American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, October 15, 1814, Image 3

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wavy, have expressed that intention some expediency of offerng 100 acres of land @
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pot hesitate to avow it er plan
of attack is contemplated with a co-opera-
tion of the fleet and army, and by regular
advances. Their object, however, cannot
be krown & ail that is said on the subject 1s
mere conjecture. There iso doubt of its be
ing an objectof the first importance to thems
& that they will attempt ity if they have the
The Harbor is
in a good state of defence, and there is no
least prospect of success.
doubt but that that the treops which are
here will do honor to themselves avd jus-
tice to their country ; but they are vot suf-
ficient in number to oppose a powerful ar-
« Our country is new, and there could
not be more than 3 or 4000 miiitia called
out in scason to be of service, after an actu-
al alarm. Itis said that the new ship will
bend her sails on the 28th, when they will
goon take the Lake, and our fleet haul in.—
"If they should have the temerity to attack
our fleet at their moorings, 1 have every
confidence to believe that our Commodore
will teach them a lesson similar to that of
Lake Champlain. Their two extremities
have lately met a check, and I hope we
shall at least do our duty in the centre,”
Extract of a letter from Sackett’s Harbor,
: Septemuer 20.
« Sunday before last, the commodore
with the Superiour, Mohawk, Pike & Mad-
ison, (the three heavy brigs being at the
head of the Lake, the Oneida in port and
the Lady on the way) beat into Kingston
harbour, with a fresh breeze right out the
port. Before he got within 6 miles of the
the Regent, the flag ship, Sir James hauled
his brig close into the dock, got out sprngs
and swung his broadside to, that is, of his
four ships precisely equal to our four in all
respects but one, Sir James has more men
than he be knows what to do with.
The commodore beat into Kingston Har-
bour, just cut of reach of the batteries, haul.
ed up his couses, furled top-gallant sails,
hove to and lay there within about 4 miles
of the Knight of St. Bento of Avis all the
afternoon ’till dark.”
Extract of a letter from a gentleman at New-=
Orleans, to his friend in Philadelphia, da-
ted September 2.
« An express has this day arrived from
Mobile with the information that a treaty
has been made with the Creek Indians, by
which the United States are to receive a-
haut 23 millions of land from the heart of
their country. They bind themselves to
have no connection with any other nation
than the Americans ; to raise the toma-
hawk when requested ; and to bring over
or extirpate, the refractory Indians now at
Pensacola. There has beena large quan-
tity of flour shipped within a few days to
Pensacola, the exportation of which is this
day prohibited by the Governor. General
Jackson is at Mobile—upt aud doing !”
Extract of a letter from an American mer-
chant in Lisbon to his brother in Boston,
dated May 27, 1814.
« I lose no time in annoucing to you that
the Portuguese Government do now refuse
to clear vessels of the United States. You
¢an form your own idea upon this conduct,
but it is generally considered here as unfa-
vorable, and was quite unexpected.”
Bost. Daily Advertiser.
It is said a body of a British officer of dis-
tinction has been found near Fort M Henry.
Some conjecture it is that of Com. Hardy.
It wore two gold epaulets, and a star, the
badge of nobility.
[ Washington City Gazette.
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Wednesday Sept. 28.
Mi. Fisk of Ver. offered a resolution for
ppointing a commie te enguire nig the
any deserter from the British army, on con
dition of his settling on it. :
Mr. F. supported his resolution in an ans
imnated speech, wherein he shewed that the
policy ofthe British government has been
to induce our citizens, in many cases, to vi-
olate their allegiance. He instanced the
proclamations of Admiral Cochrane, Bris-
hane. &c. He contended that it was the
policy ofall civilized nations,and we would,
be perfectly justified in offering an induce |
ment to desert, a
Mr. Grosvenobyof N.Y. spoke against
the resolution. He Contended that it ‘was
contrary to the custom of all civilized na~
tions, and the principle. was fraught with
the most dreadful effects, as was the same
which encouraged assassination of officers,
Mr. Sharp, of Ken spoke in favor of the
resolution, and shewed that the same princi-
ple was always practised, both, by this and
every other nation at war, when it could be
used with advantage.
Mr. Bradley moved to lay the question
on the table, which was negatived, 62 vo-
ting in the affirmative, and 70 inthe nega-
tive. The vote was then taken on the res.
lution, which was carried, 80 for/ it, 55 a-
gamst it. \
Is not happiness. He that idles away hig
time in sloth and inactivity, may fancy to
himself that he feels an enjoyment in doing
nothing : but what is the sum of his enjoy-
ment? that, merely, of an animal who feels
little more than halfalive. Human nature
is destined for something more noble and
elevated, Itis calculated for action as well
as rest : and whoever expects to be happy
in the more easy circumstances of life;must
also take Lis part in those which fequire ex-
The Vendue Notes belonging to the es,
tate of Jacob Sherick, dec. are lett with E.
Moore in Bellefonte. The drawers are de-
sired to call and pay them off before next
November Court, ov they will be sued
Oct. 1814.
A quantity of BLANK EXECUTI™
ONS for saie at this Oifice.
BEE ee
Subscribers in arrears, who are in the
habit of hauling wood to this town, will
oblige the printer, by bringing a load to
this Office, each.
ETHEREAS the office oi’ Principal of
the Northumberland Academy, hav-
ing become vacant by the uch famented
death ofthe Rev. Isaac Gries, who for
many years past had successiully devoted
his time and talents to promote the reputa-
tion and useiulness of this seminary, it 1s
deemed expedient that no time be lost in
the appointment of a person to take the
charge of the institution until a Principal
shall be hereafter appointed.
‘I he Trustees, therefore, having full con-
fidence mn thescientific and literary acquire-
ments of Robert Cooper Grier, son of the
late Principal, and Protessor of Mathemat-
icks, Natural Philosiphy &c. who during
the tedious illness of his father, had the
care and snperintendanceof the Seminary,
do unanimously appoint the said Robert
Cooper Grier Principal sro temfiore of the
Northumberland Academy for and during
the session cowrmencing on the first day of
November of the present year and closing
the first day of April 1815.
It is moreover Resolved, that, the Rev.
John B. Patterson, Rev. Thomas Hood and
Doct. Samuel Jackson, be appointed to vis-
it the school jointly or severally, to render
such assistance as may be requisite, to at-
tend to the various wants of the Institution
and report their care and attention to a fu-
ture meeting. Extracted from the minutes.
JOHN BRYSON, Chairman.
Northumberland, Oct. 7, 1814,
sre Nle
Remaining mn the Post-Office, Bellefonte,
October 1, i814. »
William Ammerman, Philip Antis, Geo.
Bettner, Jonas Bumberger, William Beard,
Wm. Boyd, Isaac Cartwright, Elizabeth
Clark, James Collins, Rachel Carr, Richard
Cary, John Drain. James or William Du:-
on, Miehael Fitz, Francis Graham, Peter
Ginder or widow Shenk, John Graham,
James Glen, Thos : Green, Peter Griffeth,
Peter Hendershat, Jane Haslet, Abraham
Mooper, David Hollingsworth, Wm. Kerr,
Autnony Kennedy, Frederick Kellogg, Mar-
garet Laird, Wm. Lillyatt, Benjamin Least,
I'homas Liglit, Josiah Lambourn, Jacob
Lambert, Archibald Moore, Henry M’Cal-
mont, Joseph Montgomery, Philip Moser,
John Mane, John Montgomery, Robert
Moore, Hugh M’Guar, William Murrey,
Lorence Peters, John Patterson, James Por-
ter, Job Packer, Joshut Redrick. John Sny-
der, Jonathan Saynes, George Settzer, Sam-
uel Scott, Catharine Shissler 2, John Sims,
Philip Shreck, Jacob Swentzel, Absolam
Timms, John Taylor, Mr. Tipton, Amos
Underwood, David Way, Elizabeth Woods,
Wm. Witliams, Wm. I. Williams, Peter
Weire, James Watson, sen. Thomas Wil-
son, Charles Wilson, N icholas Ziegler.
R. T. STEWART, P. M. |
BY order of the Orphans Court of Centre
County ‘will be sold at public vendue on the
premisses on Monday the seventh day of
November next, a certain Messuage tene-
ment and tract of land late the property that
was of Jane Templeton deceased, situate
dying and being in the Township of Walker
in the County of Centre aforesaid, bonuded
and described as follows, to wit. Begin.
ning at Stones thence by land of Thomas
Stewardson, and others South 42° west
447 perches to a fallen black oak, thence by
land of Thomas M’Kee North 48 degrees
west 59 perches toa white oak, thence
north 40 degrees east 55 perches to a pine,
thence by land of Andrew M’Kee, north
49 1-2 degrees cast, 395 perches to a white
oak thence south 48 degrees east, 10 perch-
es to the place of beginning ; containing
101 acres of 45 perches and aliowance of 6
perches cut for roads and highways. The
terms of sale to be as follows, to wit.—
The purchaser to pay one half of the pur-
chase money in hand and the other half in
one year from the day of sale. Due attend-
ance will be given by
Certified by
Wa. PETRIKIN, Clerk, O. C.
October 12, 1814.
ERS ——— voor. GEEENEE———
NO §
A. COBURN Respectfully Informs the
Citizens of Bellefonte & its vicinity, that he
will open a Scuoor for teaching CHURCH
Music this season, if he meets with encour-
agement—He tenders his thanks to his
friends for the very liberal encouragement
heretofore received—He wishes to open
Schools in Lewistown and Huntingdon, if
the citizens of those towns should be in wang
of a Teacher of Church Music ; having
been for several years engaged in teaching
vocal Music he flatters himself he would be
able to give satisfaction to his Patrons.
A. Coburn will tune and new string
Piano Fortes.
Belifont Sept. 15, 1814.
THE creditors of Thomas Barlow, late
of Philipsburg, in the county of Centre, an
insolvent debtor; and also the creditors of
the partnership of « Barlow and Feltwell,”
of the same place, are requested to exhibit
their accounts and demands against said in-
soivent debtor and partnership, to the sub-
scriber at Laurel Spring Paper Mill, Hunt-
* ingdon county, or at the office of William
Petriken, Esq. in Bellefonte, on or before
the twenty ninth day of November next, as
a dividend will be made and declared on
that day.
Assignee of T. Barlow,
Barlow & Feltwell, ¢
Insolvent debtor.
AvGusT 23.
THE highest price that is given in cass
will be paid for clean Linen and Cotton
RAGS at this OFFICE,
rn rr
Executed at this Office...
# ne
ALL persons indebted tothe estate’
Samuel Wilson deceased, are requested (0
make payment immeaiately ; and all those
having demands against said estate, will
please to present their accounts properly .
authenticated. :
May 28, 1814.
CBAs ly & Goins eal Te en WILD
ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens
of Bellefonte and its vicinity, that
has commenced the TAYLORING BU-
SINESS, at the House back of Mr. James
Rothrocky and immediately adjoining his
Hatter shop, where those who ma please
to favor him with their custom shall receive
every accommodation ana attention in his
power to bestaw. Lal
Having served his appreuticeship in the ©
city of Baltimore ; and having had an oppor
tunity of perfecting himself in the knowl-
edge of his profession by an exercise of
of its various duties, in many of the best
shops in that place, he 'latters himself
qualified to give general satisfaction to
his customers.
October 3, 1814
em — | rol ning poh
4% a
IMMEDIATELY, two or three Jour-
wEYMAN TavLors, to whom generous wa
ges and constant employment will be given.
Apply at my Shop, adjoining the dwelling
House and Store of R. T. Stewart, Esq.
October, 3, 1814.
N. B. J. KLINE returns thanks for past
favors, and Respectfully informs his Cus»
tomers that he has lately received the news
est and most fashionable paterns, from
CuarLEs C. WaTsox, Philadelphia. —Or-
ders upon Iron masters or other responsible
persons will be accepted as payment for
Causes for trial at the Special Court of
Common Pleas Centre county, October
10, 1814.
Les. of Lauman’s Ex’rs
T. Thomas.
Les. of Jos. Lamborn
H Hartzock,
Les. Lauman’s Ex’rg.
: VS. n
Ramcy & Stratfon
Aes. of M. T. Simpson
Jackson & Kinter,
Same Same,
Les of James Packer
R. Gunsalus
Les. of R. Gunsalus
Hoover and Beixler,
Les of Lauman’s Ex’s
Jacob Houser,
Les. of John Ashley
George Reynolds,
Jacob Fouser
Martin Steel,
Same v8. Same,
Les. of Richard Wistar
Ross and M«Kee,
Same ws. Jno. Harbinsemn,
Duncan and Walker
Jacob Meese,
Les. of D. Harris, jum
William Monks,
Les. of James Pottep
R, Pennington,
Les of Daniel Swytzer
J. Meese and al.
Philip Benner
Jacob Houser and al.
Duncan and Ingerse}
Daniel Turner.
Same vs, Same,
Letitia Nailor and al. *
vs. "
J. Huiton and al.
G. Robinson, jum.’
Vee 3
John Ned.