American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, February 13, 1815, Image 1

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    © yan within fificen days any on
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The ioliowing is a condensed view ol the
provisions of a bill now before the senate
entitled, * An act (0 raise a military iorce
for the defence of this commonwealth.”
Sec. 1. Not more than 9000 men shail
be called to actual service for twelve
Sec. 2 Immediately after the passage
of the zt, every commanding officer of a
“eompany shall proceed to make a list of the
frec white maie Inhabitants within the iim
its of his company, above the age of 18
years, and trapsmit copies thereof ohe to
: the county commissioners, one to the bri
~_wgade inspector, and retain a copy himself:
1 F= 3. ‘I'he commissioners suah divide
the lists thus furnished, into classes of
twenty two persons each. When» there is
a fraction of a class in any county, that frac
tion shall pay an equal proporiien of the
current expense of procuring a substitute
at that time. |
Sec 4. After such clasification the coun
ty commissioners shail deliver to each
comm: ding officer ot a company, a ist of
the classes, the members of wich, or a mas
jority of them reside within the limits of
his company ; the commanding officer then
to deliver to each member of the class to
which he belongs, with a notice requiring
a class within 15 dayt, to report to the
djutant of the regiment, one ot their mem.
Hers or « substituic Lo serve twelve moiiths,
‘$c. 5 The coubly commissic nurs are ters sor ~performing duties under thie act,
empowered (0 require, and the command-
ing officers of vegiiuents are required to
4 ive any necessary assisiance towards ©x-
ecuting duties under this act.
Sec. 6 If the person delivered to serve
be hot an able bodied man, another must be
supplied by the class. Sa if the person fur-
nished descr, before reaching the place of
rend xvous.
Sec. 7. ifany class refuse to furuish a
¢ of the class
may furnish one within five days thereaiter,
and the commissioners shall apportion the
expense among the class, the comtmis-
sioncrs to act as justices of the peace in the
cclicetion. The bounty thus paid shall net
excee | 200 doilars.
Sec. 8. If within twenty days after a no-
tice a class shall not furnish a man, the
commanding officer of a company in which
the class res¥ics, shail call all the class *
ministers of the gospel and those disabled
by physical infirmity excepted ; to meet
within five days, and ballot for one of theip
snembers to serve—the commanding offi-
¢cr to ballot for those refusing. The per-
son to whose lot ii falls to march shall re-
port himself to the adjutant, or in five days
furnish a substitute to be the same as in
section 7. Any person returned between
the ages of 18 and 45 shall be exempt from
Sec. 9. The lot falling on a person con-
scientiously scrupulous, &c. the command-
. ing officer shall find a substitute. If the
bounty given be more than 200 dellars, the
excess shall be paid by the member on
whom the lot fell. The excess not to cx-
seed 200 dollars.
Sec. 10. The brigade inspectors on re-
ceiving lists from the commanding officers
tn each brigade shall provide all the means
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of marching the rendezyous of the regi
. ment, brigade or division.
Sec, 11. The governor te nominate,
and with the consent of the senate to ap-
point officers &c. for the command of
8000 men agrecably Lo the laws and regu-
lations of the United States’army. Tue
same to be organized into six regiments of
infantry, one of artillery and one of rifle-
men. Commissions granted during the
recess of the senate to expire twenty days
after the meeting of that body. ;
Skc. 13. The adjutants of regiments
to march the men to the place el rencez-
vous, 2nd deliver them to the commanding
officer hers, taking a receipt, for the men
aud transmitting a copy to the commissi-
oners. The term of service of men to
commence on their arrival at such rendez-
yous. °
8ec. 13. Ifthe governor is satisfied that
the troops will be paid and subsisted by the
United States, they shall be placed at the
disposition thereof, Provided, They shall
be employed in the defence of Penusylva-
nia, the adjoining borders of the neignbor-
ing states, of the city of Balumore, and no
other service.
Sec. 14 Commissioners of counties, and
militia officers to be ou oath, and for mal-
conduct in office to pay, en prosecution to
conviction, in a criminal court, a fine of
not icas than $300—aud not exceeding
$1000. One half to the prosecutor, the
other to the county. .
Skc. 15. the offiecrs ‘and commission-
to receive B11 50 per day for scrvices.
Sec 16. Ii death or accident or refusal
prevents a commissioner from acting the
other commissioners shall appoint a citizen
in his stead. In case all of the commission-
era ave prevented from serving, or refuse,
the associate judges of the county shall
supply the appointment. If a captain or
adjutant is prevented from serving, or re-
fuse, the colonel shail appoiat till the next
Sec. 17. The bounty given shall be
recovered in a civil suit, if the person shall
desert. :
Sec. 18. Provides that the assessors
shall de the business of commissioners in
the city of Philadelphia.
Src. 19. The governor Is authorised to
contract for 8,500 suits of uniform &c.
—— 1107 —
You have been in session four months,
convened at an earlier period than custo-
mary, and for the purpose of meeting e-
mergencics and averting dangers of an ex-
traordinary character— Waar have yom
Your session must close in forty days.
have you conmdered, that it depends entire-
ly upon the measures which you may adopt
within that period, whether your country
shall be desolate in the approaching sum-
mer, your finest eities, your Hourishing
plantations and numerous manufactories,
conflagrased ?
Do. the ruins which surround yon in-
spire no generous emotions? De you feel
no social sympathies for the numerous fa-
milies whicn must fall by the sword or the
bayonet of the ruffians whe rioted in rapine
and ruins en the shores of the Chesapeake
or who indulged in complacency the cani.’
bal carousals on the hearts and entrail$ of
your countrymen in the West?
To what unexampled and inscrutable
causes must your apathy be attributed? Has
the lapse of thirty-two short years produced
such a revoiutien in the human character
as to amount to justification of the reproach
of Eastern Europeans, that the species de-
gonerated in our climate-~or has it come.
to pass, that the same people should at the
‘same moment present to the astonishment
of the universe the greatest valour on the
ocean and the land, and the least possible
degree of public spirit, energy or wisdom
in political counsc)s ? :
Whatever may be the cause of this ex-
traordinary puenomenon, this deficiency
or this obliquity of capacity, to devise and
carry into execution, great measures for
great occasions, the whole country feclg
the approaching danger, and exelaims a-
gainst it with indignation ; the enemy and
the enemy’s adherects, have cause of exul-
tation; but the friends of human happiness
and liberty, the men who feel no joy separ-
able from American honour and indepen-
dence, do mutter curses, not loud but
deep,’ against those whose tameness or
gmidy exposes the nation ’to danger and
its counsels to derision,
Examine what you have done for four
months—and ask each man of you your own
heart, if; in your individual domestic affairs
or business, you would not have been asha-
med to have done as you have done, or left
undone, for your country,
Adstract statement of the receipts and ex-
penditures at the state treasury for the
year commencing wiih the 1st Decem.
ber, 1818, and ending Nov. 80th, 1814.
Lands and fees of land office § 99,683 43
Dividends on Bank stock = 197,727 50
Auction duties 49,687 78
Tavern licences and militia
exempt fines
Tax on certain officca
Court fines
Fees of the office of secretary
of the Commonwealth
Old Debts
Miscellaneous receipts
Bank of North America, re
newal of charter
Loans m pursuance of the
act 25th Feb. 1814
30.879 43
8,708 19
5,113 59
988 46
16,753 10
16,072 9
844,677 07
To which add the ballance
in treasury, Ist Dec. 1813 @ 346,719 95
® 1,192,697 07
Expences of Government @ 164,497 30
Miiitia expenses 12,8%3 59
Arsenal at Philadelphia 8,600
Pensions 13,973
2,376 06
Pennsylvania claimants
Miscellaneous expenditures
Am’t of the first loan (with
interest thereon) returned
Expenditures consequent to
the present war with G.
Britain, viz.
103,138 89
B 310,657
oe S——— er a————
Munitions of war and
other military supplies
purchased under state
authority, repairing
arms, &c.
Miscellaneous expen
Additional pay, or boun=
ty, granted to the mili-
tia, by acts of the legis-
Detence of Erie, includ-
ing additional pay, &c.
Expenditures, under re-
quisitions of the United
States for our militia
9,639 59
780,096 92
oe 1 fui o 1,159,529 oF
To which add the balance
in Treasury, lai Decem-
ber, 1814 36,167 05
A ——— + —— A ——. |
PB 4,192,697 02
There has lately been discovered an ex.
tensive and valuable bed of Piaister of Paris,
about one mile W. of the New City of (:lass
gow, directly opposite Upper Red-Hook
Landing, and only twenty miles from the ci-
ty of Hudson, where it may be had at Six
Dollars per ton; and from experiment;
made, it is believeb to be equal in quality to
any in this state.
Gen. M¢ Arthur has made a requisition
on the Governor of Kentucky, for one
regiment of Militia, to be marched to De-
troit. They are to rendezvous at George-
town, on the 8th of February next.
(Ohio Messenger.
* A new militia bill is before the Legislas
ture of Ohio It proposes to call on tie se-
veral companies for their quotas, and if the
men are not furnished voluntarily, to raise
the number by drafting—~the drafts to find
substitutes, or march in person, or be taken
by force as deserters.
Belmont Repository.
~ James Campbell and Nathan Smith, prie
vates in the nothern army. were excited
at Buffalo on the 3d inst.—The orme: was.
sentenced to be hanged, for twice desoriing,
and ence te the enemy : the latter was shot
for sleeping at his post while a sentinel.
Send § Ws 3
_ The following relation of a curious fact
in natural History, is copied from the Leeds
Mercury, printed in England.
“ We have always felt a little sceptical -
on reading in the papers the account of the
fatal effects produced on some occasions
by eating duck eggs; but a circumstznce
lately occurred in this neighberhood, that
must remove all doubts on this subject. A
short time ago a duck belonging to Mr.
Clemishaw; Winmore near Leeds, laid an
egg, rather above the common size, which
was broken for the purpose of being cook-
ed for dinner-- but on examination, ‘the
contents were found to consist of dark mud.
dy slime, neither resembling the yolk nor
‘the white of an egg, in the middle of which
was deposited a young snake, of the length
of ten inches ! When the egp was broken
the reptile unfolded itself, and remained
apparently mn a healthy state for about
twenty hours, when, having wrapt itself up
again, it soon after died, and isnow preset<
ved in spirits by Mr. Clemishaw.”