American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, October 08, 1814, Image 3

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    ig Just over sur heads, us there were net
and privates, was suchas I calenlated on ;
that almwat of my field officers alsoineiits
fy pastienkoe notice maj. Ricaard K. Heath
“is, wii bed on the advance party to
action, behaved as became an
of tac 5
bring on ihe
Wosicer ; Lic facts of his horse being falled
him in toc first skivpaish, his second
und is} 3
badly wounded, and Limself receiv
jpg 2 contusion uh the head, by a musiek
¢ bail in the reneralaction are aimpic Lroois
of his bravery and exposure in dis harge
of his duty. Lieut. col. Sterrett and ma-
jor Barry of the sth,zained my highest 2h
probation, and they ith ali in prais¢
of capt, Spangicr and his company 5 volun-
teers from York (Pa) thes “attached to
sheir command ; also of adjutant Cheston,
who is slightly wounded, licut esi. Long ot
the 27ih, and his field and company offi-
cers, did well; this whole regiment were
unsurpassed in bravery, rrselution and en-
thusiasm. My brigade hasto bewail the
loss of adit. James Lowry Donaldson, who
fell in the hottest of the fight, bravely 4
charging the duties of bis commission, Lt.
col. Fowler and major Steiger of the 39th,
did their duty is every respect; they speak
highly of the volunteer companies of capt
Quaatril,from Hagerstown and eapt. Merz-
Capt. Quantrii
is wounded. Capt. John Mentgomery,com
can from Hanover, Penn.
manding my artillery, gained for himself &
his company lasting honor. Capt Asquith
and his company of riflemen, merit my
company of Unitéd Volunteers of the 5th,
Ensiga Wilmot, commanding the
and many of his men, distinguished them-
1 bave the honor to b= vour obedient ser
Buig. Gen. commanding 3d brigade, M. M?
Copy of a letter from ommodore Macdou-
ough to the secretary of the navy, dated
United States Ship Saratogat Piattsburgh
Bay, September 13,1814
Sir—1I have the honor tg give you the
particulars of the action which took place
on ‘uc Vth ast. on tuis lake.
For several days. the eiomy were on
their way to Plattsburgh by and water
and it being well understoo that a - attack
would be made at the sam: me their
land and naval forces, I dc ned a-
wait at anchor the approach = hela
At 7 A. M.the look out bh: ant c-
ed the approach of the enemy ~ At ., he
anchored in a line ahead, at about suv yards
distance {rom my line; his ship opposcd to
the Saratoza, his barge to the Eagle, captain
Robert Henely, his galiles, thirteen in num
ber, to the scooner,sioop and a division of
our «lies 5; one of his sloops assisting
their ship and brig, the other assisting their
gallies. Our comaining galites with the
Saratoga and Lagi.
In this situation the whole force on beth
sides Secame engaged, the Saratoga suffer-
ed much from the heavy fire of Confiance,—
1 cou.d perceive at the same time, howev-
er, that our fire was very desttuctive to her.
The Ticonderova, het. com. Cassi, guol-.
Jantly sustained aor full share of the action.
At haif past 10 o’clock the Eagie, not being
able to bring her guns to beat, cut her ca-
ble and anchored in a more eligible posi
tion, between my ship and the Ticondero-
ga, where she very much ansoyed ther enoe-
my, but unforiunately leaving me Cxposcd
toa galling fire from the cnemy’s brig, me
Our guns on the starboard side being car=
lv all dismounted, or not manageable, a
stern anchor was let go, the bower cavle
cui and the ship winded wita a fresh broad
side on the enemy's ship, which soon after
surrendered. Our broadside was then
spring to bear on the brig, which surrend-
rendered in about 15 minutes after.
The sloop that was opposed to the Eagle
had struck some time before, and drifted
down the line ; the sloop which was | with
their gailies having stuck also. Three of
Lacie galiles are said to be sunk, the others
pulled off. Qur gailies were about obey.
ing with alacrity the signal fo follow then,
when all the vessels werereported to be in
a sinking state ; it then became necessary
to annul the signal to the gallies, and order
their men (o the pumps.
I could only look at the enemy’s gallies
going off in a shattered cowclition, for therv@
was not a mast in either squadron that coujd®
stand to mal c sail on; the lower riging be-
tig nearly all shot away ; hung down as
though it had been just placed over. the
inastheads. of
I'he Saratoga had fifty five round shot i,
hee hull= the Confiunce one hundred
fi he enemy’s shot passed princip
ciose of &
Dey first jicut, His place
ction, wantin 145i ~ HUN eo
The absence and sickness ol lieut. Ray-
mond: Pervy, ick me witout the deiviee ut
that excellent officer 3 much ought larly
to be altribuicd to him dor his gical Care &
attention 1 dISCIphBIng the suip's Crew, as
gadant youny cicer ent. Peter {ramble
who 1 regret to miorin you, was kilied cat
vin the action. © Acting licut. vadiite
worked the ist and 2d divisions oi guus
with able effects Sailing master Bruars
atention to the springs, and in {he execu
tion of te: order to wind the ships aud occas
sionally at the guns, meets with Day. cure
approbation—aiso captain Youngs comman-
ding tne acting Marines: Who Loos Lis mei
to the guns. Mr. Beal purser, was of great
service at the guns, and in carrying my or«
ders Luroughout tae ship, with midshipman
Montgomery. Master's mate Josinia Jus-
tin, had command of the 3d division ; his
conduct during the action was that of a
brave and correct officer. Midshipmen
Monteath, Graham, Williamson, Piatt,
Thwing, and acting midshipman Baldwin,
behaved well and gave evidence of tier
making valuable officers. 5
The Saratoga was twice set on fire by
hot shot trom the enemy’s ship. 3
{ close, ‘sir, tals communication, with
feelings of gratitude for the able support
1 received from every odficer and man at-
tached to the squadron which I’ have the
honor to command.
I have the honor to be, with great res.
pect, sir, Your most obedient servant,
lon. Wm. Jones, Secretary of the navy
rm —
Geonrce WasHiNgTroy CAMPBELL in
consequence of long and increasing indis-
position, produced by a severe and incess.
ant devotion to official dutics has iesigned
the office of secretary of the treasury.
: Nat. Intel.
rt § Gre
Taxes Monrony ate secretary of state,
is appointed by the president, with the con
currence of the senate, sccretary for the
war departmet. "
Bl AIL INP i i mn SS Ms SR CLAS Sep
Ty ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens
£2 ot Bellefonte and its vicinity, that he
has commenced the TAYLORING BU-.
SINESS, at the House back of Mr. James
Rothrock, and immediately adjoining his
flatter shop, where those who ma’ please
to favor him with their custom shall receive
every accommodation and attention in his
power to bestow. ii
“Having served his appreaticeship in the
city'of Baltimore ; ‘and having bad an oppor-
tunity of perfecting himself in the knowl-
edge of his prefession by an exercise of
of its various duties, in many of the best
shops in that place, he Matters ‘himself
qualified to give general satisfaction! to
his customers. 0
October 3, 1814
————— ————
———_— — Ty +
IMMEDIATELY, two or three Jour-
yeEtaaAN TaruoRrs, to’ wiiom generous wa-
ges and constant dmployment will be given.
Apvly at my Shop, adjoining the dwelling
House aud Store of Re 'L. Stewarty Esy.
Belicionte. ; '
Octobery 33 1844.
AN. 2, J. KLINE returns thanks for past
favors, and Respectfully inforins his Cus-
tomers that he has lately received the new-
est and most fashionable paterns, from
Cuarres C. WaTsoy, Philadelphia. —Or-
ders upon Iron masters or other responsible
persons will be accepted as payment for
Rh TE & QI eat) Qin. —
A. COBURN Respectfully Informs the
Citizens of Bellefonte & its vicinity, thathe
will open a Scuoow for teaching CHURCH
Music this season, if he meets with encour-
agement—He tenders his thanks to his
friends for the very liberal encouragement
heretofore received —He wishes to open
Schools in Lewistown and Huntingdon, if
the citizens of those towns should be in want
of a Teacher of Church Music ; having
been for several years engaged in teaching
vocal Music he flatters himsélf be would be
able to give satistaction to his Patrons.
A. Coburn will tuue and new string
Piano Fortes.
Belifont Sept. 15, 1814,
wus tiled vy a;
£3 0
20 be sold low for Cash, or given oi un-
[irovement Leases, for Seven years.
1 1TUATED inthe comics of Wars
0 Lie, Crawford, Yernango, But-
ler, Cambria and Cicarfield. The greater
part of those Lands are of an excelant gial-
ityyin good seulements and for which suffi-
cient titles will be given. Vhe remainder
‘not so good, heid by commissioners titles.
For further particulars apply to Henry
Hurst, sheriff, Meadville, Jacob Meckling,
Proth. Butler, Phil. Noon Esq. Ebensburg,
or to the subseriber.
. Who has also for Sale
433 Acres in Huntingdon Township in
the West end of Kishaquoquillas Valiey,
adjoining Land of Ja. Lantz, Johr. Brown,
and others. ;
300 Acres on the East side of Stone
Creek, adjoining the Farms of Nathan Gos-
. sage and Daniel Brown, 5 miles from Hun
tingdon, and 3
333 Acres, in Centre County, near Tus=
sey Furnace, of which upwards of 100 acres
are clearcd——possession to be had on the
first of April next. :
Apply to Wm. Orbinson, Esq. ilunting
don, or the owner at Marshalls Miil.
If there ave are any claims against said
Lands, it is requested they be made known
and if any conceive the subscriber to be in
debted to them, they are desired to present
their aceounts for payment. :
Sepitcinber 30, 1814.
De see iF FP -
5 - :
A body of 24 contiguous tracts of Land
containing in the whole near ten thousand
acres situate in Baldeagle townsliip, Centre
county, adjoining what has been called the
« Officers Landy’ about 4 miles from
Baldeagle creek, on the north side thereof,
and on the east side of Beech creek, with
in a few miles of the West. Branch of the
Susquehanna, in what is called Tingascou-
tack Valley. There is a mine of Iron ore
on this body of Land, which most proba-
bly would be encouraging to the establish-
ment of Iron Works. Itis well watered
with excellent Springs, and streams suita-
ble for works of the above discription --
There is likewise on the land a good varie-
ty of sawing timber. Itis tolerably level,
and handsome, good Farms may be made
with a good proportion of meadow. It will
be sold altogether ata moderate price, ov in
single tracts: For terms enquire of Cap-
waLLADER Evans, No. 60, North 8th street
Philadelphia, or the subscriber in Baldea-
gle valley, Spring township, Center County,
near Beliefonte. ~~ :
N. B. All taxes ave paid, the land has
been pattented 20 years since—-and the title
without dispute. 32n*tf.
oi em meme —— SERIAL Lg
fe i
AT, or near ‘Mu. Kerr's Tavern at Pot-
ter’s Mill, in Penns Valley, in August last ;
a pair of Saddlegags, not blacked—contain-
ing some summer cloths, a pair of shoes
and some papers. The papers can be of no
use but to the'owner. Whoever has found
them, ov hasthem in keeping, shall be wel-
come to the Saddlebags and clothing, or
tiscirthe full value thercof, on delivering
tie deeds and papers to Johm Kerr, atore-
said, or to Mv. Miles, Innkeeper at Beile-
September 28, 1814,
Ctr cn § Gre + TN nlf © EAR
By order of the Orphans Court of Cen
tre County, will be sold at public vendue
ou the premises on Saturday the fifteenth |
day of October next, a certain Messuage
and Lot of ground in the Township of Pot-
ter and County aforesaid, the property that
was of the late Christian Ulrich, deceased.
One half of the purchase money to be paid in
hand, and the remainder in two equal year-
ly payments.—~Due attendance will be giv-
en by JOHN BENNER, Adm’r.
Certified by
Wx PETRIRIN, Clerk, O. C.
September 17, 1814: 3in*tf,
——— —— ny. ean! — i
THE highest price that is given incasg
will be paid for clean Linen and Cottor
RAGS at this OrricE.
tly 4 Pi,
un— \b li
Fxecuted at this Office.
make payment immeatacely ; and «i ose
having demands agains: saul estate, wii}
please to present their accounis properiy
authenticated. a »"
May 23, 1814.
Jatih .
s— asd
El ;
PR ro pn
J |
Deserted from.the Rendezvous at Delles.
foute, this day, (Tué€sday 20th September)
between the hours of land 2 P. M. an en-
listed Soldier in the 4th Begimdnt of Rifle-
mets who calls himsell
Twenty one years old, about 5 feet 9 1 inch~
es high, light complexion, fair hair, blut
eyes, and by profession it is believed, a
House Carpenter. Ie states that he ser-
ved his apprenticeship at Shippensburg, n
this state, and that his father resides about
three miles from Carlisle.
ed tobe an’ artiul fellow, and strong suspi-
cions are entertained of his honesty.
The cloathing he took with Lim were a
Rifle Cap complete, Rifle Frock and a pair
of white cotton Pantaloons furnished by the
United States. From the Information I have
been able to obtain, it is certain that he bh: §
a citizen’s Long Coat with him, with piat=
ed buttons. T'he colourofthe Coat it is be-
lieved, is a dark brown.
He Had also in his possession, a few hours
before he was missed, two doubie-cascd siie
ver watches ; the one oid fashioned, and st«
tached to the other a square silver key, with
the initials J. M. engrave: ou it, and it is
supposed Bedford notes to the amount of 30
of* 40 dollars
Persons are cautioned against aiding ov
harboring said deserter, as the taw will Ue
strictly enforced against them.
Itis to be hoped that ail good citizens will
make use of some exertions to ensure his
apprehension, tor in times like the present, °
the crime of desertion ought to be ranked |
amongst those of the blackest cast; and, in-
dependent of this, certainly no friend of his
country can countenance such presumptu~
ous fraud.
I wiily with pleasure, give the above res
ward for his apprehension, and aii reasona-
ble chardes shall be paid, it delivered to me
here, or to any other officer belonging to
the Army of the United States.
The law against harberiug deserters runs
“Sec. 17. And be it further enucted,
That every person, not subject 10 the vuies
and articles of war, whoshail procure or er «
tice a soldier, inthe service cf the United
States, to desert; or who shail purchase
from any soldier, hus arms,uniform clothing,
or any part thereof ; and every captain cv
commanding officer of any ship ov vessel
who shall enter on board such ship or ves-
sel as one of his crew; knowing him to have
deserted, or otherwise carry away any such
soldier, orshall refuse to deliver«dim up to
the c=igrs of his commanding officer, shall,
upon legal conviction, be fined at the digs
cretion of any court having €oguizance of
tlie same, in any sum not exceeding three
hundred dollars and be imprisencd any term
not exceeding one year.” fi
4th U § Rille Reginent.
Bellcfonte, 20th September, 1814.
THE creditors of Thomas Barlow, late
of Philipsburg, in the county of Centic, an
insolvent debtor ; and also the creditors of
the partnership of « Barlow and Feltweli,
ofthe same place, are requested to exhibit
their accouuts and demands against said in-
sofvent debtor and partnership, to the subs
scriber at Laurel Spring Paper Mill, {{unt-
ingdon county, or at the office of William
Petriken, Esq. in Bellefonte, on or before
the twenty ninth day of Noverober next, as
a dividend will be made and declared on
that day.
Assignee of T. Barlow, |
Barlow & Feitwell,
Insoivent dibtozr.
Aveust 23,
- + Lan
LR) 4 "
IMMEDIATELY, an apprentice to the
Printing bus'ness.
Enquire at th's Offiez:
September 24, 814.
He is suppos-