wl Ey eT # - TIT o— PORTRY. EARLY LIFE. When young in fe, nor known to SOrTow, How lightly flew the gladsome day : Gay dreams of bliss bro’t on the morrow, And gilt the sun’s declining ray. Then.sweet and tranquil were my slumbers, Then never ’wak’d mine eyes to WCep > No sorrow that the heart encumbers, Poison’d the calm of downy sleep. Nor treacherous friendship then had found me, Nor Death’s dread powers had rent my heart ; f Hore spread the fair illusions round me. | play’d the dear deceiver’s part. ¥ She pictur'd years of tranquil pleasure j Peace and content, she held to view ; My'trusting heart dwelt o’er its treasure, And thought the lovely vision true. h. 8cenes of joy | by Faney given, To cheat the enraptur’d gazing eye, Say why alas ? ye promis’d Heaven, . And give—but Digafipointment’s sigh 3 Dear shades of bliss ! ye wake my sorrow- Now slowly moves the tedious day, While sombre shades o’ercloud th’ morrow, And shroud the sun’s declining ray. AvrrHONZO. tl 4 Cnn M’DONOUGH’S VICTORY. Q, freedom ! raise a joyous strain ! Alor tho eaiie towers, « We have met the enemy’ again Again have made them ¢ ours U Champlair ! the cannon’s thundering voice Procizims thy waters free ; Thy forest-waving hills rejoice, And echo Victory ! Tlie striped flag upon thy wave Triumphantly appears, And to invasted landsmen brave, © A star of promise bears. Now to the world, Fame’s trumpet sounds ov The decd with new applause, While from a Congucred Ficet resounds Our scamens’ loud huzzas ! Britannia, round thy haggard brows Bind bitter wormwood still ; Forlo ! again thy standard bows, To valiant Yankee skill! But, O ! what chaplet can be found M’Donough’s brows to grace ? ¢ "Tis done !” The glorious waeath is bound, Which time can ne’er efface ! And still a just—a rich reward, His country has to give He shail be first in her regard, And with her Perry lwe ! Columbia ! though thy cannon’s roar On iniand seas prevail, And there alone—while around each shore Outhumbered ships AsSail— Yet deed with deed, and name with name Thy gailant sons shall blend, Till the bright arch of naval fame ! Q’er the broad ocean bend ! ZEPHRI. Feptember 15, 1814. ON SENSIBILITY. SENSIBILITY how charming, Thou my friend canst truly tell : But distress with horrors arming, Thou hast alse known too well ? Fairest flower, behold the lilly, Blooming in the sunny ray ; Let the blast sweep o’er the valley, See it prostrate on the clay. _ Hear the wood lark charm the forest Telling o’er his little joys ; Hapless bird ! a prey the surest, "To each private of the skies. Dearly bought the hidden treasure, Finer feelings can bestow ; Chords that vibrate sweetest pleasure, ~ Thrill the, deepest notes of woe. 8 - FOR ‘SALE, i « AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVIN, PHAY NOTED TAVERN STAND Where the subscriber now lives, situate in the town of Newry, Huntingdon county, on which are erected a large two story Log Dwelling House, 50 by 36 teet, neatly wea- therboarded and painted white. “The house is finished in the neatest manner, a room of wh: #: is now occupied as a Store ; to which is attached, a good Kitchen, and a well of excellent water inthe yard. On the premi- ses there are a neat One Story Log building which has been occupied as a Distillery, 2 good Stable, and a large frame Shed, 50 feey © in length, ALSO, A large two story Log House, 36 by 30 feet, situate in said town, opposite the above property, to which is attached a large frame Kitchen, making a front of nearly 80 feetin length, with geod Stabling; this house is also well calculated for public bust ness. BENJAMIN WRIGHT. July 5, 1814. —T—— J—— « PEP —— THOSE Gentlemen who have became sub- scribers to the Work Entitled: « Events of the War” lately published at Harrisburg, are requested to call fortheir books, as they are now at this office ready for delivery. po——— LAND AGENCY. THE subscriber will attend to the busi- ness of a Land Agent in the borough of Har- risburg. Those wishing to procure patents or copies from any of the public offices will find their busmess executed with promptness. ALEXANDER GRAYDON, Junr. HARRISBURG, AUG. 14 1814. DISSOLUTION or PARTNERSHIP. CIID o-oo GERIIS——— THE partnership of Tho. Beatty & co. is thisday dissolved by mutual consent. The Books and Papers belonging to the said firm are left in the care of Elisha Moore, Esq. in Bellefonte, who is authorised to re- ceive all monies due. Persons indebted are requested to call and make payment. WILLIAM BEATTY. THOMAS BEATTY Bellefonte, May 28th, 1814. 15n*8w. An Ordinance, to extend all ordinances here- tofore passed by the Town Council oj the Borough of Bellefonte to the town of Smithfield, and other frurfioses. Sgc. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Town Council of the Borough af Belle- Sfonte, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, "That from and after the due promulgation of this Ordi- nance, all ordinances heretofore passed by the Town Council of the said Borough, that are now in force be, and the same are here- by extended to the town of Smithfield, and the other parts of Spring creek township, that were annexed to the said Borough, by an act of the Legislature, at their last ses. sion. Sec. 2. Aad be it ordained, That, that part of all ordinances heretofore passed by fhe said Town Council, making 1t the duty of the first named of the Council to act in a jndicial capacity, in the absence ina- bility to act, or otherwise, of the burgess, be and the same is hereby repealed. Passed into an ordinance July i5, 1814. 4 ANDREW GREGG, 7 ; ELISHA MOORE, CONSTANS CURTIN, JNO. RANKIN, JOS. MILES, JAS STEEL, i EVAN MILES. Attest—Erisua Moore, Clk cjrauno) eS ut SPECIAL COURT Agreably to the provisions of an Act of Assembly, passed the 28th March, 1814, entitled, « An Act authorizing the holding ot Special Courts in the Countieso fHunting don, Mifflin and Centre,” thet reside 0 the eight judicial district (the Hon. Sern Cuarman,) has appointed a Special Court, tobe held in Centre County, on Monday the 10th day of October next, and to continue one week ; for the trial of all causes, now pending in the Common Pleas of Centre County, in which the Hon Judge Walker is concerned in interest, or was of council be- tore his appointment. J. G. LOWRLY, Prot. Bellefonte, August 6, 1814, foros ta aged ry Ea CAUTION Li) nl hi THEREAS the subscriber gave © i NV David Storm, two notes of one dred and ninety pounds each ; the first pay- able Ist of April 1815; the oiher ist oi April 1816; and eight other notes of one hundred pounds each : the first payable 1st of April 1817, and one each succeeding year ; and one other note of one hundred and twenty five pounds, pagable first of A- ‘pril 1825- This is therefore to forewarn all {persons from taking an assigtuuent on saul *hotes. said Storm not having complied with his engagements. ’ x A HENRY YOTTER. Beilefonte, Sept. 17, 1814. irr eee DD ntfs TR Si, meme TO WOOD CUTTERS. "THE subscriber at Hope Furnace, in Mifflin County, will give half a dollar (in cash) per cord, for any namber of coeds any person may put up from this time til the firstof December next—The cash will be paid as soon as 50 or 100 cords muy be put up, at the option of the person cuting and putting it up-The wood is on good ground, stands thick ; and is generally young thuiv- ing rock-oak, with a little white-oak and biack-oak----Provisions will be furnisncd at as low rate, if not lower, than at the iron works in Centre County----Any company ol wood choppers contracting for six or scven hundred cords or apy fnrther quantity they may please, shall receive a handsome com- pensation. WM. W. LAIRD. Hore URNACE, Auc. 22, 1814 MILITIA TAKE NOTICE ! The Pay-master will attend at Bellefonte on Monday the 17th day of October next, to pay the Militia who served a six mouths tour of duty under Colonel Rees Hill, the additional pay allowed by the State of Penn- sylvania. Commanding officers of companies are requested to present their Rolls certified on Honour, and countersigned by the Col. September 1, 1814. — — rp ——— en REID + = @ ws FIIs is retell) § Gee eee TD & Forty Thousand ACRES OF LAND. To be sold law for Cash, or given on im- frrovement Leases, for Seven years. ITUATED inthe counties of War- ren, Erie, Crawtord, Vernango, But- fer, Cambria and Clearfield. The greater part of those Lands are of an excelant qual- ity, in good scttlements and for which sufii- cient titles willbe given. The remainder not so good, heid by commissioners tities. For further particulars apply to Henry Hurst, sheriff, Meadville, Jacob Meckling, Proth. Butler, Phil. Noon Esq. Ebensburg, or to the subseriber. Who has also for Sale 433 Acres in Huntingdon Township in the West end of Kishaquoquilias Vaiiey, adjoining Land of Ja. Lantz, Johr. Brown, and others. 300 Acres on the East side of Stone Creek, adjoining the Farms of Nathan Gos- sage and Damel Brown, 5 miies from Hun- tingdon, and 333 Acres, in Centre County, near Tus- sey Furnace, of which upwards of 100 acres are cleared possession to be had on the first of April next. Apply¥to Wm. Orbinson, Esq. Hunting don, or the.owner at Marshalls Mill. If there are are any claims against said Lands, it is requested they be made known ; and any conceive the subscriber to be in- debted to them, they are desired to present their accounts for payment. SAMUEL MAXWELL. September 30, 1814. a —— LOST. AT, or near Mr. Kerr's Tavern at Pot- ter’s Mili, in Penns Valley, in August last ; a pair of Saddlegags, not blacked—contain- iflg some summer cloths, a pair of shoes god some papers. The papers can be of no se but to the owner. them, or has them in keeping, shall be wel- come to the Saddlebags ahd clothing, or their the full value thercof, on delivering the deeds and papers to John Kerr, afore- . said, or to Mr. Miles, Innkeeper at Belle- fonte. September 28, 1814. — i) § We eect § Qe SE "WANTED IMMEDIATELY, an apprentice to the Printing business. Enquire at this Office. September 24, 1814. - rea — BLANKS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, Whoever has found © “oa BAND FOR SALE, A body of 24 contiguous tracts of Land comaliing in the whole near ten thousand acres situate in Baldeagle wownship, Coutre county, adjoining what has been calied the y } nn. ahout 4 miles from Baldeacie creck, onthe north side thercof, and on te east side of Beech creek, with in afew tiles of the Wes. Branch of the Suscuehansa, in what is cailed Tuigascous tack Vailey. There is a mine of Iron ore ou this body of Land, which most proba- bly would be encouraging to the establishe. ment. of Iron Works. Itis well watered with excellent Springs, and streams suitas ble for works of the above discription —= "There is itkewise on the land a good varies ty of sawing timber. Itis tolcrably level, and handsome, good Farms may be made with a good proportion of meadow. It will be sold altogether ata moderate price, or in single tracts: For terms enquire of Capa WALLADER Evans, No. 60, North 8th street Philadelphia, or the subscriber in Baldeas gle valley, spring township, Center County, near Bellefonte. fF rr ~p y y > 74 sh Uffecer 8 LAT, Ra WILLIAM FISHER. N. B. All taxes are paid, the land has been pattented 20 years since=-and the titl without dispute. & Na — 3 FIFTY DOLLARS PERT VY a TD Deserted from the Rendezvous at Belle foute, this day, (Tuesday 20th September) between the hours of tand 2 P. M. an en listed Soldier in the 41a Regiment of Rifles men, who calls himself WILLIAM BROWN, Twenty one years old, about 5 feet 9 1 inch es high, light complexion, fair hair, biue eyes, and by profession itis believed, a House Carpenter. He states that he ser- ved his apprenticeship at Shippensburg, in this state, and that his father resides about three miles from Carlisle. He is supposs ed tobe an arttul fellow, and strong susple cions are entertained of his honesty. The cloathing he took with him were a Rifle Cap complete, Rifle Frock and a pair of white cotton Pantaloons furnished by the United States. From the information I have been able to obtain, it 1s certain that he has a citizen’s Long Coat with him, with plat~ ed buttons. The calourofthe Coat it is be lieved, is a dark brown, He had also in his possession, a few hours before he was missed, two double-cased sil- ver watches ; the one old fashioned, and at= tached to the other a square silver key, with the initials J. M. cngraved on it, and it is supposed Bedford notes to the amount of 30 or 40 dollars. Persons are cautioned against aiding or § harboring sald deserter, as the law will be strictly enforced against them. Itis to be hoped that all good citizens will make usc of some exertions to ensure his apprehension, for in times like the present, the crime of desertion ought to be ranked amongst those of the blackest cast ; and, in- dependent of this, certainly no friend of his® country can countenance such presumptus ous fraud. I wiil, with pleasure, give the dbove re ward for his apprehension, and all reasona~ ble charges shall be paid, if delivered to me here, or to any other officer belonging to the Army of the United Siates. The law against harboring deserters runs thus : «Sec, 17. And be it further enacted, That every person, not subject to the rules and articles of war, whoshall procure or en- tice a soldier. in the service of the United States, to desert; or who shall purchase from any soldier, his arms,uniform clothing, or any part thereof; and every captain ce commanding officer of any ship or vessel, who shail enter on board. such ship or ves- sel as one of his crew, knowing him to have 32n*thy ¥ 3 3 0 deserted, or otherwise carry away any sucls soldier, orshall refuse to deliver him up to the orders of nis commanding officer, shall, | upon legal conviction, be fined at the dis. cretion of any court having cognizance of the same, in any sum not exceeding three of hundred dollars and be imprisoned any term i y : not exceeding one year.” WM. G. GREEN, CAPT. ¥ 4th US. Rifle Regiment. Bellefonte, 20th September, 1814. igh So “-— SALE OF LAND: By order of the Orphans Court of Cen tre County, will be sold at public vendus on the premises on Saturday the. fifteenth day of October next, a certain Messuage and Lot of ground in the Township of Pot-- ter and County aforesaid, the property that was of the late Christian Ulrich, deceased One haif of the purchase money tobe paidin hand, and the remainder in two equal year» * ly payments.—Due attendance will be gig= en by Certifiod bs Evia Wn PETRIRIN, Clerk, O. C. September 17, 1814: sln®ih w JOHN BENNER, Adm'rig -