American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, August 27, 1814, Image 1

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BR r rrr rrr rs rrr rrr rrr res VV VV FV PT PLT rr rr PoP T ry CST SLT Ss
The Amewan Patriot shall be published
every Saturday, and forwarded to subscri-
bers by the earliest opportuniies. The
price is two dollars per annum, exclusive
of postage ; one hall %o be paid at the times
of subscribing, and the residue at the ex-
piration of six months.
No subscription shall be taken for le g
than a half J 5 nor shall any subscriber
be at liberty to discontinue his paper until}
all arrearages are paid off. The failure of
any subscriber to notify a discontinuance
of his paper, will be considered as a new
Those sho subscribe but for six montis,
must pay the whole 1a advance ; otherwise
they will be continued for the year.
Advertisements, not exceeding a square
shall be inserted three thines for one dol-
‘Jar, and] for every subsequent insertion,
‘twenty five cents ; those of greater length
in proportion
” ed
The Letter of Marque sehooner Spencer,
captain Morse, 43 days from 1.’Orient, bag
arrived at Ocracock, (North Carolina;) with
brandy. The Spencer
a smal! cargo of
brings papers two o days later than
these by the Commodore Decatur, but they
have not come on as yet. Captain Moise,
we understand reports nothing new.
The National Intelligencer of F viday last
says. that «there was no mail received from
Boffaloe yesterday, by the express. It is
stated that thie rider on the extreme stage
of tle line has disappeared in what manner
is not known, and no traces have been dis-
covered of him or the mail.
this circumstanc probably, that we bave re-
ceived no further report of Gen. Brown's
Ii is owing to
Jate battle.
From the Maryland Gazette.
A friend has favored us with the perusal
of a letter dated, Kinsale, Aug 7. which
states, that the enemy came up to Kinsale
on the 3d, and destroyed all the buildings
and vessels at that place except one sch.
and a whale boat, which they ca vied off
They also destroyed every vessel mside the
mouth of Yeocomico.
in their landing by captain Tlenderson’s
iv of Militie ly which was finally obli-
They were opposed
Ho to retreat after having one man killed,
Several dead bodies of the enemy have float-
The en-
ed ashore sitice the er gagement.
my’s fleet got under way on the 6th,
proceeded down as far as Cone.
After the above was in type, we were po-
litely favored with the following extract of
another letter dated
Kinsale, August 8, 1814.
« Seven ships, two brigs and fifteen ten-
ders, exclusive of Barges are off this place.
They do not confine themseleves to their el-
ement, the water, but go into the country
They have been ten miles up in the forest,
bave burnt and destroyed almost every
house in their way and about the river.
Mr. Henderson’s store, and all his houses
within five miles of Farnham church, are
Se ashes—Kinsalegand i all the houses with
the warehouse, and all the tobacco with it,
(yours with the rest,) are this moment
b.owing about in ashes. Yesterday they
were up, and burnt a number of houses
Few a
in their route. They went within one mile
of Northumberiand Court House.
“I have this moment returned from view-
ing the flect, which from the passing of
barge: 3S, siiew a dis ispgsiiion oiand } in Ye £000
mico necks We are all hicre in the utmost
confusion ; houses aud {arms daserted, wo-
men and children living in tents in the
woods. —Evcry one has either deserted his
house in the neighborhood of the water, or
is in the militia, and we have considerable
good force too.
\ Philadelphia, August 15.
At 8 O'clock lust evening, (after thisipa-
‘per was put to press) an express arrived at
Gen Cushing’s head-quarters, irom Sto
nington, with information that two S-
gates and a brig, had arnived in that Harbor
demanding a surrender of the town, or that
it shiouid be laid in ashes ; to which demand
an answer was given that tne inlabitants
would defend their firesides with their iiv
At the request of Gen. Cushing, Getcha)
Williams ordered out the 8th and the 30th
regiments dor the defence of the town.
Congreve Kockets were fired on shore du-
ring the night, without injury, and this
mortiing at sun rise a canonnading com-
menced, and still contibues—at 6 o'clock.
The militia have collected in such force
as to prevent a landing, but we fiar ‘the
place will be neariy destroyed, as the enes
my are lying within half gun shot, and our
only deicoce wwo long 18 pounders.
The expedition is commanded by coni-
modore Hardy. [DAiLY ADV.
Port ot NORFOLK, Aug. 10
The enemy it appears has quitted the
Potomac and ascended the bay with aii Lis
force... We believe that within the last ren
days, three ot four sinps (one of them of the
line) have arrived in and gone up the buy
It has occurred to us that the enemy wi
receive his reinforcements in smail detach
ments, by which means it wili be difficui
to ascertain his exact force until he choses
to concentrare for some great object.
Port of New London, Conn. Aug. 10.
Several ofthe enemy’s ships came into
the sound on Saturday and Sunday. Their
force last evening consisted of seven Ships
and two brigs ; ; having in company tWO
sloops supposed to be prizes. Three ships
and a brig came to anchor yesterday after-
noon, in Fishers Island sound.
Ou Sunday a flag came up from the fri-
gate Forth, Com. Hotham. The object
was to obtain permission for James Stew=
arty Esq. formerly consul here to take off
his family. Mr. Stewart was on board,
Gen. Cushing we understand, replied that
the request would be forwarded to Wash-
It is confidently reported that the British
flcet have taken formal possession of Mon-
tock Point and ordered the families who fi
* land, yet they may serve as an index to au
ved there to retire ten miles from the point.
Mr. Holt keeper of the Light Fouse on
(Gull-island, has been sent off with his fami-
ly and his house is converted into a hospi-
tal. The late movements of the enemy
have excited some apprehensions that some
important expedition is in contem plation,
-— a
New York, Aug. 13. Commodore Deca-
tur has been directed by the secretary of
the navy to take command of all’ thé naval ohh
forces in this harbor, and to remain herve fo:
its defence. 41 Bigs his command
1000 hardy seamen, well acquainted with
artillery duty, who will be employed with
the other troops in manning our numerous
forts and defences.
It is with regret we learn, that captain
Spencer. su of the Hon. Judge Spencer,
aid to Major Gen. Brown, a prisoner since
the battle of the 25th ult. died in Canada on
Friday the $th.
Port of New. York. Avs 13. —Aprived
Letter of Marque Schooner Sylph, of Phi-
ladelphia, Captain Thomas Parker, 15 days
drom St. Bartholomews w dry goods, to
F. W. Karthaus, Reinicke an Co. On the
9th was chased of the Dela WHEY three
men of war, ou.saded them with cases. On
the Ith off the Hook was chased by h
Neimen and Narcissus, who during nearly
a calm threw their shot near and over ber,
like lil stones, but fertunately no damage
was done. Out sweeps and clearea them.
Before she lefu St. Barts the June Packey
from England bad arrived, the accounts by
bier with regacd to America are very war-
like—25,000 men were embarked at Ports-
mouth destined for. America, besides large
reinforcements in ships, &c: ready to sail.
The super cargo of the Sylph informs, tha,
all Amedican produce, including flour, is
prolubited in the British Islands.
Information for the government of those
who have claims for Bounty Land, under
the act of Congress relative to the exist-
ing Military Establishment of the United
Staies. Be a
(Digested for the National Intelligencer.)
CA wavrant issued at present for the boun-
ty land above specified, would be useless,
because Ho survey, as provided by the law
of tue sixtli ot May, 1812, has yet taken
For the purpose of eventually satisfying
these claims, congress has appropriated six
millions of acres, viz. Two millions in the
Michigan territory ; two millions in the Il
linois territory ; and two muflions in Louis.
jana territory. When these lands shall have
been surveyed and aid off io lots, contor-
mably to law, and the other necessary ar-
ranpgemems for issuing the warrants shall
have been made, public notice thereof will
be given in different newspapers through-
out the U. S.
In substanuating a claim of this kind, the
regular discharge of the original claimant
from the public service, will be considered
the best voucher that can be produced. A
claimant gught, also, carefully to preserve
any certificate received from the pay office
—because, although such documents will
not be considered in themselves conclusive
evidence to substantiate a claim for bounty
thentic records of the original right: such,
for example, as the muster roll, or other
record of military service, by which means
satisfacta: y proof may be adduced relative to
the period when such a claimant entered
the public service, whether he fulfilled his
{ Bown
engagements, and the reason’ why he was
dischaged. a :
If the original Sisimaty does not personal.
ly apply for his land warrant, he must prove
his identity bofore a magistrate, by his own
affidavit and the affidavits of two witnesses,
whose credibility the said magistrate will
certify—and must execute a power of attor-
ney to whosoever applies for the warrant in
his behaif; the quality and signature of the,
magistrate before whom said affidavits wh
made, or the power of attorney is acknow-
ledged, must be attested by the signature’
and seal of the county clerk, or other equive,
alent authority, of the district wherein he re-
vides, J.
N. B.—~The power of attorney, to au-
thorise the delivery of a land warrant, may
be dispensed with in case a member of con:
gress, (while the body is in actual session,
will call at the war department and sign a
receipt for it upon the record: in this case
“aletter of order in his fovor from the per-
S00 Sho has the right to’ receive ‘the war-
rant, addtssed to the secretary of war, will.
be deemed a Belficiont Bie for its
delivery. =
If the original claimant be FA) and an
heir applics in his right, he must produce
legal certificates from competant LB hority,
to prove that he is a legitimate heir at law
in which case, aithough there may be otier
heirs cxisting, a warrant will be issu: d in
that name, adding thereto) « and the other, gr
» >
heirs at law of ———.
A land warrant will not he
administrator or to arn executor.
issued to an
Of the British {orcesin Ca a la, and on theif*
way thither —I ron the Auror.a ;
battalion Royal Scots '400
- 800
ist reg.
8th do
13th do
41st do
1 battalion, =~
49th do 2
battalion, =~ =
‘battalion, - -
“battalions, -
bagtallion, 800
2 light dragoons, =- 500
1st do Canaljan Fencibles, 1200
1 bat. Glengary It. Nfantry, - 900
Some detachment of Rayal artillery, 500
70th ‘do
86th do
100th do
19th do
Total, 10,000
2 battalionsy
2 battalions,
2 battalion,
2 battalions,
1! battalion,
6th regt.
82d do
16th do
90th do
98th do
103d. do
99th do
102d do
1 do
1 battalion,
1 company,
2 battalions, oo.
N. Scotia Fencibles, | -
a /
1st division, WY
2d divisions
rn f
Total, 40,008