3 * agd 10,000 ew y justice and humanity. They have tfgeoncued Europe to 2 brave and ua- py people. | . A " 4 ‘+ People olifrance, the Senate has decla- red that + Napoleon has lorfeited the throne.’ The country is uo longer with im. Auo- ther order of #8. We have known the excess of popolar ings can 410uc save Hicentiousness and absolute power—ict us restore the real monarchy, mn lung by Wise laws, the different powers that com- pose it. Let exhausted Agriculture re-flourish let commerce bound in fetters, resume her freedom---let our youth be no longer cut off in arms be- fore the have strength to bear them---let the order of nature be no longer interrupt- €d----and let the old men hope to die betore heir chileren ! Men of France, let us rally --=-past calamities are finished, and Peace will put an end to the subversion of Europe. The august Allies have given their word. France will rest from her long agitation, better enlightened by the double proof of anarchy and despotism, will find happiness in the return of a tutelary government. (Signed) Prince of BENEVENTE, Duke D’ALBERG, Gen. Count de BOURNONVILLE, FRANCOIS DE JAUCOURT, ABBE DE MONTESQUIEU. By the Provisional government. DUPONT DE NEMOURS, Sec’ry. TS Wr. ACT OF THE NATIONAL GOVERNMENT. The Provisional Government, hearine with grief that obstacles have been made to the return of the Pope to his territo- ries, and deploring that continuance of in- sult which has so long overwheimed the courageous Head whom the ¢hurch de- Inands, and that all due honors be paid to himon his journey. The civil and military ‘authorities are charged with the execution of the present decree. Given at Paris, April 2, 1814. [ Signed as above. ] ——— BD provisional government consider- mg how obvious it is m itself, and contrary to the conventions which have preceded the departure of His Majesty the King of Spain, to keep at Perpignan his brother, the Infant Carlos, order that the Prince be €Oon- dycted as soon as possible with ail the ho- nors due to his rank, to the first Spanish port. Itis ordered to all civil and mijitary au- * thorities to take the necessary measures to execute the present order. Given at Paris, 2 April, 1814. Government Decree ‘The Provisidhal 1. That ail the emblems, cyphers, and arms, which have characterised the Govern- ment of Bonaparte, shall be suppressed and cifaced wherever they exist. 2. That this suppression shall be ex- ecuted exclusively by persons delegated by the authority of police, or municipality, without the zeal of individuals assisting in it or preventing it. 3. That no address, proclamation, pub- lic Journal, or private witting contain inju~ rious expressions against the government overthrown, the cause of the country being too noble to adept such means L AMERICAN AFFAIRS. LoNDON, April 8. —— TT, JIinisters itis said, have given the Anser- Commissiencrs to understand, that hey wil enter intono discussions with them until the question of hostages has been dis- posed of, as they are determined it shall make no part of the negociations for peace, . pu This question has already been dis- posed of In a great degree. Twenty five thousand troops are to be immediately transported to America, and already the public mind is prepared for the exertion ofall our strength in bringing that forward people to unconditional submis 310M. 3 7 This is a mere ebuilition of some angry paragraphist, but every thing in Eng- land appeared to intimate that a vigo- rous prosecution of the war against the United States would be ‘extremely popular there. Y tan lonaparte receives a pension of 24 or 23, CUgpounds sterling per annum.- ——-The Jatcst accounts from ILngiand, state, that 93,000 troops had embarked for Quebec, ior Halifax. It is reported Secretary Jones has resign- ¢d, and that ‘Com. Decatur has been ap- inted Secretary of the Navy. VO i + Ky / Dan LAYSANCT? LE New York, June 10. IMPORTANT. : LATEST FROM FRANCE. Last evening arrived at this port, and fired a salute, the French national brig Oli- vier, 45 days from L’Orient, with despaches from the new government of France to the French minister at Washington; also des- patcies from Mr. Crawford for our gov- ernment. The captain states, that Napole- on Bonaparte had left France for a small island in the Mediteranean, and that Louis XVIII was expected in France in two or three days from London, when a congress was to be held at Paris for a general peace, at which all the European governments would be represented ; and that the Ameri- can ambassadors had been invited. En RE a Sir y 3. 7ANY Excrisu ALMANAC for the year 1815, printed on a new type, and containing the usual number of pages, will be published from this office by the latter end of September next. Storckeep- ers and others, in this and the adjoining eounties, can be suplied at the usual price, by making appiication immediately. #7 Letters post paid, will be punctual. ly attended to, by James BarBoun., INTELLIGENCER office, Hunxtinepon May 19. I 4 KR 5 AL Hg 2 A lotof Land containing 12 acres, situ- ate in Haif-moon township, Centre county, adjoining Jands of Thomas Thompson, Jo- seph Richards and Jesse Whippo, efigibiy situated fora Tan-Yaid or distillery. Tacee are on the premises, a Dwelling House and Stable; a number of bearing Apple and Peach trecs; a Spring; of exceilent water 3 about two acres of Meadow, and several a- cres more may be made at a small expense, and watered by a stream which runs thro’ the premises. For terms apply to the sub- scriber near the premises. : DAVID WAY. May 28, 1814. NO JI0E, ALL persons indebted to the estate of Samuel Wiison deceased, are requested to make payment immediateiy ; and ail those having demands against said estate, wiil please to present their accounts properly authenticated. Re GEORGE BRESSLER, Adm'r. CATHARINE WILSON, Adm’stre. May 28, 18i4. 5 15n*tf, mn Spr vt ww * rt—— WOOL CARDING MACHINE. THE Subscribers respectfully inform the Public, that they are now abou: erecting a NEW WOOL «ARDING MACHINE, which will be putin operation by the 15th of this inst at Lewis Swinehart’s Saw Mill, in Potter township, Centre county, where Wool will be taken in and carded at the most reduced price "Those who bring their Wool, must bring with it a sheet and one pound of grease to, every ten pounds of Wont The Cards are from Boston, and of the first quality. From the experience of the person whose duty 1t will be io attend the Machine, they are flattered wish the Hope o' having it.in their power wo rend Beneralssatisfaction. LEWIS SWINEHART, JOIN SMITH, June 9, 1814, : ; X AT DISSOLUTION or PARTNERSHIP. THE partnership of Tho. Beatty & co. is thisday dissoivetl by mutual consent. The Books and Papers belonging to the. said firm are left in the care of Elisha Moore, Esq. in Bellefonte, who is authorised to re- ceive all monies due. Persons indebted are requested tocall and make payment. WILLIAM BEATTY. THOMAS BEATTY. Bellefonte, May 28th, 1814. 15n*8w. LAND FOR SALE. Three Plantations consisting of ELEVEN HUNDRED ACRES, Handsomely situated on Buffaloe Run, 3 miles from Bellefonte, in Centre County. The land is good and well watered. 150 acres upiand, cleared; and 60 of Meadow. On the premises are 2 Minn Seats, on oncof which has been lately erected a saw Mirry, which is now in good order. Three Dwelling Houses, three Bams, and a large Orchard, with farming utensils, &c. &ec. For terms apply on the premises to the Proprietor. GILBREATH KNOX, May <8, 1814, this date, the sai “ceed to make st td DR: ROBERTSON'S GENUINE PATENT AND FAMILY MEDICICNES, WHICH ARE CELEBRATED Lior the Cure of most diseases to which the Humane Body is Liable. Prepared only by the Sole Proprietor, T. W.DYOTT, M. D. Grandson of the late celebrated Dr. Re- bertson, of Edinburg, Dr. Robertson’s celebrated Stomachic Elixir of Health.—Price one dollar and fif- ty cents. Dr. Robertson’s Vegetable Nervous Cor- dial ; or Nature’s Grand Restorative— Price one dollar and Fifty cents. Dr. Robertson’s Celebrated Gout and Rheumatic drops. Price two dollars. Dr. Robertson’s Stomachic Wine Bitters. Price one doilar, Dr. Robertsons Infallible Worm Des troying Lozenges. Price Fifty cents per package. Large ditto, one dollar. Dr. Dyott’s Anti-Bilious Pills, for the prevention and cure of Bilious and malig- nant fevers. Price 25 cents per Box. Large ditto, 50 cents. Dr. Dyott’s Patent Itch Ointment, a safe and infallible cure, for that tormenting and disagreeable disorder, the Itch. Price 50 cents. " Dr. Tissot’s celebrated Gout and Rheu- matic drops. Price 2 dollars. The Vegetable Balm of Life dollar. The Balm of Iberia, for curing defects in the skin, and improving the complexion. Price 2 dollars. The Restorative Dentrifice, for cleansing, whitemng, aod improving the teeth and gums. - Price 1 Price 50 Cents fier Box. Dr. Dyot’s Infallible tooth-ache drops. Price 50 Cents. p7 Take notice that the above Medi- cines are not Genuine, without the signa- ture of the sole proprietor, T. W. DYOTT, M.D. Pamphlets containining certificates of cures, &c. &c. performed through the ef- ficacy of the above medicines, may be had gratis, by applying to the unfiersigned. N. B. The above medicines are sold by appointment of the proprietor (T. W. Dy- ott) at the store of Jacob Test, in Bellefonte, who keeps on hand a constant supply of drugs and patent Medicines. He has also received a fresh assortment of seasonable Goods, consisting principally of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Li- quors, &c. which he will dispose of at as low a rate as possible, for cash or orders on Iron Masters. To thosc who have heretofore favored him with their custom he returns his sin- cere thanks, and assures them, that bis ex- ertions in the line of his business, shall be unremitted to merit a continuance of it. JACOB TEST Bellefonte May 11, 1814. NOTICE. THE Commissioners of Clearfield Conn- tys-Do hereby give public notice, to the owners of Unseated Lands and Town Lots within said county, that one, or more than one year’s tax upon those ands is now twelve months due, and that unlessall road and county Taxes are paid, with tlie costs neces- sarily accruing thercon—to the Treasur- er ol said county, Within taree months from commiissioners will pro- le, according to law, of the said Unseated /Lands, or so much of each tract, han as may be sufficient to discharge the amount of said Taxes and COSts, Given under bur Hands and Seal / of Office, at Clearfield, this = 31st day May, 1814. HUGH JORDAN, ROBT. MAXWELL, WM. TATE. Com’rg. ATTEST, JOSEPH BOONE, Clk. THE EVENTS OF WAR. Just published, by Jacob Elder, Price § 1 and for sale at this office, and the differ- ent book stores in this borough, a new work, entitled EVENTS OF THE WAR, Between the United States & Great Bri- tain, during the years 1812 and 1813— Both Military and Naval. Harrisburgh, March 29, 1813. gr Persons wishing to subscribe for this work, will have an opportunity of do- ing so at the ensuing court, by cailing at this ofhce! Lt1er. 56 DOLLARS REWARD. Deserted this day, June 1, from tli Redezvous at Bellefonte, DAVID THARE, A private in the 4th Rille Regt. torn in Diches county, state of New York, and by profession a Shoemaker. He is fuil six feet high, about thirty nine years old—complex- ion very dark, sharp nose, black eyes, and dark hair ; was enlisted on the 24th ult. at Mill Hall, inthis county. His clothes (having none belonging to the Unised States) cannot be minutely described. He had on a light grey long coat with large gilt but- tons, a pair of coarse Home-made tow trowsers, cross-barred, and a pair of half boots, very short and old. h It is earnestly hoped that all citizens fa- vorble to the intcrests of their country, will make use of some exertions to ensure his apprehension, as every recent desertion appears purposely to defraud goverrment. There are now upwards of one thousand deseters trunking at large, so that every suspicious character ought to be taken up and strictiv examined. ~ Whoever ay prehends said deserter, shall receive tiie al ov: Reward, & all reasonable expen ces for securing or delivering him into che custody of any United States’ offi< cer. WM. G. GREEN, Capt: 4th. R.R. Bellefonte, June 1, 1814, . ELECTION. CENTRE BANK OF PFNNSYL- VANIA. ———I—— IN pursuance of Letters Patent, issued under the hand of his Excellency Simon Snyder, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the Great Seal of the State,the Stockholders of the Centre Bank of Pennsylvania, are hereby notified to meet at the Court Holise, in the borough of Bellefonte, on Friday the 24th day of June next, and then and there, between the hours of ten and five of said day, to elect by bal- lot, twenty one suitable persons, Stockhold- ers ot the said Bank, to be Directors thereof, according to tic provisions of an act of the General Assembly, entitled, « An act re- gulating Banks,” passed the 21st day of March last. ; ANDREW GREGG, JAMES HARRIS, ROLAND CURTIN, JOHN DUNLOP, PF ILIP BENNER, JOHN G. LOWREY; JOSEPH MILES. Seven first named persons in the letters Patent. Bedefonte, May 25th, 1814, 15n*4¢t ——h 20 DOLLARS RIGWA HLWARD- DESERTED on the night of the 24th jnstant, from the Rendezvous at Bellefonte, JAMES KASCADEN, A private in the 4th Rifle Regiment, twen- ty one years old, six feet, one inch high; yel- low complexion, dark eyes and dark hair, and by profession a laborer. His clothing (not having uniform) cannot well be recol- ieced further than his having a Wool Hat, Home-made Trowsers, and it is believed a Roundabout or Coatee, It1s earnestly hoped that citizens, will ex- ert themselves in apprehending said deser- He enlisted on Saturday last, and his premature desertion induces a belief that he may probably again enlist, to defraud the United States. He said he was born in Northumberland county, Pennsylvania. Any person apprehending said deserter shall receive the above reward, and all rea- sonable expences paid for delivering him into the hands of any officer of the United States Army. : WM G.GREEN, Capt. 4th R. R. Bellefonte, May 28, 1814, et ~ NOTIOK i : do ALL persons, owners of unseated lands, lying within the county of Clearfield, upon which taxes are due, are hereby noted that unless the taxes due thereon, be paid to the Treasurer of the said” county, be- fore, or at the expiration of three months’ from the date hereof, they will be sold agreeably to law. April 28, 1814. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted te the estate of Mr. Wm, M:Clure, late of Spring town. ship, Centre county, dec. are requested to come forward immediately, and discharge the same ; and those having demands a- gainst said estate, will please to bring them forward properly attested for settlement be- fore the first day of July next. R. T. STEWART, Adm’r. Bellefonte, March 9, 1814, = 5