American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, June 25, 1814, Image 2

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Suis understood thst Mr. Crawford, our
Minister at Paris, hag Written te our go-
yernment very satisfactory accounts of the
attention shewn him, and of the disposition
manifested by the provisional government
of France for the maintenance of the most
friendly relations between the two coun-
vn 5 foci yon prom BEE =
“The Creek Indians it is said, have again
embodied themselves to the number of fif-
teen hundred ; that a great number of those
tries. i
whe were friendly, are likewise joining the It is also understood that Ho provisional
ition, in consequence of congress hav. 4 eo Mr. Sc
ing determined to appropriate a_portion of Government of France has made Mr. ; -
their lands to the remuneration of the Uni- rurier the organ of similar communica
tions to the department of state That he
ted states for the expense they have been
has announced the change, which has taken
‘at in the war. It is further stated, that let-
ters have been received in Mobile, from hr
place in the French government; and x=
pressed a desire that the new sove
Pensacola, mentioning that the governor has
“might be recognized, and that due respect
received orders from Havanna, to furnish
“the Indians with what arms, ammunition,
oy they Mishmar ‘might be shewn to his flag, under which
55 or Ts QuesEc, M y 27." the national vessel, which brought the des-
His majesty’s ship Dover, is below with patches, sailed. From what we have been
ygoops avd sailors from England. able to collect, the most satisfactory an
| swers have been given on those points.
We are happy therefore to state, that, so
~~ London, April 15.
“It is reported that transports have been
far from any iil consequences being likely.
to result from the late change in France,
‘ordéred to Bordeaux to carry 25,000 of
Zord Wellington's army to America.
it is probable that the amicable relations be-
tween that country and the United States
April 17.
will be improved.
Pi Ww
Ytis said Government contemplates of
fering the Spaniards from 20 to 25,000
troops to recover Louisiana. Letters from
thence say the inhabitants are discontented.
April 19.
80,000 stand of arms, we understand are
ordered to be sent to America.
The new Sovereign had not arrived on
the 20th of April, the date of these des-
patches. He was however daily expected
and there was much reason to believe that.
he would confirm the assurances which
had been given, by the provisional govern.
ment, of friendship for the United states.
Jobn M. Hyneman, of Berks county, is
is appointed by the Governor, Adjutant
General of the militia of Pennsylvania.
It is said John Adair, of Kentucky, isap-
pointed a Brigadier General in the army
illa under way and moved up the creek a=
bout two miles, and moored in line, abreast,
across the channel, and prepared for action.
At8A. M. the enemy’s barges came up
the creek. A Rocket Barge was advanced
upon us ; we fired several shot to try the
distance, which fell short. = I gotmy barges
(13 in number) under way, leaving the
Scorpion and gun-boats at anchor, and row-
ed down upon them, when th precipitate-
ly fled from their positio! hind a point,
and sailed & rowed off with all their means.
We pursued them until near the shipping
fired several shot among ther, when we
returned to our moorings. In the after-
noon they came up again----agan threw
rockets, and were again pursued out of the
creek. The militia under colonel Taney
are on the alert. Iam this moment inform-
ed the ship; &e. have entered the mouth of
the creek.
A ———
i : New York, June 12.
The steam boat from Albany yesterday
brings nothing from our armies.
A gentleman in the steam boat left Sac-
quiet. The British fleet had disappeared
The Lady of the Lake had returned from
‘The frigate was wailing
a reconnoitre.
for guns, &c. they were on the Way, and
f Miles a day.
got ow at the rate of ten Miles a ay
Milledgeville (Geo?) May.
‘Byan arrival at Nassau it is reported
that 600 black troops were embarking in
Harbor on Tuesday last---all was
of the United States.
The fleet which sailed from England, in
with troops and seamen, and the
frame of several vessels of war for the lakes
has arrived.
A frigate, to be propelled hy steam, iy gentlemen intend going on from this city |
Oliver to seethe launching.
ordered to be built at New York. One o
the superintending committee is
The following is the force of the squad- fram the Navy Yard, in Charleston,
#ons on Lake Ontario: “=
« * GUNS.
% Superior
Fike *
Lady ofthe Lake
New ship onthe stocks
Prince Regent
" Princess Charlotte
Royal Geor
Melville ge
Earl Moira
Prince Regent bg.
Sir Sidney Smith
With the stupidity which sees in the late
changes in Europe only cause to rejoice,
and to sncer at our country ; which feels.
not the danger of that arduous struggle, to
which it will call us, which heeds not the
immense British force, detached from the
er blockade of French ports, and the great
jand force at liberty to be employed in the
g¢ontest ; with this perverse and doltish fol-
ly, we disdain to reason. To intelligent
and well-meaning Federalists, who now
own the necessity of urging a common ef-
fort in our country’s cause ; who distinctly
perceive and candidly own, that the « signs
of the times” portend the necessity of a
vigorous and united effort against a pow-
er haughty from aggrandizement, for
the defence of our firesides and “altars, or
gs an alternative their tame surrender ; to
such we cordially tender the right hand of
friendship and fellowship.
Party bickerings must cease, or the coun-
tfy must sink. Let our English editors
go in the. hey-day of their joy.——
"Fhéy may be favored with an English ca-
fidhading, to aid their merriment.
It must be obvious to all, that litte or
nothing can be said, worth reading, of the
ultimate effect of the political convulsion
in Europe, until we receive despatches
from our minister at Paris, which will be
By the first arnival direct from France.
Nat. Intel
New York, June 14.
The trigate Guerriere, building at Phil
deiphia, is to be launched on Monday (20th) with us for some time past, are fortifying i
next. We understand several ladies and
| amrnchimpees '
We understand the United States’ ship
Independance, of 74 guns, will be launched
into the
clement of which we liopey she 13 destined
to be the pride aud boast, on Monday the
20th inst. at high water.
Bost. Papi.
Savannah, June 4.
The Wnited States’ sloop Peacock,
captain Lewis Warrington, went to sea this
Morningyon a eruize ~~ Success to her.
. Portsmouth June, 4,
Col®J: B. Walbach has arrived in this
towp,end taken command of the forts in
this Harbor.
The U. States’ troops have proceeded from
Burlington to Platsburg ; and at the latter
place they with most of the troops previ-
ously there, have been ordered to proceed
without delay, to Sackett’s Harbor.
Bost. Par.
aS Go
Platsburg, June 4.
Sperry, Esq. brother to the commo-
dore, has joined the squadron under the
command of commodore Macdonald.
Buffaloe, June 7.
Major Gen. Brown, and suite; arrived at
Buffaloe on Sunday last. 3
Our advices from Erie are to the 3d inst.
The detachment under the command of col,
Fenton took up their line of march for
Buffaloe on the 2d inst. Many of the ves-
sels at Erie were under sailing orders and
some of them were out cruizing. The
whole it isbelieved will soon sail for Mal-
den under the command of commodore St.
Clair. * .
Pitts. pap.
a —
Extract of a letter from Commodore Bar-
ney to the secrefary’vfthe Navy, dated,
St. Leonard's Creek, June 9th, 1814.
« Since nin of the 3d and 4thinst. the’
enemy has béen reinforced with a Razee
and a sloop of war brig ; I then moved up
to the mouth of this creeek. Ats5 A M.
yesterday we ‘perceived one ship, a brig, 2
schooners, and 15 barges coming up to the
Patuxent, the wind at east ; I got the flo-
: i
‘Dahlustan, Persia renounces, besides, al}
English trnsports, their destination un,
known, but supposed to be for this quarter.
The Spaniards have been virtually at war
Perdinandina, on Ameiia Island, with great
.* The old works have
. Ch bas cde
» LJ 3
Lea A as
been concluded between
A peace has
Russia and Persia. The following are the
terms upon w
whic it was made
Persia cedes to Russia the Government of
Karabag, Ganushiu, Schekin, Schirwan,
Kooth, Baka, Talischin, and the whole of
its Claims to Georgia, with the province
: fu ;
of Schuragel upon Immanetta, Guira, Min,
grelia and Abelcaise, and gives up to Rus-
sia forever the sovereignty of those coun-
= : v
The Rustian flag alone shall be allowed
i; or . 3
on the “Caspign sea, so that no power
shall be péififtied to have ships of war or
vessels on that seca. .
. MLLEDGVILLE, (Geo) Tune , 1.
“We stop the pres, after the greater part
of the paper had been struck off, to publish
the. following important intelligence, con-
tained in a Jetter from colonel Hawkins, da-
ted Creek Agency, 31st May, 1814 which -
states, ¢ Va
That this assistant agent, Mr. Limbaugh
had communicated to him information ree
ceived by altter from John Suddam, are-
spectable half bred chief, who lives low
down on ths Chatahochee, and is much
to be relied upon to the f
port: i
That there has arrived at the mouth of the
Appalatchicbla in Florida, English troops
to the amount of twelve thousand, who are
building houses, and have called upon the
Indians to join them---that the Eufalaus
had received an invitation from them, but
refused to go----that all the lower towns
have already gone.
Mr. Limbaugh adds, that this news is be-
lieved by the chiefs, wha are very uneasy
following pur-
v Mt TH .
to this rash memorial, and determine tq’
and have sent an intelligent Indian down te¥
river, to ascertain the facts.
Geo. Jourxat.
A ap ve
Should the following information provi}
true nothing short of exterminating the
hostile indians will satisfy us, It is thought
by some that arms have not been given to
the ¢ Red Clubs’ as stated, but to the Semi-
noles who have hitherto been neutral, for the
purpose of driving the Patriots out of Eas
Florida. Be it as it may, we should, be on
our guard. Spain isat best but a doubtful
friend, and no one knows how soon she may .
be an open enemy. ;
Copy of a letter from Col. Hawkins to the,
Wr Gov. dated
: 4 Creek-Agency, May 25.
« Mr. M:<Girt, express from colonel Mil-
ton at Albama Height§ reports that an exe.
press arrived there from general Pmckney,
which he is the bearer of expecting to see
the general at fort Jackson. The express
© stated that they had received certain ac-
counts of an arrival fiom the Havannah
with mutinious ef war for the « Red Clubs,”
and orders to supply them with provisions
----that they were fully supplied with guns,
amunition and provisions, and that a great
number were assembled at Pensacola, and
further, that orders had been received from
general Flournoy to evacuate Mobile Poirt.
It is eight days since he left the Heights,
Frou TE N.Y. Evening Psor,
A Yederal paper, violently opposed to
the present administration.
With inexpressible regret and surprise
~ we have just read in the United States Ga-
© zette,’ a copy of a paper, entitled. « The
been de--
. Memorial, of the Merchants and principle |
8 f Nawfoun iu das 2phtd af
nts | Tall i So's. 2!
| STpiMema ct
FOE of Newio valent; to om i \& 4%
w Th els majesty QY
pment: and to give, it bis support. Ite ¥
objects i$taFepreser tthe L. olirvlof Heit
event again conceding to\France or Amer-
ica, in any treaty hereafterto be made, any
participation in the fisheries'on the Coas
of Labrador and in Gulph of St. Lawrence
&c.——The Late hour when we first sj
this paper. prevents our giving it this ¢
ning, but it shall appear to-morrow.
the present we will only add that shoul
‘British government seriously lend
comply with their request, it will be found)
that peace is at an immeasureable distance
and will so continue as long as that ground
is maintained. In such an event I think
there would be but one sentiment in this
country, and Great Britain would not be long
in doubt as to the material difference bef
tween a war carried on by a governme \
with a disatisficd and divided populatiof”
and one waged in a cause, where all hea
and hands would be united.
—No treaty, no peace without the fishe
ies. )
N. ¥. Evesing Pogt : )
er :
| BOSTON, June 11.
Itis corroporated that Nopoleon had
off for his retreat in Elba, accompanie
his brother Joseph, Louis and Jerome
sister Le Clark, his mother, and his un
Cardinal Fesch. No mention is mad
the late empress or her son going W
A Quebeck handblll says ¢¢ imme
succors have been provided in Great Bil |
ain for the Canadas; a great part of wh
is in the St, Lawrence,” It adds,"§
eral Coran, with several naval officers3Gs ;
men and artificers, for the lakes, arc1ég
at band.” |
The report of the arrival of the gre.
inforcements at Halifax, arc cxaggerd
Only about 4 : vessels having arrived
and they have not brought more thas
4 battallions.