American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, September 24, 1814, Image 1

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The American Patriot shall be published
every Saturday, and forwarded to subscri-
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in roportien
. © ——r—
PuirappLruia. Monday evening, Sept. 12,
A letter trom Capt. Rees of the Videttes,
dated mount Bull, near Baltimore, Sept. 11.
2 o'clock, P. M. says ¢the enemy have
made their appearance, and seem as if stan.
ding for Baltimore. I see eight sali dis-
tinctly, some of them very large. Three
more large ve ssels and several small ones
jast hove in sight.” 4
Gens Izard has marched from Lake
Champlain for Niagara with the pri cipal
part of his force, and the Briush army have
entered our territory.
A valuable prize has arrived at N. York,
capt tured off the Western Islands by the
"privateer Chasseur, of Baltimore.
Com. Porter and Perry, with a number of
marines, have arrived at Baltimore.
The Fort at Prairie du Chicne, on the
Mi 1581881 was taken by the British on the
20th August, after having been beseiged &
caunonaded for two day S.
The Corvette Adams has been blown up
by Capt. Mo: vis, at Hamden (Main,) Pre-
vious to blowing her up the whole crew had
‘Jeft the vessel, when Capt. Morris fired a
"train, which led to the Magazine, jumped
overboard, and swam ashore The Adams
earried 24 guns and had lately returned from
a cruize He apt ain Morris and his crew
have ative d sate at Portland 1
The British official account of the Battle
at Fort. Erie on the 15th ult. gives the fol-
lowing as their loss killed, wounded an
missing. = 1 Col. 1 Lieut. Col. | Major, 12
Captains, 15 Licut 4 Ensigns, 1 ad.
jutant, 1 master, |} midshipman, 62 sera
“geants, 7 drummers, and 799 rank and file
— 1 “otal 9035.
ficut. Gen. Sherbroke has issued his
proclam ation stating it to be the intention
ol the British commanders to take pos-
session of the country lying between Penob-
scot mver and Passamaqu addy Bay. The
towns of Castine and Belfast ate already in
posscssion of the British. "Their force is
stated at from 3 to 7000. | Zines. ]
WasmixeTon Crry, Sept. 8.
From the battery under Com. Perry at
Indian Head, we yesterday learnt, that the
enemy passed it on the morning of the day
before, haying received but little injury
fi om our be HOLY, which was too light and
weak to dispute his passage with effect om
Our loss was only one man wounded, and
that was in the retreat from shore.
At Indian Head, as well as at the White
House, the enemy cxpended a great quan-
ity of ammut ition in firing random shot &
shells on shore, and in the woods,to disperse
the militia, &c afterthe cannonade from
our little batteries had been silenced.
Fourteen waggons full of our noble sea-
men, the first surmounted with the well
known standard of « Free trade and Sailors’
Klgits,” the whole preceeded by the Hero
Valparaiso, and cheered by thew boat-
waib’s whistle, passed through this City on
y to Baltimore on Tuesday evening.
September 9.
It is stated in some of the papers, we obs
serve that the Congressional Library was
saved. We are sorry to contradict this states
ment. The Vandals destroyed without re-
morse this collection of valuable and scarce
books, the loss of which is irrepairable. If
his incendiary hands were not to be ar-
rested by the monument of art exhibited i
the South Wing of the Capitol, it could or |
be expected the enemy wouid respect, what/
none but Heathens or barbaviaus ever be
fore wantonly destroyed, a Public Reposito-
I Seience, & Law. € are sof
ry to learn also that Elias B Caldwell, Esq.
lost the whole of his valuable Law Libiaty,
which was in the same building. The pa-
pers and books of the Senate were all saved
and all the material papers of the House [of
The Militiaef ' this District, who Nabe
been ctapioyed in. a fatiguing service for
two or three weeks pasty, ave re-enteiing
the city from below,&nd will probably be
soon permitted to return to their families
and business. )
‘The city is perfectly tranquil, and I bu-
siness will ina day or two resume its. ordis
nary course,
The preparations for the accommoda-
tion of Congress progress with rapidity, and
will be completed betore the day on which
Congr ess 1s to assemble.
tamden, Sept. 6
Saturday morning, 7'o'clock-—the British
supposed to be 1000 strong landed between
Frankfort and Hamden, two miles below
the latter, and marched up to attack the U.
S. ship Adams, with the co-operation of a-
bout 30 barges by water. Captain Morris,
having provided for her destruction, hadt,
his men stationed at the guns on the wha
to defend the ships agaiast the bar :es,while
Lieut. Lewis and hismen, about 30 who had
arrived from Castine, were posted on the
hill to an 18 pounder supported by the mis
litia, said to be 1300, under command of
Gen. Blake—the British opened their fire
at about three-fourths of a mile distance—
the American artillery opened and cut them
down in lanes, and gave considerable mo-
mentary confusion—but the militia at this
time, instead of a charge, immediately fled
in ‘every direction—the light infantry com-
panies present supported Lieut. Lewis as
long as it was prudent to stand by their guns
which were several times discharged, but
being deserted by the others and powerful-
ly opposed, they retreated and left the
ground to the enemy. Capt. Morris and
his men beat off the barges in the mean
time, but finding the British possessed
themselves of the hill, gave orders for his
men 10 make good their retreat. Our ine
formant adds * that he saw Lieut. Wads-
worth half an hourafter the action, but the
last he saw of the Captain he was on the
wharf, but thinks he is sate. About half
an hour atterthey had left the ship he heard
the explosion.
Lieut. Lewis is said to have
bravely in this affair.
The above is from the Portland Avgus of
Thursday last. Gentiemen who arrived in
town in the eastern mail stage on Thursday
evening, (as far down as Bath) bring the
pleasing information that Captain Moris.
was safe,and at Portiand on Thursday mors -
ing last, well. The militia were flocking
to Camden, where 1000, it was said, had
collected. Maj. Gen King was at Camden.
The whole of the division was ordered out
The expedition from Halifax for Penobscot
consisted of the Spencer, Bulwark, and
Dr agon, 74's ; Bacchante and Tenedos frig-
ates ; Sylph and Peruvian sloops of war; and
Picton schr. 3 with ten transports, having
on board 3 or 4000 troops. The Bacchante
was direct from the Mediterranean.
Bost. Patriot,
From the Federal Republican, Sept. 2.
A Lady whose tlusband was absent with
the military of Alexandria, expecting the
SKEPTE MBER 234 1814.
customary visit of search, had provided her-
self with a [brace of pistols, and met the
British officerfon his argival with tae follows
ing address/:— Sir, my husband. is from
you, 1s all we pos-
who first attempts to deprive us of it, ‘shall
1” The Officer
moment with a-
home in the service of his country.
property you see before
| sess for the supportof our children.
suffer death from my hanc
viewed the heroine, for a
mazement” replied, « madam, if the rus
lers of your nation possessed half your spir-
it, we should not have been here. Tadmirve
your firmness,and pledge my honer that not
a penny of your property shall be removed
or injured.”
Extract of a letter from Com. Chauncey,
to the Secretary of the Navy, dated,
On board the U. 8. ship Superior, off
Kingston, Aug. 10, 1814
« I bave been duly honored with your
letters of the 19th and 24th July.
« I do assure you, sir, that I ‘have never
been under any pledge to meet gen. Brown
at the bead of the Lake ; but on the contra.
ry. Wien we parted at Sacket’s Harbory
I told him distinctly, that ¥ should not visit
the head of the Lake, unless the enemy's
fleet did.
«1 can ascribe the intimation of general
Brown that he expected the co-operation of
the fleet to no other motive, than a cautious
attempt to provide an apology, against any
(Contingent disaster to which his army
night be exposed.
« But, sir, if any one will take the trouble
to examine the topography of the Peninsu- ¢
la, (the scene of the general’s operations,)
he will discover that this fleet could be of
no more service to' general Brown, or his
army, than it could to an army in Tenues-
« General Brown has never been able to
penetrate nearer to Lake Ontario, than to
Queenstown, and the enemy is in possess-
ion of all the intermediate country ; so that
I could not even communicate with the ar-
my, but by a cic uitous route of ¥0 or 80
¢ Admitting general Brown coukl have
invested Fort George, the only service he
could have derived from the fleet, would
be our preventing the supplies of the ene-
my {rom entering the Niagara river; for
the water is so shallow that a large vessel
could not approach within two miles of
their works.
« Gen.
dant sufficient reasons for not expecting the
Brown had therefore two aba
co-operation of this fleet ; it was not pro.
mised to him ; and was chimerical in itself
« My fixed detertion has always been to
seck a meeting with the enemy the mo-
ment the fleet was ready, and to deprive
him of an opology for not meeting me, I
have sent four guns on shore from the Su-
perior to reduce her armament in number
to an equality with the Prince Regent's,
yielding an advantage of their 58 pounders,
The Mohawk mounts 2 guns less than the
Princess Charlotte, and the Montreal and
Pike and
on separate ser-
Niagara are eaqual to the Gen.
T have
vice, all the brigs; andam blockading his
Madison. detached,
four ships, with our for ships, in the hope
that this may induce him to come out,”
3 am
The following are the returns of the killed
wounded and Missing, accompanying
gen. Gainss letter of ihe 28th of Ana
In the action of the 15th Aug. I captain
1 subaltern, and 1% privates killed.
1 subaltern, 1 sergeant, 1 private dan»
gerously wounded. \
I captain, 4 subalterns, 1 sergeant, 21
privates, severely wounded.
1 ono pri vatcs Sligitly wounded: ,
1 lieut. 10 privates 1
id Jieuts
it- Watmouth , “wound
It. Fountain missing, thrown
from the Bastion.
Artillery. Captain Wiliams}
M<Donough, killed.
ed severely
dangerously. lieutenant Bushnell, severes
ly, 23d regiment, lieut. Brown ditto, lieu~
tenant Belknap, ditto
4th rifle regiment, captain Birdsall, aceia
dently wounded by one of his own soldie
During the cannonade and bombardmrouty
previous to the action,
1 sergeant, 1 corporal, 7 priv ates killed
1 subaltern, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, 14
privates severcly wounded :
I captain, 2 subalterns, 1 sergeant 1},
corporal, 12 privates slightly wounded
Artillery. Captain Biddle, lieutenant Zan.
zinger, adjutant, lieut. Watmaugh
Infantry, Lieutenant Patterson, 19th
Kiiled, George Carryl,
orderly to Gen: Gaines
25th infantry,
— —
We are happy to have it in ow power to
state, that the President has conferred the
following brevet commission$ for distine
guished and meritorious services in the are
my of the U. S-
Brig. gen Gains, Aug. 15, major genes.
ral. a
Captain D. Ketchum. 25th infantry’ July
25th, wm ajor.
2d lieutenant E. B, Ronglipt, 20th’ ine
fantry, July 25, 1st Hoot Ay
Captain T. Biddle, jr. corps of artillery,
August 15, major.
Captain A. C. W. Fanuing, corps of ars
tillery August 15, 1major.
Captatn B. Birdsall, 4th rifle, August 15
1st lieutenant N. N. Hall, 21st infantry,
assistant inspector general, August 15th
Captain R Desha, 24th infantry August
4 majors
——rlD $ E———
letter from Mi Adams, dated
Ghent, June 30, 1814.
«1 arrived at Revel, and
thence on the 12th May, and was detained
by head winds and ice until the 25th May.
I landed at Stockholm. I arrived at Got
tenburgh on the 6th June. Mr. Russell
arrived three days after. On the 14th June
we embarked on board the John Adams for”
the Texel—we had a passage of six days :
land at the Helder, and came by land tare’
Amsterdam, the Hague, and Antwerp, to
this city, where we arrived onthe 24, inst,
Extract of a
Three days after us arrived Mp Seyrrdangss
the succeeding day Mr Clay—we are
expecting Mr Gallatin.
« The British Commissioners are Admi-
ral Lord Gambier, Mr Adam and Mp
Gouldsbourfi~—we expect them in the
course of a few days, and shal then be rea
dy to enter on the serious business of our
“« The Emperor Alexander passed thro”
this city yesterday, on his return frond Eng
Jand--but as he went through without st top-
ping, 1 had pot the opportunity of being
presented to nim. He is the Titus of the
age, the delight of human kind,”
wrote from
19th regiment, ensign Cessna
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