American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, August 20, 1814, Image 2

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BR A A eS Ta ae on oe oe “mn Fo ea
0m wednesday morning last, (3d inst.)
the enemy crossed the Niagara river, be-
low Squaw Islands one mile below Black
Rock, with a force said tobe rising 1000
regulars ; under lieutenant colonel Tucker.
They approached Black Rock, and were
metat the Conjecta creek, before daylight,
by major Morgan, with less than three hun-
dred riflemen ;'a partof the eneniy crossed
the bridge over the creek, but were repuls-
ed, and the bridge taken up. The firing
continued nearly three hours, when the ene
"my finding every effort to cross the creek
unavailing, he recrossed the river.
During the action, the enemy threw a
number of shot and shells across the riv-
The loss of the enemy must have been
rising 50, killed, wounded and missing.
Several were found dead, and there were
appearances of anumber of bodies having
been taken away, during the battle; 6 pris-
oners taken and 3 deserted. Our loss was
2 killed and 6 or 7 wounded ; among whom
are captain Hamilton, and heut. M:Intosh,
dangerously, and licutenant Wadsworth,
In this action, major Morgan aud his
cot ps, have covered themselves with honor.
The major has been joined by capt. Bird-
gall, with 150 riflemen, since the action.
The enemy having been disappointed in
gaining Buffalo, between 2 and 3 o'ciock
in the afternoon, made a movement on our
position at Fort Erie.—They opened a fire
on the fort from a large piece of artiliery
a placed on the pout about a mile below,
which was answered from the fort and a
chooner in the harbor. The enemy at-
tacked our picquets with a large force, and
marched inte the open ground in the rear of
the fort, and commenced a heavy fire of
musketry which was warmly returned, and
a brisk discharge from several pieces of ar-
tillery, soon compelled him to retreat in
great confusion, leaving 2 number of Lis
men on the ficld, as the price of his temeri-
ty. The actual loss of the enemy we have
not ascertained. We had a few wounded,
Letters from Buffaloe, received at the
war department by the mail of yesterday’
, are of the 3d inst. They state, that the
“whole of the enemy’s force moved up to Ft.
Erie and took a position about a mile from
that of our army ; that on the morning of
the third, before day light, the passed over
the Niagara a body of 500 men who landed
below Black Rock, evidently with a design
of attacking Buffaioe ‘and destroying our
stores at that place ; that they were met,
engaged for some hours and compelled to
recross, by a corps of two
. riflemen and some volunteers, under
the command cf Major Morgan of the Ist
rifle regiment ; that he had three men kil-
ied and several wounded, among whom was
captain Hamilton, Ist rifle regiment; that
swe have taken in the affair several prison-
ers; that the enemy’s loss in killed and
wounded is considerable, and that there is
frequent skirmishing between the armies
on the Canada side.
* Extract of a letterydated Buffaloe, Aug. 3.
« The whole of the enemy’s forces have
moved up within one mile of our army—
this morning at day light he crossed below
Black Rock—his object no doubt to attack
Buffaloe and destroy our stores there, &c.
He was gallantly met by 200 riflemen and a
party of volunteers under Major Morgan ;
and after contending neariy five hours, he
recrossed the Niagara. The loss or gain
of either party was not great. We lost two
or three men killed and several wounned.
Captain Hamilton is supposed to be mortal-
#y wounded.
“ We took several prisonersethe ene.
the respective Senators and Representa:
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my’s loss was much greater than ours.
armies are still skirmishing.”
Through the politeness of a gentleman
from Lycoming county we have been o-
bligingly favored with the following :
From THE Lycoming GAZETTE,
The following received by last night's ex-
_ press, was written on the way-bill, dated
Sy AAT: BurraLos, Aug. 13.
The enemy attacked our army* this
morning at half past two o’clock—fought
for more than two hours, and was complete-
ly beaten, with the loss of more than five
eo Th Oo ye lc 8,
CC? farels A
The a simultaheous attack on Fort Eric, and rage, skill and patriotism of captain Porter
were repulsed by the troops in the fort, as- and is oleae and, crew, the new figate
: : - is to be called the Lssex.”
sisted by the Flotilla. We have not been Licut. Corumdndant Downes, lute of the |
able to learn the particulars. The enemy Essex Jupior, is appointed to command of
it is said suffered severely, and were driv- the Epervier sloop ot war. This is a come
7 inooth : a liment justly due to the bravery and good
Jer > . loss but triflin p JPiisisy uf Se ye 20
on ih every direction Yor es 5+ conduct of this enterprising young officer.
A letter from lieutenant Conkling to cap. ® Dis Priest
tain Kennedy, dated onboard the Ohio Kf
the action, says general Brown is now on
board, but unable to sit up.’
—— ns
It is with feelings of much mortifiing dis.
appointment and chagrin, we are compel-
ed toannounce, that many of our most able
republican members of the present cons
gress have declined being candidates at the
next election : among whom are, My. Felix
_ Grundy, of Tenessece, Mr. Troup from
Georgia, Mr. MtKim, from Maryland, Mr.
Whitehill and Mr. Crouch, from Pennsyl-
- Winchester (Va) August 9.
By the politeness and attention ofa valu-
able correspondent in Tencastery Ohio, we Venki.
have been favored by yesterday's Western . We confess we are unable to define the
mail with the Ohio Eagle extra of the Ist’ cause of this seemingly simultaneous and
. Ss i oo hiely oratify. Strange rejection of public favor, which,
inst contaifing the following higly gratily _ a short time ago, would have been receiv-
ing intelligence : ed with the most lively tokens of thankful-
By the politeness of general Reese, just ness and gratitude I—_but soit is.
undred killed and wounded, besides three ? | : 2
Bendre led a wooded, Ds 15% to Dc, woe ould rishi oy
was amoung the slam. Our loss did not ex- readers with the pleasing news, that Mack- . FROM DETRO I 4 co
inaw has surrendered tothe brave colonel
Crogghan, without firiag a gun, aud that col.
Crogghan with nis brave voiunicers had
gone on to St. Josephs, after leaving a suffi
cient force to pivicet Mackinaw.
[Anotaer account states that the British
evacuated the fort on the appearance of co-
Jonel Croghan, and retreated to St. Josephs? zon 4 L :
after having piundered the inhabitants who (700 men) haviag gone the 4thinst. on an
and that 60,000 Tations expedition, commanded by colonel Crog-
¢ han and captain Sinclair of the navy, with
five armed vessels, against Michilimackin«
ac, at which place the enemy’s force was
represented to be about 400 regulars, 300
militia and 306 Indians. It further states,
that Sandwich had been evacuated, and
Verbal advices, by gentleman who left 00 she force remaining at Malden, in a
Buffaloe on Tuesday, states that our ar- py a4 co chrrounded with Pickets, (the
my Pemained at Erie, nad received consider. British fort being totally demolished) is a.
able reinforcements, and rendered their po », men; that the Indians have lately
sitions very strong. They had ample yijyeq ang scalped two men, within two
means of crossing if it became necessary. miles of Malden, two at Praire ronde, and
Burlington, Vermont, Aug. 5. about two more about the the same dis-
ceed forty or fifty killed and wounded--
two officers killed.
Extract of a letter to the Editor, dated Faire
baven (Ver.) July 29.
A letter has just been placed in my hand®
from Detroit; it states that place to be in
a state of great alarm, that its present force
is but 200 men, of which 70 are posted at
springwell, the remainder of the garrrison
* The express post rider informs verbal-
ly, that the attack was made ou Fort Eric ;
but the Fort had, by great exertions, been
previously rendered very strong.
es RP
By our paper of this day it will be seen
that congress is called upon to convene at
an earlier day than that fixed on by an act
ofthe last session. T ae reasons for this
call will be disclosed by the president at
the proper time, and an attempt to antici-
pate them would be useless, if not unbe-
coming in us. The momentous changes
which have recently taken place in the po-
litical state in Europe, affecting as they do,
our interests and oundrospucts, will present
to the mind of every reader at least one of
would tot foilow ;
had been sent trom Detroit for the refiei 0
d vicinity.
Penns. REer.]
the citizens of Ylackinaw an
FA —
the considerations which probably induced
Nar. Iy1EL.
the measure.
rr \ The army «. Plattsburg has moved north. 47 from Fort Shelby, say four miles. * It
By the President of the United States of The object of this movement is not knowns Sloss with the Pleasing intelligence that
America, ' Yesterday morning they were encamped at information had just arrived, that the Brit-
ish have sought safety by evacuating fort
WHEREAS great aud weighty maltars,
claiming the consideration oi the Congress
of the United States, form an extraordinary
occasion for convening them, I do, by these
presents, appoint Monday, the nineteenth
day of September next, for their meeting at
the city of Washington ; hereby requiring
Chazy. :
The army under major general Izard
have enjoyed an uncorpmon share of health
ior some months past.
+ Commodore Porter arrived ia this city on
- Sunday last, and is now here. ;
: Dayton, Ohio, July 25. Lieutenant Downes of the Essex Junior,
We learn from Fort Greenville, thatan had been inthe city a day or two, and was
express arrived there on Thursday last on his return to the North in tie stage
froma Detroit, which states that a detach- which was unfortunately swept away by the
ment of militia°which was sent to the river fresh at Bladensburg on Wednesday. He
‘Thames to reconnoitre, had arrived at De- escaped with the loss of his trank, contain.
troit with a number of prisoners, the bag- ing his clothing, and it is said, a considera- :
"gage of sixty men and nearly sixty horses. ble sum of money. We have heard that
The circumstances as stated, are, that the some of the lost trunks have been récovered 2
detachment went to the River Thames, a- from the river. pi? it
greed to ilank out to the right and left of the
road, and meet again at a certain time and
place, Which they did. On their arrival Sunday afternoon, 3 o'clock.
at the place appomted, they discovered that «This morning a British Frigate stood
a number of horses had passed towards De- close in with Rockaway Beach, & fired upon
troit : they pursued them and came up with bathing parties on the beach. The frigate ©
them in the evening when they were en- S€bt two barges with 16 menin each, and
camping. Itbeing late in the evening, and captured a schooner from New York bound
the enemy superior in numbers, they re- 10 Huntington South landed with beef corn,
tired and encamped until morning when and took her alongside the frigate. The
our troops ac.vanced, attacked the enemy in TeV of the schooner were put in the boats
and landed at Rockaway.” :
tives then and there to assemble in congress’
in erder to receive such communications as
may then be made to them, and to consult
and determine on such measures as it their
wisdom may be deemed met for the wel-
fare of the United States. | :
In testimony whereof E have caused the
the seal of the Umited States tobe here-
L. $. ato affixed, and signed ths same with
my hand.
Done at tue city of Washington, the 8th
day of August, in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred and four-
teen, and of the independence of the
United States the thirty-niath.
3 1 mw
Extract of a letter from Rockaway; dated
their camp, ana took or destroyed the whole
of their detachsnent, said to consist of sixty
The demand of the secretary of war for
14,000 militia trom Pennsylvania, was for
the defence of the Delaware, the Chesa-
peake and Washington City, and by him so
expressed in his order to the Governor.
These militia, therefore, nor any part will
not be sent to Canada, but are designed
solely for the defence of the Atlantic coast
and rivers.
The first, and possibly the only call, may
be for 3or 4 thousand to march to the de-
fence of Baltimore. These will hardly be
required to remain more than a few weeks.
~ Pexx Rep.*
A letter was received in town yesterday,
rH i
from Londay via Boston, of the 6th June.
which states that the demand for goods was
not so great as had been expected;and thas
American produce had not taken any vise
and was very dull.
— ” ’
Our correspondent sends us some ac. > §entleman who left Providence yestex-
count of the disposition and movement of 9a¥ noon informs that the cartel Persever-
troops, &c. and adds, « a late Canada Hand, 21¢® from Halifax, has jvst arrived—Pase
rd; . a. 3
biil states that 12,000 men were in the ri- 538€, &C. not known.
dragoons well mounted and equipt.
Burearor; Aug. 3.
« The squadron were scen last evening
(by an Oswego boat arrived here this morn-
ing) to the westward of «The Gallows,”
standing up the Lake.”
ver, 400 of whom had arrived at beg.” : te
> at Quebec FROM BURLINGTON, Vt.
We are gratified in having it 1n our pow- 4% géntiemao arrived in town last even-
er to announce that the gallant captain Por- 1g; Who left Burlington on Tuesday. No
ter is appeinted to the command of the battle had taken place in that quarter. He
new frigate building at Washington city, 53W a Quebec paper of the 19th, which
It is expected she would be launched in a- contained dispatches just received via. Ha-
bout three weeks. lifax, announcing the arrival of troops at
RR a he:
We stop the press to give the following
important information received bya ves-
sel which left Buffaloe at 2 o’clock yesier-
On Wednesday the encmy’s forces made
As an additional tes-
timony of the high sense entertained by the Bermuda.
president of the United States, of the <ou- The officer of the Endymien, wien up