American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, July 09, 1814, Image 1

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BD DRIrrS SISAL rr PSII TIS P ITLL PSST SPILL IT LIS SELLS TIS T LISTS SSS ach odin SITE po SLES, Srila pr spsop renege res & @
The American Patriot will ‘be published
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ESSAI I re Arr
Lo~xpox, May 14.
Declaration of the King.
« Louis by the grace of God, King of
France and Navarre.
« Recalled by the love of our people to
the throne of our fathers, enlightened by
the misfortunes of the nation which we are
destined to govern, our first” thought is to
invoke that mutual confidence so necessary
to our repose and their happmess.
« After having read with attention the
plan of the constiution proposed by the sen-
ate, in the sitting of the 6th of April lest
we have recognized that the basis were
good, but that a great number of articles
bearing the marks of the precipitation with
which they have been drawn up ; cannot in
their present form, become fundamental
laws of the state.
« Resolved to adopt a liberal constitution
we should be wisely combined, and not be«
ing able to accept one which itis indispensa-
bly necessary to correct, we canvoke for the
10th of June of the present year the senate
and legislative body, engageing to lay before
tham the result of our labors, with a com-
mission chosen from these two bodies, and
to that constitution the following guarran-
ices J
« The representative government shall
be maintained such as it exists at present,
divided into two corps, viz.
« The senate and house composed of de-
puty departments.
« The taxes shall be freely imposed.
« public and private liberty ensured.
« The liberty of the press respected, with
the precautions necessary to the public tran-
« The freedom of Worship guaranteed:
« Property shall be sacred and inviolable
« The ministers, responsible, may be
prosecuted by one of the legislative houses
and tried by the other.
« The judges shall be irremovable, and
judicial “power independent.
« The public debt shall be euarranteed.
Pensions, ranks, military honors preserved,
as well as the ancient and new nobility.
« The legion of honor, the decoration of
which we will determine, shall be maintain- |
« Every Frenchman
to civil and military employments.
« In fine, no individual shall be disturbs
for his opinions and his votes,
© Sened ) ) «LL QUIS,”
Done at St. Ouen, May 2, 1814.
shall be admitted
been satisfied with you.
found you in the path of giory.
FoNxTAINBLEAU, April 21.
Bonaparte left the town yesterday, at 11
in the afternoon followed by fourteen carri.
ages. His escort employed 60 post horses,
The four commissioners who accompanicd
him of the allied powers, were M. Souwa-
row, the Prussian general, and another gen-
eral supposcd to be an Austaian one Four
officers of his Household, among whom was
his baker, formed part of his suit. Few of
the military departed with him. : and even
those who did, will it is said, leave him
when he embarks.
The following are nearly the words which
he addressed, on setting off, tc the officer
and subalterns of the old guard, who were
still with him :
«I bid you farewell. During the
twenty years we have acted together, I have
I have always
All the
powers of Europe have armed against me ;
a part of my generals haye betrayed their
duty ; France herself has betrayed it.
With your assistance and that of the
brave men who remained faithful to me, 1
have for three years preserved I'rance from
civil war.
Be faithful to the new king whom France
has chosen, be obedient to your commanders
and do not abandon your dear country,
which too long has suffered. Pity not my
fate ; I shall be happy when I know you
are solikewise. =
I might have died ; nothing would have
been more easy for me ; but I still wish to
pursue the path of glory. What we have
done I will write
.I cannot embrace you allbut I wiil em_
brace your general—Come General.
Let the Eagle be brought to me that I
may embrace it also.
said) Ah, dear Eagle, may the kisses which
I have bestowed on you resound to poster-
ity ! Adieu, my children, adieu, my brave
companions | Once more encompass me.”
Then the staff always accompanied by
the four commissioners of the Allied pow-
ers, formed around him.
Bonaparte now got into the carriage. A¢
that moment he could not hide his confusi-
on, and dropped some tears. In going he
called for Constant, his first valet de cham-
bre ; but the latter concealed himself, pro.
bably in order that he might not have to fol-
low Bonaparte, though he had on the prece.
ding day received from him present of 50°
000 franks.
Bonaparte demanded 200 pieces of Cannon
to fortify ius isle, and an Enslish frigate to
protect him from the danger of the corsairs.
This was refused him. He had demanded
one hundred and sixty waggons to carry
Frejus, April 28.—It appears that Bo-
naparte has been greatly alarmed at the dif-
ferent scenes which the indignation of the
inhabitants of the South has caused him to
experience in many places. !
On quitting Orgon, where he considered
himself as lost, he took the resolution of
changing his carviage, his name and dress,
(On embracing it he °
in order to escape the danger which became
every moment more menacing 5 he hastily
geintd aur port, and has arrived heve 1n the.
dress of an Austrian officer, enveloped in a
Russian pelisse, dnd on his head a Prussian
cap, ornamented witha large white cock-
ade. Intlus strange accoutrement it was
impossible to discover him.” Besides this
he had a Jong white beard, his eyes sunk,
and a disturbed air ; he was himself anxi-
ous to depart ; he was himscit anxious to
depart ; he'wished to make but one leap
from the carriage to the frigate which was
to transport them to the isle of Elba. He
finally embarked at St. Rapheau j but itis
feared that the inhabitants of the Island of
is said considerable fermentation prevails in
the Island upon the subject. The inbabi-
tants still recollect that they were the firsy
Elba are not very eager to receive him.
islanders on the coast of Italy invaded by
Bonaparte, and are unconscious of having
given a reason of the unjust aggression.
i —
Paris, May 7.
A private letter from Avignon, dated 30th
ult. contains a fact which deserves to be ad-
ded to the particulars already published
respecting Bonaparte’s journey. Alarmed
at the danger in which he was incessantly
involved, he assumed the disguise we men-
tioned yesterday—but it was necessary to
take further precautions. He would not
remain in the carriage, and yet he could not
be supposed to be absent from the party —
He therefore conceived the idea of disguis,
ing one of his attendants, named Vernet,
who consented to take his place in the carri-
age, where he quietly heard all the impre-
cations intended for his master, poured forth
against himself, and fortunately “escaped
with insults and curses.
A person trom the south who saw Bona-
parte’s escort changing horses, relates that
it was a truly frightiul spectacle. The pop-
ulace crowded round his « arsiage, and giv-
ing way to teclings of hatred and revenge
alone abused him in the grossest terms, and
would haveseized bis person: The armed
force itself was not able to keep back the
multitude. At length one of the foreign
generals who accompanied him, harrangu-
ed them and said, « It was much better to
Jet the tyrant live, because a single death
would deliver him at once, whereas he must
suffer a thousand from the recollection of
crimes,” &c. &c. Meanwhile the horses
were put to, and the carriage started. Bo,
naparte finding himself extricated from this
new danger, turned to the general and
said to him, General I thank you; I heard
what you said ; you spoke like an angel.’
mtn pp
Paris, May 9.
Prince Eugine Beauharnois arrived to
day in Paris. He ‘visited the king at three
o’clock in the afternoon.
London, May 14.
Despatches were on Sunday received an-
nouncing the arrival of Bonaparte at the
and of Elba. He embarked on board
¢ Undaunted frigate to be conveyed to
t place.
Lieut. Col. campbell, who accompanied
Bonaparte from Paris, is promoted to the
0. XK1
brevet rank of colonel in the army Uni th®
contipent and in the island of Elba only.
Fron: this cx, ~ . would appear, that
coh Campbell and the other allied officers
placa@in supcriutendance over Napoleon
are to continue with him in Elba for some
The princess Borghese, who had an in4
interview with her brother Napoleon, and
refused to accompany him, has been forced
te quit Nice. It supposed she will retire to
to Rome
Joseph, Louis and Jerome Bonaparts, are
all in Switzerland.
The mother of Bonaparte is to reside at
at Romeon a pension of 20,000 of a
year ; Joseph, Louis and Jerdine, have each
the same sum. Bonaparte himself a-
bout 80,000/ a year.
It is said there are at present in the neigh-
borhood of Paris, A pWArds oi 20,000 French
officers, destitute of employment.
London, April 25.
Connected with tie question of pe. c. with
America, we may notice that a memorial
has been presented to Lord Liverpooly
which was favorably received, the object of
whichis to prevent the Americans from
conducting the fishing trade as heretofore
on the coast of Newfoundland and else-
where, It is said to be the intention of go-
vernment to pr ore this branch ot our com-
merce from ali iniuson by the citizens of
the United Siuren der any arrangement
that may be made with that power.
M rn. Chron.
The arv-ngemen: with the Allied pow-
ers, under whici: there is to be no mw erte-
rence by the sovereigns of the continent in
the pending war between Grea: Brita in and
America, has in the political .ircies,attrac-
ted much notice. and some are disposed to
attach much im; ortui.ce to it, 28 imply i Ing an
intention or determination of mn! SiC. (uso-
luteiy to persevere inthe contest. [i's we
believe, compietely ascerziued that the
British government will not treat with the
American plenipoter ndiarics untii wc hos-
tages in the United States are set at Liber
ty, and this is the cause assigned that no
nomination has yet be 'n made of pub.ic a-
gents to meet Mr. Bayard and his colleague
at (xottenburg.
Lord Gambier and Mr. Hamilton have
it is said, been apponied eommissioners to
mect the American commissioners, and
that they are invested with full powers to
negociate a treaty with the United states.
It sbelieved however, that they have in
structions with regard to the line of boun-
dary between the United States and Cana-
da, which may make it necessary for the
American commissioners to refer to their
government for fresh instructions.
At the beginning of the last month, the
messenger bearing despatches to the Aroc-
rican minister, Mr. John Q. Adams, arri-
ved at Petersburg, and that gentieman was
preparing to proceed to Gottenburg to un-
derwake his new functions as plenipotentia-
ry for the restoration of peace with Great
The detachments proceeding to North
America have been ordered an extra sup-
ply of accoutrements, for which the colonels
are to receive an indemnification.
The people of Itally have desired to be
constituted an independent monarchy, and
to have a hing given to them. Ticy put
to death Bonaparte’s mivister of finance,
M. de Prina. :
The revolution which has been effected
in Italy, is an event of the highest apo
tance. The attempt of the partis 1: of Lu-
gene deauharnois to have him proclaimed
king, has completely failed ; and he has
been forced to fly with a fe w of his staunch
dollowers. A provisional government has
been formed, and the crown it is clear, will
be worn by a prince of the illustrious house
of Austria. %
"The details of the surrender of Genoa to
the troops under the command of lord W.
Bentinck, were yesterday published in the
Gzette. The manner in which the expe-
don wes planned and executed, does hon~
or to the commanders.
‘Taken at Genoa---two 74% on the stocks,
and 4 brigs of war, 16 and 18 guns.