American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, October 08, 1814, Image 2

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    gr rusifing {with enthusiasm to the
scencs where danger and daty czil.
held. : /
to other aggressions. had heen added the
capture of nearly a thousand American ves-
ig of-
their bloed, they give the surest
sc that no other tribute willbe with-
ving foreborh to : declare war until
er of Pennsva Cy, if pa candidate iol" the
oidice of commissioner. ,
Nashville, Sept. 9.
An express arvived bere this morning
from Gen Jackson, with the following
un poitant infor nation.
Head Qurtcrs. Tth Mil. Dist.
er ¥ Mobile, Aug. 27.
SIR- By an express sent from Pen
la as well as from Antonio Callina, a citi-
sels, and the mpressmeny” of thousands of zen of that place win left there yesterday
American sea-faving citizens, and until a
final declaration had been nvade by the gov-
ernment of Grad: Britain, that her hostile
orders agaidst our commerce would not be
revolked,but on conditions as impossible as
unjust’; whilst it was known that these or-
defs’would not otherwise cease, but with a
war which had lasted nearly twenty years &
which accordmg to appearances at that
tune, might last as many more ; having
manifested on every occasion, and in every
or mode, a sincere desire to arrest the
WE Tusion of blood, and, meet our enemy on
the ground of justice and reconciliation our
beloved country, in still opposing to his per-
severing hostility all its energies, with an
undiminished disposition towards peace and
friendship on honorable terms, must carry
with it the good wishes of the impartial
world and the best hopes of support from
an Omnipotent and Rind Providence.
Wa hington, Sefitember 20, 1814,
“T'o'speak his thoughts—
Is every Freeman's right.
ETE: =
Gen. Izavd and led from
Sac ketts Harbor on the 20th of September.
~ General Scott is appointed to the com-
“mand of the 10th military district, in which
is included the cities of Baltimore and
Gen. Gaines is appointed to the comutand
of the 4th military district, of which Phlla-
delphia is part.
. ; S——— /
“The privateer Fox of Portsmouth has
captured “tic British transport Stranger
of 30r 400 tons. It had on board 66. pieces
of beatiful 32 & 24 prs. all intended for sir
wdames Yeo at Kingston. ;
¥ Goi Mimat OP SAS
Gen. Macomb has mustered altogether
about 3 or £00 of deserters from the British
army at Plattsburg’; addressed them, put-
@hascd thelr arms, and dismissed them, re-
commending them to retire to the interior.
ol the country.
BA a, Ah
! The princes of Wales has eloped from
Englana to France with the earl of Arran,
where they are married,
The enemy lies in the Patuxent river,
from which they can with a favorable wind,
sali to Baldmore in six or eight hours.
"he ai Far 1 1
Ahey ave expecting reinforcements, and
whenthey get them, will make another at-
bo al lane
wae 212€C. The present force sta-
Honed at Baltimore, for its defence does
not éxceed 10,000.
9 ry
Captala Hamilton of the Ist rifle regi-
ment. who was wounded at the battle of
Coujecta creek, under the command of Maj. /
Morgan, has since died of his wounds.
a A
Isaac Wyne, Esq. who was nomi iced
by the Fedralists for the executives officg
of this state, has since declined 'geing a
cand date. /
Mr. PriNTER,
+ You are requested to pu
ing ticket for the information of your sub-
scribers. Lf
Gover oR. \
at 12 o’cluck, bringing with 1 im the pass
of coi. Nicholas, the British etiicer com
mundi there, lor bis protection. I have
received formation, which ‘may be inipii-
citiy relied on, that three British vessels,
the Hermes, Orpheus and Caryian, arrived
at Peosacola on the 25th instant, and on yes-
terday disembarked an immense quantity
of wrms, ammunition, munitions of war, and
provisions--sand marched into the Spanish
tort between two and three hundred troops.
‘That thirteeen sail of the I'ne with a large
number of transports are daily expected at
that place, with ten thousand troops. :
The Havanna papers received there
state, that fourteen sail of the line had ar-
rived at Bermuda. It is currently report
ed in Pensacola, that the emperor of Russia
has offered his Britanic majesty 50,000 of
bis best troops for the conquest of Louisi-
aina, and that this territory will fall a prey
to the enemy before the expiration of one
month. Sir J. Faubridge and captain Pi-
got are the naval commanders.
sald by a secret treaty to have ceded Pensa-
cola to Great Britain.
You will immediately perceive the ne-
cessity of being on the alert, and taking
time by the forelock. I have, therefore to
request that you, with out delay cause to
be organized, equipped and brought into
the field the whole of the quota, of the mili-
tia of your state agreeable to the requisition
of the war department of the 4th of July
last. Col. Robert Butler, ‘my adjutant
general, is now in your srates and has been
mstructed to make the necessary arrange-
ments for transportation, provisioning and
bringing to head quarters these troops, as
well as to prescribe their route. You will
have them furnished with all the arms
within your reach.
Those who cannot be furnished by you
will receive them here; but reliance must
not be had on that if to be avoided.
I am respectly.
His Excellency Wirnie Broun,
governor of Tenncser.
Copy of a letter from a gentleman who
was in Fort Erie, and witnessed the action
to the editor, dared, :
Buffalo, Sept. 19
«Sir, Major general Brown having pre-
viously made his dispositions for attacking
the cnemy’s batteries, in the vicinity of
Fort Erie, sallied out with a considerable
part of his force, in the afternoon of the
17th instant. The battle commenced be-
tween two and three o’clock, andi continu-
ed for more than two hours witli considera-
ble warmth, having in the couse of the ac-
tion to contend with gen. / Drummond’s
force. But our gallant little army, not-
withstanding the enemy he(d the advantage
of choosing his own positi/an and acting on
the defensive, surmounjed every obstacle ;
drove him from his wesrks and carried two
of his batteries, mour ting five 24’s and 18’s
and 68 pound card nade, spiked the guns,’
broke off the tru gnions and destroyed the
carriages and a Great quantity of ammuni-
tion. Near fr ir hundred prisoners fell in-
to our hands /; among whom are twelve of-
ficers. T'je enemy’s loss could not have
been less /than eight hundred or one thoi-
sand Tr 4en killed wounded and prisoners,
while “ours in comparison was small.
“/The militia and a few Indians took the
fi 1d with the reg ular troops, and it. is said
/deserve much credit for their bravery and
good conduct during the action. The re-
gular troops conducted with their usual bra-
very. The enemy’s batteries being destroy-
ed | except one] the object of the sorties
was completely effected, and our troops re-
tired nto their works. i
Cp For a week preceding the battle of the
17th instant, the weather was a continual
storm of rain, and extremely difficult fo,
military operations; some smart affairs
of posts, however, took place between the
contending armies at Fort Erie ; in one
of which our militia advanced withina few
paces of the cnemy’s batteries. Our ar-
gllery occasionally played upon the ene-
defences with effect, and actually si,
In the course
lenced the enemy’s mortars,
of the week, many deserters; par: cularly De Watteville’s regiment came, who
have all, together with some fiity or more
prisoners, been sent to Greenbush
Qur militia, the riflemen, and a few In-
Long log
‘the 5th and 27th.
3 Nhe ' 2 1
3. aad hd
ed ¢
i. 0
turegea number o! prisoners. iy a a ala .
So of 3 rot { the enemy ID Eve CY lence or my wisn fob a Sues
posscssionof a smal party of the : 22 ral engagement. ‘The latter pudpose “rg
gen. Porter’s detachment were pressing ol answeped; this smail vo.unteer cops ‘ied
for other purposes which placed the gene-
ralin a critical situation ; and the enemy Sody a
a i PNT i 70 was imme ely attaeked.
who were about ‘to lay, dan MCEATNS, 4 pifferpel mai
damanded the general to su ander; Lut utes aud
general Porter with an unshaken presence Faun the ca ry En Og
ot gy Yas to the 'sadvantageous g UNUS ‘hot Delp
md. had ti ASSS w e enem 2 Hyahiab colts SINGS 1.0L vein
of isd, aighe addrs y te keep th “REMY abieto support’ them. In this. skin
at Bay, while a party ot his men came 10 major Heath's horse was killed under hip,
his relief and captured the enemy. Gen. At half past two o'clock the enenily coms
Porter was wounded in the hand by a per-
proceeded scarcely hail a milic bios
main body of the enemy shew.
3 le infantry
a‘tire of some min
h sone 08% in kitled &
menced throwing rockets across my left
flank, which seemed bamless, and had no
other effdet than to prepare my line {or the
through the sound ofthe artillery, which soon commen-
neck, the wound is not mortal ; he is repre- red ty us.on the. enemy’s vizht column then
> . usning acros : Ww left bod eb rated
sented to have conducted himself with much Py bv ihe: 058 towards my leit, aud return-
cd by their six pounders and a howitzer ups
personal bravery . on my left aod centre. The ¢ vinonading
Whilst we exult at the bravery and wes brisk for some minutes, when I orders
good fortune of our gallant couitrymen ed my fire to cease, until the enemy should
ne cal un le, withthe Joy DI tclose range of gamistor, ‘Secing
Ve are cayeClubon te Bang pe JOY that my left flank was the main object of the
the deep regrets occasioned by tae fall of enemy, I brought up the 39th inc a line on
v > iy € "yy >
the gallant Wood, and the brave, generous the lethof the en £24 Seaghed two pié-
: : : ! ry tothe Jett of the 39th; still
lished Gibson. . ; 1; stil
ij Sat more securely to protect my left dank. col,
; ’ . Amcy ofthe 51st was ordered to fom
Copy of a letter from gen. Stricker to maj. regiment at right angles with my lie
gen. Smith, dated H. Q. 3d brigade, Bai- ing lus right near the ieft of the 30h
thmore, Sept. 13, 1814. order being badly executed created for a
Mas. Gex.'S. SumitH, | moment some confusion in that quare: rbut
Sirn—I have the honor to report to you Wis soon rectified by the efforts of aid-de-
that, in obedience to your orders, [ march- camp and brigade majors, who corrected
ed from Baltimore on Sunday the 11th inst. the error of col. Amey, and posted the 51st
with part of my brigade, as the advance I its ordered position
0 hy « YY . . — v 3 = i 3
a ps ol the apm Snes EE I'he enemy’s right colums displayed and
y torce co 5° 7 advanced upon the 39th and 2 T ’
ent, under lieut. col. Sterrett ; 620 of the 6th vs: ] : 5 h and eh. The 51st
under lieut. col M’Donald; 500 of the unmindiul of my object to use its five in pro
27th under lieut. col. Long ; 450 of the 39th tection of my left flank in case an atte
nnder lieut col Fowler; 700 ofthe 51st un-
der lieut cot Amey ; 150 riflemen under
capt. Dyer; 140 cavalry under licut col.
Biays ; and the Union Artillery of 75 men, Its own reputation, delivered one random
with six 4 pounders under No fire and retreated precipitately, and in such
ery, making an aggregate o effective.’ oil oc to. roids ever .
t 4 oY : . ’ ve . >
men. I moved towards N. Fointby the A 8% ry effort of mine
torally them ineffective. Some disorder
sonal reencontre wit a British oilicer.
Ger. Ripley was wounued
should be made to turn is, totally forgetful of
the honor of the brigade, and regardless of
main road, and at 8 veloc P. DL oreached
the meeting house x r the head of Sear was occasioned in tho second batalion of the
creck, seven miles trom this city. ere s9¢h. by the fizht of the 51st, ar 2
) RY : : 1d
the brigade halted, with the ejception of : 7 5 ’ a few
the cavalry, who were pushed forward to S2Ve Way: = generaj
Gorsuch’s farm, 3 miles in advance, and the from left to right ; myartillery ia the cen-
riflemen, who took post ol the hak tre poured forth an mcessant volley of can-
smith’s shop, two miles In advance oi our. no
1 o 1 I» 0 “ 1 > h win}
cucampment. At 7 o'clock op the 13¢h, T ster uponithe scnemyls left “column, ‘who
received information from the advanced vie Were endeavoring to gain the coverof a
detts, that the enemy were ma, cing prepara- small log house, about 50 yards in front of
tions to land under cover of their gun ves-
Vb {gs . the
scls, which lay off the stafl/of North Point
within the mouth of Patapsco river. 1 im-
mediately ordered back miy bagage under yagers {from the 5th (who were originally
a sirong gaat, pored mrp we Wis & posted therein) should be compelled to
97th reets. and my artiljery to the head 0 A .
7th regts late (sa calléd) Yat the 5th Ihe enemy’s line advanced about
with its right on the head of a branch of 10 minutes before 3 o’ciock, with a severe
Bear creck, and its left on the main North fire, which was well returned by the artille,
Point road, wile the 27th was posted on the
oposite side of the road, in line with the 5th ;
its left extending towards a branch of Back companies of captains Levering, Howard
river. The artillery I posted directly at ,nq Sadtlers, which were too much exhaus-
“th i interval between ae
the head of tae a pied o ‘ted by the advanced skirmish of the two for
ground 300 yards it the rear of the 27th, & mer—and the ordered retreat of the Jatter
the 51st the same distance in the rear of to resume their position in line ;—and from
the 5th, extending each parallel to the front che drat battalion of the 39th, who roaintained
line. The 6th regt. was thrown back toa ! : : ad
position a short distance this side of Cook’s its ground in despite of the disgracful ex-
tavern, and half a miic in the rear of the sec ample set by the intended support on the
ond line. My orders weve, that the 5th &
97th should receive the enemy, and, ¥ ne-
cessary, £231 back through the 51st and 39th ; bl
ey oly on the right ie 6th, or reserve utes before 4 o’clock, when, finding that my
regiment The riflemen were ordered to line, now 1400 strong, was insufficient to
the skirts of a thick iow pine-wood beyond yiihstand the superior numbers of the ene,
the black smith’s shop, with a large sedge
geld in front, that as the cavalry were still
in advance, who would inform of the ene-
my’s approach, they might take advantage order a movement back o thc reserve ve-
of the covering of the wood and annoy his giment, under col. M’Donald, which was :
advance. : RY
I soon learned that the enemy’s advance well posted to receive the retired line which
party was moving rapidly up the main onl mostly rallied well. On forming with the
and as the cavalry continually announced wet, the fatiguerh sta of the relents al
their progress, I fattered myself with the : > Ga
hope that the riflemen would soon proclaim corps which had retived, and the probabifi-
by a gallant fie, their still nearer approach. ty that my right flank might be turned by a
Imagine my chagrin when I perceived the
whole rifle corps falling back upon my mala
1 1 i a > < ’ {10
osition, having too creduously listene : bot pr ;
Pe groundless information that the enemy tion, LO fall back to Worthington’s mill ;
were landing on Back river to cut them off. ich I was the more persuaded 10, by my
RN ! » (*
My hopes of early annoyance to the encmy
betag thus frustrated, I threw the riflemen
The fire now became
5th; which, however, precaution had
been taken to fire, so soon as capt. Sadtler’s
leave it.
rysthe whole 27th,the 5th except the three
The fire was incessant till about 15 min=
my, and my left flank being exposed by the
desertion of the 51st,I was constrained to
quick movement of the cnemy in that dis
rection, induced me, alter proper delibera-
desire to have the 6th regt. (whose oificery
on the right flank of my tront line, thereby, and men were eager to share the dangers
with the addition of a few cavalry, well se- ,fheir brother sowdiers) pevicet and in good
curing that flank. My videttes soon bro ito receive the enemy.on (his nearer
information that the enemy in small force
was enjoying himself at Gorsuch’s farm —
Insulted ‘at the ideaof a small marauding !
party thus daringly provoking chastisement, ces might eure, :
several of my officers votuuteered their fond the brigade on the morning of the 13,
corps to dislodge it. Captains Leving’s ;
and Howar.’s companies from the 5thy a- “7
bout 150 in numbery under major Heath of fidence nourt€.yes, av
that regiment : captain Aisquith’s and 2 ,pations for the annoyance of the enemy a-
fiw other riflemen, in all about seventy ; one (one, if deemud proper; oF IR conjuncligh
4 pounder with ten men ander lieut Sules, ng gk
and the cavalry, were immediately pushed with any other 1o7ee
approach to the city. All retired as 1 could
i 1d were ready to act as creunstans
In this situation you
wish, at
somewhat fatigued, but with increashd coi-
oh d renewing our prep
self, which ©