h ir as a spy, proves to have been the butcher . of the ship, and there is no doubt he isa deserter. On the 18th instant there were but few oops at Halilax. Among them was the k regiment, about 1000 strong, consist- entirely of Germans, and clad in 2 green uniform. ‘rh ir A boat from Eastport, with major Put- ‘nam and his officers, arrived at Portland on 2 © y. lS New York, August 10. THE ENEMY REINFORCED. Reinforcements have arrived in the mouth of Long Island Sound. on Sunday, in Gardiners Bay, 2 ninety gun ships, 4 seventy-fours. 4 frigates and one brig---total 11 sail. Other ac counts increase the number by smaller ves- gels, to 15 sail in the neighborhood and off New London. There was no (ransports or troops on board the shipping, the crews of which weresickly and were to be landed at Montaux Point, it was said to the number of 500 or 600 to recover and recruit. Whether the ships were direct from Eu- parts of our [ Montaux is counted, rope, or gathered from other coast was not yet known. sommon pasture for about 1500 cattle, 1400 sheep, and 200 horses, belonging to the citi- zens of East Hampton, and would furnish refreshment for the well, as well as the sick, if not removed by the owners. | We understand the gallant commodore Perry, is to superintend the equipping of the Java, to which he isappointed to com- mand. SO —— DEFENCE OF MARYLAND. We learn, from a source entitled to full credit, that thejcommander of this district, brigadier general Winder, has called into service: 3000 of the drafted militia, to be stationed near Bladensburg. He has also, authority from the secretary of wary in case of exigency, to call in from the adjacent coutitics of Pennsylvania 5000 in addition ; who are already in readiness to march ata @ moment's notice. These with gen. Stans bury’s brigade, the regulars and the Balti- more volunteers, will form a force of 15,000 "men, that can meet the enemy at any one point between Washington and Baltimore, in a few hours. Balt. Pat. We understand the President of the U. States has conferred brevet rank on the fol- lowing gallant soldiers for their distinguish- ed merit in the present campaign in Upper Canada. Brig. Gen. W. Scott, Maj. Gen. ; [Cal] Major H. Leavensworth, 9th inf. Lieut. Major T. 8. Jessup, 25th inf. lieut. col. Major J. M'Neal, 1 1th wf. lieut: cok Captain T. Crooker, 9th inf. maj. Captain ‘F. Harrison, artillery maj. Captain L. Austin, 46th Inf. aid to maj. gen. Brown, maj. ; Fist lieut. W. J. Worth, 23d inf aid to gen. Scott, captain. Second lieut. (. Watts, dragoons, do. do. first lieut. Lieut. Col. G. E. Mitchell, of artillery, has received the prevet rank of col. for his defence of Oswego. Major. D. Appling, 1st rifle regiment Lieut. col, for his gallant enterprise in cap- turing the whole of the enemy's force at Sandy Creek. Extract ofa letter from a gentleman in Amelia. to his friend in Charleston, dated Amelia, July to. ‘Ihe most alarming news has reach- ed us concerning the inhabitants of Cu- a. Ferdinand VH having vefused to adopt the new constitution the people of Spin rose against him. The army is in iis favor—When this news reached the ITavanna, the peopie were exaspe- ated with the King, every stove ia the place was shut up, mobs collected every where, abusing Ferdinand and commit- every species of depredation—and 1 * ung a i QQ Je > / bY, rere Our informant. plunder was the order of the day '—The most alarming scene that could possibly be imagined was witnessed. How this will terminate Gou only knows!” BATTLE OF CHIPPEWA. Copy of a letter from Capi. L. Austin, aid to Gen. Brown, tothe Secretary of War, daled Head Quarters, Buffalo, 29th July, 181%. I have the honor of addressing you by desire of gen, Brown, who is now confined by wounds received in a sev re and desperate engagement with the e- nemy, on the afternoon and night of the 25th inst. Our army had fallen back to Chippa- wa. The enemy collecting every re- 8 ; : giment from Burlington and York, and meeting with no opposition on Lake Outario, tra sported by water to Fort George, troops from Kingston and e- ven Prescott, which enabled them to bring against us a force vastly superior, under the commas d of lienienant Gen- eral Dru umond and major general Ri- all. They were met by us near the fails of Niagara, where a most severe conflict ensued, The ene.uy disputed the ground with resolution, yet were drive: fiom every position, they. at- tempted to bold. We stormed his batteries directly in froat and took pos- session of all his artillery, Notwith- standing his immense superiority oth in numbers and position, he was com pletely defeated and our troops reé- mained on the battleground without a- ny interruption. As however, both General Brown and Scott had recieved severe wounds, almost every chick of battalion disabled, and our men quiie exhausted, it was thought prudent to retive to our encampment, which was done in good order, —out wounded having firs been removed. viajor general Riall, with the Aid de Camp of lieurenant general Drum- mond and about twenty o:het officers, with two handred privates, are taken prisoners. The loss on both sides is immense— but no account has yet been returned. The Aid aod brigade major of general Scott are both severely wounded, and captain Spencer, an aid of general Brown, most probably dead, haviag re- ceived two balls throagh his body. Both general Brown and Scott are on this side confi.ied by their wounase General Ripley commands on ihe o- ther. J have the houvour to be, very re- spectfully, sir, your most obedient ser- vant. \ L. AUSTIN, 4. D. Camp. Hon. Scer-ford of ans Washington, P S - Geaeral Bicwn received his wounds at the same instant durisg a late part of the action, but still contin. ed to keep bis horse until exhausted by the loss of blood This probably has rendered his wounds more painful than they would otherswise tave been. i We andeistaud from piivate lett that general Broww’s wounds are, the one in his shoulder, in the uper part of the thigh ~~ General Scott has also two wounds in the shoulde: and leg ~~ On the other side, lieutenant Gen Drum- mond is woauded, it is said dangerous- ly and general Riall in the arm. Wilkesbarre, August g, Monday, last was a day of unus. ual excitement tn our village. The Untied States troops, inlisted in this vicinity, were under orders to march. The parting of frieds, and the seperation of husbands trom wives was 1n no httle degree af. tecting, and this paintul feeling was in some cases hightened by the opinion, whether weil or ill founded | pretend not to say, that some of the soldiers had not been very fairly attached to the service A sergeant by the name ot Brack, conspicuous for his knowl edge of discipline, and morc so by his severity to the solders,in the course of Sunday, broke his sword over the head of a Mr. Cook, a sot- dier, and severely wounded him in the arm, Brack was justly tur ned into the ranks—but the next morning restored to his shoulder. dildo YMA [7 ~~ FS 7 ry fel Res loon knots and marched off with the troops as sergeant. During the forenoon after the troops had marched the whole town was thrown into confusion. A man by the name of M’ Wiggen was said to have eplisted. He pro tested: he had not. Force was used to send him after the troops. He used his stick with such effect that he cleared himself but »as again taken, put on horseback un- der a guard, an officer by his side, having two pistols and marched off. To seea citizen thus compel. led to march who solemnly declar ed he was not an enlisted soldier, awakened feelings in most bosoms that saw it worthy of freemen. The citizens gathered round.” A Hageas Corpus was obtained—— { he military were forcing the man along as fast as possible, when a nuinber of spirited citizens, step- ed before the cavalcade and stop- ped at, pistol to their breast, and threat ed Lo blow them through = One of them seeing Judge Fell, called upon him to interfere that the mad might bave a legal hearing, Vhe Juoge in the name of the com- moowesl:h oroered chem to stop. Tie Habeas Gorpus was served. Ihe quistnon was tried before Judge G bsonand M’Wiggen dis charged. As Monday was a day of agita. tion and alarm—— l uesday was a day of feartul gloom and sorrow. Mr Dixon, a civil, offensive, but fceble man, who had enlisted anda was marching out with the troops, was kiticd on the mountain by scrpeaat Brak Dixon, itis said, complained of fatigue and lingered behind the rest, Brack sent of him and he did not come. Brack went back, cut him seif a stk, and beat poor Dixon on the head, and k .cked him in the sides, ‘till, as he afterwards com plained, his toes were'sore Dx oa was putin a waggon and did very soon. 1 he people went atrer him yesterday to bring him in, but he was so bruised he had be come too puirid.— He has left a wife and four childrem to mourn for him: An inquest was held on the body— Verdict, * Wilful Murder ? Brack is confined in Jnl A RA TCE GEORGE HENNING, Hat MANUFACTURER, ( Late from Harrisburg. ) Respectfully informs the citizens of Belle- foute and its vicinity, that he has lately cammenced ‘business in the above line, in the House formerly occupied by Mr Tho- mas Beatty gs a store, immediately adjoin- ing the store of Mr. Cambridge, where he will make according to-order, all descripti- ons of Hats, in the neatest and most fashion- abie manner. Those who may please to favor him with their custom may depend upon having their work executed with the greatest punctual- ity and despatch. Orders from the country will be thank- fully received and punctually attended to. Bellefonte, August 6, 1814. SPECIAL COURT " Agreably to the provisions of an Act of Assembly, passed the 28th March, 1814, entitled, « An Act authorizing the holding of Special Courts in the Counties of Hunting- don, Mifflin and Centre,” the President of the eight judicial district (the Hon. SeTn Cuarman,) has appointed a Special Court, to be held in Centre County, on Monday the 10th day of October next, and to continue one week ; for the trial of all causes, now pending in the Common Pleas of Centre County, in which the Hon Judge Walker is concerned in interest, or was of council be- fore his appointment. J. G. LOWREY, Prot. Bellefonte, August 6, 1814, The officer presented his LAWS OF 1314. _ The quota for Centre, Clearfield and Mis Kean counties, ot the laws passed by the Legisiatare ot Pennsylvania, at their last session, are.received, to be distributed to the several officers entitied tocopies. The judges of the Court, Justices of the Peace, and the Constables of the s« veral towuships, will please to apply personally. as receipts must be taken for the delivery thereof. JOHN G. LOWREY, Prot. Prothonotary’s Office, Bellefonte, August 4, 1814. -——— wcll An Ordinance, to extend all ordinances heres tofore frassed by the Town Council of the Borough of Bellcfonte to the town of Smithficld, and other fiurfioses. Sec. 1. Be it ordained and enacted bff aaa ad the Town Council of the Borough af Belles JSonte, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, ‘That from and after the due promulgation of this Ordi= nance, all ordinances heretofore passed by the Town Council of the said Borough, that are now in force be, and the same are here- by extended to the town'of Smirkfizld, and the other parts of Spring creek township, that were annexed to the said Borough, by an act of the Legislature, at their last ses= sion. \ Sec. 2. And be it ordained, That, that part of all ordinances heretofore passed by the said Town Council, making it the duty of the first named of the Council to act in a judicial capacity, in the absence ina- bility to act, or otherwise, of the burgess, be and the same is hereby repealed. Passed into an ordinance July i5, 1814. ANDREW GREGG, 0 ELISHA MOORE, CONSTANS CURTIN, JNO. RANKIN, JOS. MILES, JAS STEEL, EVAN MILES. Attest—ErLisaa Moore, Clk, *J1o2Un0)) | -FOR SALE, AND IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN, THAT NOTED TAVERN STAND Where the subscriber now lives, situate in the town of Newry, Huntingdon county, on which are erected a large two story Log - Dwelling House, 50 hy 36 feet, neatly wea- therboarded and painted white. "The house is finished in the neatest manner, a room of which is now occupt