati ons of © tember.
ministers in Parliament, which bad been The man who afterwards toasted Gov-
This question, though easily soived by
those who have witnessed the proceedings
of Congress for months past, wiii not be so
readily explained to the mass of the peoples
who know and care but litte, perhaps too
little, of the sub-divisions of both political
couiit of the bold aitempt made y thie :
my on the morning of tie guito a) mn
session ol my works by storm, oh) lie
severe repulse which he met witha
report having been sent by the “mai whic
Crosses the lake may possibly have » sir
ried ; for which reason, Fthink it the mors
ecessary briefly to Ic pot Bn lg substaneg of,
then a month in session.
' Daily Adv.
Bestox, Jan 31,
His excellency the governor, with the
advice and consent of the Council in pur-
suance of the joint resolve of the two hous.
es of the General Court, hes appointed the
ernor Taylor on Ais retiring, « Distin-
guished for his public strvices and social
virwues,” was discreet in omitung to jaud
him for bis literary talents.
* This was rather a sorry compliment,
partics in Congress, their conflicting opin- ;
Early on the morning of the iE the of=
emy having been actively: cippiovgd: the
two proceeding dags in makivg proparitis
ous ara siorm, advanced in (wo “stheny
Coiums oi my vicht and felt They were
received, wifi a firmness whichyit Seay
they littic expe: i
ted, a wd which db fated ; & i
their | uopes. My men did isbod 21 :
ions, and their pertinacious adherence to
then. :
Suiiice it lor the present to say-—we be-
lieve no such Bank wiil be established as
the President will approve-~hecsuse, when
a bill to estalilish such a Bank was before
Hou. Harrison G. Ottis, the Hon. Thomas Extract of a Letter fronia gentleman in
H. Perkins, and William Sullivan, Esq. ~ Savaana to his friend mn Balumore, dated
Corn iss oners w proceed immediately to The 18th January.
the seat of the national government, to re- «The enemy have entire possession of
nest the consent of the government of the
United States to an arrangement of the
United ~ States =~ by which this « com
moi werlth may retain a pcrtion of the
taxcs assessed upon ity and asvume the de-
fence of her territories against the enemy.
We are informed that the Hon Chaun-
cey Goodrich, and the Hon Calvin God-
‘dare, have been appous ed by the Govern-
or of Cornecticuis € ominissioneis to enter
inte ar arrangement on behalf of that state
with the general gavernment, for re tain-
ing within the state a part of the taxes, to
pay the expenses of defence against the.
Pere, and 'St Mary’s, was taken by them
on the 13thst Their force at Point Pe-
to 15300 men. ‘At the
had an engagement with the
former place they”
militia. who
lostin kilied and wounded 14 men.
loss of the enemy thought to be con
ble, among them a dieid officer; and our
men made good their retreat to Jefforson,
Independent of the Bitusn force, a cols
Woodbine is said to be advancing thro
ram Florida, towards St. Maiy’s with a party of
Indians and blacks, wich gives here the
This said Woodbine
was refused a passage thro’ East Iiorida
by the governor, but which hie disregarded
and thére is no doubt but he ison his way-.
The State commissioners, says the Bos-
ton: Vuladium, will we understand, leave
tow: his week for the scat of the general
most serious alarm.
Waterton, (N. J.) Jan. 35.
JACKET | yA 1aid this 1 learn from private letters tobe de-
The keels oi two large vesscis are laid Le Si
at Sucket’s Harbor. We understand that B o clock, P.M, an Fd i
one is 182 and the other 184 fied; one is has just come in staling that the mihua
build ng under the superintendence of Mr have been drove from Jefferson, ‘and that
pended on.
Eckiord, the other under that of My. Brown énemy lia. advanced 1n_ their barges <0
EXTRACTS UF LETSERS. We have at iength cerwain accounts of
Savannah, Jan. 22. the epemy having ianded on Cumbeviand
« Here we are, under Martial law ; not Isiand. An XPress. passed threugh this
knowing the hour when the British forces place W-day at 3.0’clock P. 'M for’ Camp
: oo ij. Covington, addressed to General F yd,
We have go possi= 0 Captain Mussias, the cam Handing of
tive uctounts from the Southward, howe- ficer at Point Petre. By rue express we
yor, to warrant a possitive conclusion, that have learnt the foitowing partcuiais—toat
tlic y arecoming this way. We believe the He encmylanded mn divisions. Oue at Pluiab
: rchard and the other at Dungeness, in
fo 5 at Cuwberland and St. Mary's, to be 50 bp ecq, contaming about two thousand
about six thousand men.” men, biacks and when
ee A great partof the ficet (8 or 10 vessels)
Another~~Same day. wereott St. Andrew’s bar, and many of
Gov. their barges attempted (0 past the fort of
Point Petre, but were fired on ang compel
ied to retreat. Itis not yet kuown how
two thousand nen. Strong reinforcements many troops they have actually with them
arc ou their way. Our fortifications pro- or wiadt their inteitions are We think
gross rapidly and are able, at present, to that it is the van of a force destined against
at 3 )
folfthe B the southern coast, which in all probability
sustain, and repel the attack of alt the ML. will desolate the sea-islands between this
and St. Mary’s, and then make an attack
on Savahnaa: to morrow we shall be able to
give a further and move € pa ‘ticular account.
We hu: ve just seen a a gentleman direct
: from Amelia, who corroborates the above,
Should they have the temerity to approachs nq §iates thatthe enemy have not been on
"I trust we shall give a good account of Anrpeiia island, as was reported in town
ast night,
far as 3 Das ien, 60 miies from heace.”
eet SD ) 7 BR —s
muy pay us a visit.
« Martial law was decla ed to-day.
1 ’ ;
Eotly has arrived at the lines with about
tish sald to have arrived”
& | have only time te say, Wwe are under
same date.
martial | iaw---the enemy daily expected —
ghem ; at leasi they will not get the place, !
role * i i
without a siruggle; and that a pretty hare NATIONAL BANK BILL.
Washington City, February 1.
The question on re-considering the Bank
Latest extract—8, P. M.
& We are in hourly expectation of the ar- Bill, which the President has
aval of Major Gen. Pinckney ; who, we with objections, was yesterday 1 in the Sen-
are fone ghas ordered on 1500 of the ate postponed to Thursday. Itis our ime
South Carolina milita; among whom are, pression, from what we see and hear, that
gour country sharp shooters who could pick the will will not pass that body by the mo-
.the passes to Ameha Island, Fort Pout : ™ #
to relinquish any part of their amendments
tre and St Mary’, are said to be from 1000
the House of Representatives, (t was rejee
ted, after every effort in its favor, by, the
casting vote of the Speaker—because it
alierwards lost friends, as was evident: by
the refusal of the House of Representatives |
toaccominodate the views of the Senate—
and because the opposition party in the
house, unanimously opposed to such a pla,
“are sufficicntly numerous, by the aid of
those republicans + ho concur with thew in
opinion or. that point, and of those constitu
“tionally ‘oppased to the incorporation of a
National Bapk on any terms, 1o detrar such.
a bill, it it 2ouid be again or iginated; as has
347 been once rejected.
© This state of things i is AsTHTdly a great
national evil... | National Tnclligencer.
—gpe I Fen :
The Eastern Argus, printed at Portland
contains 16 columns of advertisements fur
delinquency in payment of direct tax,
Stock and prize shares are advertised at
one office in Boston, in twelve privateers
out of that port.
All the army Surgeons on {urlough ave
ordered to join their corps and stations, by
an order from the Secretary of Waur=-who
‘says, troops are reported sickly at madiy
posts, and no neglect will be suffered.”
«FF Herald,
The honorary degree of Doctor of Laws
was conlerred on the 10th just in the Unis
versity of Pepssylvanta upon ihe Hon. Ru.
fus King, John Marshall, 2nd Bushrod
Washington, Esq. now L. {. D, (FF. Rep.
Quterbridee Ho'sey is re- ele ected Sen-
ator of the United States, from the state of
Delaware for six years: commencing on the.
4th day of March next.
[ Nat. Int,
The Legislature of Virginia, his made
choice of Robert B. Taylor and Armistead
T. Mason, Major Generais wn the states
corps which the state has détermined to
raise. i
The Couscription Bill has Leen lost in
the House of representatives——Yeas 36---
Nays 51.
The 6000 enlistment bill is also lost in
the senate The militia bill as it “came
from the senate, was the order for Tuesday
last in the house of representatives,
An act granting addition } emoluments
to seamen employed in defence of this
Commonwealth, has passed both houses ot
the Legislature. :
This bill gives the petty officers and
seamen 25 dollars.
20 dollars.
To ordinary seamen,
To boys 15.
“A resolutien hag passed the Tegistature
Such a Pr oT }
approach which indeed they had jong Aka
ously wished for, opentd upod rhciup five
so deilbevate and coitain as rendered thidir
scaling jadders and fascings, as we i us cir
niore direct Implements of warfa Fie Der
fectly uscless' For - upwards of anhour it
was coitinued, “with a bi SKICSS OL waich
there have been few instances pohagn 1
any county. In jubiice lo the enemy it
must be sud they withstood it as Jong as
~ coud lave Leen expected {rom the most
determined bravery. AU longth hows ver,
‘when ali prospect of success bgeatne Hopes
less, wey fledvin confus vn from the fie: J,
leaving it covered with the dead ad wow
ded=—Their less was immense. hag ae’
first computed itat 1500; buy iris silice as-
cr ‘tained to have been much greater, ups
on information which is’ beleived to be vor~
rect colonel tynes thie inspeckr getie: ‘al.
reports du tu be in total 2600. His report i
enclose you. My loss was considerable
beiiig onty seven Killed and six. woe,
§ 108s when aw
sider tive number and the kind oft YoopsEn-
gaged, must | know cxeie astonishment,
and may not every woers be tally credited ;
yel Lam periec! 1 satisfied that the account
15 110 CRapgul
etees uu the other.
which th. 3 iad
ther sude ott
diately rel une to it hou armies ut pre-
Alli oi POA NAT? y of tbe’ Oe
gd onthe one. pa 5h nor un- ’
Pv and we hayine imme » |
sent oenpy their for ob Dusting Whes |
“Wher, after the sOvere (dss he bas sustains
ed, he is pre pairing to returi to aig shiping
« pr 10 make still mightier efforts to attain his
first object, 1 do pot pretend to determine,
It becom: 's me to act as though the latter
was his heaton. “Oa thing however,
secs certain, that if ue still calculate on
effecting what he hi s hitherto beet: unable
to accomplish, he rmiust expect constdérable
reinforcements, us the. force with wich he
landecapust undoubiediy te dimintsied by
at cast 3000.
Besides the loss wh *h he sustained on
the wight of the 23d ult, which is ¢sitnated
at 400, he cannot nave 5 ffered less between
thac period aud the morn iy ofthe 8h ust.
than 300, having withiu tia time, been res
puised in two general ditempis to dive us
from our pussitiony aid ti re having be dh:
coniinnal canonading aud skimn siing du =
mug wie whole of it. You he 18 Sik abl
to shew a very formidable force, by
Thee is iittie doubt that the comma ide
ing (rencral, Sir Edward Packiagham. ‘a8
killed nthe action ol the,8th and that M ©
Wienever a more leisure moment shalt
J occurs 1 will sake the liberty 0 make ong
and forward to you a more circumstaniia]’
account of the several actions, and )artice
ularly that of the 8th, in doing which ny
chief motive wiil be to render justice to.
those brave men I have the hoor to come.
maid, and who haye so Earkaiy distin.
guished themseives. : oa
I have the honor to be, most respectfully
your obedigut servant, >
P.S A correct lis. oi my killed
wounded will i e forwarded you by the. Ade
jutant frenerais
Mai: Gen. Com ding, :
i 3
Gen. Kean and Gibbs were "badly rir i
Ted 3