oy ¥y & i SP . BD RASS AT IEG TTS SI SSS LIL TS cw srrr rarer orie Lo viet pf PRR of ; ) ne L umhiiaeh i ¥ oF : : o y PUBLISIT.; WBEKLY, BY ALEXANDER HAMILTON, BELLEFO! Li PPI SSIES ST DD ; i A ne way BY ) Cig TT ; BR eer yh y : oe a Cm £ DD DED TELLS EL SLRS ELSE TTSL « / / ( — You. 1.] KC CONDITIONS. The American Patriot shall be published every Saturday, and forwarded to subscri- bers by the earliest opportunities. The price is two dollars per annum, exclusive of postage ; one half to be paid at the time of subscribing, and the residue at the ex- piration of six months. No subscription shall be taken for less than 2 half year ; nor shall any. subscriber be at liberty to discontinue his paper until all arveardzes are paid off, ‘The failure of any subscriber to notity a discontinuance of his paper, will be considered as a new engagement. : * Those who subscribe but forsix-months, muwst pay the whole in advance ; of herwise © they will be continued for the year. Advertisements, not exceeding a square shall be inserted three times for one dol- lar, and for every subsequent insertion, twenty five cents ; those of greater length in Proportion MISCELLANY. ieee 00: 3 582 2:00 am DETACHED SENTENCES. To be ever active in Jaudable pursuits, is the istinguising characteristic ofa man of merit, There is a heroic innocence as well as an heroic courage. There is a mean in all things. gue itself hath its stated limits ; which not being observed, it ceases to be virtue. Itis wiser to prevent a quarrel before- hand, than to revenge it afterwards. It 1s better to reprove, than to be angry Even vir- secretly. No revenge is more heroic, than thag which torments envy by doing good. The discretion of a man delerreth his an- ger, and it is his glory to pass over a trans. gression: Without a friend the world is but a wil- derness. Nothing men, than a handsome address, and more engages the affections of graceful conversation. Compiaisance renders a superior amiable an equal agreeable, and an inferior accepta- ble There cannot be a greater treachery than frst to raise a confidence, and then deceive it. ~ By others faults wise men correct their own. .) > N » No man hath a thorough taste of prosper happened. ity, to whom adversity never hide It is as greata point of wisdom to ignorance, as to discover knowledge. Pitch upon that course of life which the most excellent ¢ and habit will render is it most delightful. Custom is the plague of wise men and and the idol of fools. As, to be perfectly just, is an attribute of ¢he Divine nature ; tobe so to the utmost of our abilities, is the glory of man. Anger may glance into the breast of a wise man, but rests only in the bosom of fools. 3 A TY (PE . 3 1 &“ By taking ugpvenge, a man is but even 1 i 18 with his enemy ; but in passing it over 15 superior. "To err ishuman; to forgive, is divine. A more glorious victory cannot be gained over another man, than this, that when the i: jury ben on his part,the Kindness sho’d Yegin-on ours. ’ ‘who perhap ay To mourn without measure, is folly ; not to mourn at all, insensibility. Somme would be thought te do great things, who are but tools and instruments ; like the tool who fancied he played on the organ, when he only blew the bellows. Though a man may become learned by another’s learning, he can never be wise but by his own wisdom. : It is ungenerous to give a man occasion to blush at his own ignorance in one thing, ps may excel us in mang. An EE. pas. sions, thinks worse than he speaks ; and ‘an angry man that will chide, speaks worse than he thinks: 9 It isto affectation the world owes 18 whole race of coxcombs Nature in her whole drama never drew such a part ; she has sometimes made a fool, but a coxcomb is always of his own making. ; It is the infirmity of little minds to be taken with every appearance, apd dazzled with every thing that sparkles ; but great minds have but little admiration, because few things appear new to them. It happens to men of learning, as to cars of corn: they shoot up, and raise their heads'high, whe they are empty: but when full and swelled with grain, they bes gin to flag and droop. He thatis truly polite, knows how to contradict with respect, and to please with- out adulation ! and is equally remete from an insipid complaisance, an 1a low familiar- ity. 1 : The failings of good men are commonly more published in the world than their good deeds; and one fault of a deserving man shall meet with more reproaches, than all his virtues praise : such is the force of ill-will and ii-nature. It is harder (0 avoid censure, than to gain applause ; for this may be done by one great or wise action in an age; but to €8- cape Censure, a man must pass his whole life without saying or doing ouc ill or foolish thing. When Darius offered Alexander ten thousand talents to divide Asia equally with hit, he answered, rhe earth cannot bea, two suns, not Asia two Kings. Parimenio, a friend of Alexander's, hearing the great offers Darius had made said, were I Alex- ander I wouldaccept them. So would I replied Alexander, were [ Parmenio. A rich man beginning to fail, is held up by his friends ; but a poor man being down, is thrust away by his friends : when a rich man is failen, he hath many helpers; he speaketh things not to be spoken, and yet men justify him : the poor man slipt, and they rebuked him ; he spoke wisely, &could have no place. When a rich man speak- eth, every man holdeth his tongue, and, look, what he saith they extol it to the clouds ; but if a poor man speaks, they say, What fellow is this ¢ Blame not, before thou the truth ; understand first, and then re- hast examined buke Admonish thy friend ; it may be he hath not done it 3 and if be hath, that he do it no more ; Admonish thy friend ; it may be that he he hath not said it; ov if he hath, speak it not again. Adwmonish a friend ; i$ ake SITLL SETI IES T LLL SSSI PLS ILLS LI EIS or rrr rrr SIS ros wo a SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1814. for many times it is a slander ; and believe not every tale. There is one that slippeth in his speech, but not from his heart; and who is he that hath not offended with his tongue. i Be not confident in a plain way. Let reason go before every enterprize, & council before every action The latter partofa wise man’s life is ta- ken up in curing the follies, prejudices, and false opinions he had contracted in the former. Censure is a tax a man pays to the public for being eminent. Party is the madness of many, for the gain of a few. "There is nothing wanting, to make all ra- tional and disenterested people in the world of one religion, but that they sho’d talk to- gether every day. Men are greatful, in the degree that they resentful. Economy is no disgrace ; it is better liv- ing on a little, than outliving a great deal. Next to the satislaction I receive in the prosperity of an honest man, I am best pleased with the confusion of a rascal. What is often termed shyness, is nothing more than refined sense, and an indiff rence te common observation. The higher character a person supports, the more he should regard his minutest ac- tions. Men arc sometimes accused of pride, merely because their accusers would be proud themselves if they were in their pla- ces. Modesty makes large amends for the pain it gives the person who lgtors under ity by the prejudice it affords every worthy person in their favour. "The difference there is betwixt honour aud honesty seems to ba chiefly in the mo- The honest man does that from duty, which the man of honour does for the sake of character He thatliesabed alla summer’s morn. ing, loses the chief pleasure of the day : he that gives up his youth to indolence, under- tive. goes a loss of the same kind. Shining characters are not always the most agreeable ones ; the mild radiance of an emerald is by no means less pieasing than the glare of the ruby. To be at once a rake, and to glory in the character, discovers at the same time a bad disposition and a bad taste. Fine sense, and exalted sense, are not half so valuable as common sense. There are forty men of wit for one man of sense ; and he that will carry nothing about him but gold, will be every day at a loss for want of ready change. Wherever I find a great deal of grati- tude in a poor man, I take it lor granted there would be as much generosity if he were a rich man. It often happens that those are the best people, whose chacacters have been most injured by} slanderers ; as we usually find that to be the sweetest fruit which the birdg have been pecking at. If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been church- es, and poor men’s cottages princes pala- Hcis a own lustructions = ces. ~ood divine that follows his . He en ‘ { CF are #3 Ce So 4 SN + ty what were good to be done, than to be Be ' one ot the twenty to follow my own teach ng. Men's evil manners live in brass: their . - . ; oh virtucs we write in water. I'he web of our life is of a minggled yarn, good & ill together ; our virtues woud be proud, i our faults whipped them rio: |, and our crimes would despair, if they were not cherished by our virtues. The sense of death is most in apprehens sion ; and the poor beetle that we tread up- On, » Ey Was ¥ / ¥ In corporal sufferance feels a pang as STC, As when a giant dies. v ee ~~ THUS London, July 16. Mr. Saddler’s Balloon. Public curiosity was strongly exciked yesterday to view the ascent of Mr. Sadler and his son {rom Bur- lington court yard. As early as nine o’- clock some applications were made for ad- mittance. At half past nine the process This as we have no new informsation to lay be- fore our readers, it woud be a waste of time to describe. commenced for filling the balloon. The balloon contains about three thou sand yards of the finest wove double siik and is 74 feet mn heigth from the bottom of the car to the top of the balloon ; it is var- nished and mest beautifully painted to re. present a superb temple sr.pported on thie sides by 18 Corrinthian pillars, between sach of which were tne tollowing full length statues «+ Mercy, Liberality, aibe rnia, Bei- tanuia, Justice, Fortune, Hebe, Liberty, Victory, Ceres, Amphitrite, Hope, (}iana, Terra, Prudence, Wisdom. From the top of each pillar to the other there 1s a cim- son curtain, festooned, and along tha cor. nice a range of hieroglyphics, the ton part paiated to represent a large pompion, and the lower parts a range of clouds; the ap pearance had a very grand effect; the whole was covered over with a net mide by Mr. Saddler himself. The Car is su- perb in the ex'reme; on each end was painted the Imperial, German and Russian tagles, the crown of Great Britain on one side, and the Prince’s Plume on the other side, the whole in silveron a pink ground, a gold bo¥der ail around, which gave amost dazzling appearance. =} The arrangements were completed at half past 3 o’clock, instead of one as ane nounced, and Mr. Saddler took his seat in the Car, with his son Mr. Wyndham Sad- dier, who had entered’it a short time Le- fore. At 35 minutes past three it rosc in the finest style. Eronacts wok off thew hats, waved them and bowed to the sec tators, who grected them with loud huz- Z18 After waving their hats for some minu'es they displayed tneigdags whichavere v.Si- ble till the Baiioon ise fdisappeared the ac- cent was one of the novlest we have ever witnessed. Though the day was not ver favorable, it remained in sight abot eleven m.. u's, when it became enveloped in fw cioud, and it was scen no more. ai _ The Messrs. Sadiers arived at Burlington House last night about eleven o’clock after asafc journey, having travelled about 47 miles. They went as far as Gravesend.and were in sight of Margate, but meeting with contrary currents of air they retaruca, and descended in a grass field in the parish of Great Waricy, in Essex abou 18 mies from London, at 35 minutes past 4 o” lack, without exnegiencing the shghtest incidess,