American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, November 19, 1814, Image 3

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    y vial Ras just Cy W
he oTicers and crew hade done yy ¢ Laster COLWILT, CENTRE DANE OF PrYV.SSTL Peden a SUH we
214 3 k yi - ; 8 oF er “a 3 : $ H 3 ro] . oe
and were honorably acquitted. , an account of the privateer schr. Man,-» ; NEA : Trthe v
“mouth, of Baltimore, from a cruize, during
which she has captared 21 vessels, destroy»
ed 17, manned 4, aud brot’ in a quantity of
£00ds taken out of the prizes.”
r —
We understand that captain Leonards the
officer who surrendered Fort: Niagara to
(he enemy last winger, has been exchanged
_ and is now under arrest : He will be tried
® 5 soounas officers can be spared irony freld
Nat. Tutel.:
‘ Moxpay, NOVEMBER 7.
Me. Fromantine submitted the loiiowing
5 , 1 nsideration :
. Barracoa, and reports ht on her passage mation fr = tion on naval
they fell in with a British-flect of 50 saily affuirs, be directed to inquire into the caus-
«es which may have prevented, until now, a
~ duties for'that purpose.
i ; wre -
A yessel has arrived at Norfolk from
said t3 be bound to New Orleans
: “Alter from “New Haven, Connecticut
dated the 5th inst, states that the scnate of
* the state/has adopted a resolution, declaig
ing the bill for classifying the nulitia to Ba
« tyraniical, oppressive, and ungenstitutions
al,” and directing: thegdzovernor, in case
the bill passes, to Convene the legislature to
enact such laws, as shall effectually pro-
"tect the citizens of that state from the ty-
ranny § oppression of such a proceeding.”
1814 Eat
“ Resolved, That it be the duty of the séc'ry
of she wavy to devise & digest a System fur
the better organization of the department of
thenavy of the U. States at the commence
ment of ge next session.
be digested, all the laws now in force rela-
tive to the naval establishment and she ma-
"rine corps, and to repoit the same to the
senate at the commencement of their next
session ”’
From the Raleigh, N, C. Register. Nov. 4.
fie .
Currituck Court House, N. C.- Oct. 1814.
Sir—On the 19th inst. the British came
in at Curritnek inlet with nine barges, and
supposed torhe three hundred or ‘upwards
of men. - They proceeded immediately up
the channel, where they captured three
coasting vessels and carricd them out
buat three more, took several small light-
ers, Jub gave them up. One of thelr barg+
es. progeeded as far as the upper end ot
Cnupchels skid, §ther’s off Knot’s Islands
rasta, oyster boats, and canoes and fidiog
or: then Lucy enn returned to the let,
and tat evening killed fourteen or filteen
hid of caitie. where they staid all night
.. witaewo ob their prizes. Early the next
“magsag taey gotunder way and proceede
“tol.e sip dad orig which lay off the luiet
ait Of witcd'got uadev wy and stood to the
y portiward. + The greatestalarm and con-.
fusion prevailed duting hele stay in our
waters op Chureh’s and Knots Island.
They shot a grea many oils thro’ Thom-
“as Waiker’s iouse, sod destroyed. all ithe
furniave. He lives oa Betsey's Marsh, as
bou amie and a nail from the niet. The
| b muita were caued ou 3 but before a suih-
© cient quantity of bail and cartridges could be
+ procured, Uo cnemy left our waters. 1 we
had 300 4 ces of artillery and a, small
for fioation oi Ralnans’s Marsh, 15 or 20
Toespay, Nov. 8.
The consideration of the motion yesters
day made by Mr. Zromentinz, was postpo-
ned to Monday next.
‘The senate were engaged the whole of
this day in an animated discussion on the
bill, reported by its military committee, for
filling the ranks of the army. This bil
contaius several provisions for extending
‘te power of enlistment to minors, doubling
‘the bounty in land &c. The discussion
has not yet terminated.
The volunteer bill, which has been for
‘changed in its features, was on Monday, or
dered 10 lie on the table, with the expecta-
tion that it shalinot be calied upon until the
principal. war measure of session, the bill
for classing and drafing the militia, shall
have been acted on.
The committee of ways and meaus, in
. the house of representatives, on the same
day, reported a bill to estabiish a national
bank. = it being late in the day, the bill was
not read though ; we could not therciore
‘ascertain all its features. We learn, how-
mended by Mr. Dailis; who, we are inform
ed, in a personal conference with the finan
His cial comunittee, laid before them, ina very
mut would be able tokeep off the barges,
aud reader (his place periectly sceuic —
7 “eenemy threatenened to pay us another
visit soon. hr
that and other topics emboaied in his report.
Nat. futel.
We have seen a paragraph running thro’
the public prints, impeaching the loyalaty
to the union of the people of Louisauia, par
ticuiarly New Orleans, and intimating the
- prevalence of a disposition to surrender
without resistance to the enemy; ithe ap-
proaches that city. From information,
which we have received from an unques-
tionabie source, we are authorisedin pro-
nouncing the whole of that paragraph to be
a malignant miseepresentation, The peo-
Jopx MACKIE, P. M,
Platt burgh, October 28.
We have information Iron a scource en-
titled to credit, that the enemy has com-
¢ yenting his flotilla on this lake
by building (at the bic Aux Noix) four
fricates of a large Ciuss, Lis said their
© kccls ace laid and are progressing rapidly.
"This day, six soldiers were shot at this
‘post tor desertion ; their names we have
hot learned.
Nineteen others, we understand, are un-
der sentence of death for the same offence.
a —
menced augn
pic of that state bave, on the late “alarm in
that quarter, displayed a spirit of patriots
ism and energy which do tem high honor.
: i.
} a Oct. 29.
Ry, citigence came inon Wed cscay c=
§° yvemiug lastythat the enemy Were landing at
Sax’s in Chazy ; in consequence of which,
majo Wool, with detachments of the 6th
and 201 regiments, matched to the north
at lig the next morning... It1s said that
only = sw gun boats came out and soo
petdrocd. Major \Waoi's detdichment re-
turned ast cvening.
« Buentso the War
Mich complaint and. dissatisfaction
seemed to prevail ainong many of the sub-
scribers to this work, on account of the de-
tention ofghe books, before they came to
hend 3 but since that, little or no inquiry
has been made abotit them. The publish-
er bas beech at a very great expense in the
printing of them, and expects to be remu=
nera‘ed in no other way than by their sale :
it is therefore, hoped, that those who have
been so generous as to subscribe, will call
for their respective copies, and take them ;
4nd after that, pay for them.
Cffice Amer. Pat.
RANAWAY from the subscriber, living
in Bald Eagle Township, Centre County,
on the 6th of October, an Indented appren:
tice namer',
about five feet four inches high, had on
when he went away, a homespun drab roun-
dabout coat and waistcoat, course tow trow-
sers, and smatl fur hat ; talks Dutch, and
tollerable Englsh ; a great tovacco chewer
and Smoker. Whoever takes up said Run-
away and brings him back to, me, shal! re-
ceive the above reward,but no charges paid.
Bald Eagle, Nov. 19,1814.
Piri! NU
OF ALL x13 DS,
Executed qt this Office.
- 3
£ i
From the Maulius Tunes,of Now. 1.
Orders were received last Wednesday,
for the militia of this county (Onondaga) to
march to Sackett’s Harbor en masse. i his
4 requisiion was immediately complied with
“+ and the ast regiment left this village this
morning for that place. ;
From the Ontario Messenger, of Nov." 1.
Ve understand that major gen. Izard’s
army has re-crossed the Niagara,. with the
exception of gen Bissel’s brigade, which Is
stationed at Fort Erie.
Abbut 13000 men of major gen. Brown
division, are on their march from Buffalqto
Sackett’s Harbor ; they passed bere yester
day; Brigadier general. Winder and suit
passed here on Saturday, for the same
Nothing new from Sackett’s Harbor.
$ s
From the New York Gazette, xov. 4,
Letter from Mv. John Jones, proprietor
| of the Boston Exchange Coilee House, da+
a at half past 11 on Tuesday night.
compliance with the following resoutions,
passed by the senate on the 18th March
, Testt the patronage of a generous pubic
% Resolved, Thatit be the duty of the.
secretary of the navy to digest, or cause top
some dayes under debate in the house of #
representatves, after being considerably |
ever, that they are essentially those recom- ©
able and clogquent exposition, bis views of
a : me : : molestiy
The “Stockholders of thie Centres Bank ceriaing he 101
of Pennsylvania, dee heteby notified, that Cipai generals :. ~
the Directors have this day declared a divi- soldiers pressing’ ater Mi, aac uo.
dend, af the rate of nine percent per an- «was havdiy cleaved of his weight and that
- Puimor the Stock paid in, which will be pail his chosen companions, when the rush of
to them or their legal. Representatives at tugatives red uoled. No order coud be,
the Rok Kept with the nordes that poured towards
¥ Its passage for escape aad Life, for the ass
By order of the Board. |.
INO NORRIS, Cashicr.
Nov. 7, 18 14.
s:ans were in their reat 3 the thdnder of
Vigtenstein was rolling over their heaus.—
— No pon can describe the confusion and hog-
ror of the scenes. which ensued. "The
French army bad lostits “rear guard, and
they found tien selves at once exposed to
ali the operatives of the vengeful enemy:
On the rigatand on the left there was no
esgape ; cannon, bayonets, and sabres, men-
aced them on every side ; certain death
vas on their rear ; in their front alone was
there any bopeol salety 3 and, frantic with
thie desperate aiternatives thousands upon
thousauus new towards the Borezina, sume
plunging iuto the river, but most dirgenng
their steps to Lhe newly cous rticted brttg-
es, whith seemdd wo offer thé a passige
from thew encanes. Misery hadione dis-
orianized the Freuch®arniy, and in the
present dismay 110 voice of order was seard;
the tumult was tremendous, was destruc
tive of cacll other; as the dispairing
wretches pressed forward and | struggled
for precedence in the moment of ‘escape.
“ Vigteustein stood in horiot, view: g
* The Subscriber inform his friends, and
the public, that he has erected a new,
.on the waters of Beech Creek, Centre Coun-
ty, where he wntends, carrying on the abox<
business,. uf all its various branches—Ltle
flatters himscity by attention to business, to
- November 19, i814
A trdct of Land containing one hundred
and fif'ly seven acres, in Halfmoon towne
ship, Centre County, adjoining lands of
Thomas Thompson, Jr AlLrabam Elder and
others, The land is of a tolerable quality,
upon whichis a very thriving young apple
orchard, and other bearing fruit (recs. A= this chaos of human misery 3 to ciosc it at
bout 45 acres aie cleavad. There are on one In death, or in capitulation was the
the premises a good Iovse and barn, a wisholi his brave "heart; but thy encmy
spring of excellent warter., The land is was frantic; pothing couid be heard but
situated - within about fourtéén miles of the oar of cannon und the cries of despair,
"The wounded ana the dying covered uh
surface of the ground; the survivors tusied
lin wild tury upon their affrighted comrades
oi the bridges. They could not peneiratey
but only. press Upoiy a crowd at tic uearcss
extremity; for the whoie bodies of these
passages were so filled with despetate lu-
gaiives that they crusied on cach other to
swiocution anu to weatn Trains of artilic-
ry, baggage, cavaliy, and wapyons of all
kinds, being iat rmixed ands driven pells
med to ane poet, hurdreds or human bes
ings were trodden down, trampled ony torn
and mashed to p eces Oiceis and sols &
dicrs were mingied in one mass ; scif pres-
ervation was the only stimuius, and scek=
ing that, many a despa'riig wretch precip
tated is comrade to acstruction, that he
might find his place on tue bridge. Thous
sands fell into the river, thousands threw
themsives in the hideous steam, hoping to
save themselves by swimming, butinafew
mites they were jammed amidst the
blocks oiice which rolled wong its’ flood,
AMES ANDERSO N, and either killed 1 tue concusion or frozen
between 19 and 20 years of age about five to death by the extremity of the cold. The
feet 8 or 9 inches high, had on when he air resounded with the yobs and stirieks (it
walked away, a bottle greed straiglit bodied. (vas soniething more horvibic than cries) of
coat, and cotton overalls, dad a mumber of the dyin}, wounded, and drowning : but
other articles of cloththing he took with vim they were only heard at intervals, for one
Whoever takes vp said walkaway, and re- couttaucd roar seemed to fifi the heavens,
turns him to the subsceiber, at Beech Of the (ussian artillély pouring its floods
Creek, Ceutre County, §all receive the a- of deathiul retribution on the heads of the
bove reward, but no charges paid desolators of this country. VWeicome deed
JOHN ANDERSON. were Lie deaths it sent few wire is pangs
Noveniber, 14, 1414. who fell by tue bail or the sabre, compared
with his terture who lay magica bencath
the crowding fect of (us comrades, who cx
piced amid the crashing corrors of a world
otice. Bunt the despair of these lated
wictches was not yetcompicte. ine head
which bad planned all these cvlis aight yet
be amongst them: and the bridges, groans
Ing beneath tne weight ot their loads, were
to be fired ! The decd was done 5 and still
crowd upon croivd continlied to press cach
other forward choaking up the passage a+ *
mid bursting flares, scorched and lrozen
at the same instant, tili at length the wile
Bellefonte, Any person wishing ‘to pur
chase may know the terms by applying to
the subreriber wear the premises
Haifmoon, Nov. 19.
Merchantsy and othérs take Notice !
THE Subscriber at the Tit Hammer
Shop, near the end of Nittany Mountain,
will make at the shortest notice, and con-
stantiy keep on hand, Spades and Shovels,
together with every other article in the line
of the Blacksmith and Cutlery business
N. B. An apprentice wanted to the .a-
bove business.
WALKED AWAY from the subscriber
(for Lic was seldom kriown to run), on’ the
14th inst. an Indentéd apprentice boy to the
Fulfog Business, named
Phitadetplia, Sr 1814.
11812, ; sunk with a dzath-like noise into the bosom
BR TIRE PENA of Berezina,, fo “
BY SIR ROBERT KER PORTER. #7 Subscriptions will be received a
3 — + ns this Office. ; :
The octavo copy | embellished “With @ ° A body of 24 contiguous tracts of Land
of this work scliz at | likeness of PRINCE containing in the whole near tén thousand
Thoin EY 47 2pm + th 3 Es ITOUSGF wid . y . to! N
Tres Oo Va : 24% | Sagoy 50 ry @7¢ acres situate in Baldeagle township, Centred
sp ] $ “ur "IV0 oe 7 3 a a lw : 5 5
foresent cdivion will | (wo large mafisy (a county, adjoliiing what has been called the
be afford! to sub=
seriberyy, nn a large
dpodecimo vgbumn
ncar 400 pages, at
One Doll. and Fif-
ty Lents iv boards,
and One Dollar and
Seventy-five Cents,
bound, payable on
The work
Juli sheet caca) ex-
hibiting the advance
of the French army
to Moscow. and its re
treat ther from,
Should sufficient
encouragement offer,
the work will b> de-
livired to the subscri-
bers in a short time,
“ Officers Landy” about .4 miles from
Baldcagle creek, on the north side thereof,
and on tL east side of Beech creek, withe
ina few miles of the Wes. Branch of the
Susquehanna, in what is called Tingascou-
tack Vailey. There isa mine of Iron ore
on this body of Land, which most proba-
bly would be encouraging to the establishes
ment of tron Works. It 1s well watered
with excellent Springs, and stream$ suitas
ble for works of the above discription =
There is likewise on the land a sood varies
ty of sawing timber Itis tolerably icvel,
and bandseme, good Farms may be made
with a good proportion of meadow, It will
be sold altogether ata moderate price, or in
stugle tracts’ For forms enquire of Cap<
wALLADER Evans, No. 60, North 8th street
Philadelpaia, or the subscriber in Baldeas
gle valley, spring township, Center County;
near Bellefonte,
will be
Tue « Narrative of the Campaign in
Russia, during the year 1812.” has deserv-
edly received the highest encomiums from
different Reviewers. We copy the foliow-
ing from the account of the crossing of the
Bereziha by the French, in their retreat
from Russia.
« Two bridges had been completed, the
one near Stubenzi, and the other near Ves-
sclovo. Here, indeed, was Napolcon.—
The opposite store was Zcbmino. The
instant the work was passable, the umpa-
tient Emperor of the French ordered Over
N. B. Alltaxes are pad. the land has
teen pattented 20 years since--apd the tiie
without dispute. IME