American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, December 17, 1814, Image 4

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    ad p— Te a
Pinladeifilna, Sefit.
—— 4 GP
The octave copy
of this swork sells at
Three Dollars : the
firesent edition will
be afforded to sub-
scribers, m a large
duodecimo volumn of
near 400 pages, at
One Dollar and Fif-
‘By Cents in boards,
&nd One Dollar and
Seventy-five Cents,
bound, payable on
The work will be
— & Qe
embellished with a
likeness of PRINCE
Kovrousorr, and
two large maps, (a
Juli sheet cach) ex-
hibiting the advance
of the French army
to Moscow, and its re
treat thercfrom.
Should sufficient
encouragement offer,
the work will be dee
livered to the subscri-
bers ina short time.
Tue « Narrative of the Campaign in
Russia, during the year 1812,” has deserves
edly received the highest encomiums trom
different Reviewers. We copy the follow-
ing from the account of the crossing of the
Berezina by the French, in their retreat
from Russia.
« Two bridges had been completed, the
one near Stubenzi, and the other near Ves-
selovo. Here, indeed, was Napoleon.—
The opposite shore was Zebmino. The
instant the work was passable, the impa-
tient Zmpieror of the French ordered over
a sufficient number of his guards to render
the way tolerable safe from immediate
niolestation : and the moment that was as-
certained he followed with his suit and prin
cipal generals : a promiscuors crowd of
soldiers pressing atier him. The bridge
was hardly cleared of his weight and that
his chosen companions, when the rush of
fugatives redoubled. No order could be
kept with the hordes that poured towards
its passage for escape and life, for the Rus-
s;ans were in their rear ; the thunder of
Vigtenstein was rolling over their heads.—
No pen can describe the confusion and hor-
ror of the scenes which ensued. The
French army had lost its rear guard, and/
they found themselves at once exposed 10
all the operations of the vengeful enpdy.
On the right and on the left there y4s no
escape ; cannon, bayonets, and sabys, men-
aced them on every side ; cepdin death
was on their rear ; in their froxt alone was
there any hope of safety ; apd, frantic with
the desperate alternative, thousands upon
thousands flew towards <he Berezina, some
plunging iuto the rived, but most directing’
their steps to the newly constructed bridg-
es, which seemed to offer them a passige
from their enemies. Misery had long/dis-
organized the French army, and jh the
present dismay no voice of order wag heard;
the tumult was tremendous, was /destiuc-
tive of each other, as the despairing
wretches pressed forward and/ struggled
for precedence in the moment of escape.
“ Vigtenstein stood in hofror, viewing
this chaos of human misery; to close it at
once in dcath,or in capitalation was the
wish of his brave heart; but the enemy
was frantic; nothing cduld be heard but
they oar of cannon and the cries of despair.
The wounded and thé dying covered the
- surface of the ground; the survivors rushed
in wild fury upon their afftighted comrades
on the bridges. / They could not penetrate,
but only presstipon a crowd at the nearest
extremity ; for the whole bodies of these
passages were so filled with desperate fu-
matives that they crushed on each other to
suffocation and to death. « Trains of artille-
ry, baggage, cavalry, and waggons of all
kinds, being intermixed. and driven pell-
mell to one point, hundreds of human be-
ings were trodden down, trampled on, torn
and mashed to pieces. Officers and sol-
diers were mingled in one mass ; self pres-
ervation was the only stimulus, and seek-
ing that, many a despairing wretch precip-
itated his comrade to destruction, that he
might find his plaee on the bridge. Thou-
sands fell into the river, thousands threw
themslves in the hideous stream, hoping to
save themselves by swimming, butin a few
minutes they were jammed amidst the
blocks ofice which rolled along its flood,
and either killed in the concusion or frozen
to death by the extremity of the cold. The
air resounded with the yells and shrieks (it
was something more horrible than cries) of
the dying, wounded, and drowning : but
they were only heard at intervals, for one
continued roar seemed to fill the heavens,
of the" Russianartillery pouring its floods
of deathful retribution on the heads of the
desolators of this country. Welcome indeed
were the deathsit sent; few were his pangs
who fell by the ball or the sabre, compared
with his torture who lay mangled beneath
¥ a
¢ ’
the evowding fect of his comrades, who ex-
pired amid the crashing horrors of a world
ofice. But the despair of these fated
wretches was not yetcomplete. The head
which had planned all these evils might yet:
be amongst them : and the bridges, groans
ing beneath the weight of their loads, were
to be fired ! The deed was done ; and still
crowd upon crowd continued to press cach’
other forward choaking up the passage a-
mid bursting flames, scorched and {rozen
at the same instant, till at length the whole
sunk with a death-like noise into the bosom
of Berezina.,
p77 Subscriptions will be received at
this Office.
Forty Thousand
29 be sold low for Cash, or given on if.
provement Leases for Seven years.
ITUATED in the counties of War-
ren, Erie, Crawford, Vernango, But-
ler, Cambria and Clearfield. The greater
part of those Lands are of an excelant qua!
ityyin good settlements and for which suff
cient titles willbe given. The remaindé
not so good, held by commissioners titles
——For further patticalars apply to Henry,
Hurst, sheriff, Meadville, Jagob Meckling,
Proth * Butler, Phil. Noon Esq. Ebensburg,
or to the subseriber.
Who has also for Sale
433 Acres in Huntingdon Township in
the West end of Kishagquoquillas Valley,
adjoining Land of Ja. Lantz, Johr. Brown,
and others.
300 Acres on the East side of Stone
Creek, adjoining the Farms of Nathan Gos-
sage and Daniel Brown, 5 miles from Hun-
tingdon, and
333 Acres, in Centre County, near Tus-
sev Furnace, of which upwards of 100 acres
are cleared possession to be had on the
first of April next.
Apply to Wm. Orbinson, Esq. Hunting
don, or the owner at Marshalls Mill.
If there are are any claims against said
Lands, it is requested they be made known 3
and if any conceive the subscriber to be in-
debted to them, they are desired to present
their accounts for payment.
September 30, 1814,
/ i ———, S————————— t p————— — Po ———— 4
Where the subscriber now lives, situate
in the town of Newry, Huntingdon county,
on which are erected a large two story Log
Dwelling House, 50 by 36 feet; neatly wea-
therboarded and painted white. The house
is finished in the neatest manner, a room of
which is now occupied as a Store ; to which
is attached, a good Kitchen, and a well of
excellent waterinthe yaid. On the premi-
ses there are a neat One Story Log building
which has been occupied as a Distillery, a
good Stableyand a large frame Shed, 50 feet
in length,
A large two story Log House, 36 by 50
feet, situate in said town, opposite the above
property, to which is attached a large frame
Kitchen, making a front of nearly 80 feet in
length, with good Stabling; this house
is also well calculated for public busi
July 5, 1814. .
SR ——— wo
THOSE Gentlemen who have became sub-
scribers to the Work Entitled: ¢« Events of
the War” lately published at Harrisburg,
are requested to call fortheir books, as they
are now at this office ready for delivery.
THE partnership of Tho. Beatty &
thisday dissolved by mutual consent. The
Books and Papers belonging to the said
firmare left in the care of Elisha Moore,
Esq. in Bellefonte, who is authorised to re-
ceive all monies due. Persons indebted
are requested to call and make payment,
Bellefonte, May 28th, 1814,
. Wm. Boyd, Isaac Cartwright, Elizabeth
Remaining m the Post-Office, Bellsfintey™
Bettner, Jonas Bamberger, William Beard,
Clark, James Collins, Rachel Carr, Richard
Cary, John Drain. James or William Dix-#
“ony Michael Fitz, Francis Graham, Peter
Ginder or widow Shenk, John Graham,
James Glen, Thos : Green, Peter Griffeth,
Peter Hendershat, Jane Haslet, Abrahan
Hooper, David Hollingsworth, Wm. Kerr,
Anthony Kennedy, Frederick Kellogg, Mdr-
garet Laird, Wm. Lillyatt, Benjamin Least,
Thomas Liglit, Josizh Lambourn, Jacob
Lambert, Archibald Moore, Henry M’Cal-
mont, Joseph Montgomery, Philip Moser,
Jobn Mane, John Montgomery, Robert
Moore, Hugh: M’Guar, William Murrey,
Lorence Peters, John Patterson, James Poi-
ter, Job Packer, Joshut Redrick John Sny-
der, Jonathan Saynes, George Setzer; Sam-
vel Scott, Catharine Shissler 2, John Shins,
Philip Shreck, Jacob Swentzel, Absolam
Timms, John Taylor, Mr. Tipton, Amos
Underwood, David Way, Elizabeth Woods
Wm. Williams, Wm. I. Williams, Peter
Weire, James Watson, sen. Thomas Wil-
son, Charles Wilson, Nicholas Ziegler.
WALKED AWAY from the subscriber
(for be was seldom known to run), on the
14th inst. an Indented apprentice boy to the
Fulling Business, named
between 19-and 20 years of age, about five
icet 8 or 9 inches high, had on when he
walked away, a bottle green straight bodied
coat, and cotton overalls, and a number of
other articles of cloththing he took with him.
. Whoever takes up, said walkaway, and re-
turns him to the subscriber, at Beech
Creek, Centre County, shall receive the a-
bove reward, but no charges paid.
November, 14, 1414.
THE subscriber will attend to the busi-
ness of a Land Agent in the borough of Har-
risburg. Those wishing to procure patents
or copics from any of the public offices
will find their business executed with
promptness. eds 3 »
~ -HaARrRisBURG, AvG. 14 1814.
THE subscriber at Hope Furnace, in
Mifflin County, will give half a dollar (in
cash) per'cord, for any number of cords any.
person may put up from this time till the
firstof December next—The cash will be
paid as soon as 50 or 100 cords may be put
up, at the option of the person cutting and
putting it up~The wood is on good ground,
stands thick ; and is generally young thriv-
ing rock-oak, with a little white-oak and
black-oak----Provisions will be furnistied at
as low rate, if not lower, than at the iron
works in Centre County----Any company of
wood choppers contracting for six or seven
hundred cords or any farther quantity they
may please, shall receive a handsome com-
Hope "'UrRNACE, AUG. 22, 1814
A body of 24 contiguous tracts of Land
containing in the whole near ten thousand
acres situate in Baldeagle township, Centre
county, adjoining what has been called the
« Officers Landy’ about 4 miles from
Baldeagle creek, onthe north side thereof;
dnd on the east side of Beech creek, with-
in a few miles of the West Branch of the
Susquehanua, in what is called Tingascou-
tack Valley. There is a mine of Iron ore
on this body of Land, which most proba-
bly would be encouraging to the establish-
ment of Iron Works. Itis well watered
with excellent Springs, and streams Sulla-#
ble for works of the above discription.——
There is likewise on the land a good varie-
ty of sawing timber. Itis tolerably level,
and handsome, good Farms may be made
with a good proportion of meadow. It will
be sold altogether ata moderate price, or in
single tracts: For terns enquire of Cap-
wALLADER Evans, No. 60, North 8th street
Philadelphia, or the subscriber in Baldea-
gle valley, spring township, Center County,
near Bellefonte.
N. B. All taxes are paid, the land has
been pattented 20 years since——and the title
without dispute. 32n*u.
/ / 1 ! =
IMMEDIATELY, an apprentice to thg
Printing business.
September 24, 1814.
Enquire at this Officgs
THE highest price that is given in¢asm
will be paid for clean Linen and ween
RAGS at this Orriem:
“and twenty five po
| tend to the various wants of the institution
ESL ahah
Ist of April 1815; the other lstof
April 1816; and eight other notes of one
‘hundred pounds each : the first payable 1st
of April 1817, and one each succeeding
year ; and one Ochs note of one hundred,
ds, payable first of A="
pril 1825. 'Thisis therefore to forewarn all
persons from taking an assignment on said
notes, said Storm pot having complied with
his ‘engagements.
Bellefonte, Sept. 17, 1814,
\ B/ HEREAS the office of Principal of
the Northumberland Academy, havs
ing become vacant hy the much lamented
death of the Rev. Isaac Grier, who for
many years past had successfully devoted
his time and talents to promote the teputas
tion and usefulness of this seminary, it is
deemed expedient that no time be jost in
the appointment of a person to take the
charge of the institution until a Principal
shallbe hereafter appointed.
I ie Trustees, therefore, having full cons
fidence m the scientific and literary acquire-
ments of Robert Cooper Grier, son of the
late Principal, and Professor of Mathemat-
icks, Natural Philosiphy &c. who during
he tedious illness of his father, had the
care and snperintendance of the Seniinary,
do unanimously appoint the said Robert
Cooper Grier Principal fire tempiore of the
Northumberland Academy for and during
the session courmencing on the first day of
November of the present year and closing
the first day of April 1815. hd
Itis moreover Resolved, that, the Rev.
John B. Patterson, Rev. Thomas Hood and
Doct. Samuel Jackson, be appointed to vis-
it the school jointly or severally, to render
such assistance as may be requisite, to ats
and report their care and attention to a fu-
ture meeting. Extracted from the minutes.
JOHN BRYSON, Chairman.
Northumberland, Oct. 7,1814
THE creditors of Thomas Barlow; late
of Philipsburg, in the county ol Centre, an
insolvent debtor; and also the creditors of
the partnership of ¢ Barlow and Feltwell,”
of the same place, are requested to exhibit
their accounts and demands against said in-
solvent debtor and partnership, to the sub-
scriber at Laurel Spring Paper Mill, Hunt«
ingdon county, or at the office of: Willie
Petriken, sq. in Bellefonte, on or before
the first day of January next, as
a dividend will be made and declared on
that day. 2 :
Assignee of T. Barlow,
and i. oh :
Barlow & Feltwell, , ”
Insolvent debtor
Avcust 28, 8 :
Merchantsy and others take Nutice !
THE Subscriber at the Tit Hammer
Shop, near the end of Nittany Mountain;
will make at the shortest notice, and con-
stantly keep on hand, Spades and Shovels,
together with every other article in the line
ot the Blacksmith and Cutlery business.
N. B. An apprentice wanted to the a
vove business.
IMMEDIATELY, two or three Joun- |
NEYMEN TAYLORS, to whom generous wa-
ges and constant employment will be given,
¥ David Storm, two notes of ene nans
October: ¥, 1814 dred and ninety pounds each ; the first pay-.
P ‘ . ". ~
© William Ammerman, Philip Antis, Geo.
Sn SE i i CRIS os pg pt
November 5, 1814.
NY the subscriber gave to:
'¥ Hugh Milliken, two bonds, of two
hundred doliars each. - One payable the Ist
of June 1815,and the other the 1st of June
1816. This is therefore to forewarn all.
persons from taking an assighment of said
bonds asd am determined not to pay them
unless ccmpelled by law,
November & 1814
i ir
Executed at this Office,
A quantity of BLANK EXECU
B® for sale at this Office,’ \