American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, October 29, 1814, Image 1
AMERICAN PATRIOT. DER srs G III LSS PLLA STIS GS STAD INST IL LLL TLE LSS ILS SLL LL EL LL ISIE ISIS LG PIII DEES yD Er x ® SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1814, LONDITIONS. The American Patriot shall be published every Saturday, and forwarded to subscri- ‘bers by the earliest ‘opportunities. The price is two dollars per annuin, exclusive of postage ; one half to be paid at the time of subscribing, and the residue at the ex- piration of six months. og : No subscription shall be taken forless than a half year ; nor shall any subscriber be at liberty to discontinue his: paper untij all arrearages ave paid off. = The failure of any subscriber to notify a discontinuance cof his paper, will beggonsidered as a new engagement. Those who subseribe but for six months, snus pay the whole in advance ; otherwise they will be continued for the year. Advertisements, not exceeding a square shall be inserted three times tor one dol- lar, and for every ‘subscauent insertinn twenty five cents ; those of ‘greater lengti in proportion pe % 4 ) MMA DWIRAL ME * Sh canis sn mg RB From the Washington City Gazette. ANOTHER IMPORTANT MESSAGI:, The President sent another very impor- tant Message to Congress to-day. It coimn- prises the instructions with which our com- missioners for treating of pcace with GB. ‘were furnished from their first appointment, under the offered Russian Mediation, until their translation to Ghent. A part of this . message being, as we understand, of a con- | Jfidential nature, we, of course, know no- + thing of it. The mass of letters, and ex- “tracts of letters, which this communication . embraces, allowed to be made public, is ~ considerable. Taken in connection with | the message of the 10th inst. they present “a complete view of executive proceedin: s $or the restoration of peace between the U. "8. and G. B. from April, 1813, to the mid- © dle of last August. ~ Our readers will not expect, in a summa- * ry hastily thrown together, a very peccise account of the contents of these documents. + That, indeed, would be impossible; fora { great portion of them is argumentative and, therefore not susceptible of abicviation.— The following outline, however, is substan- tially correct. The message of to day consists of a se- Jrics of letters from Mr. Monroe, secretary Tof state, to our commissioners, addressed to “them at the time of their depariure, from “this country, and at §t Petersburgh, Got- feb, and Ghent. The dates are, {rom the 15th of April, 1812, to the 1ithot Au- ‘gust, 1814, both inclusive. ~The first letter (that of April 15th, 1813) dis the most interesting ; because it was Swritten before the downfall of the rench ‘power in Europe, and shows the terms up- “an which, when England was much embur- rassed with weighty wars near home, the United States were willing to conclude a treaty of peace with her. The chief points enumerated, are those of blockades and impressment. With respect to blockades, as the British had declared their wmitention of always sta- tioning a force before an invested place suf- ficiently strong to render the blockade law- ful ; and had, moreover, revoked their’ or- ders ‘in council ; the United States were willing to wave that topic; our commis- sioners, at the same time, being instructed to procure a more exact definition of block- adetobe inserted in the treaty, if practica- ble. On the subject of impressment, the Uni- ted States proposed to give vigorous effect to the act of congress for prevesting foreign scamen from being employed On board A- merican vessels, public or private. The president, in addition, was willing, In order to give greater force to the con- oressional actyto compel foreigners, desi- rous of becoming naturalized, to report themselves in court, once in eack of the ve vears of required approbation, so as to hin- der alien seamen (who would neccessarily be absent a great part of the time) from be- coming naturalized at all, except they re- linquish the seafaring lite for five years, in in which time, it is presumed, their habits would be broken. The President further offered : 1. Reciprocally to allow, by treaty, the employment of the scamenof the one” party by the other. 2. Reciprocally to prohibit, by treaty, the employment of the seamen of the one party by the other. 3. Or, to adopt any efficient precautions, or provisions, which might be suggesied®by Great Britain, aud were not repugnant to the constitution of the U. States, for totally excluding Briush seamen from our ships, pubiic and private. And Mr. Monroe re- marks, that it is a growing sentiment in the United States, that we ought to rely upon ourseives for the supply of scamen necessa- ry to our navigation and commerce. "In other respects, it appears from Mr. Monroe’s letters, that the United States claimed Indemnity for various classes of spoilations of American property, seized & condemned under different pretexts, ali con trary to the law of nations. By the letters of (his message, of a date subsequent to the peace between France, Great Britain and the continual powers of Europe generally, it appears that, impress- meat of our citizens having been relinquish ed practice, the United States were willing to wave discussion on that head, reserving the rigit to resist it again if resorted to. Extract of a letter from a gentleman to his © Brien in Monreal, dated Barbadoes, July 2, 1814, « The Spanish Main is at present in a most deplorabie state,and ere long they will witiess there the same horrid scenes which occurred some years since in the Island of Ste Domingo. 1 have accounts from Car accas and Laguirato the 22d June The accounts may be depended on. A young Spantard bas just arrived from thence, who has been residing there some time, and gives me the following information, which lutetligence is confirmed by some gentlemen ived at st. Thomas,s from Laguira Qa the ath he Republican army of wio ali » the tung < Ue ‘Menezuela, as they term themselves, under the command of the Generals in Chiefs, Si- mon Bolivar and Santitgo Mai ceina, were attacked near the town o1 Cura, by General Robes, who commands the Royalists or Spanish troops. At first the Revolutionists gained some partial advantages ; their forc- es consisted of three thousand infantry, and one thousand cavalry, with ten pieces of cannon. That the Royalists had the same number of men, but more than half that number were cavalry. Soon after the ac- tion commenced, which was at 8 in the morning, a large party of cavalry fiom Bars celona (Main,) went over to the Royalists, which caused a great reverse to the Revo- lutionists. Viewry was soon declared in favor of the Royalists. They followed it up, putting every man to the sword they could lay hold of. ihe Revolutionist ost nearly the whole of their army, all their ars tillery, baggage, &c. and about eight tious. sand dollars iu specie. Every Ger & all teir officers were kilied except bolvar, who returned to Laguwa with only six men. His Secretary was aiso taken by the name of Tubac, a young Spaniard oi spicuded tals ents.. He was murdered in the most siioc- king manner. The Royalists, when my informant left ity were within three Je: gues of Caraccas, with animmense army. Care accas, though a strong place, could not have held out long : Ail the forces that Bo- livar could muster to defend Caraccas, was 500 men, but be had not sufficient arms for theni, Lot being able to collect more than 500 muskets. Toe reason given for the late success attending the Royalists is the trecing of the slaves. There is an army of blacks near Caraccas amounting to 1500 nic, and commanded by a black. Bolivar since his defeat has declared all his blacks {ree ; the consequence will be, that after the Royalists have taken Caraccas and La- guira, the blacks will then turn upon the whites and destroy them. Laguira is now blockded by the Spaniards ; they have three brigs, and four schooners off there. People arc moving ofi from Caraccas and Laguira, as last as they could. The Ad. on this station has dispatched a frigate there for the pro- tection of the trade, and to bring off what money individuals might have. Carthage- na, and for several hundred miles fro.n it, the people are in a state of revolution ; the Royalists mn that part of the Main caiiot make any stand against the Revolution sts or Insurgents as they are tcoincd. « The Glouceter, 74, returned yesterday from Quebec ; from the officers I find Liat she did not attempt to goup tie river. She brings bad news of the loss of 200 men on Lake Ontario, &c. The Gisuceter this to-morrow. She takes home all the American prisoners, about 150 in number.’ leaves Irom the Democratic Press, of October, 15. Passengers in the steam boat report that Gens Izard and Brown and their armies, have formed a junction at Queenstown heigtits. Sir Jumes Yeo’s flag skip was not out of Kingston harbor at the last advi- hor TOOT ces