American patriot. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1814-1817, June 04, 1814, Image 4
- ADVERTISEMENT. Preparing torthe Press, A WOKK, TO BE ENTITLED, THE TWO CAMPAIGNS; Being a detail, of the events of the war, by sea and land, from its commencment to the first of January 1814, price half bound, fifty cents each copy; of 96 pages, 12mo- The continued demand for the « First year’s war’ has rendered 2 second edition necessary. It is therefore intended to extend it 10 the end of tue second campaign, under the above title. 2 [t wil be forwarded, by the mail mn sheets, at thirty and a half cents each Co- py . - h Distant printers, who wish to publish the above work, may have permission for tha purpose, on very liberal terms, by applica tion 10 the « editor of the Military Monitor New York” — PISSOLUTION. ; The firm of Mussena and Patterson is this day dissolved by mutual consent, All ersons indepted to said firm are request- ed to cail on Lyon Mussena, and settle their accounts without delay IL. MUSSENA. Ww, H. PATTERSON. March 16, 1814. will be continued by Aaronsburg, N. B. The store SIX CENTS REWARD. RAN away from the subscriber on the 28th day of February last, an apprentice to Yhe Shoemaking, named : JOHN KEAN. He had on When he went away, a Brow Coat of Homemade Trowsers, and othe clothing. ~~ Whoever brings back th said apprentice to the subscriber ha? .eccive the above reward, but no chargel JOHN RULE. JURYMEN. The Jurymen summoned to attend an ad~ journed Court, In Bellefonte for Centre County on the 4th Monday in May, ins are hereby notified not to attend, as thet will be no Court, held at that time. BY order of the Court. JOHN RANKIN S827. May 7, 1814 Miles township, March 3, 1814 itr — BY ORDER OF THE ORPHAN'S COURT of Centre County, will be sold at Public Vendue, on the premises, on Monday the sixth day of June next, a tract of land situ- ate in Waiker Township, in said County, containing about one hundred Acres more or less, with the usual allowance, the pro- perty that was of the late Jane Templeton, deceased ; adjoining lands of James Hutch- inson and others—One half of the purchase money to be paid in hand ; one fourth more in six months, & the residuc in nine months from the day of sale. The instalments to remain a lien on the premises until paid. Due attendence will be given, by THOMAS M’KEE, Adm’, May 18, 1814. 5 DOLLRAS REWARD. STRAYED away {rom the stable of the subscriber, living at Bald Eagle Forge A BLACK MARE, ‘ about seven or eight years old ; has a star on her forehead; been lately foundered and is only shod behind, the two fore shoes being lost. She has also, a very long tail. Any petson taking up the above described mare, and leaves her with Mr. Joseph But- er, inkeeper at Bellefonte, shall receive the above reward and all reasonable charges. JOHN HEMILLER. May 7, 1814, rent SUG ~~ SEs vo—td NOTICE The Commissioners of Centre county, will meet at their office in Bellefonte, on Sa- turday the 11th of June, for the purpose of contracting with Workmem to erecta new Jail,a plan of which may be seen by applying to the subscriber. 'Fhose who in- cline to undertake said building will please to attend, By order of the Board. P. CAMBRIDGE, Cit. May 28, 1814. Jes = Eee 124 DOLLARS BOUNTY. FOURTH REGIMENT OF RIFLEMEWN: All stout, able-bodied men, look at this You may have an opportunity of serving your country upon honorable and adyanta geous terms. Fifty dollars will be gi= ven at the time of enlistment 3 fifty dol Jars immediately on joinining the regis ment, and 24 dollars and 160 ACRES OF LAND when discharged, besides the monthly pay of eight dollars, and one good and whole- some ration per day. You may haveyou® choice, either to enlist for five years or A more liberal offer ne- ver was made you. Good and comfortable clothing will be provided, and every possi= ble attention paid to your comfort. It will be recollected that all persons who enlist under the existing laws of congress, will be frce from arrest or imprisonment for debt. A Rendezvous has been opened at each of the following places, viz : Bellefonte, Aa- ronsburg, Mill-ball, and Phitipsburg, where during the war. officers are ready to enlist men of the above description. Any person bringing a recruit, not ob= jectionable, shall immediately reccive premium of eight dollars. MUSICIANS Will be employed on advantageous ferms if immediajg application be made at Belle- fonte or Aaronsburg. Wu G. GREEN, Capt. ath regt. Riflemen. GEO. GETZ, 1st. Licut. do: do. List of letters remaining in the Post Office at Bellefonte, April 1, 1814. (B) : Moses Boggs, David Bowman, 2 ; Michael Boorman, Joseph Boone. (C) Commissioners of Centre county. (PD) Wm. Defring, 2; James Dundass Branson Davis (E) Thomas Evans, Moses Elder, Joseph Essington, John Euings. (££) Joseph M. Fox, 4; Samuel Fare, Ester Filson, (G) George (xonsert. (H) Richard Hughs, Eli Hastings, Margaret Henderson’ robert Hastings, John Hutton, Jacob Hess, James T'. Huey, John Hastings Patrick Hughs, John Hanson, David tol- lingsworth. - (IJ) John Irwin, 2; Joseph Johnson. K J) Nancy Kelly. (M) Joseph McKibben, Arch’d. Moore, 3; Thomas Moore, H. M. Henry M:Calmont, Richard Moore, Thomas Magee, John Mahan, John F. Moore, Samuel Moore, ‘a- vid Mitchel, F. Creek ; Wm Morrow, ~ James M«Cormick Jesse Packer, Samuel Platcher, Wm. Patton, Job Packer, jr Robert Pennington. R J W. Rice, David Ryman, Jno. Robinson Jacob Runner, George Rough. 5) Wn. Spencer, Philip Sherick, Samuel Spencer, Jos. Spencer, George Shaffer. (7 | Caleb Taylor, Thomas Thomas. (W) Jacob Wav, Wm. C, Joshe Peter Woodcut, avy Welch, Benjamin Way, Jos. White, ua Williams. i (Y) Wm. Young. (Zz) John Zimmermon. R. T STEWART, P. M. Bellefonte, April, 1814. ’ ——— eel §. Ee aman ean SED 4 Er cote RAGS THE highest price. that is given in CASH, will be paid for clean Linen and Cotton RAGS at this OFFICE. WANTED a boy of &¥ady, decent AT this office, habits, who can read and writo Engiisi toe Jerably, as an apprentice to the printing bu- siness., 7 N 5 rr A. VANDYRE, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he has commenced the Saddle and Harness Ma- king business in the borough of Bellefonte, at the corner of Market and Main streets, immediately opposite Mr. Alexander’s ta- vern. He flatters nimself ‘from an atten- tion to business, and the superior quality of "his work, to merit a share in the public pa- tronage.: P. S. All orders will be thankfully receiv- ed and punctually attended to. April 11, 1814. a nA er met. FR J. KLINE, TAYLOR and LAD Ys HABIT MAKE Iz, - . ( Late from Fhilad®hta) RESPECTFULLY informs the inhabi- tants of Bellefonte and its vicimty that h- has commenced the above business In Bellefonte, at the House of R. T. Stewart, Esq. He flatters himsell that from his ai- tention to business, and his forincr experi- ence, that he will give general satisfaction. Bellefonte March 29, 1814. Tue Erecaxt HoRsE, YOUNG STUMPY: WILL stand for Mares the ensuing sea- son, commencing on the first day of April and ending on the first day of July, at the stable of the subscriber in the town of Aa- ronsburg, at the low rate of one dollar and fifty cents and a bushel of oats the single leap ; three dollars and a bushel of oats the season ; or five dollars and a bushel of oats to ensure a coit. The money lor the sin- gle leap to be paid at the time of service ; for the season on or before the first day of October ; and for insurance as soon as the mare is known to be with foal, YOUNG STUMPY Is a bright Sorrel, 16 hands high, rising seven years old, is well made, and fit for either Saddle or Gears. He is noted ior a sure foal getter. Good attendance, but not liable for accidents. SAMUEL MILES. Aaronsburg, March 12, 1814. EVENTS OF THE WAR. Just published, by Jacob Elder, Price § 1 and for sale at this office, and the differ ent book stores in this borough, a new work, entitled : EVENTS OF THE WAR, Between the United States & Great Bri- tain, during the years 1812 and 1813— Both Military and Naval. Harrisburghy, March 29, 1813. 37 Persons wishing to subscribe for this work, will have an opportunity of do- ing so at the ensuing court, by cailing at this office. PUBLIC NOTICE: THE following descriptions of persons are required to take licences, viz. Kedpers of Boarding houses, who charge for Liquors used in theit houses. Physicians, Apothecaries, Surgeons or Chemists, are required to take out licen, ces, W.H. PATTERSON, Collector, 19th district, Penn. Aavonsburgh, Marcu 12, 1814. _——r NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of Mr. Wm. M:Clure, late of Spring town- ship, Centre county, dec. are requested to corde forward immediately, and discharge the same ; and those having demands a- gainst said estate, will please to bring them forward properiy attested for settiement be- fore the first day of July next R. T.STEWART, Adm’r. Bellefonte, March 9, 1814. ing LABORERS WANTED? Good wages wil be given to a number o industrious, sober men for clearing land working in the Coal Mine. &c. &e. It will, so be iminaterial to the employer whether he pays them every day, aiter the work is done, or by the week. Any person of the above description, will meet with good en- couragement by applying to the under- signed at Little Moshanon Establ hiswent on the north side of the West Branch of the Susquehanna. HERRMAN YOUNG. P. S. Good roads have been opened from Milesburg across; and also from Philips- burg and Clearfield to the above establish- ment. Store-goods and provisions are always kept for the accommodation of peo- ple employed. FOR SALE, A TRACT OF LAND SITUATE in Pennsvalley, Haynes town- ship, in the county of Centre, and on the main road leading from Pennsvalley to Brush-valley ; containing one hundred and fifty acres, thirty of which are cleared and under good fence. There is running through the premises a stream of water sufficiently large for turning a Fulling Mill or Carding Machine. The place is suitably situated for a Mechanic of any kind, being in a po- pulous part of the country. For further particulars enquire of James Duncan, Esq: Aaronsburg, or the subscriber living at Bellefonte. : Sy ADAM WENTZELL. © N.B. This piace is about two miles from Mr. Duncans’ Upper Mill and within five of Aarousburg. There has been a tavern kept upon the premises. SUR or Rav ATE SALE. wm WO tracts of wood land, about one 1 an half miles from Bellefonte. One tract contains about 70 acres, timbered puincipaily with Chesnut-oak, Hickory and Pitch Pine. There is on the land an ex- celient spring of water. ; The second tract contains about 200 a- cres of excellent timbered land, suitable either for building or firewood. This tract has two or three good springs of wa- teronit. Good tities will be made for both mentioned tracts. Persons wishing to pur- chase, may know the terms by applying to the subscriber on the premises. THOMAS HALL. Sact of Content, March 9, 1814. AFT rere -— apr THE LYCOMING MAIL STAGE, WILL start {rom the house of the sub- scriber (sign of the LION) in Williams port, every Friday morning at five o’clock and arrive at Northwnhberland by six ; leave Northumberland every Saturday morning at four and arive at Williamsport by seven ; leave Willlamspoit every Sunday morn- at seven and arive at Jersey Shore by eleven ; leave Jersey Shore at one P. M. and arrive at Williamsport by five. Dolls. Fure from Northd. to Willi- amsport : From Williamsport to Jersey Shore 1 00 All intermediate distances seven cents per mile. Cis. 2 25 JAMES CUMMINGS. April 22,1814, or 2 Freight on all kinds of Baggage to be paid when entered on the way-bill, and to be at the risk of the owner. . CONDITIONS. The American Patriot will be published every Saturday, and forwarded to subcribers by the earliest opportunities. The price will be two dollars per annum, exclusive of postage ; one half to be paid at the time of subscribing, and the residuc at the ex _piration of six months, No subscription will be taken for less than a half year ; nor will any subscriber be at liberty to discontinue his paper until all arrearages arc paid off. The failure of auy subscriber to noutly 2a discontipuance of his paper, will be considered asga new engagement. Advertisements, not exceeding a’$quare will be inserted three times for one dol- ar, and Hor every subsequent insertion, twenty five cents ; those of greater length mi proportion. : v . 2 = 5 mn gs .. OF ALL RINDS, Neatly executed at this o7.ce, with accuras cy and dispatch. *