IT A cn HENRY STEWART TAYLOR, ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens % of Bellefonte and its vicinity, that he has commenced the TAYLORING BU- SINESS, at the House back of Mr. James Rothrock, and immediately adjoining his Hatter shop, where those who ma; please to favor him with their custom shall receive every accommodation ana attention in his power to bestow. Having served his apprenticeship in tle city of Baltimore ; and having had an oppor- tunity of perfecting himself in the knowl- edge of his profession by an exercise of of its various duties, in many of the best shops in that piace, he HMlatters himself qualified to give general satisfaction to his customers. October 3, 1814 — ————— . ® aep—— WANTED IMMEDIATELY, two or three Jour- NEYMAN TAYLORS, to whom generous wa- ges and constant employment will be given. by HENRY STEWART. November 5, 1814. -o SALE OF LAND. BY order of the Orphans Court of Centre County will be sold at public vendue on the premisses on Monday the seventh day of November next, a certain Messuage, tene- ment,and tract,of land late the property that was of Jane Templeton, deceased situate, lying,and being in the Township of Walker, in the County of Centre aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit. Begin- ning at Stones, thence by land of Thomas Stewardson, and others South 42° West 447 perches to a fallen black oak, thence by land of Thomas M’Kee North 48 degrees west 59 perches to a white oak, thence north 40 degrees east 55 perches to a pine, thence by land of Andrew M’Kee, north 49 1-2 degrees east, 395 perches to a white oak,thence south 48 degrees east, 10 perch. es to the place of beginning ; containing 101 acres of 45 perches and aliowance of 6 perches cut for roads and highways. The terms of sale to be as follows, to wit.— The purchaser to pay one half of the pur- chase money in hand, and the other half in one year from the day of sale. Due attend- ance will be given by THOMAS M’KEE, Adm’. Certified by ’ Wu. PETRIKIN, Clerk, O. C. October 12, 1814. TAKE NOTICE. Ahe Vendue Notes belonging to the es- tate of Jacob Shevick, dec. are left with 'T Moore in Bellefonte. The drawers are de- sired to call and pay them off before next November Court, or they will be sued és JOHN IDDINGS. Oct. 134 1814. A quantity of BLANK EXECUTI. ONS for sale at this Office. CENTRE BANK OF PEN/VSYL- VANIA. The stockholders are hereby notified that an Election for fwenty-one Directors, will be held at the Banking House in the bo- rough of Bellefonte on Monday the 21st day of November next, between the hours of ten and three o’clock of said day. A meeting of the Stockholders will be held on the first Monday of November, at the Banking House in Bellefonte, at 2 0’- clock, P. M agreeably to the provisions of the ¢« Act regulating Banks.” By order of the Board, . JANO NORRIS, Cashier, Bellefonte, 21st Oct. 1814, LANDS FOR SALE, THREE adjoining tracts situate in Half. moon township, Centre county. No. 1, Contains 119 acres, of a good quality, with a large proportion of Meadow, and Bottom Land, and lying on Halfmoon and Evans’ Runs, a Log Dwelling House 23 by 30 feet, Stable and other conveniences, with a number of Apple trees. selected for Sum- mer use ; in full bearing, also a Young Or- chard containing 130 fruit trees just be- ginning to bear ; Peach trees, &c. No II Contains 50 acres, 6 of which are in a state of cultivation, and adjoining lands of Thos, Downirg, Joseph Yoder and others. This lot is of the first quality of lime-stone land ip the neighborhood. No. III, Contains 188 acres, which is unimprov- ed, but valuable, no doubt, for the Iron Ore it may contain, together with the timber. It will be sold seperate, or altogether as may best suit the purchaser for cach and every tract, Indisputable titles will be given. For terms apply to the subscriber, living on the first mentioned tract. DAVID HOLLINGSWORTL. Halfmoon, Oct: 20th, 1814. — LIST OF LETTERS Remaining wn the Post-Office, Bellefonte, October 1, 1814. ‘William Ammerman, Philip Antis, Geo. Bettner, Jonas Bumberger, William Beard, Wm. Boyd, Isaac Cartwright, Elizabeth Clark, James Collins, Rachei Carr, Richard Cary, Jokn Drain. James or William Dig- on, Michael Fitz, Francis Graham, Peter Ginder or widow Shenk, John Graham, James Glen, Thos : Green, Peter Griffeth, Peter Hendershat, Jane Haslet, Abraham Hooper, David Hollingsworth, Wm. Kerr, Anthony Kemedy, Frederick Kellogg, Mar- garet Laird, Wm. Lillyatt, Benjamin Least, Thomas Liglit, Josiah Lambourn, Jacob Lambert, Archibald Moore, Henry M’Cal- mont, Joseph Montgomery, Philip Moser, John Mane, John Montgomery, Robert Moore, Hugh M’Guar, William Murrey, Lorence Peters, John Patterson, James Por- ter, Job Packer, Joshut Redrick. John Sny- der, Jonathan Saynes, George Settzer, Sam- uel Scott, Catharine Shissler 2, John Sims, Philip Shreck, Jacob Swentzel, Absolam Timms, John Taylor, Mr. Tipton, Amos Underwood, David Way, Elizabeth Woods Wm. Williams, Wm. I. Williams, Peter Weire, James Watson, sen. Thomas Wil- son, Charles Wilson, Nicholas Ziegler. R. T. STEWART, P. M. Oct. 11, From the west we: learn nothing of im portance. Gen. ¥zard- has arrived at Lewis" ton with his forces.-- The British are said to beat Chippawa,s- About 700 regular troops dfrived at Erie fromDetroit and Erie, on the 6th inst. Col. Fenwick’s re giment of the light ar tillery, about 450 men passed through this village yesterday, on their way to the west- ern frontier. Ontario Repos. Buffalo Gazette, Oct. 17. Col. Smith, with the 17th infantry, and co- lonel Ball, with a de- tachment of light dra- goons, have joined gen. Brown’s army. The army of gen. Izard has been en- camped at Lewiston a few days past. Report says that gen Brown has brok’n up with his army from his entrench- ment at Erie, & join= ed gen lzard at Lew iston, and that some important ‘operations may be hourly expect ed. Boston Palladium. Itis said that at a dinner at Ghent, af- ter the negociation had commenced, Mr. Adams gave as a toast, ¢ May the ship never be given up.” William Newton,, Esq. of Halifax, is ap pointed by the British collector of the cus= toms at Castine ! It is said the London Courier gives, in strong terms, on the part of the British go- vernment, a disavow- al of Admiral Coc h- rane’s proclamation, inviting Americans to join him. Appointment by the Governor. George H. Hunter Esq. late major of the 32d. regiment United States infant= ry to be Deputy Ad- jutant General of the first division of Penn=- sylvaria militia in thes service of the U. S. Thomas Sergeant to be a President Judge of the district court of the city and countw of Philadelphia, on .,., ) IER 5% 5 "gh pe PY & &; * Sr. . tea CIR nn Sas